45....fourty five

Behind The Devil's Mask

After the incident with Suho earlier today you decided to shove it away from your mind and walk away while acting all normal . Even though your eyes were red and your wrist was red , you acted like everything was normal . You greeted students like how usually you would , you also avoided eye contacts with the students , fearing they’ll see you swollen eyes .  Even when Kris’s friends greeted you , you only smiled weakly before running away . Your hand hold your red wrist which was no longer hurting but still , a red mark was left there . because your skin was so white and pale , the red mark is very visible . You sighed as you look at the red mark and smiled weakly , trying to stay strong . So you hide it no matter what . As you got back to the mansion you did nothing to the mark , but instead you wear a long sleeves sweater . The sweater was so long , so your hands were hidden .

It was getting darker and darker , and Kris isn’t back yet . It’s near to 9 PM but there’s no sign of Kris , of course it made you worried . Like every 10 minutes you would check his bedroom or check your phone . Searching for any signs of him or news about him . You stayed awake , maybe he’ll text you or call you telling you he’s okay and there’s no need for you to wait . But there was nothing , It made you so worried , you couldn’t think about anything else but Kris . The incident between you and Suho was no longer in your mind , because Kris replaced it . You bit your lower lip , while taking deep breaths . Trying to ignore his whereabouts , you grabbed your guitar and place it on your lap . You played your finger against your guitar strings , playing chords while shoving away any negative thought about Kris .Usually when you’re stressed out you would play your guitar , and all the negative thinking would be gone and replaced with beautiful melodies from your guitar playing . But now even the soft melodies from your guitar couldn’t keep him  out of your mind . You had never been this worried over  a guy.  As you give up you put the guitar down and close your eyes , trying to sleep .You lay on the bed while trying to think about something else .

Suddenly you heard the front door being open and immediately got up , running out of your room . Your heart race as you run down the stairs , hoping to see Kris . Your mind was set to Kris and only Kris . Questions float in your head , eager to hear his explanation . You stop your feet as you see Kris looking pissed with his famous b*tch-face, walking towards you . He was ruffling his messed hair and wearing a coat covering his suit . he wasn’t wearing the school uniform anymore , he looked neat in a suit . your eyes widen as you clenched your fist tight trying to stop your racing heart because he was walking towards you . Your mouth was hanging open , waiting for a word to come out . His expression made every words you wanted to say stop and you stood silent . The atmosphere was silent, cold and slightly awkward , there was no need of the awkward atmosphere , well you are his girlfriend . But why is it awkward . He walked closer to you and you closed your eyes , waiting for his action . He ignored you and walked pass by you , while letting out a groan . You felt his presences walking pass you , his cold aura hitting you making you open your eyes just to find out he already walked pass you , and now he’s walking up the stairs , leaving you behind . You scoffed and sighed .

“Kris Where have you been ?!” You yelled to catch his attention , you turned around while shooting a glare to him . He was still walking up the stairs slowly but he felt your glare and let out another groan . He didn’t bother to turn around , he was too tired and stressed . And your yell didn’t help at all . He decided to ignore you than replying your yell in a bad mood , knowing it would probably end up badly .

You stomped your feet as you walk to him .

“Kris !” You yelled again . And again , he ignored you . He kept on walking like no one was calling him , somehow it felt like your presence didn’t matter to him .

“Kris !” You yell again while squeezing your fist  .

“Kris !!” You took another step closer to him and now you were behind him ,following him from behind . You yell 2 more times , but still he ignored you and kept on walking. You glared at him and decided to take the next step  , tapping him .

“Kris !” You tapped his shoulder , but no response from him . You scoffed and tug his shirt , slightly pulling it to get his attention  . And it worked .


He cut you off by turning around and grabbing your wrist . Gripping it , but not as hard as Suho . You jumped and hold your breath , his cold glare hit you . Your eyes met his , it’s his cold eyes , the eyes you were scared of and hated the most from him . Your mouth hung open and your chest was tight , holding your breath . Just standing there , frozen , waiting for his actions . Maybe you went a little too far , you knew he was tired and instead of helping him , you only made it worse . But you needed attention from him , even though you knew how he probably would react . But he made you worried , he didn’t give you any news and made you wait in worry and feeling anxious . So of course you needed him to say something . You trembled as his eyes glared deeply to you , from all the reactions you expected from him , this is the least you expected . His cold stare and tight grip made you scared . You were still confused and scared . His hot breath made your legs weak , your head was spinning . feeling scared and dizzy .

“What ?” His tone was cold as ice , you knew he was more than pissed . there’s even a possibility he’ll hate you . he lift your hand up , putting you in an unfavorable situation . You flinched as he pulled your hand , groaning in pain you look at him trying to tell him to stop it . Begging him to let you go . Your arm felt a slight tug , making your shoulder hurt from Kris’s pull .

“K-Kris..” You begged him . You were kind of whispering , your voice was so weak as the pain from your shoulder lingered across your body making your head feel heavy .

“WHAT !” he yelled , it was loud . the whole mansion could heard it , you felt small as he shout at you . And immediately you shut your eyes tight in fear , as your body trembled harder .

He rolled his eyes and look away . He was too tired so he wasn’t thinking clearly . he was tired physically and mentally . A few hours ago , he had a meeting with his father and talked about the company . The company was handling a bad situation and his father blamed Kris . Now he’s stressed , tired and confused . he never expected that reaction from you as he arrived home . Well yes he wanted to see you or at least expect a smile , but instead all he got was a yell from his own girlfriend . It’s like the whole world betrayed him , there was no one he could trust on , not even you . Although a tiny part in him was telling him that he was wrong and maybe you were just worried , he couldn’t deny his tiredness was too taking over and only providing him with all the negative thinkings . He knew you’re worried , and he was also worried on leaving you at the mansion alone . But what could he do . he had so many thing to juggle ,and now it proofs that probably it’s too much for him .

In the midst of all his thoughts , Suddenly his eyes caught your wrist which he was gripping , above his grip was the mark Suho left . It was still red . Kris knew his grip wasn’t that strong , and it wouldn’t leave that kind of mark . The mark was so red , and it’s not at the place he grip . It was definitely not left by him , slowly he pulled your hand while you were still closing your eyes in fear so he could get a better look . his eyes widen to see the mark , his anger rise up and all his thoughts suddenly stop and he could only focus on the mark  . You tried to stop your tears from coming out , not wanting to show Kris the weak side of you so you hide your face so he couldn’t see your scared face . You wanted to be a girlfriend hr could be proud of , like a center of his life but now you were just going too far . You felt his pull and shut your eyes tightly , as tears were threatening to flow out .

The tiredness and stress Kris felt suddenly were shoved away as he saw the mark on your wrist . In the red mark which was bruising . he look at the mark carefully , holding his breath and gritting his teeth  . Suddenly feeling angry , the tiredness he felt turned into anger when he noticed the mark . His anger boiled up , wanting to punch something or someone. he hated seeing you hurt , and hated the most if you were hurt because of him . There was always a possibility that you were hurt because of him .

“What is that ?” he asked while looking at the red mark , he held up your hand telling you your red mark has already been exposed. You slowly open your eyes , seeing him who was looking closely at the red and slightly bruised red mark on your wrist . Your eyes widen .

…. You thought and immediately you pulled your arm while he was letting his guard down . Your hand slip out of his grip and you hid your hand behind you while biting your lip. He widen his eyes as you pulled your arm . He gave you a glare , demanding an explanation , but instead you ignored him and looked away . Avoiding his cold eyes . You had no idea how to explain things , you couldn’t just tell him that his best friend did that . You couldn’t make anything worse that how it is now . So you stood in silent while hiding your hand .

You had let your guard down without knowing he was  gripping your hand with the red mark . You never wanted him to find out and now he has . You look away , far from his eyes which was glaring at you . You swallowed while trying to find your best lie . But before you could say a thing , he grab your hand again and he slip his other hand under your face , on your chin , forcing you too look at him . your eyes met his , your heart beat rapidly and threatening to jump out .

“TELL ME WHAT IS THAT !!” He yelled while pulling your hand , it hurts . Your hand hurt but your heart hurt the most , it’s like it’s being pierced a million times  .Unable to explain or express your feelings ,  You turned your face while shutting your eyes even though you knew it was too late , tears were flowing down without knowing how to stop . Again you were weak .

“EXPLAIN !!!” He yelled again with a louder tone . He tighten the grip and pulling you closer to his body .


“Let me go ! You’re hurting me !” You screamed and pulled your hand as strong as possible , out of his secure grip . he let your hand go and instead , he grab your shoulder and forced you to look at him again. he was angry as hell . You cried as he forced you to look at him . Shouting , begging you to explain . A battle of beggings .he needed to know the truth but you were too scared to even say anything else . And you wanted him to let you go , feeling hurt .

“EXPLAIN !” he shouted once again before finally you pushed him away with all your strength  . You had no idea where you got the strength from , but it was strong enough to push him away and make him let you go for good . You cried as you stepped back , looking scared like you just saw hell. Tears streaming down your pale cheeks , your wide eyes stared blankly at him , with fear written in your eyes you gulped . He finally noticed your scared expression , his heart swelled as he saw your tears and you holding your hand with the mark . He could tell that you were trembling . His chest tighten seeing the sight of you , and an urge in him wanting to pull you into his arms , your hair softly . Calming everything , asking you to forgive him and return to how it was . But maybe , it’s too late . He bit his lip hard , as you cried infront of him stepping back away from him . he was starting to calm down as he knew he was scaring you .


“Please…”You step back again and finally walking away , disappearing to your room .

He could do nothing but watch you walking away , still tearing up . He was also scared , scared he might hurt you again .

He clenched his fist and mentally punched himself  , giving himself a good beating. Even himself couldn’t believe what he just did to you , he couldn’t believe he just hurt you . he made you cry , he made you scared of him . But he was still to tired to scold himself and instead on saying another word , he walked silently into his room . Every step he took felt heavy .

You on the other hand , was leaning on the bed , with your arms wrapping around your knees . You buried your head into your knees , while tears were storming out . even if you closed your eyes , your tears were still flowing .There was no way on stopping it so you let it flow out , waiting for it to stop . You looked at no where , just dazing away letting your mind drown in the thoughts of Kris. Feeling sorry for your self , and comforting yourself with pitiful lies . Feeling weak once again .

I’m such an idiot….. You thought before closing your eyes , and falling asleep with your tears still flowing out .

Kris was laying on the bed , with his dress shirt ed , exposing his bare chest ( I’m such a …..LOL )He felt like he was suffocating . He was breathing rapidly , calming his heartbeats . He felt guilty for doing so to you , he felt guilty because there he was laying on the bed like he has no burden at all . Then he put his arm under his head to support it . Looking up at the ceiling while guilt creeping in his body and mind . Physically and mentally he was tired , and yes he needed sleep . But your expression when you looked at him , that scared face . lingering inside his head , making him unable to sleep . He never wanted to hurt you , he never wanted you to let out tears of him . He never wanted tears of him , all he need and want is a smile . he couldn’t force a word to come out , as he was also speechless of his actions . His chest felt heavy just imagining your expression and groan . he wanted to get up and punch something , letting out all his stress and guilt on something or someone .

A small part in him was begging him to get up and walk to your room , asking your forgiveness . Pulling you into his arms , your hair softly , whispering to you it’s okay and giving you kisses . But he couldn’t move his body a bit , his mind was so stuck with your expression and his tiredness was taking over again . Or probably again , his ego and pride are slowly coming back to get the best of him .Closing his eyes slowly and letting out a sigh .

I’m such an idiot….. He finally thought before drifting into sleep .

drama drama drama.....................................

-_________________-" LOL






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Chapter 60: Update plisssss.... I sometimes get kinda irritated with Kris's attitude sometimes,hope he'll open up soon i mean like completely with jieun.... And please do continue
tehsweety #2
Chapter 60: Hello new reader here.
Im kinder sorry pity to jihyun coz she's been thru hell in her life.
Yet...the one she's thought & treat was her friend trying to break her heart.
Should suho know that by doing so not just hurt her but hurt a lot of people too.
I really hate knowing that suho is helping the es to get kris.

Anyway...update soon.
jannat #3
Jjang!! Keep updating;)
jellybean28 #4
Chapter 59: update pls.......
I would read this but is this abandoned?
Kris_Paulene #6
Chapter 59: I really love this story. I hope you update soon
Chapter 59: hope u update!
Lulugrg98 #8
Chapter 59: New Reader >.<
This story is awesome. I hope that they won't break up.
And Merry Christmas to you authornim~