Lotte World

My 12 angels



“Chan Ji, stay with me, you’ll get lost” Yeon Ji called the running Chan Ji and Chan Ji is teasing Baek Eon again. “Please Chan Ji, umma tired” Yeon Ji stopped and catch her breath, Chan Ji also stop and Baek Eon too. The both of them running toward their umma when they saw that Yeon Ji is tired of the running, while Chanyeol and Baekhyun run toward her too, Chanyeol patted her back and Baekhyun are advising his kid and Chanyeol’s again.

They arrived at the Lotte world, yes, the… umm… 24? 25? Meh, don’t care as long as they are ALL together as a family came to the Lotte world. Chan Ji is started to chase Baek Eon when they stepped in the amusement park. Yeon Ji tried to catch them but since she’s tired, she couldn’t. The twelve dads are catching their own child. Jiyeon and Jinyoung didn’t have any problem since they have only child.

“Say sorry to umma, Baek Eon and Chan Ji or I’ll take your toy cars” Baekhyun said at the kids and they pouted. They walk to their umma and kiss her cheek. “Umma, we’re sorry” they said and Yeon Ji smile. *Aww, how can I stay angry when they cute?* “Umma, can we go to that car? I want to ride it! I want to ride it!” Chan Ji said while jumping up and down. Immediately, Chanyeol’s face turn to pale and Yeon Ji notice it. Yeon Ji giggles and nodded her head “YEAY, UMMA RIDE THAT WITH ME!!” the little kid hug his mom.

“Are you sure you want to ride this also, Chanyeol oppa?” Yeon Ji asked at her back is Chanyeol with Lay’s son, Ji Xing. “You know, you’re pale now, please don’t ride this, I’m worried” Yeon Ji said and help Chan Ji to settle with his belt. “And you remember when you and I ride this?” Yeon Ji turned around again and Chanyeol’s face is now white as a sheet of paper.

“Umma, Chanyeol appa is white” Ji Xing said as he pokes Chanyeol’s cheek. Yeon Ji made a face and Chanyeol shook his head. “Appa, if you want to ride this car to impress me then don’t ride it appa, you’ll get sick” Chan Ji also support his mom. Chanyeol nodded and started to unbuckle his belt but too late.

“AAAAAHHHH, IT’S MOVING!!!” Chanyeol screams, Yeon Ji, Ji Xing, Chan Ji and the passenger who ride the car laugh. “Honey, please it’s slow, okay? Just hold Ji Xing tide, I’m here, our son is here and our half son is here” Yeon Ji softly smile then turn forward. Chanyeol’s fear flew away when he saw the smile that he adores for years, he never get tired of those sweet smile from his lovely wife. Chanyeol holds hand with Ji Xing and the roller coaster went to the peak. “Oh god, please don’t let me die… wait, I’m an angel, duh~” then the roller coaster went down, the whole car screams in joy but for Chanyeol, he screams in terror.

Finally, the roller coaster came to a stop. Chanyeol quickly dart out and went to the nearest restroom. Yeon Ji and her sons are worried about him. Chan Ji and JI Xing hold hand with their umma and went in front of the door to men. “Chanyeol-ah, are you okay?” Yeon Ji asked from outside and she can hear Chanyeol is still…. Private, “if you’re not okay we’ll-“she stop when Chanyeol suddenly went out. “Let’s just go home, oppa” Chanyeol shook his head and took Chan Ji and JI Xing to the arcade. Yeon Ji shook her head and smile *my silly husband*

Yeon Soo and Yeon Dae are holding their father’s hand but when they spotted that their mom is sitting on the bench. They quickly let go of their father’s grip and went to Yeon Ji. “Umma, are you tired?” they asked as they get nearer to Yeon Ji. Yeon Ji looks down and smiles at her daughter. Yeon JI shook her head and took a sip of her orange juice. “Umma, do you want to go to the haunted house with me and appa?” Yeon Sook asked and Yeon Dae nodded her head. Yeon Ji pretended that she wants to think and the two girls give Yeon Ji aegyo. In the end, Yeon Ji chuckles and nodded. “APPA, we’re going to the haunted house, ppali!!” Then there’s come the third and fourth Yeon. Yeon in, Yeon Seok and Jiyeon’s daughter, Ji Gyeong, “we want to come too”

“Umma, appa, I’m scared” Yeon Seok tightly hugged Yeon Ji and Xiumin’s leg. “I’m scared- AAAAH, A HEAD!!!” she screams and jump to Xiumin, Yeon Seok is about to freeze the floating (with string) head but Xiumin didn’t allow her. “It’s just plastic, sweetie” Xiumin said and Yeon Seok hug him. Then, Yeon In, Yeon Sook, Yeon Dae and Ji Gyeong ran past, Yeon Ji, Xiumin, Chen and D.O “HURRY, MOM, DAD GHOST ARE CHASING US!! AAAAHH, HELP ME!!” Yeon Dae screams and ran along till they reach the exit. The mom and the dads laugh at them. “Aigoo…” they shook their head and walked. Yeon Seok fell fast asleep on her father’s arms. Yeon Ji was too observing when she didn’t know that her two hands was hold by two men. D.O and Chen secretly chuckling when they hold Yeon Ji’s hand, there, they found the exit.

The rest of the day is fun for Jiyeon, Jinyoung, (B1A4 had a job to do, and plus, they’re still singles) EXO, Yeon Ji and the kids. They are now at the beach.

“This is the place where you want to be when you’re sad… right?” Suho softly smile to his wife and lay down on the mat besides her. Yeon Ji nodded and smile also, she hugged her legs and watch around her. “Yeon Ji, never forget that we’re here” Suho chuckles and sat like Yeon Ji. “You’re something Yeon Ji no one can beat your sweetness and your beauty. Only you can make our heart crazy, Yeon Ji” Yeon Ji looked up and Suho kiss her nose. Yeon Ji blushed and turned around to meet eyes with Kai. “Aish, why are you so cute?” Kai chuckles and pinch her nose. She pouted and then point at the sun. “Sun is going to set guys, sit down!!!!” she shouted and her husband (twelve actually) and kids gathered around her. JI Gyeong is with them too. Jiyeon and Jinyoung have a business to do.

“Let’s countdown everyone, five… four… three… two… one… set!!” they clapped and laughs happily as a family. “Who want Ice creams?” a voice came from behind. The 28 of them turned their head and saw, Jiyeon with the B1A4. “Oh, you’re back!” Yeon Ji waved and smile to her friends. *I think this family is enough for me* she smile to herself and looked at the sky. *Umma, I’m happy now, I truly am. I’m marrying the twelve guys that I loves, I have one beautiful and caring best friend, five friends that I care and then, this fourteen kids came to our life that I loves, so umma, don’t worry about me, now I have twenty six angels, plus one angel and five human beings, Saranghae umma*

Kai looked at Yeon Ji and smile to her. Her twelve husbands suddenly hugged her and form a group hug. *Saranghae, Kim Yeon Ji, our wife* the twelve of them thought. “NO, UMMA, WE’LL SAVE YOU, APPA, DON’T EAT UMMA!!!” the fourteen kids shouted and their appa plus their umma chuckles at their cuteness. 

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NyteLyteFyte #1
Awasome Stories !! .. Its good to know that she end up to the twelve of them ... nobody hurts :)
is it any others exo stories that have an ending like this ?
I've been looking for this story for a very long time!>.< This is my 2nd time reading it
zatie92 #3
Chapter 22: This story very cute. I like this story very much....
hmmm_3 #4
Chapter 50: OMG what a great story! :D

Can u make a similiar story to this one but jiyeon and jinyoung as the main couple band b1a4 are the angels sent to protect jiyeon please????????????????????????????????
Kpop596 #5
Chapter 47: wow so yeon ji had 14 kids
I never get bored from reading the story... what a touching story....
Neverland1900 #7
Wahhh!! What a happy ending! I wish to have a cute family too!! xD Your story is really great author-nim! :)
@ Camylia thank you!! :D
@ cccream your welcome and thank you for your support. ^^
@ annyss93 hahaa, yeap, 12. xD thank you!! :D
This is the end of this cute story.
From strangers, friends, lovers to family.
Thanks for this sweet story :)