
Behind The Devil's Mask

Quietly and silently you slowly opened your heavy eye lids , exposing your sight to the whole new day . You blinked a couple of times before realizing you’re in your old bedroom . You realized how much you missed this room , as you took a deep breath ,inhaling the room’s scent . You turned your head over and immediately face Kris . Who was still sleeping peacefully . His face was inches from yours , but your reaction was calm . Somehow you’ve gotten used to have his face near yours . Slowly you got up , without waking him up . You lift your head up from his shoulder , and looked at him . Thinking how much pain he endured , having your head leaning on his shoulder all night long . You shoved away the blanket away from your body and slowly got up from the bed . But apparently that movement disturbed Kris’s slumber . His eyes slowly open realizing you’re not in his arms anymore . He looked at you who was already up and standing beside the bed watching him . He squint his eyes as the sunlight hit his eyes . He immediately got up and messed his hair more . You watched him doing so , expecting something to come out of his mouth . He looked to you and your eyes met his . His warm gaze hit you , making you feel a little more better .

“Good morning” he mumbled , you nodded silently as he stretch his arms  and his neck . You felt guilty watching him doing so , as you knew the pain he endured was all because of you . You smiled weakly at him and sighed .

“We better get ready “ He mumbled again . His hands softly your cheeks , assuring you it’s going to be okay . You smiled at him before he pulled his hand back and walked out of the room .

Without anymore thinking you immediately walked into the bathroom to prepare yourself for the long day ahead . Kris on the other hand , he lazily grabbed his towel and walked into a bathroom lazily before closing the door . He wasn’t used to the small bathroom , but it didn’t bother him . Apparently to him your small room felt more comfortable than his huge bedroom . That small bed felt much more better than his big king-size bed .Probably it’s because you were in his arms .


You slowly stepped out of your bedroom already in your formal attires . A weak smile plastered on your face as your eyes met his . A smile , full of lies . Lying to him you’re okay when he could see you’re no way near okay . But he lied back , nodding in silent .

“You want breakfast ?” He asked , you shook your head slightly and walked over to him . You didn’t look at him . He sighed and grabbed your hands , you didn’t fight back . You followed everything he wanted you to do . Slowly he pulled you out of the apartment , walking down the stairs together . Every step you took felt so heavy . Every steps hurt , knowing you’re going to your mother’s funeral . But you didn’t want to see her body one last time. You knew she’ll look exactly the same like 2 months earlier , unable to move , smile , talk . Just laying there lifeless and cold .

Since the day she was pronounced brain-dead , you took it and thought she was dead already . No matter what your father said , brain-dead was just the same as dead . Cruel as it seems , it’s the only way you could took it , to make sure that if one day she really died it won’t hurt twice . But maybe it failed , it hurts the same way as before . But that hurt feeling only lasted for 1 day , today you wanted to be a daughter who’s there for her sad father , not as daughter who just lost her mother . You promised to yourself you won’t cry anymore , especially infront of your father . All you believed in is that your mother is already in peace with your brother up there . And now that they’re watching you from above , trusting you to take care of your father . You’re going there for your father not for the guests , you had no intent to greet any of the guests there . You’re not going to accept to be seen as a weak fragile daughter sobbing for the lost of your mother.

Kris held your hand , tighter , pulling you out of your daze . You turned and looked to him , convincing you’ll be okay . You stepped into the car and sat calmly , acting you’re all okay and as if nothing happened . He sat beside you and held your hand again , ready to be there when you needed him . The ride was silent but not awkward . Finally the car stopped infront of a building where the funeral is held . For brief moment , you stayed in the car with Kris , just silently waiting the exact moment to step out . Waiting until mentally you’re ready . Kris’s grip on your hand tighten , pulling you out of your daze . You looked at him as he look at you , telling you it’s time . You nodded and slowly step out of the car with Kris .

But as soon you stepped out of the car , Kris let go of your hand . Your aunt has been waiting there for quite some time , she grabbed your hand and slowly pulled you into the building so you could meet your father . You turned around looking at Kris who was standing there in silent . He gave you a small smile assuring you he’ll be okay , you nodded and immediately walked inside to join your father .

Kris walked inside the building in silent , as he doesn’t know anybody there . Everybody was looking at him , some peoples were whispering to each others . Some girls were smiling and whispering about him , while taking glances at him . But he didn’t care about them , he was there for you and only you . He walked to a seating spot and silently sat on the chair alone . He leaned his head backwards , groaning in tiresome .

A person sat beside him , it was your aunt . She sat there silently without looking at him . He turned his head looking at the woman , confused . The woman smiled warmly to him .

“Thank you” She muttered still smiling warmly to him . He furrowed his eyebrows and nodded .

“Thank you for making her stop crying , thank you for bringing back her smile “ She muttered again , he sat there in silent . Seems ad if he didn’t care even though he was listening carefully to her words . A content feeling creep in his body as finally he meant something in your life .

“Please…..”She muttered , her voice was cracking . Kris turned his head over , staring at the woman silently . Waiting for her next words anxiously .

“Promise me you’ll protect that smile on her face , no matter what” She looked at Kris and smiled warmly . Kris was taken back by her words , he took a deep breath and nodded .

“I promise” A content smile appeared on the woman’s face , she looked up to the ceiling and smiled warmly . She looked weird but there’s a warm gaze in her eyes , as if she talking with her eyes . He watched her doing so and sighed before leaning back again . The woman stood up and left him alone . Kris didn’t care about the woman anymore , all he cared is the promise he made . A promise he doubt to promise . He knew it’s going to be a hard fight to fulfill the promise . But he has made the promise , even though he’s scared he wanted to make that promise . He let out a groan and closed his eyes , forgetting everything at the moment and take a good short nap .


Softly Kris open his eyes , his vision is still blurry but he noticed somebody infront of him . he slightly rubbed his eyes and blinked a couple of times . The person infront of  him is you . Still looking perfect  in your attires , looking silently at him . Your eyes looked different and he knew you’ve been crying again . Slowly he got up and stood infront of you .

“Can we go back to the mansion ?” You muttered , his eyes widened . Your expression didn’t change at all , you looked away in silent . Trying to avoid his eyes .

“Stay another night , your father nee-“

“I don’t want to , please . “ You begged him , he looked at you hoping you’ll change your mind . But you stayed in silent , biting your lower lip . Preventing your tears to come out again , as you promised your father you’ll return for good after he paid all the debts to the Wu’s . Your father opposed it very much but you’re known as a stubborn daughter , never caring about what people said . After a lot of persuasion and crying , your father let you go once again . You left your father without looking back . And now there you are telling Kris exactly what you want , putting Kris in a unfavorable position . He looked away and let out a huge breath before nodding to you .

He stared at you silently before taking of his black jacket and putting it on you . Shrugging away the coldness . You did nothing as he slowly put the jacket on you . His hand wrapped around your shoulder as he lead the way to the car . You took a deep breath as you passed your aunt who was watching you anxiously . You didn’t took a glance to her , knowing if you did  you wouldn’t be able to step out of the building . Kris looked at your aunt and nodded , assuring her you’ll be okay with him . Your aunt smiled warmly and walked away as you stepped out of the building .

He opened the car’s door for you as you stepped into the car in silent , he sighed before stepping into the car too and sit beside you . He took a glance at you , and you were still silent like a stone looking blankly at no where . He sighed as the car dashed back to your apartment .

As the car stopped you immediately stepped out of the car and walked back to your apartment to change your outfit . Kris waited at the car as you change your clothes and grab a few stuff . It only took a short amount of time . And in a dash you walked down back to car . And immediately you step back into the car . As you sat beside Kris again he look at you , still in confused . You look at him as your eyes met his , convincing him that you’re all okay . But he didn’t fall for it , he knew you could break down in tears any time . His hand crawled to your hand , holding it caringly . You slowly and silently leaned your head on his shoulder . He accepted your lean as he perfected his sitting position so you could lean comfortably . He smiled as you slowly drifted into sleep , thinking maybe he could protect your smiled for good .

let me protect you , he thought before leaning on your head and falling asleep .

sorry guys if it's crappy .i rushed on this one :(

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Chapter 60: Update plisssss.... I sometimes get kinda irritated with Kris's attitude sometimes,hope he'll open up soon i mean like completely with jieun.... And please do continue
tehsweety #2
Chapter 60: Hello new reader here.
Im kinder sorry pity to jihyun coz she's been thru hell in her life.
Yet...the one she's thought & treat was her friend trying to break her heart.
Should suho know that by doing so not just hurt her but hurt a lot of people too.
I really hate knowing that suho is helping the es to get kris.

Anyway...update soon.
jannat #3
Jjang!! Keep updating;)
jellybean28 #4
Chapter 59: update pls.......
I would read this but is this abandoned?
Kris_Paulene #6
Chapter 59: I really love this story. I hope you update soon
Chapter 59: hope u update!
Lulugrg98 #8
Chapter 59: New Reader >.<
This story is awesome. I hope that they won't break up.
And Merry Christmas to you authornim~