43...fourty three

Behind The Devil's Mask

For the past 3 days you were able to keep your relationship sealed from your friends . 3 Days , and to you that’s an impressive accomplishment . 3 days to you went by like crazy , you avoided eye contacts with Kris or else you’ll blush . And the most important , No skinship at school . Well maybe you violated that one a few times , but it was all Kris’s doings . Like when you were at class and we sat together , he would hold your hand . Or the one like when you were at the library , as usual you ignored him and ended up having him kissing you in the library . It seems like he loves kissing , anytime and anywhere he would kiss you . Even if it was just a small peck or a passionate kiss , he would do it anytime he wanted to even when you said no . He would just go for it . And of course you would give in everytime he kissed you . He was like poison to you , the only thing or person that made you weak and light headed .

But somehow you managed to keep it all between you and Kris . You mentally pat your back , feeling proud of being able to keep it for 3 days . Well for Kris , it didn’t took a lot of effort . All he needed to do was keep his poker-face on no matter what . And he did , he put his poker face everytime , including when he kissed you . His poker face is still on . Or maybe that poker face is already his face . Well all you know is that he did a amazing job on keeping it a secret . His friends wasn’t suspicious and your friends weren’t suspicious too . Everything seemed to be going on well , to you .

But on the other side , your cautious behavior and reaction has caught someone’s attention . Your reaction to everytime you heard the name ‘Kris’ being called , made someone anxious . From a distance he watched the way you acted ,sitting in a distance feeling uncomfortable and worried . There was this urge to ask you , but another part in him told him not to . Your privacy meant something to him. And he never wanted to bug it . All he could do was watch you from a distance and asked if you were okay , of course you answered you’re okay . One particular behavior of yours that caught his attention was everytime Kris look at you , you avoided his eyes on purpose . He noticed you couldn’t look at Kris the way you used to. And from that he felt suspicious , the girl he liked couldn’t look at his own best friend . Is it a coincidence or something is really going on .

Everytime he and his friends talked about you , Kris would try to change the subject . And a few times, he caught Kris taking glances at you . Not with  his cold eyes , but with warm gazes . Suho isn’t the type to take notice of peoples behavior , but you and Kris has caught his attention . He swore to find out what was going on , no matter what .

It’s after school now , the class is getting emptier and emptier by time . Students one by one step out of the class , finishing their usual day . While there you were , still sitting on your seat , packing all your stuff into your bag . Your facial expression looked normal but your mind was flying every where . There was one thing that bothered you . It’s about that article between Kris and Yoorin . As much as she said she didn’t care , she did care . And it bothered her , a lot . There were times where you would try to ask him about it , he would shrug it off . He didn’t like it when you asked serious questions , he kind of hated it . All he wanted is spend time with his girlfriend , not being interrogated by his girlfriend . And of course you would give up to him , knowing you could do nothing about that . So you waited for the right time to ask it , and finally today you decided it’s the right time .

You took out your phone and text Kris asking where he is . This is the first time you text him , apparently he gave you his number after the incident when you didn’t come home and made him worried . And now his number is your number 1 speed dial . Who knows when you might need his help , well you are his girlfriend . One day , probably you will need him . For now you text him , asking one simple question : where are you ? . Just that , nothing more . No love nicknames , not even calling his name , just 3 simple words . You waited and waited for his reply , but your phone didn’t vibrate . Feeling frustrated , you grab your bag and stomp your way out of the class . You pouted as your grip tighten on your phone.

Stupid angry bird, you thought . This is your first text message to him , so you were feeling anxious for his reply . Every minute passed by as you sat on a bench , just waiting for him to reply and maybe better , calling you . Just as you almost give up and stood up , your phone vibrated . You jumped as you felt the vibration in your pocket , dropping your bag with your eyes widen . Immediately you grab the phone and open the message .

From : Master Angry Bird

Library .

That’s it . That’s what he replied , 1 simple word that made your jaw drop to the ground . You mentally slap your self , getting your self together after reading that one stupid reply . One word , all he gave you is one word . And the worst part , it took like half an hour for him to reply you with 1 word , One freaking word for God’s sake . It took a moment for you to calm your mind and grab your bag on the ground . Making your way to the library .

Suho was around when he noticed you jumping from your vibrated phone . He smiled from seeing your innocent behavior , all caused from a text message . He watched you as you open your phone and drop your jaw .  He find you cute when you pouted and walk away . It made him fall for you deeper , your innocence was attractive . Including your beauty , there was no flaw of you in his eyes . You were the first to make him like this , smiling like an idiot everytime he saw you . he noticed you walking away and the smile on his face disappeared . This is it , this is the only time he could find out what was really going on with you . He gathered his courage and decided to follow you from behind and in a distance . Everytime you turned your head , he would hide , acting all spy-like .

He followed you as you entered the huge library building . Yes there’s one particular building for the library , but unfortunately no one comes here . Only nerds  and too-diligent students comes here , it’s your first time in this building . Everything seems new and foreign to you . The building was huge for just a library , it has stairs connecting the 1st floor to the 2nd floor . A reading area in the middle of the building , there were a few students there . But you couldn’t find Kris .He wasn’t at the reading spot or anywhere in your sight . You let out a sigh before walking around , checking book cases , one by one . But no one is there , the only thing that caught your attention is a couple making out in the corner behind one book case . That scene frighten you as you almost run out of the library , but you remembered to find Kris .

You decided to go to the second floor which was empty , there were loads of books covered with dust . The smell of the books made you feel uncomfortable , all you need is to find Kris and talk to him . You walked slowly to last book case in the corner , it was hidden from plain sight . As you walked neared , you heard a snore . The snore sounded familiar , or maybe you just felt that way . You slowly took one step at a time , getting closer to that book case . You poked your head and saw a sleeping Kris , sitting on the floor leaning on the wall with his straight legs . He hold a book which look like a book of science formulas . A smile formed on your face as you watch him sleep like child . Trying not to wake him up , you tiptoed closer to him and kneeled beside him . Just staying there in silent , watching him sleep . He looked peaceful and calm , his perfect features looked calm . From his blonde ash tousled hair , his eyebrows which would furrowed everytime he look at your weird behavior , his closed eyes , his perfect shaped nose , his white smooth skin , and that jaw line , nothing looked more perfect than that jawline . Sharp and perfectly shaped , carved like form of art . But especially that small lips , which you couldn’t get enough of . Even when harsh words came out , his lips would still look irresistible . That lips that kissed you , made electricity run to the whole of your body . He was perfect and will always be perfect . There’s no better guy to replace him . And you never planned to replace him , he’s perfect . The best boyfriend you could asked for .

Slowly your hand moved on it’s own , crawling it’s way up to his cheek . Your fingers softly his cheek , admiring his beauty . His warm cheek felt nice . It’s a rare opportunity so you took it as you had the chance . You made your movement softly as possible , but you failed. Your movement apparently bug his slumber as he slowly open his eyes , and shot a glare to you . You expected a loving caring gaze from him , but instead you got a furious laser glare from him . You put your hand down as you stood up , pouting . He fold his arms and closed his eyes again .

“What took you so long to come here ?” He muttered as his eyes were still closed . You shook your head lightly and placed your hands on your waist , staring down at him .Frowning while he didn’t care about it . Not wanting to answer , you glared at him in silent . Just waiting for his reaction .

“I’m asking you” He muttered again , his tone was dead serious . But you ignored him and stayed the way you were , still looking down at him . Telling him that you’re in control , but it’s Kris Wu you’re handling with . It’s never going to be easy . He noticed you weren’t answering .

“Hey. Slave . answer” He called you slave and it pissed you out , but instead of getting angry you pouted .Thinking your cute actions would calm him down . You are his girlfriend anyway , so you tried anything pleasing to him like any other girls would . Trying your best on taking care of your arrogant boyfriend .

“I’m your girlfriend” You muttered back with a straight face .

“You’re still my slave” your jaw drop to the ground and there was an urge for you to kick him . But you fought back that urge and stayed clam as possible . Your leg wanted to move and kick him on the gut .

“yeah right” You scoffed .

“I’m your master and your boyfriend” His tone was cold , it’s the tone you didn’t like . You guessed you haven’t changed him . Another task to do : Change Kris’s attitude .

“ you” those harsh words came out of your mouth and immediately you closed your mouth . Preventing other words to come out .You never talk like that , you only say those words when you’re already comfortable with somebody . A scared feeling creeped in your body , anxious to see his reaction to the word you said . But nothing change .  Kris didn’t change his expression , he managed to stay the same . Cold and arrogant .With his b*tch-face still perfectly in tag .

“If you hate me , why are you dating me ?” He muttered .

“I don’t know , I just hate you “ A smirk grew on his face as he turn his face , leaning on the wall beside him . Still with his eyes closed , acting all boss like . He cleared his throat and stayed the same . While you looked at him , just staring blankly .

“If you want to break up , it’s okay” Your eyes widen as you jaw drop . You were out of words , your mind panicked immediately .A mix feelings , between scared and confused  Trying to figure out more words but you loss it .Did he meant it , was he joking around . You had no idea , but his words scared you . Is he just joking around with you or with your feelings with him . You don’t want to loose him , never . Your body felt weak , scared if he really meant it .

“K-kris…”You mumbled . Your tone was scared and confused .You couldn’t think clearly as you looked around , confused . And it caught his attention. He open his eyes , looking straight at your face  , your dumb expression was amusing to him . He wanted to laugh but he couldn’t , he loved you . But still , teasing you is forever entertaining to him . You bit your lip hard . Your body shook as you watch his straight expression , biting your lower lip even harder. You looked downwards , straight and confused. Never expecting kris to say that . You were out of words .  At that moment Kris stood up and your cheek , softly and full of care . He tilted your head so he could look at your eyes , and your eyes met his .You stared at him like an idiot , expecting his next words . his eyes were soft and caring , the gaze you liked the most . A smirk grew on his face as he gazed warmly to you , calming every senses in your body. Every fibre in your body vibrated from his gaze . It’s y yet warm , something hard for guys to pull  off . You melted , his eyes made your body felt weak , sending shivers down to your spine .

“I’m joking” He whispered with his husky voice . That moment , your mind felt calm . You felt stupid for falling to another of his tricks . He tilted your head again , then giving you a peck on the lips . Pulling you out of your daze . he kept his b*tch-face on , but that b*tch-face couldn’t hide his love to you . You were still in daze , clearing your mind slowly . You thought he meant it , and from that you almost had a mental breakdown . You should’ve known better . How easily you fell for his tricks . For God’s sake , he’s Kris Wu . He will forever tease you until his heart content . It’s unavoidable .

“So what do you want to talk about ?” As he grab your wrist pulling you down . He sat on the ground again , leaning on the wall feeling sleepy . He pulled you down .You sat beside him and let out a huge sigh . Your hand moved to your bag , grabbing the magazine you and Eunji read a couple days before. At first you hesitated to show him the article . But you needed to get everything straight . You flipped tha pages until you found the page you were looking for . You passed the magazine to him and let him read it . He read the article slowly , getting all the words into his mind . You watched him reading the article closely , eager to see his reaction . He kept on reading it until he nodded and smirked .

“1st. I’m not marrying Yoorin . 2nd Wu.Co’s partnership with Song&Co is pure business . 3rd you’re my girlfriend not Yoorin 4th Yoorin’s a b*tch 5th The article is too dramatic “ He calmly esplained . You nodded in acknowledge . A huge smile plastered on your face as you understood everything now . The article was probably another doings of Yoorin . Thankfully she failed . Why ? of course because you trusted Kris , you trusted everything he said . You trusted him because you loved him . And nothing more to say . You should’ve known better . One stupid article should’ve been not enough to question his love to you . He’s Kris Wu , he doesn’t love that easily , if he did , that mean he’s really in love . And yes he is , he’s in lone with you . A grin formed as you look at him who was still with his eyes closed , leaning on the wall trying to get a good sleep . You open the magazine again and start reading it again .

But Kris snatch away the magazine and tossed it aside , far from your reach . You pouted as he smirk devilishly , acting like nothing happened . You wanted to get the magazine but he stopped you , sliding his arm around your waist . Holding you tight , not able to move . You give in and fold your arm , pouting like a kid .

“I was reading that” You exclaimed .

“ignore it , you’re jealous weren’t you ?” Your jaw drop .You lightly hit his arm and stood up . getting out f his arm . Stomping your feet , causing his to open his eyes . He looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows while you frowned .

“No I’m not . I’m leaving “

“Don’t go home too late” He muttered . You turned around and walked away , leaving him smirking like an idiot . You stormed out of the library . Deep down inside , you felt grateful and happy .Yes you were jealous . you’re his girlfriend . It’s normal to bejealous , right ? You should be jealous . It’s like you’re being compared to Yoorin . But eventually you found the truth . Your trust to him grew bigger And you were glad , cause not even Yoorin could stop the love between you and Kris. A smile grew on your face as his words playbacked in your mind . Giggling like an idiot , as you walk across the hall  But you were pulled back to reality when you felt a grip on your arm , forcing you to turn around .  Not able to fight back you turned around facing the culprit with your wide eyes .

“You’re dating Kris ?”

BBAM !! yeah  . an update......

i think u guys know who the person in the last line is .

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Chapter 60: Update plisssss.... I sometimes get kinda irritated with Kris's attitude sometimes,hope he'll open up soon i mean like completely with jieun.... And please do continue
tehsweety #2
Chapter 60: Hello new reader here.
Im kinder sorry pity to jihyun coz she's been thru hell in her life.
Yet...the one she's thought & treat was her friend trying to break her heart.
Should suho know that by doing so not just hurt her but hurt a lot of people too.
I really hate knowing that suho is helping the es to get kris.

Anyway...update soon.
jannat #3
Jjang!! Keep updating;)
jellybean28 #4
Chapter 59: update pls.......
I would read this but is this abandoned?
Kris_Paulene #6
Chapter 59: I really love this story. I hope you update soon
Chapter 59: hope u update!
Lulugrg98 #8
Chapter 59: New Reader >.<
This story is awesome. I hope that they won't break up.
And Merry Christmas to you authornim~