
My 12 angels


“What took you so long, Yeon Ji-ah” Jiyeon asked her. “I…umm, kind of bump to someone” she answered “you said that only Jinyoung and you wait here, why are the others are here too?” Yeon Ji looked one by one of the EXO “Yeon Ji don’t like to see us” Xiumin pouted and he looked like a cute hamster. Jiyeon shook her head and smile “They ran to me to ask me where you were and I answer that you’re using restroom and plus they need help from the girls that tried to ‘eat’ them” Jiyeon rolled their and Chanyeol notice it. “It’s true you know! One of them said ‘let me bite you’ I don’t want to be bitten by them!” Yeon Ji, Jiyeon and Jinyoung laughs but the EXO is serious. Yeon Ji stopped and bowed “Mianhae I don’t suppose to laugh” she said. Kris and Suho looked at each other and smile *so cute*

“Kweanchana Yeon Ji-ah” Luhan smiled to her “but…” he gave Yeon Ji a smirk. Yeon Ji gave him a confused look “What is it?” Luhan looked at EXO and then he look at her back “We have to call you our jagiya!” he said happily and that make Yeon Ji blushed. “Oh you can turn red?” Luhan poke her cheeks. Jiyeon and Jinyoung laugh “Aigoo, that’s call blushing Luhan” Jiyeon said to him while wiping her tears. “Blushing? Oh! I heard that, that’s mean you… Omo! Yeon Ji likes me!” Luhan clapped. Kai, Tao and Sehun pouted “I want her to like me not you!” Sehun whine. Luhan gave him a look, he waved his hand and Sehun started to move himself to the door of rooftop “L-Luhan! Don’t!” Yeon Ji ran toward flying Sehun. Sehun is in panic too “Help me jagiya!” Yeon Ji ran ignoring ‘jagiya’ Luhan stopped and Sehun falls. *Faster you feet!* she thought and ran as fast as she can. Sehun falls and been caught by Yeon Ji but she’s weak and fall hard on her . EXO, Jiyeon, Jinyoung jaw dropped and look at Luhan “LUHAN YOU CRAZY !” Kai shouted at him. Luhan, too, shocked *I only want Sehun to get out from the door but not to hurt Yeon Ji*

“Yeon Ji!” Jiyeon ran to her. Sehun is still on top of Yeon Ji. “Sehun-ah, kweanchana?” she asked ignoring the pain in her . Sehun looked at her and immediately hugged her. Yeon Ji’s eyes widened “Yeon Ji, Gumawo” he whisper in her ears. Yeon Ji nodded. Jiyeon, Jinyoung and the other eleven angels ran to her. Luhan looked at her and said “Y-Yeon Ji, Kweanchana? I don’t mean to hurt you” Luhan bowed. Yeon Ji wave and shook her head. “No, no need to apologize but can you be careful to use power here?” Luhan nodded and smile “you’re so sweet… jagiya” Yeon Ji blushed but manage to give him a smile back. “Let me heal your Yeon Ji-ah” Lay said to her and her eyes widened. Kris and Suho shot him a look “What? It’s my job to heal what hurts her” Lay shrugged. “Lay, it’s her ” Jiyeon shot him a look too. “Okay, okay. I won’t touch her ”

Jinyoung is confused. “Why would he want to heal her ?” he thought out loud and Jiyeon heard him, panic. “Uhh, Lay is Yeon Ji’s personal doctor” she said to him. Jinyoung raises his left brow to her and said “Personal doctor? But he’s too young” Jiyeon casually shrugged “He’s the best for Yeon Ji” Jinyoung nodded in understand.

Luhan and Chen help Yeon Ji and Sehun up. “Are your okay?” Chen asked her “It’s fine” she awkwardly answer. “Umm, what’s for eat?” Yeon Ji asked. “Err, I brought cake” Jiyeon pulled out a cake. EXO clapped and asked “whose birthday today?” Jiyeon shook her head “No, I brought this cake just for eat. No one birthday today” Yeon Ji smiled to her best friend *you knew I like cake, Jiyeon-ah*

Jiyeon slice the cake into fifteen. Tao eat the cake messy. Yeon Ji chuckle and she took a tissue. She lean in to Tao and wipe the cream of the cake on the corner of his lips. Tao’s eyes widened and froze but soon he’s eyes stare deeply in Yeon Ji’s eyes *she looks adorable but I wonder why she has no friend besides Jiyeon?* “There, don’t eat too fast Tao-ah” she smiled. Tao nodded and said “call me oppa, panda… Oh! I’ll call you panda! Because panda is so cute, just like me and you!” he smiled and made Yeon Ji blushed. “A-arasseo Tao… oppa” Tao jumped up and down “Yeah! My panda just call me oppa!”

The EXO are jealous “Yah, we want to give her a pet name too” Sehun said with his arms crossed thinking of something. “Umm, I’ll call you… bunny! Yeah, it’s suit you” Sehun clapped to himself. Kris, Lay and Suho planned that they just call her by her name. Chanyeol and Baekhyun decide to call her candy because she’s sweet. Kai agreed to call her just like Sehun suggest while Chen and Luhan agreed to Tao. Xiumin and D.O call her hamster because she’s small. Every time they decide what to call her she’s blushed because no one gave her nickname since the death of her mother.

At last the school’s bell rang and that’s mean that the EXO and Jinyoung have to go to their class. “Candy! I don’t want the girls eat me” Chanyeol playfully pull her sleeve. Yeon Ji smile “You have powers why don’t you use it?” she joke in whisper so that Jinyoung didn’t hear her but Chanyeol took it seriously “Oh yeah! Great idea! If they want to eat me I’ll just fried them with fire!” Jinyoung confused again. “What he mean is if they want to eat him, he’ll just beat them up” Jiyeon said quickly. Jinyoung nodded. “No! Don’t, don’t ‘beat’ them. Just politely reject them if you don’t want them to ‘eat’ you” Yeon Ji waves her hand to him. “Aww, and this is the reason why I call you Candy, you’re so sweet!” Chanyeol pinch her cheek.

“We have to go now, meet us at the front gate after school, bye!” Jiyeon, Yeon Ji, Kai, Sehun and Tao ran to their class. The other EXO and Jinyoung wave them and separate to their class.

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NyteLyteFyte #1
Awasome Stories !! .. Its good to know that she end up to the twelve of them ... nobody hurts :)
is it any others exo stories that have an ending like this ?
I've been looking for this story for a very long time!>.< This is my 2nd time reading it
zatie92 #3
Chapter 22: This story very cute. I like this story very much....
hmmm_3 #4
Chapter 50: OMG what a great story! :D

Can u make a similiar story to this one but jiyeon and jinyoung as the main couple band b1a4 are the angels sent to protect jiyeon please????????????????????????????????
Kpop596 #5
Chapter 47: wow so yeon ji had 14 kids
I never get bored from reading the story... what a touching story....
Neverland1900 #7
Wahhh!! What a happy ending! I wish to have a cute family too!! xD Your story is really great author-nim! :)
@ Camylia thank you!! :D
@ cccream your welcome and thank you for your support. ^^
@ annyss93 hahaa, yeap, 12. xD thank you!! :D
This is the end of this cute story.
From strangers, friends, lovers to family.
Thanks for this sweet story :)