51....Fifty one

Behind The Devil's Mask

i'm such a lazy author... anyway i'm back (?) sorry guys i haven't update this past few days . Bear with me , high school ... sorry

Softly you pushed the mansion’s door open , letting your self in . And immediately the warm air from inside the mansion hit you , releasing your tensed muscle from the cold air outside the mansion .It sent shivers down to your spine . Autumn is starting to come, that means more cold air less warm sensations . As much as you loved winter and autumn , the shift from summer to autumn was something you never liked .Rubbing your arms and sighed . You walked inside the house and noticed something different . It was too silent . The house was so clean , like it was expecting a guest . Where are the maids ? The butlers ? Where is everybody ? You looked around and sighed , as nobody appeared . Sighing lightly you grabbed your shoes and walked up the stairs .

You stepped on one foot an stopped , seeing a woman on the top of the stairs . Her arms are crossed , looking straight at you .After a slight time , you realized who it was and immediately a rush of cold air passed through you . Scanning through your expression . Immediately you took back your feet and stood straight , looking down . You heard her footsteps coming closer at you , and you bit your lip . feeling nervous and scared . Then the footsteps stopped and the woman was already in front of you .

“How long has it been ? “ her tone was harsh and cold , stabbing you with cold glares . You gulped and looked from side to side . Trying to find a way out .

“Your debt” She add up , you gulped once again . Slowly and silently you lift up your head to peek at her face .

“1 month or s-so..” You stuttered . Answering her question was one of the most nerve-wrecking action you ever did .

“How long do you expect me to stay silent and wait ?” She asked once again , all her questions were burdening to you . You gulped again and again , trying to think a solution out of this situation . Questions were another thing that irritated you . It was too burdensome .

“I’m not your baby sitter , I don’t want you here , but you needed to be here , such a burden” She exclaimed , again with her harsh and cold voice . A voice that will echo in your head for the rest of your life . Knowing you’ll live in fear for the rest of your life . Your fingers crunched as you were sweating in fear , trembling and nervous . Can’t wait for her to go away .

You heard a sigh escaped as she glared at you . As if she’s ready to kill you . If looks could kill , you’d probably be dead by now . Never in your life , you’ve been this scared over a women . And there you are , standing in front a woman you never expected to see in your life . The silent glares were screaming at you , beating the hell out of you . You bit your lower lip as your head hung low . Just waiting for her next words , hoping you’ll escape this unfavorable situation .

“2 months”

Your eyes shot open and wide , your head shot up , staring at Mrs.Wu in amazed and shock . She glared at you , but you were to shocked to even care . Your mouth hung open , no words excaped as if it was stuck in your throat . Everything went blank . Like you were lost in her words . You were frozen in shock , your body couldn’t move . It’s like somebody add up another weight on you back .

“I’m being kind” She exclaimed , and immediately you regained your sense and nodded in silent . Agreeing and nodding to her was all you could do for now .

Your head was filled with questions , question that seemed hard to answer . 2 months . 2 months is all you have to pay your family’s debt , and until now you haven’t had your monthly payment . Your father who is also working his off , was all you could think of . The debt was so big , it seems impossible to pay . Fear , confusion , nervousness was all you could felt . Blood rushing through your veins . As your head was in the bridge of exploding . You remained silent . Even though the mansion was warm , you were cold . Sweating non-stop .

“and” Your eyes shot open again , but your head still hung low . Looking at the floor .

You felt her face coming closer at your left ear , and your heart beat faster . Blood rushing through your whole body , scared and nervous at the same time . A situation you hated the most. You bit your lower lip as you waited for hr next words . Knowing it would be something important , more important than your life probably . Your whole body tensed up , as the silent moment screamed through your head .

“Stay away from my son”

“w-what ?” You stuttered , your heart felt as if it stopped beating .

“Stay away , or you’ll regret you ever lived”


Kris finally arrived at the mansion , the warm atmosphere silently greet him . Telling him he’s home . But even the warm atmosphere could not delete the cold and harsh sensation the mansion gave to him . The mansion was dead , dead cold and silent  . All the awful and harsh memories the mansion and the peoples living in it have given to him was something he could never accept and change . It’s already written in his soul , and nothing could be changed . The mansion was the place he least wanted to be at . He lazily dragged his legs into the mansion , and the bright light from the chandeliers shot him . Reminding him how cold the mansion was , how big his parent’s expectation gave to him . How he fought back , and how he lost something he cherished . he hated the mansion .he hated everything , he hated his life , his parents , the mansion . The only thing that could calm him down are his friends .

But now , ever since you entered his life . Everything changed , the mansion is what pulled him to you . How you entered his life . How tragic , something he hated so much actually brought happiness back into his life . realizing , the mansion he hated so much is the only place he could actually be together with you .

He sighed and groaned as he pulled his legs up the stairs .

“Kris” he stopped , but he didn’t turn around . The voice , he knew the voice to well to even care . Instead , he pick his legs up and walked again , away from his own mother .

“Kris , tomorrow you have a meeting with the board members , you better be there”

Those words were the last words his mother said before leaving the mansion to who knows where . Leaving the cold mansion and her one and only son . Without saying goodbye his mother dashed away from the mansion . Leaving kris smirking on his own  , amused at what just happened .

And you call your self a mother.. He thought .  Finally he reached his room , actually the so-called-conversation between him and his mother was normal . Business , expectation and disappointment are the only things his parents ever gave and talked to him . There are times where he thinks he’s not really their son . How they treated him , was nothing like any other parents . And as the consequences , he became like this . Cold , silent , arrogant , his life was filled with hatred . Something you’d never expected to see in a person .

Apparently he was glad , his mother wasn’t in the mansion . He was glad he was away from his parents , as they are the peoples he least want to see or talk to . he hated them so much , he wished he could delete his life . Wishing he never existed .

He took off his tie and ruffled his hair  , feeling thirsty . he lazily walked out of his room .

There he was , noticing you closing the door , looking neat while holding a guitar case and a purse . You let your hair down , simple yet stunning in kris’s eyes . You turned around and your eyes met his , he was looking at you with a warm gaze . Your eyes widen and immediately you froze , don’t know what to do or how to react .

“Jihyun..” He called your name , it sounded so perfect as your name came out of his lips .

But reality shook you .

“Stay away from my son”

“I have to go “ You rushed through , passing him . Even though he was tired , he managed to capture your wrist. Stopping your pace , leaving you in shock . His warm eyes looked at your confused eyes , you were lost . he noticed your weird expression and pulled you closer to him . But instead on following whatever he did , you pulled your self out from his grip . Taking a step back from him , this time he was the one who was shocked . Gulping down , you looked away avoiding his eyes .

“What’s wrong ?” he asked .

“ Nothing , I have to go” You lied , lying is all you could do . But somehow it hurts , having to lie to him .

Something hit him , he realized something weird . His mother . His mother was never home , she would be in the mansion only when something was wrong . When she had something to do with debts or when peoples were interfering with her family or life . He knew it well , your behavior must had something to do with the fact his mother was in the mansion . He took a step closer , and you took a step back away from him .

“I have to go” You muttered , but instead he stepped closer and closer to you until he was infront of you with only inches between you and him . His eyes changed ,it was demanding . He wanted answers , and you had no idea how to answer . Again you avoided him by stepping back .

“I’m leaving” You walked , trying to pass through him .

“No you’re not” again , he grabbed your wrist . You flinched in pain and the sudden action from him . You gave a scared expression to him , hoping he’d loosen up his grip . Lying , suddenly your became skillful in lying . As much as it hurts to lie to him , lying is all you could do .

“Please… Kris” You begged him , and he loosen up his grip . Giving you a warm and secure gaze .

You took the chance and walked pass him , heading out of the mansion . As fast as you could , trying to leave the mansion , More likely away from kris . You walked as fast as you could , as you didn’t noticed tears falling down your cold cheeks .

Kris was confused , he was scared . Scared he might’ve hurt you again . But he knew better , that something was going on . And the source was his mother . But he had no will on confronting his mother . It would only hurt you more . He needed to talk to you , to explain everything . Making sure everything will be alright . Event though he knew it won’t be .

really.... i don't know why i'm giving such a crappy and short chapter . maybe simply because i'm too tired -____-

anyway.... i'll probably edit this chapter if i have time , and probably update tomorrow . Let's hope i have the stamina and will-power to give you a double update.

oh and....... i lost a few subscribers too , so maybe that's why i'm feeling kinda' down :( but good thing i gained a few subscribers :) i hope you'll enjoy reading this story and bear with this lazy author .____.

so welcome to this family XD comments are well accepted

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someone plz knock me on the head cuz i got 190 subscribers XD too happy rite naoooooo


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Chapter 60: Update plisssss.... I sometimes get kinda irritated with Kris's attitude sometimes,hope he'll open up soon i mean like completely with jieun.... And please do continue
tehsweety #2
Chapter 60: Hello new reader here.
Im kinder sorry pity to jihyun coz she's been thru hell in her life.
Yet...the one she's thought & treat was her friend trying to break her heart.
Should suho know that by doing so not just hurt her but hurt a lot of people too.
I really hate knowing that suho is helping the es to get kris.

Anyway...update soon.
jannat #3
Jjang!! Keep updating;)
jellybean28 #4
Chapter 59: update pls.......
I would read this but is this abandoned?
Kris_Paulene #6
Chapter 59: I really love this story. I hope you update soon
Chapter 59: hope u update!
Lulugrg98 #8
Chapter 59: New Reader >.<
This story is awesome. I hope that they won't break up.
And Merry Christmas to you authornim~