42....Fourty two

Behind The Devil's Mask

hey..i'm back

You walked cautiously to the cafeteria , knowing that Eunji would’ve been already waiting for you like usual . As you took every step you looked from right to left , front to back searching for anybody talking about you or Kris . You smiled warmly to every student who greeted you , acting all casual and normal . Everytime somebody said the word ‘Kris’ you would immediately turn your head and look the source of the word with your wide eyes , waiting for the next words to be said . Thankfully nobody talked about you with Kris in one conversation , and you were able to exhale in relieved . As you approach the cafeteria you slowly walked in acting your best to be normal like you used to . You noticed Kris and his friends sitting at their usual spot , chatting and having fun like usual days . As your eyes spot Kris , your cheeks automatically turned red and burning . Your mind would replay everything that happened yesterday , the gaze , words and kiss would be replayed in your mind non-stop making every fibre in your body electrified just remembering the feelings when Kris planted his lips on yours . Your body would be weak again and an idiotic grin would form on your face . You shook your head lightly , shoving away all that thoughts and walked leisurely to where Eunji was sitting .

From a distance , Kris who was sitting and silently listening to his friend’s conversation turned his eyes . Spotting you with your head down walking shyly , the thing that caught his attention is your red cheeks . A smirk form on his cold face as he see you shaking your head and walking away . The kiss replay on his mind , he remembered exactly your facial expression the moment he kissed you yesterday . That pink cheeks and that feeling when his lips touched yours . He felt alive .

He bit his lip and turned his eyes away , avoiding his face to look like an idiot ,  smiling widely while looking at you . He sighed and fixed his sitting position , acting like nothing happened . Thankfully none of his friend noticed his behavior and the time in lunch break passed normally .

Yesterday , you and Kris became a couple after his confession and the kiss . Even though you are officially dating him , you both agreed to keep the relationship just to the both of you and no one else . At first Kris opposed on the idea, but after lots of begging and persuading he agreed . All for the best , to make sure Yoorin won’t find out or else you’ll end up being hurt again . As you already know what Yoorin’s capable of . But the persuading was never easy , it took a lot of pouting , yelling , sighing and kissing to make the agreement done . Yes , a lot of kissing . Everytime you start yelling or shouting , he’s shut you by planting a kiss or peck on your lips ,making you blush furiously . But apparently you won and the relationship is sealed . You knew Kris only wanted to proof that he’s capable on protecting you but you don’t want you or Kris to be hurt . You promised you’ll do anything just to make him agree , anything . Absolutely anything .

You sat beside Eunji who was reading a magazine , her forehead creased in focus and concentration from reading the article in the magazine . You pouted as she didn’t noticed your presence , you called her a few times but she didn’t even blink . After a few moments you nudge her waist and she squealed dropping the magazine . Her eyes immediately turn to you and glared . You giggled watching her reaction and smiled .

“What were you reading ?”You asked as she finally calm her eyes and grabbed the magazine. You grab the magazine from her hand and flip the pages one by one, finding nothing interesting .

“An article about Yoorin and Kris “ Your eyes immediately widen and stare at her . You flip the pages furiously and found a page with an article about Kris and Yoorin . To be exact about the Wu’s company and Yoorin’s parent’s company , about the relationship between the two company’s and a possibility of a partnership between the two big company . One part talk about a possibility of a partnership between the 2 company from the relationship between their heirs . And the fact that both heirs are in the same age and like other cases , usually both heirs would be arranged in a marriage to develop a partnership between the 2 company .

To you it all seems to be a little too much , too dramatic and drama like . You close the magazine and put it down , shoving all that thoughts away and dug into your food . Ignoring the thought about the article . The lunch break ended like how it normally would . As you walked into your next class , you spot Kris sitting casually at a spot in the back alone . Leaning on the chair while looking no where , his expression looked bored . You looked around , searching for an empty seat . Unfortunately there were no more empty seat and the only one left is beside Kris . You sighed and hesitantly walk to that particular seat . You toss your bag on the table and sat on the seat with Kris looking at you . He scan your expression and furrowed his eyebrows . The whole class was watching the scene from the beginning , all the girls shot lasers to you as you took a seat beside Kris . They all knew it was the only spot left , but the fact that you sat beside Kris was just too much . All the glares to you made you uncomfortable and you fix your sitting position . Clearing your throat and buried your face , avoiding all the eyes on you . Kris noticed your uncomfortable expression . His hand clenched and slammed to the table . Catching all the attention in the class , and immediately all the girls who were glaring to you look away as they noticed Kris’s pissed expression .

The class start but you didn’t par attention at all . Your eyes rolled checking Kris’s expression , he looked bored and tired . You silently smile and warmly gaze to him while no one is paying attention to Kris . He noticed your smile and that pissed feeling disappear from his heart , as he knew you were no longer feeling uncomfortable . His eyes trailed down , noticing you hand under the table . You were playing with your fingers and he find it very cute . You mouthed a few words in silent , playing by your self as you felt bored . An idea popped in Kris’s mind , he smirk to himself and slowly moved his hand . He kept his b*tch-face on so that nobody would notice his actions . Slowly his hand approached your hand , you didn’t notice it and kept on playing your fingers .

His hand reached yours and grab it . You flinch as you felt someone grabbing your hand , you looked at your hand and find Kris’s hand holding yours . Your eyes widen and glared at him who was acting normal like nothing happened . His b*tch-face is perfectly on as his eyes look straight . You blushed madly as he tighten the grip . You tried pulling your hand but no use , his grip was just to tight and secure . As you give up he intertwined his fingers with yours , you bit your lip and buried your head down . Preventing your red face to be seen , even though you were feeling shy and all . That happy calm feeling creep in your body as you like the way he intertwined his fingers with yours , especially in class . Everybody is around you but he managed to show his feelings without getting caught .

“Thanks” You muttered , more like whispered . Only Kris heard it and a small smirk formed on his face as he tighten his hand .

You trusted him , no matter what people said or write . Nothing can get in between you and Kris , as you knew you could trust Kris . All it matters is that Kris loved you and you loved him . You were sure even if the relationship is sealed or not , you’re going to be able to live with it . Knowing Kris is beside you .

Finally the class ended as the bell rang he let go of your hand and dashed out of the class room . You sighed as he walked out . You couldn’t pay attention at all in class , Kris’s hand kept on holding yours gaining all your attention , Everytime you tried to pay attention to the teacher he would tighten the grip . Your cheeks would blush again and he gain your attention , and when you tried looking at him , your eyes would met his . Again your cheeks blushed , and the class ended with your cheeks still burning red .

You decided to walk to the mansion because you want to hang out at Lay’s café first . You ended up spending 4 hours in the café , performing and chatting around . Even though you wanted to stay longer you knew Kris would worried or at least you hoped he’s worried . So instead on staying longer you dashed back to the mansion of foot . Trying to figure out the words to say to Kris if he asked you.

You reached the entrance door and stop our walk . Looking straight at the door , thinking if Kris is worried or not . You wanted him to be worried like any other boyfriends but from the way you used to know him , he probably is not worried . He’s practically to busy or cold to be worried . You’ve been dating him for only like 1 day , there’s no way he’s worried . And you’re only gone for 4 hours . There is also a possibility that he’s not at home too , or maybe he’s asleep . You took a deep breath before finally opening the door , you took one step at a time . Looking around and being cautious , checking if he’s around . Instead on searching for him you ran to your room and changed your clothes .

You sat on the bed , starting to feel puzzled . He hasn’t search for you , he also hasn’t call or text you . You decided to walk out of the room and head to his room . You don’t know if he’s home or not , but the fact that he’s not worried made you feel uncomfortable . He’s your boyfriend but now he’s not searching for . You were hoping that he would storm to your bedroom , and yell at you , being all worried . But until now there was no text or calls from him . If he really loved you , he’s supposed to be worried . You shoved away all that thought and pushed his bedroom door , silently as possible . In case if he’s asleep . he’s not asleep , he lazying around on his desk . His eyes looked straight at the laptop infront of him , he look stiff and quiet . It’s the perfect time to approach him , you gulped and took steps to him .

You stood infront of him , just waiting there for his reaction . But he didn’t give you any reaction , he stayed the way he was before . You pouted and waved your hand infront of his face , finally you gain his attention as he looked up facing you . Your eyes met his , and your heart skipped a beat as his eyes stared at you . You gulped and smiled awkwardly .

“H-hi ?” your tone was like you were questioning him, and his expression didn’t change . The only thing that changed is his eyes , he glared at you before standing up and harshly closing his laptop . You flinch as he slammed his laptop and walk away . His expression stayed the same as he walk pass by you . Your body stiffen as you watch him walk away . Hoping that he would yell at you or maybe ,just maybe pull you into his arms . Telling you that he’s worried and glad that you’re okay . But maybe now it’s all to good to be true . Just because he’s your boyfriend doesn’t mean that his personality would change , you should’ve known better . You sighed .

“I see you’re not worried , okay then . I guess that’s good ? “ You muttered . Those words caught his attention and he stopped . His body stiffen immediately just as he heard your words . He clenched his fist tight and glared at no where , not knowing how to react . He grit his teeth as he heard your sigh .

You let out a huge sigh and bit your lip , seeing his reaction made you realized many things . Maybe he was only joking around . Maybe he only liked you , not love you . All that thoughts stuffed in your mind made it hard for you to think clearly . As you turned around you felt a grip on your hand pulling you , your eyes widen , not knowing what’s happening . Kris pulled you but instinctively you fought back , trying your best to let go . Finally he let go as you back slam to the wall , a groan came out from your mouth as your body pressed to the wall . He was infront of you , and his face inches away from yours . There’s no way you could escape , instead of fighting back you closed your eyes . Scared of what he might do .

“NOT WORRIED ?! DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS !!! YOU WERE GONE FOR HOURS , AND NOW YOU’RE TELLING ME IT’S GOOD THAT I’M NOT WORRIED!!!” He yelled , his words were so loud you knew the whole mansion could heard it . You shut your eyes tight as a tear rolled down , he slammed his fist beside your face on the wall . His eyes glared angrily to you a. You bit your lips trying to let out any word . But nothing came out , you were scared an confused . You wanted him to be worried but this isn’t what you expected . It’s a side you never seen from him . You needed to say something so you gulped and slowly open your eyes . Still you looked away , avoiding his eyes .

“I-i-I’m s-sorry. I-I really am…” You stuttered . You could see that he was cursing , his expression didn’t look good . His face looked angry as ever , his eyes . You were too scared to look him in the eyes . Instead on doing anything you stood there in silent , stiff . Scared if you do anything or say anything he’ll be more angry . You became pathetic , you felt pathetic . You had no idea how to react , even though it’s the guy you liked . This is a part of him you never expected .

“I-I’m sorry I’m so-“

Before you could finish your word . He slammed his lips onto yours , pressing against you warm lips . Your lips was shaking in fear but the moment he pressed his lips to yours , it just stop . Everything stopped , time , air , thoughts . It just stopped . The kiss got deeper  but you decide to stay still , knowing he’s still angry . You stood in silent hoping that you let him kiss you would please him . His hands cupped your face , pulling you deeper into the kiss . You were out of breath but no way you wanted to let go . It’s the only way you could be more sorry to him . Finally after a brief moment he pulled away letting you get some air .

“Don’t ever do that again” He breathed , you nodded silently and he pressed his lips onto yours again . Savouring you until his heart is content .

He was worried , he was dead worried . His mind just couldn’t get straight . All that negative thinking got to him and he panicked. Everything just didn’t seem right , his face became pale everytime he looked at the clock and knowing you’re not home . He was confused and scared for once . Just thinking about something happened to you made his heart hurt so much , it was hard for him to breath . Imagining your tears , pierced his heart . He loved you and for that he was worried .

“I’m sorry” You whispered in the kiss , but he replied with a deeper kiss . That sensation when his lips touched yours , you liked it very much . That electrifying sensation , your body felt weak . Drowning in the kiss .

“Just because we’ve only date for like a day , doesn’t mean I’m not worried” he whispered softly . That soft voice , you missed it . You nodded silently and let out a small smile , feeling calm . He sighed after seeing that smile plastered on your face . He closed his eyes as he kissed your temple .

You were glad that he was worried , it only proved that he does love you . Yes he loved you , and now you are sure that you could change him . Because you loved him and he loved you .

Hey.....i'm back ;) finally . after a week or so . i'm back .

sorry guys i was gone , i need holiday-_- and thx to the holiday i got new ideas , and now i'm writing a new story XD

look forward for it , kay :) for now here's an update .

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someone plz knock me on the head cuz i got 190 subscribers XD too happy rite naoooooo


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Chapter 60: Update plisssss.... I sometimes get kinda irritated with Kris's attitude sometimes,hope he'll open up soon i mean like completely with jieun.... And please do continue
tehsweety #2
Chapter 60: Hello new reader here.
Im kinder sorry pity to jihyun coz she's been thru hell in her life.
Yet...the one she's thought & treat was her friend trying to break her heart.
Should suho know that by doing so not just hurt her but hurt a lot of people too.
I really hate knowing that suho is helping the es to get kris.

Anyway...update soon.
jannat #3
Jjang!! Keep updating;)
jellybean28 #4
Chapter 59: update pls.......
I would read this but is this abandoned?
Kris_Paulene #6
Chapter 59: I really love this story. I hope you update soon
Chapter 59: hope u update!
Lulugrg98 #8
Chapter 59: New Reader >.<
This story is awesome. I hope that they won't break up.
And Merry Christmas to you authornim~