34....thirty four

Behind The Devil's Mask

The night ended with Mr.Kim waking up and taking Kris to his room , leaving you with a sore shoulder . You rubbed your shoulder giving it a slight massage and walked back to your room . You lay on the bed , still massaging your shoulder . But it didn’t bother you at all . You liked helping Kris , you easily let it go and fell asleep . Peacefully .


You’re in school , walking out of the class and heading to the cafeteria like usual . Holding your bag and lazily drag your legs to the cafeteria . You were walking when a teacher tapped your back , stopping you . You turned around and bowed .

“Jihyun please put this up on the announcement board at the lobby “ It was one of your teacher , handing a pile of paper. You hesitantly accepted and looked at the pile of papers on your hand .


“No buts , go now” The teacher pushed , you had no choice and sighed . You walked to the lobby and searched for the announcement board .You looked to the right and see a huge board on the wall . You lazily walked to the board and stared blankly to it . You looked for empty spots on the board and stick all the papers onto the board with thumbtacks . Placing it all hesitantly even though it looked like a mess . After you’re done , you took a step back . you looked at the papers and nodded .

Somebody walked behind you , over shadowing you . You turned around and see Kris , looking at all the papers you place on the board .You stared blankly to him , his face looked normal , normal as in his usual b*tch face .  He looked at those papers and scoffed .

“At least put your heart on doing it” He scoffed , you furrowed your eyebrows and rolled your eyes .You turned around , facing him .

“Whatever , what are you doing here ?” You asked him , he looked at you and turned around .

“I’m leaving , got business. My parents want me” Your eyes widened to hear his answer , you looked at him and shook your head . It was odd , usually he never replied you with any specific answers . This was the first time he answered you for real. You tilted your head and smiled . You bit your lip .

“Kris you’re always busy , get a break” He stopped and turned around looking at you . You tilted your head aside and smiled .

“I wish” He muttered , right then an idea popped in your head . You ran up to him and jumped infront of him , stopping him .

“remember when I said I’ll be there for you if you need someone or anything”  You pointed your finger infront of his face , he nodded quietly and leaned his face back . Your smile grew bigger . You fold your hands and lift your head up .

“This is the time “ You muttered , you grabbed his hand before he could answer you and drag him to his car . He didn’t do a thing.

“What are you doing ?” He asked you , you smiled at him and winked .

“let’s play” You pushed him into the car and sat beside him . Before he could stop you , you whispered something to the driver . The driver gave you a thumbs up and kicked the gas . kris kept on looking at you in confused , while you were laughing and smiling . You forgot about school , and paid attention to your plan for Kris .

During the ride Kris kept on asking you question about where you’re taking him , why are you doing this or if you cared about school . You kept your silence and all you did is trying to convince him . He blabbered about his work he needed to do as you closed your ears with your hands and muttered LALALALALA . At first you were annoying to him , but gradually he smiled , looking at you trying to make him feel better .

This is why I fell in love with you, he thought as he shook his head .

Finally the car stopped , you prevented him from going out of the car first . You jumped off the car first and ran to his side of door . You made him promise to close his eyes , he hesitated but you placed your hands infront of his eyes  . Making him unable to see anything . He slowly stepped out of the car with his eyes closed by your hands . Slowly you lead the way for him , taking one step at a time . He had no idea what you were up to , but he followed you . he trusted you . Then you stopped . Your hands were still placed infront of his eyes .

“1 2 3….” You slowly remove your hands . He open his eyes and looked around . he looked you , you were smiling widely and clapping your hands in excitement . You were literally jumping on the spot .

“Where are we ?” he asked , you open your hands widely and twirl around in joy . You and him were at the riverside . he kept on looking around sighed . The river looked empty and uninteresting to him .

“You call this play ?” He smirked you turned to looked at the river . he still doesn’t understand what you were trying to tell him . You turned and look at the river , you place your hands near your mouth and lean forward . You started shouting like a crazy person and Kris immediately covered your mouth trying to stop you . You pushed him away and laughed . Peoples around you were watching you and some of them were laughing seeing you and kris acting like a cute couple . Kris shot you a glare but it didn’t stop you .

“do it” You looked at Kris , he rolled his eyes and put his hands in his pocket .

“Do what ?”

“Shout , c’mon just let out all your stress” You pushed his back , he sighed and looked far away at the river . He took a deep breath .

“AAAAAAHHHH” he screamed , your eyes widened to hear his loud husky scream . You laughed and shout together with him relieving all your stress together with him . You kept on shouting until you were out of breath . He stopped shouting and sighed . He watched you screaming and laughing ,  smile formed on his face . You were still shouting when he smirked , an idea popped in his head . he slowly move to the back of you , he smirked and moved his  hands , slowly to your waist .

“Boo !” he slightly  pushed you , you stopped shouting immediately and flinched in shock you jumped and slipped your hands around his neck . Instantly you hugged him in fear of falling down to the river .Kris instinctively wrapped his hands around your waist , preventing you from falling .

“YA KRIS !” You screamed in panic , but you didn’t noticed his hands were around your waist . Somehow you gotten used to it . he was still laughing while you frowned . Slowly he removed his hands and let you go . You turned around and walked away , still frowning . he laughed and ran to you , his hands slipped and gripped your hand. He pulled you and smiled .

“Let’s eat” You furrowed your eyebrows and pulled back , making him stop .

“But you said you had business” You looked at  him , he rolled his eyes and pulled your hand again . Giving you no choice and follow him .

“Who cares” he muttered .

He took you to a pasta restaurant . You gasped to see how grand the restaurant was , you looked at him while he was talking to the manager of the restaurant .He nodded to the manager . he pulled your hand , and followed  a waiter who leads you and him to your seat . the waiter pulled your seat , allowing you to sit down . He hand you the menu book and smiled . You smiled back to him and read the book , your jaw drop to see the prices . You looked at Kris , who was calm while reading the menu book .

“I’ll have salmon fettucini “ kris closed the book and looked at you . You sighed and closed the menu book too .

“Same” You muttered , the waiter nodded and walk away .. You looked from right to left making sure no one was paying any attention to you or Kris . You leaned forward and signaled to him to come closer with your fingers . he leaned closer .

“Kris it’s expensive here” You whispered to him , he giggled to see the way you acted .

“Don’t worry , I’m paying” He whispered back to you , you looked at him in worry .


“No buts” He cut you off , leaving you speechless . You kept silent as you looked at him . Finally your food came , and immediately you dig on the food . kris smiled as he watch you eat like a beast . The little dine between you and kris ended . He lead the way back to his car . And something weird happened . During the ride back to the mansion , there was no awkward vibe between you and Kris . You and Kris begin to  open to each other , talking about interests and having games . Even though Kris only reply back with short answers , you managed to make him talk more . He smiled more than he used to .

You reached back to the mansion , you stepped out of the car , followed by Kris .

“I got to go “ he muttered , you turned around and shook your head . You fold your hands and looked at him in disbelief .

“You really need a break” You proposed , he turned and look at you .

‘’I just did” You scoffed and walk away , he watched you walk away . He smirked and hold your arm , making you turn around .

“About your payment” He mumbled , you smile and nodded .

“Close your eyes” You instantly close your eyes and put your hands out ready to accept your payment . You smiled widely while Kris was smirking all the way . He put his hands in his pockets and leaned closer to your face . Placing a small kiss your cheek .A small warm kiss .  Your eyes shot open and widened . kris pulled back ,still smirking and stepped back into the car . Leaving you blushing and speechless . His car immediately left the scene . Your hand moved to your burning cheek . You took a deep breath calming your heartbeats . You bit your lip and sighed .

A smiled grew on your face . You giggled and turned around . Slowly you walked into the mansion , with your cheeks still burning . 


 i love all my subsribers XD i think i'm about to cry from all the love you guys gave to me and this fic ;__; /tears of joy

i will update as fast as i could , i promise :D

and i love all your comments , wall posts ( to me :D), or messages . i love it all

Thank you again ~(*,*~) (~*,*)~

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Chapter 60: Update plisssss.... I sometimes get kinda irritated with Kris's attitude sometimes,hope he'll open up soon i mean like completely with jieun.... And please do continue
tehsweety #2
Chapter 60: Hello new reader here.
Im kinder sorry pity to jihyun coz she's been thru hell in her life.
Yet...the one she's thought & treat was her friend trying to break her heart.
Should suho know that by doing so not just hurt her but hurt a lot of people too.
I really hate knowing that suho is helping the es to get kris.

Anyway...update soon.
jannat #3
Jjang!! Keep updating;)
jellybean28 #4
Chapter 59: update pls.......
I would read this but is this abandoned?
Kris_Paulene #6
Chapter 59: I really love this story. I hope you update soon
Chapter 59: hope u update!
Lulugrg98 #8
Chapter 59: New Reader >.<
This story is awesome. I hope that they won't break up.
And Merry Christmas to you authornim~