53......fifty three

Behind The Devil's Mask

“Could you let go ?” You asked while trying to let go from Kris’s grip .

Finally he let go of your hand . You stepped back and rubbed your wrist , looking at the bruise he made . Kris sighed and noticed the bruising he caused on your wrist . Guilt spread through his body . A feeling on wanting to caress your cheek and pulling you into his arms , telling you he’s sorry and a way a ‘boyfriend’ would . But there was no way he could do it , wouldn’t  it be weird a person like Kris Wu actually being nice and sweet to a mere girl . What would peoples say ? It would only mean he lost his cool and self-esteem over something called love . And everybody would change their view of the famous Kris wu . And he swore Jang Jihyun would not let make him to let his guard down .

He looked away and sighed before finally looking again at your bruise .

“Sorry” He apologized , a simple word . Just apologizing made him feel weird , instead of being relieved , his guilt piled up and start bothering him . He looked away and sighed again . You didn’t reply , instead you kept on staring at the bruise , just rubbing it even though it didn’t hurt anymore .

You were too used by his rough and harsh actions or words , it made you immune to him . a soft and sweet words or actions from him are the least you expect from him . He was different from all the guys you knew , and that’s what made him special .

“We need to talk “

You looked down , just waiting for his next words . Curious on he wanted to say . But a small feeling inside you knew he was going to say something you never expected . Gulping down , you bit you lip as you waited .

“What did my mother said ?” he asked .

Your head shot up and your eyes met his , you bushed slightly over the sudden eye contact . But regained your cool and bit your lip . You were surprised of his sudden question . How did he managed to knew that you had met with his mother . More exactly , the way he asked it was as if he knew something suspicious was going on . You just stared at him , kind of surprised but at the same time not wanting to answer . You couldn’t hide your surprised expression and that made him more sure that something was really going on .

“What was it about ?” he asked again . His tone was cold and demanding , his usual tone . The tone that scared you . You held your breath , thinking of a good way to lie .

“Nothing” You lied , he made a small ‘tsk’ as if he knew you lied .

“Was it about the debt ? “ He asked again . You hated being interrogated , especially by Kris .

You looked away , not wanting answer anymore . You could only stay silent , you were never a good liar . And lying to Kris hurt a lot . All you ever wanted was a simple , sincere relationship . But all that seems impossible . while being with kris . There’s always obstacle either you like it or not . Kris himself is an obstacle .  It seems hard to have a simple relationship with him .

“tell me how much you need” he exclaimed while taking out his phone . You knew what he was trying to do .He was trying to take care of your debt . Noticing  him doing so and immediately you grabbed his hand , stopping him from doing anything . You blushed on your sudden brave actions , grabbing his hand .The sudden skin contact you made with him , mentally slapping yourself over doing such thing . You bit your lip and looked away . he stared at you for a moment and let down his hand , knowing the debt was  the main problem . His fast and intelligent instinct caught up with him .

“It was nothing really “ You bravely looked at him , and smiled weakly . Trying your best on convincing him .

“Liar” he exclaimed . That sudden word , stabbed you right to the core . Made you hold your breath , and gulped . Hurt by his word. All this time you knew he was a straight-forward and harsh guy , but having him saying so when he loved you made it hurt even more .

“It was nothing really “ You tried convincing him again , this time with a smile .

“Was it about us ?” He asked again , his eyes stared to you . Just waiting for another answer from you .

Your eyes widen , as your mouth hung open . Again, you were surprised by another one of his sudden question . You were scared he might knew about the conversation you had with his mother earlier this day . Even though you knew there was a possibility that he just randomly guessed , you just couldn’t hide your surprised and nervous expression . It was all too visible .

He realized your surprised expression and he knew that moment , he was right . His guess was right , he smirked on his victory .

“I’m right , am I ?” He smirked .

You remained silent , just looking away . Scared if you say another thing , you might spill everything .

He rolled his eyes , feeling disappointed for no reason . How disappointed he was on seeing you not wanting to tell the truth to him . To talk to him normally like how any other couples would . How you kept all your feelings to yourself . All he ever wanted is for you to be open to him , talk to him casually and comfortably . He looked at you one last time before letting out a sigh. He turned around and start walking away , leaving you with a confused heart . You realized he was no longer infront of you and turned your head aside just to see him already walking away without looking back . You  immediately chased him and grabbed his wrist . He felt a grab on his wrist and turned around , seeing you holding his wrist and looking at his face while biting your lower lip . A tired and scared expression written on your face , that moment guilt spread again into his body .

“It’s not about us or the debt , she was just checking my situation “ You smiled and let go of his wrist . While now , he’s standing infront of you again , with a straight expression .

“It’s nothing important , really” You let out a smile while your eyes looked into his cold eyes , a glint of fear hit you as his  stare struck you . 

He wasn’t sure but he wanted to believe you , just once he wanted you not to worry . To feel safe and comfortable , knowing he’s do anything to protect or help you . Even with just a small smile or chat . All he wanted is that you could trust him easily and lean on him anytime you wanted to . No wall between you and him , just a normal relationship . And he would fight anything to have a normal relationship you . Being open towards each other , letting out everything and smile at the end of the day was something he and you could only wished for . Knowing how much obstacle stand tall infront of you and him , doing anything possible to break you apart .

“Nothing really , I’m fine” You smiled again , with a small yet soft giggle . making his cold side melt down , his cold stare disappeared , replaced with a warm gaze .

“don’t worry “ You tried assuring him . How much it hurts to lie to him cannot be explained , it hurts so much tears were trying to break out . You took a deep breath trying to make those stupid tears go away , putting up a strong and happy expression infront of Kris .

He let go of everything stopping him , and lifted up his hand . Placing it onto your cheek , caressing it softly . Expressing to you how much he cared of you , how soft he wanted to be to you . You looked into his face and smiled weakly , sincerely . A smiled filled with tiresome and relieve in the same time . Slowly he leaned forward , closing the gap between your face and his . You understood what he was trying to do and immediately you closed your eyes . Letting your self drown into the moment . Your heart beats faster , scared it might explode . Waking up the butterflies in your stomach . Sending out a peaceful yet nervous feelings through your small body .

Finally the gap between your lips and his closed . Pressing his cold lips onto your soft warm lips .

His eyes were closed , letting his feelings talk through his lips . The kiss was so beautiful and soft ,you wanted time to stop . His lips perfectly carved onto your lips as if it was made to fit perfectly with your lips . Matching it to each other . As expected you kissed him , telling him how much you loved him . It was so silent and soft , everything seems perfect for a moment .

He parted his lips from yours  ,resting his forehead on yours . Gazing softly into your tired eyes ,  breathing on your skin . Sending shivers down to your spine . You bit your lip ,seeing how close his perfect lips from your face . Blushing red , you gulped thinking how that y lips of his was on your lips a few moments ago . You saw how vulnerable he looked , how soft and weak he seems . Knowing how many sides you’ve seen of him , how he displayed his sides freely to you . How visible he was to you . And it  made you guilty , you just couldn’t show your sides easily to him . hiding the scars of your past ,  hiding it away from him .

You wanted to be a girlfriend everyone expected as Kris Wu’s girlfriend . A person strong and responsible as Kris . But maybe all your efforts would never mean a thing . Everything would be different from your expectations . It would just not the same .

You saw a glint of fear in his eyes , a fear of loosing you .

“please” He begged , His voice full of fear and desperation .

You felt so guilty , it was eating up on you .

“Talk to me” he begged . His voice sounded like a whisper . It was so soft nothing like the usual way he talked , that voice , only you could hear .

Finally his hand slid of from your cheek , turning his tall figure around and walked away . Leaving you alone again , standing from a distance watching his broad back going further and further away . You sighed as a tear , rolled down onto your cheek . Just a tear .

You bit your lip as your head hung low , letting those tears burst out . Giving up your stand . Closing your eyes , begging those tears to stop . You just couldn’t help but to cry , all those feelings you buried became too much . You could only express it through tears .

“Jihyun ?”

A voice woke you up , you turned your head aside . Looking at the source of the voice that called your name . From s distance you could see Suho , looking at your , worried and concerned . He walked to you slowly , reaching out his hand . capturing your cheek into his hand , scanning through your face . Instead on asking you what’s wrong , he pulled you closer . You gave in , and let your self being pulled into his arms . His arms circled around you , making sure you were safe and calm , rubbing your back . It was silent , the only sound was from your crying . He was silent , all he wanted is for you to be able to calm down .

You were confused somehow , why’d you let your self give in to Suho . you felt comfortable and safe in his arms , for once you felt calm . A disturbing feeling in your heart . This feeling you felt towards Suho , is it normal . It felt good , but somewhat wrong . You buried your self into his shoulder , biting your lower lip . You remained silent .

Suho kept on rubbing your back , trying to calm you . His eyes caught a person from a distance , standing tall , a girl . Wearing a light yellow dress , pink high heels and hair let down . She was smirking .  Feeling content somehow . Suho sighed while sending glared towards the girl , telling her to off . The girl didn’t bother , she smiled and lifted up her head giving him a proud smile before walking away . Leaving a trace of evilness where  ever she goes .

Why am I doing this ? Suho thought before closing his eyes .


Kris walked back to the café . he came rather late as he had to make a call first which took him quite a time . He pushed the door and saw Lay with a guitar on the stage doing a solo acoustic guitar performance . The aura in the café felt dark and weird , he noticed Kai glaring at him . He furrowed his eyebrows trying to understand what Kai was doing , that was when suddenly Kai turned his head looked straight to a figure sitting on chair at the bar . Wearing a light yellow dress , sitting and enjoying herself while playing with the straw in her drink . Finally kris understood . Letting out a groan before walking towards the girl .

“What do you want ?” He asked coldly , the girl turned her head and smiled .

“Hi Kris , I missed you” She made a face , but his expression didn’t change . he remained cold m he hated her more than anything . All he wanted is for this girl to leave his life for good .

“Leave now” he demanded , just to be replied with a sigh from Yoorin .

“Demanding as always “ she muttered .

“ Leave” he repeat .

Yoorin sighed and grabbed her clutch , already standing infront the towering kris . Just staring calmly at him .

“Don’t worry . I was going to leave , I just want to ask you a question “ She calmly exclaimed .

“What do you mean ?” His tone sounded confused .

She smirked in victory. She knew she got him too , how easy he fell into her trap . he should’ve known better .

“What if one day the whole school and your parents knew about the truth about Jihyun and your relationship with her ?” She smirked .

more drama DX LOL...........................

do you know ? problems makes people more stronger XD

anyway . i got a bunch of subscribers XD soooo happy i wanna roll on the floor :)

and the comments GAH , gurl... i can't explain what i feel.......................................

anyway.....again . starting today my country is on a special holiday , so i won't update until wednesday -_- i'll try updating secretly .

thank you anywayssss..... bbyong'

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someone plz knock me on the head cuz i got 190 subscribers XD too happy rite naoooooo


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Chapter 60: Update plisssss.... I sometimes get kinda irritated with Kris's attitude sometimes,hope he'll open up soon i mean like completely with jieun.... And please do continue
tehsweety #2
Chapter 60: Hello new reader here.
Im kinder sorry pity to jihyun coz she's been thru hell in her life.
Yet...the one she's thought & treat was her friend trying to break her heart.
Should suho know that by doing so not just hurt her but hurt a lot of people too.
I really hate knowing that suho is helping the es to get kris.

Anyway...update soon.
jannat #3
Jjang!! Keep updating;)
jellybean28 #4
Chapter 59: update pls.......
I would read this but is this abandoned?
Kris_Paulene #6
Chapter 59: I really love this story. I hope you update soon
Chapter 59: hope u update!
Lulugrg98 #8
Chapter 59: New Reader >.<
This story is awesome. I hope that they won't break up.
And Merry Christmas to you authornim~