Our angel

My 12 angels


Yeon Ji and the EXO sit in circle. “Okay, let me spin the bottle” Suho grabbed the bottle and spin it. “It landed… It landed… KRIS!” Sehun clapped. Kris rolled his eyes and nodded to Suho “Umm, truth or dare?” he asked Kris and he said “Truth?” Suho nodded. “Do you like Yeon Ji?” he wiggles his eyebrows to him. Yeon Ji blushed. Kris flashed an angelic smile… not to mention he IS an angel. “I’m don’t like Yeon Ji but I LOVE her, I’m her angel and she’s MY angel” he proudly says. Yeon Ji’s cheeks became more and more red. “Ugh, cheesy” Xiumin rolled his and stuck his tongue out to Kris “Hamster is MY angel” Kris shot him a look. “Gosh, childish… Candy is OUR angel” Baekhyun corrected and the others agree. Yeon Ji can’t take it anymore her face looked like a tomato now. Chanyeol noticed it and placed his palm on her forehead “Do you have a fever Candy?” he asked.  She shook her head quickly. “Ooh! Panda is blushing!” Luhan . Again Yeon Ji’s face became red as the color of Jiyeon’s curtain.

“Okay, enough. Make Yeon Ji a space. Now SPIN!” he spins the bottle and landed on Yeon Ji and her eyes widened. Yeon Ji looked around the angels with creepy smiles “Err, I-I choose… truth” she said. All twelve hands rise in the air. “I want to ask Bunny!” Sehun said excitedly. “Pick me Candy!” Chanyeol smiled as he rise his arms higher. “Hamster ignore them, pick me” D.O gave her puppy eyes. “Help me?” she whispered.

“Yeon Ji… Yeon Ji… NO!!!” Jiyeon whimpered in her sleep. Yeon Ji ran to her and immediately Jiyeon hugged her. “Yeon Ji! Don’t leave me! Don’t! Don’t!” a tear run down on her cheeks. EXO began to worry. “Jiyeon-ah, I’ll never leave you” Yeon Ji hushed Jiyeon. “I-I have this crazy dream that you’ll leave me and, and-“she couldn’t finished the words and started to sobbed again. She tightens her hugged with Yeon Ji. “Promise me, don’t leave me…” Jiyeon whispered, Yeon Ji smiled and nodded. She gently broke the hug and lay Jiyeon down on her comfy bed. “Sleep now” Yeon Ji smiled “Don’t leave me” Jiyeon pled. “Aigoo, Jiyeon-ah… you make me sound like your boyfriend” Jiyeon shook her head “You’re my best friend Yeon Ji” she said and then fell asleep. Yeon Ji smiled to her best friend “You’re my best friend… angel” she pulled Jiyeon’s blanket up to her chin to prevent her to catch a cold.

“What happened to Jiyeon noona?” Sehun asked as Yeon Ji sat down on her spot. “She has a nightmare… a terrible nightmare actually” Yeon Ji lowered her head and flashed back what happened a minute ago *I won’t leave my best friend*

“Ooh Yeon Ji… we haven’t finish our game~” Suho sang. Yeon Ji looked at him and blushed *Oh, yeah* “I just picked every one of you” she tried to smile. “Okay, me first!” Xiumin said. “What’s your favorite color Hamster?” he asked and Yeon Ji answered “Green, I like nature” Xiumin pretend that he’s taking a note on his hand and Yeon Ji chuckle at his silliness. “My turn, what’s your favorite animal?” Chen asked and she answered “Bunny or Rabbit… it’s the same thought” Sehun hi-fived Kai and said “I knew it, you’re suitable with our nicknames” D.O rolled his eyes “Yeah right, anyway my turn, do you have your first kiss yet?” he asked and Yeon Ji’s eyes widened “w-what?” D.O shrugged “I heard one of my class asked me and I want to ask you” Yeon Ji hesitate first but she answered because it’s the game rule, must tell the truth “No, I haven’t have my first kiss” she looked away, embarrass. “Maybe, one day… your first kiss is mine” Kai . “Nu-uh, mine” Tao crossed his arms. Suho held his hand out “Enough, my turn now!” Suho, Kris, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Tao, Lay and Kai are done asked her and now, Luhan left. “What’s your question for Candy Luhan?” Chanyeol nudge him. “Among the twelve of us, who do you like the most?” the twelve angels lean forward to hear her answer clearly “Umm, well… this few days you protect me and… well, care for me, I like you all” she blushed. “Describe us Hamster” Xiumin demanded. “Err, Suho oppa and Kris oppa are very responsible leader-“Sehun laugh “Not to mention they’re childish too” he added. Kris and Suho shot him a look and Sehun hide behind Yeon Ji. “Chanyeol oppa and Baekhyun oppa are sweet-” she continued but then Tao cut her “Sometimes sour” he added. Chanyeol and Baekhyun shot him a look and hide behind Yeon Ji like Sehun did. “Lay oppa, Chen oppa, D.O oppa and Xiumin oppa are kind-“Kai butted in “Don’t trust the innocent one” he said. Lay, Chen, D.O and Xiumin ignore him and smiles to Yeon Ji. “Thank you Hamster” D.O gave her his famous eyes smiles. “Please, continue” Suho said. “And for Kai, Sehun, Tao and Luhan… they’re funny and caring and you all make me smiles and plus… Jiyeon is still my top list” she said and switch her attention to Jiyeon’s bed.

The game still going till the clock strike midnight. Yeon Ji felt her eyes began to heavy. She sat at Jiyeon’s couch between Kai and Sehun. Her head nodded a few times when she’s trying to wake herself up. Sehun notice it and immediately Sehun place her head on his laps and place her feet on Kai’s laps. Kai pouted because he wants Yeon Ji’s head lay on his laps not Sehun but now, he doesn’t want to wake her up. EXO gathered around her and smiles.  “Her mother is right, she’s sweet, caring, loveable and cute girl” Kris caress her cheek. “I don’t want to leave her… I think she’s part of my life now” Suho said as he bend down to her and gently plant a sweet kiss on her soft cheeks. “She’s our part of our life hyung” Tao did the same as Suho did earlier and then the twelve of them plant a sweet, gentle kiss on her cheeks. “Good night, our angles” Luhan whispered in her ears. “I guess we all have to stay here for tonight” Kris suggested and they nodded. “Is it Okays with you two?” he asked Sehun and Kai. They nodded at the same time *As long as it’s her* Soon, the angels sleeps plus Yeon Ji. 

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NyteLyteFyte #1
Awasome Stories !! .. Its good to know that she end up to the twelve of them ... nobody hurts :)
is it any others exo stories that have an ending like this ?
I've been looking for this story for a very long time!>.< This is my 2nd time reading it
zatie92 #3
Chapter 22: This story very cute. I like this story very much....
hmmm_3 #4
Chapter 50: OMG what a great story! :D

Can u make a similiar story to this one but jiyeon and jinyoung as the main couple band b1a4 are the angels sent to protect jiyeon please????????????????????????????????
Kpop596 #5
Chapter 47: wow so yeon ji had 14 kids
I never get bored from reading the story... what a touching story....
Neverland1900 #7
Wahhh!! What a happy ending! I wish to have a cute family too!! xD Your story is really great author-nim! :)
@ Camylia thank you!! :D
@ cccream your welcome and thank you for your support. ^^
@ annyss93 hahaa, yeap, 12. xD thank you!! :D
This is the end of this cute story.
From strangers, friends, lovers to family.
Thanks for this sweet story :)