48..fourty eight

Behind The Devil's Mask

GUUUUURLLL.....i can't explain what i feel .......157 subscribers ;;_____;; such a beautiful sight .

“Sorry Lay…. Sorry for dragging you into this “ You apologized even though you were so focused on plating the food . Your fingers cleaned the messy sauce around the plate . Making sure every detail seemed perfect without any flaws . Before being served out .

“It’s okay. I’m used to it “ he smiled and you replied back with another smile . He too , was focused on the plate infront of him . Placing the forks and spoons in the dish .

Apparently after that ‘incident’, those weird boys made you cook . They said they were hungry as hell , and ‘asked’ you to made them food . You knew from the way they acted , something fishy was going on with them . It got you , they did that just to make you and kris apart for awhile , they wanted to see how Kris would react when you’re not around him . They were expecting something funny . Waiting their beloved leader without the girl that tamed him . On the other side , you had no concern about Kris . You were pretty sure they’ll fail . Kris is the king of -face so if he failed , it’s like his selling his self-esteem . No way in hell those boys will succeed . If Kris did fell for that , then that Kris is definitely not the Kris you fell for .

On the contrast , You had no experience in cooking , the best food you could cook is ramen . And most of the time , you failed on making one simple ramen . And those boys made you swear you wouldn’t cook ramen when they’re around . Fortunately Lay was kind enough to offer himself to help you . You weren’t in the position to said no , so you hesitantly agreed . And now there you are with Lay , cooking pasta . He taught you the process , from one by one .  Mostly you watched and he’ll do the work . You nodded to everything he said , even if you had no idea what he was talking about . Smiling as you watched Lay cooking and explaining everything  , it’s like watching a cooking program , it’s just the person in the show is cute as hell .

“TA-DAH… finally” You smiled as the final product are done , you held your arms wide open . Presenting ‘your’ creations. 10 plates of pasta , perfectly plated . You looked at them one by one , checking for anything that was out of normal . You raised an eyebrow and scratched your chin .,, when something caught your attention .

“10 plates ? but there’s only 8 of you ?” You asked Lay , biting your lower lip .You used your fingers to count the plates again , making sure you weren’t wrong .

“Yup . 1 for you , another one for my girlfriend , she’s on the way “ He smiled , picking up 1 tray filled with 5 plates . Ready to step out of the kitchen , leading the way.

“Suho ?” You realized he was missing .

“He’s not coming , he said he got something to do” You nodded and bit your lip again . Feeling guilty , that Suho’s not around . You missed him so dearly , he was more than a friend . And seeing that those boys know nothing , hurt you more . The reason Suho and Kris was in distance was because of you . Just the fact that Suho was ignoring you , pierced your heart . It was almost a piece of you was missing .And it felt like a ton of weight was on your back , making you felt bad and awful . You shook your slightly and took in a deep breath , before picking up the tray . Step by step you take , your eyes were focused on the tray making sure none of them fell . You fix your balance leaning left then right , as the plates started sliding on the tray . You approached those boys who were relaxing on the couch . It seems like they were talking about something . You bit your lip as you walked closer to them , your arms were shaking as you took another step . Before you could take another step you felt the tray being lifted and taken away .

Lay took the tray from you hands and smiled .

“Let me take it” he smiled and walked to the boys with the tray . You pouted and walked to them , following Lay from behind , walking cutely . You snuck in between Sehun and Kai .Sitting in between them . They looked at you with weird eyes , even though it was cramped , you felt comfortable . As long it wasn’t Kris you were sitting with .

“Clumsy” Kris teased , you frowned and crossed your arms while shooting him a glare.

Can you do it ?! tch…whatever , you frowned and looked away .

“Why aren’t you sitting beside Kris ?” kai asked , the question you wanted to avoid the most . You noticed Xiumin nodding in agreement , so did Sehun . And soon everybody except Kris was looking at you with weird eyes . You looked at them one by one and gulped .

Shoot , you buried your face .

Suddenly you felt the space between you and Kai/Sehun narrowed . And you were pushed out of your seat . You jumped up and stood up almost loosing your balance . Sehun and Kai , closed the space so you couldn’t sit there again . So did every body , Everybody closed the space they had  and the only space left was beside Kris . Tao’s the one that sit there , but Baekhyun pulled him to sit  beside him . Tao hesitated but he gave up ,and sat beside Baekhyun so the space beside Kris was prepared for you .The sofa where Kris sit was made for 2 peoples , and now there’s only Kris .

You looked at the boys who were hiding their giggles . You rolled your eyes and hesitantly walked over to beside Kris , Silently sitting beside Kris and crossed your arms while glaring at the boys . They hide their laughs and looked away . Snickering at each other , and acted their best like nothing was going on .

Ding Dong . the mansion bell rang . It caught everyone’s attention , including yours .

“Maknae ! Open it ! “ Chen yelled at Sehun . Sehun pouted but resulting on Kai pushing him . He stood up and drag his legs to the front door . Everybody watched Sehun walking away  waiting for who ever that was behind the door, and you noticed the empty space beside Kai . Silently you moved your legs and smiled happily. But Xiumin noticed it and stood up , taking that empty space . You frowned and leaned back , crossing your arms again while pouting and glaring at the smiling baozi.

“Hi Guys !” You heard a girl’s voice and turned your head just to see Hyunmi , the waitress from Lay’s café . Which was Lay’s girlfriend and your friend . You smiled and waved at her . She leisurely walked over , looking neat and pretty . No wonder Lay fell for her.

“Hyunmi !” You smiled widely . She waved her hand at you and walked over to Lay . Lay gave her a peck on her lips and the room immediately was filled with the screams and squeals of the guys .

“EEEWWWW” Xiumin screamed while making a disgusted face , Sehun and Tao’s eyes were closed . While Kris smirked , and you blushed . Thinking about the kiss between you and Kris . Kris noticed you blushing and smirked before sliding an arm onto your waist silently . It caught you by surprise and you literally jumped . Fortunately nobody noticed Kris doing so , it was only between you and Kris . Your heart raced like wild , and your cheeks burned making your cheeks red . You swallowed a couple of times and took in a few breaths .

The room was still filled with weird voices as Hyunmi giggled at the reactions the guys made . Lay also , was looking at Xiumin who making faces . Hyunmi realized your silent reaction but another peck was given to her before she could notice Kris’s arm around your waist .

“Relax.. they won’t notice “ Kris whispered into your ear , he also breathed on your ear . Sending shivers down to your spine , also releasing hundreds of butterflies into your stomach . You buried your face while everybody start taking each of their plates of pasta . Digging into the pasta you and Lay made . More like Lay made . You noticed Hyunmi and Lay talking to each other while gazing warmly at each other . It seems that they were talking about the pasta , Hyunmi seemed at awe at Lay’s words . Lay’s arm was s around Hyunmi’s shoulder , and she was in an easy state , as if it was normal .

Actually it was normal , but for you and Kris it was not normal at all . You were still getting used at being Kris’s girlfriend . It was too fast for you , and you’re still adjusting to it .Even when you wanted badly to be like Hyunmi and Lay , hiding nothing . Just the fact being Kris’s girlfriend also felt burdensome , also that one weird feeling you had for Suho made you uncomfortable .All you could do is wait for the exact moment to admit everything freely . Waiting until your feelings were settled . Kris took his hand off your waist so he could eat , and you suddenly missed being in his arms. You missed having his arm around your waist . Again you were confused of your feelings .

But you managed shoving that feeling away and grab you plate . You weren’t hungry , but you took the plate and put it on your lap . Just looking at it , you were full . You weren’t in the mood of eating . You sighed as you saw everybody eating happily . Watching everybody eating made you want to eat , you smiled and grab a fork .

“Are you eating that ?” You tuned your head , seeing Xiumin who was focused on your food . His plate was already empty , clean like nothing was even there . His grip on his fork ,was still secure , craving for more food . You blinked a couple of times and smiled . You shook your head and handed your plate over to him . His hands were wide open when he took your plate , grinning like an idiot .

“THANK YOUUUUUUU” he screamed before digging into your food like a beast . Everybody laughed at Xiumin who had pasta sauce all over his lips . You smiled as you watched him eat , and your hunger start growing .

Suddenly you felt a plate placed on your lap . You looked down at the plate which was half eaten . It was Kris’s . He put the plate on your lap and leaned back , closing his eyes . You blinked and looked at the plate .

“What is this ?” You asked .

“Eat mine , I’m not hungry anymore” He muttered with a demanding tone, silently he closed his eyes to take a nap . You glanced at him and pouted .

“why ?” He didn’t answer , you nudged him with your elbow but again , he stayed silent .

Is he sleeping ? you thought , a smiled plastered on your face while watching his eyes closed . His angelic yet cold features stood out . making him look perfect , no wonder you fell for him .  

Not bothering to ask him again you look at the food , gripping on his fork which was in the plate . Taking a last look . Finally you dig into the food , finishing his half-eaten food . You smiled as you ate his food , filling your suddenly empty stomach .

Kris took a peek at you who was eating the crap out of you . He smirked as he watched you eating . Finishing half of his food with his fork . HIS fork .

Indirect kiss , he smirked .

Silently he s his arm around hyou petite waist , catching her by surprise . You flinch , causing you to almost dropping her fork . You blushed and your heart goes crazy , threatening to jump out . You couldn’t look at him , instead you bit your lower lip and looked around . Thankfully no one noticed . Silently you ate again , finishing your pasta .Acting like nothing even happened .  While trying to hide a silent smile .


On the other hand , at that time Suho was at Lay’s café . Sitting on the usual spot where he and the guys would sit everytime they hang out at the café . He sat there leaning back with an espresso on the table . looking at no where , literally dazing . He clenched his teeth everytime you got into his head . Letting out a sigh he looked away and gulped. He tried his best on shoving away any thoughts about you , he knew it would only hurt him more . For now all he could do is avoid you even if it hurts him by being away from you .

That moment , he noticed somebody standing infront of him . Slowly he turned his head just to see a girl , looking neat . Tall and gorgeous , with her dark brown hair , holding a white bag . Smirking happily with her eyes fixed on him . Walking in a slow pace towards him . He groaned as his eyes met hers . his lower lip , he looked away and glared at no where . Feeling his anger rising up , near his peak .

“What do you want ?” He asked . The girl didn’t answer and took a seat infront of him . She silently grabbed his drink and took a sip of it before leaning back . Smirking . he watched her doing so , and immediately he was filled with disgust . No way he was drinking that again .He turned his head over and glared at her , not letting his cool go down .

“Leave me alone ! ” He  barked at her . he was sure the whole café heard him , but he cared less . All he wanted is that girl away and far from him and everybody he loved . He was breathing heavily , body trembling with his fist clenched tightly  . He wasn’t thinking clearly , with anger boiling inside him just by seeing the face of her . The girl he hated the most , the girl that hurt you badly . he wanted to go violent at her after what she did to you , but he was in public . No way he could do it . Instead he remained silent , just watching her .

“Let’s play a game “ She proposed . Crossing her arms , with a smirk plastered on her gorgeous face . Yet filled with everything evil . She looked at him with her so called pride being showed .

He scoffed and rolled his eyes . Avoiding any eye contact .

“Whatever” he scoffed . Her smirk grew stronger , as she leaned forward . The distance between him and her got tighter , but not close enough.

“A game between us and Kris” The word Kris caught his attention . His attention is focused on her now , listening to everything she got to say . Never in his life , he would thought that he would be sitting face to face with this . Talking together , and possibly working together . He hated himself for even listening to her , for letting his guard down and falling into her trap . Hesitantly he looked at her eyes.

“What do you mean ?” He asked in curiosity . This is it he fell for it .

I got him , she thought .

She let out another smirk before leaning back again , watching him with her devilish eyes .

“A game that would make you win Jihyun” She smirked.

hi !!!!!!!!

sorry i couldn't update yesterday.... too much A-Jax , cross gene feelings in my body ._. anyway.... an update !!!!

i think you all know who the girl is , the one with suho right ????O_____o

No ? -____________________-

btw.... thank you for your tips. i'll work on being a diligent student ( it'll be hell hard , all girls school... no namjas at school my head might explode , definitely putting an EXO picture in my pencilcase !!! )


so much kpop lover friends in school , imma fangirl till i die XD

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someone plz knock me on the head cuz i got 190 subscribers XD too happy rite naoooooo


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Chapter 60: Update plisssss.... I sometimes get kinda irritated with Kris's attitude sometimes,hope he'll open up soon i mean like completely with jieun.... And please do continue
tehsweety #2
Chapter 60: Hello new reader here.
Im kinder sorry pity to jihyun coz she's been thru hell in her life.
Yet...the one she's thought & treat was her friend trying to break her heart.
Should suho know that by doing so not just hurt her but hurt a lot of people too.
I really hate knowing that suho is helping the es to get kris.

Anyway...update soon.
jannat #3
Jjang!! Keep updating;)
jellybean28 #4
Chapter 59: update pls.......
I would read this but is this abandoned?
Kris_Paulene #6
Chapter 59: I really love this story. I hope you update soon
Chapter 59: hope u update!
Lulugrg98 #8
Chapter 59: New Reader >.<
This story is awesome. I hope that they won't break up.
And Merry Christmas to you authornim~