37...thirty seven

Behind The Devil's Mask

It’s already morning and the sun is up , shining brightly as usual . The sun light pierced through your eyes making realize it’s already morning . You rubbed your eyes and moved aside . You yawned and slip your arm under your head to support it . You kept on moving as your sleeping position wasn’t comfortable at all . You slowly open your eyes and looked around . You weren’t on the bed . You were leaning to the bed , sleeping on the floor on a sitting position . You took a deep breath and looked around , trying to find out why you’re on the floor instead on the bed . You remembered you were crying and fell asleep . You sighed and try to stand up , your leg ached badly as your sitting position wasn’t comfortable . You massaged your thighs before taking steps to your bathroom .

As usual you took a quick bath and changed into your school uniform . Your eyelid felt heavy so you looked at the mirror to find out what’s wrong . Your eyes are swollen , from all the crying last night . You sighed and rubbed your eyes , trying to get rid of the dark circles under your eyes . You tilted your head aside and pouted as the circles won’t disappear . You lazily grabbed your bag and walked out of the room , trying to forget about your eyes . You closed the door and walked down the stairs , leisurely . You stopped and looked around , hoping Kris isn’t around . There was no presence of him so you walked again . Trying your best to act like nothing happened . You avoided eye contacts with the maids , so they won’t find out about your eyes and start blabber about it . Mr.Kim opened the front door for you , as you politely smile as wide as possible so your eyes squint and literally disappear . You smiled at the bright day and looked around . Kris’s car was there , both his silver Mercedes and his usual black Mercedes which was his usual chauffeur .

“Kris ?” You asked blankly to Mr.Kim .

“He rode his motor cycle “ You made an O with your mouth in acknowledge . You lightly shook your head and sighed .

I just don’t understand rich peoples , you thought . You step into your chauffeur and leaned back on the seat . Trying to put a calm expression . You shook your head trying to shove every thought about Kris or what happened the last night that came into your mind , causing the driver to look at you in confused from the front mirror . You smiled thinking about the day ahead , when a small part in you was feeling negatively weird . But you managed  to shove away the feeling and enjoyed the short ride to your school . You arrived at your school , fortunately you weren’t late . You quickly ran into your class and took a seat on the furthest back . Then it hit you , Kris was supposed to be in the same class with you today but he was no where in sight . You sat down and watched the classroom door carefully , at every person entering the classroom . Your heart skipped a beat every time a student walked in to the class , thinking it would be Kris . It’s a mixed feeling , between scared and excited .It’s almost nerve racking . But until the bell rang , Kris never entered the classroom . You sighed , between a relieved sigh and a disappointed sigh . You shook your head ,shoving Kris away from your thoughts . But no matter what you tried you just could not pay attention to the class , even if your teacher scolded you , your mind would return back to Kris .

The bell rang , signaling the class has ended . You packed all your books back into your bag and dragged your legs out of the classroom . You head off to the cafeteria and like any other days , you sat next to Eunji . You smiled to her as she hand you your favorite pudding . You smiled and immediately dig in to the pudding .

“is it just me but today’s so peaceful “ You muttered , you looked around and your eyes caught an unfamiliar scene . Kris’s usual spot with his friend . His friends were there , but Kris wasn’t anywhere near that spot . Your eyes moved searching for that tall arrogant guy , but no luck . He was just not around today . You look downwards and sighed .

“I think it’s because Yoorin and Kris aren’t around” Eunji whispered , you giggled and nodded, agreeing to her words .

“I heard Yoorin made hell out of our reporter club’s lives “ She muttered , you awkwardly smiled and dig in your pudding again . The food just doesn’t taste the same , probably it’s because your mind and heart wasn’t focused on it . It’s focused on something else , something that keeps on bothering you . You ignored the feeling even if it’s slowly making the pain on your chest harder to bear .


School ended , as you lazily walked out of the school building with a immense pain on your chest . It wasn’t piercing pain , it was like a deep heavy pain , slowly creeping to your body . You didn’t realized you were bumping onto peoples , and they’re staring at you . You dumbly walked to your chauffeur and sighed . Seeing Kris isn’t around .

You missed him . Your body needs him , your heart is demanding him no matter what you thought about . You didn’t want to admit it , but you were silently hoping you could turn back time . Pulling back your words from last night . Changing everything . You felt as if you ruined everything , your future , his life , his feelings ,everything . But no matter what you felt , you couldn’t anything but probably making it worse . You inhaled a deep breath and closed your eyes , letting out a weak smile . Thinking everything will be alright , when deep down you knew you were lying . You were comforting yourself with pitiful lies , just to make everything seems better .

The car stopped , as you arrived back to the place you wanted to avoid the most . You stepped out of the car and looked up front . Your eyes widened , you heart felt as if it stopped beating . You froze , every movement you took stopped . Your chest immediately tighten , holding your breath . Seeing a figure infront on the door . You gulped ,and it felt so hard just gulp it down .

There he was , the man you mentally wanted but physically avoided . Kris Wu .

You took a deep breath, shoving away all your thoughts . Picking up your feet and walking silently to him . he walked inside the mansion , and you followed him from behind . Like an idiot , you walked behind him acting as if nothing ever happen between you and him . You took another breath and opened your mouth , even when your heart and mind was screaming to stop you .

“Kris why didn’t you attend class today ?” You dumbly asked . You didn’t care about what his reaction would be like , all you needed is for him to say a single word to you  . Even if  it’s a swear , curse , or anything hurtful . All you needed is to hear his voice . You waited , but he ignored you . Acting like you never existed .

“Kris , why di-“

“Why do you even care ?” he muttered , the moment his first word came out your heart skipped a beat . Causing your body to feel weak , sending down shivers to your spine . Waking you up from daze .

He was glaring at you , his glare was different . It wasn’t his usual bored and pissed glare . His glare was somehow pitiful and sad . But if you look closely his glare was soft , almost like a gaze . His eyes met yours , causing all the pain you bottled up threatening to explode . Your eyes wanted to look away , but as if his eyes locked your eyes to his . You couldn’t move , your body froze . It was a feeling like none other .

“Kris I ask-“

“Shut up” His words sounded cold , it’s probably the most hurtful words he ever said to you . But those words sounded like melodies in your ears , call you crazy but you liked it . His cold eyes looked beautiful to you , causing your heart to skip beats .


“I said shut up ! ” He shouted , at the precise moment everything froze , your expression , your body . But you wanted more , your body was craving for his voice , for his everything . You took a deep breath and slowly open your mouth .

“Kri-“ Your phone rang , pausing the moment . Pulling you back into reality , you looked away from his eyes as you hand moved to grab your phone from your bag . You slowly open your bags , even when you knew his eyes were still on you , watching your every movements . You grabbed your phone , and realized your body was trembling . You closed your eyes and place your phone on your ear .

“Hello ?” You weakly asked .

“Jihyun-ah” Your eyes widened . Disbelief in the voice from the phone .

“h-hello ?” Kris furrowed his eyebrows , watching the way you acted . You were trembling like somebody was shaking your body , your eyes was wide and full of fear . That moment he wanted to pull you into his arms , calming everything .

“Jihyun-ah” Your body instantly felt weak , your legs were almost giving up .

“D-dad ?” Your weak voice sounded like a whisper .

“How did you ge-“

“Jihyun-ah..” You stopped talking and gulped , knowing something is totally wrong . Your father’s voice sounded weird , it’s like he was crying .


“Jihyun-ah you mother’s dead”

i know i know it's too DRAMATIC right ? BUT ! but , before you jump to any conclusions please understand

That last scene is going to have a BIG ROLE on their relationship . it will have a BIG IMPACT on their future , both Kris and Jihyun's .

And I , have taken a lot of time thinking and stressing about that particular part . i was quite scared it would be too dramatic , but after a lot of thinking and asking for people's opinions ( thankfully all of them are positive ) i decided to put that in . I have carfully thought about it , i didn't just put that in without any thinking . Seriously that part gave  me a lot of stress but all good now . btw in the story , it said  her mother was sick already so , yup . That eventually was going to happen anyway , so , yup .

anyway thank you for all my subscribers , i appreciate all the comments and i'm looking forward for more , okay ?

and be prepare for more surprises , cuz' after the this their life will change ( jihyun & kris ) = teaser LOL

comment + subscribe = love & updates

thanks again :)

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someone plz knock me on the head cuz i got 190 subscribers XD too happy rite naoooooo


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Chapter 60: Update plisssss.... I sometimes get kinda irritated with Kris's attitude sometimes,hope he'll open up soon i mean like completely with jieun.... And please do continue
tehsweety #2
Chapter 60: Hello new reader here.
Im kinder sorry pity to jihyun coz she's been thru hell in her life.
Yet...the one she's thought & treat was her friend trying to break her heart.
Should suho know that by doing so not just hurt her but hurt a lot of people too.
I really hate knowing that suho is helping the es to get kris.

Anyway...update soon.
jannat #3
Jjang!! Keep updating;)
jellybean28 #4
Chapter 59: update pls.......
I would read this but is this abandoned?
Kris_Paulene #6
Chapter 59: I really love this story. I hope you update soon
Chapter 59: hope u update!
Lulugrg98 #8
Chapter 59: New Reader >.<
This story is awesome. I hope that they won't break up.
And Merry Christmas to you authornim~