Be her angels

My 12 angels


The morning came quickly. Yeon Ji rubbed her eyes and looked around her surroundings. The memory of her first kiss came back and she blushed. *Kai oppa… kiss me, right? Nah, just a dream* she nodded and went inside the bathroom to take a shower and change to her uniform. She stood in front of her mirror and smile. Just then, the door to her room burst open and reveals the 12 angels including Jiyeon. “Oh, morning” she chirped but not knowing that their face is serious. Kai step in front of her and smile, “Guys, it’s not a big deal. Really” Kai said as he hugged Yeon Ji’s shoulder making Yeon Ji’s heart skipped a beat. “Bunny…” Sehun looked at Yeon Ji “do you… really… kiss with… Kai hyung?” Yeon Ji’s eyes widened *wait, I thought it’s a dream… but it’s not?* “Tell us Yeon Ji, did you really kiss Kai?” Jiyeon looked at her, serious. Yeon Ji nodded slowly and she can feel Kai is smiling.

Suddenly, all the EXO angels smile. “Yeah, so that’s mean we can kiss her too!” Tao blurt out and Kris smacked his head. “Stupid, it’s suppose to be a surprise” Yeon Ji’s jaw dropped when she heard what Tao just said. Yeon Ji looked up at Kai and he just smile at her. “What does Tao mean by that?” she asked and Kai answered “you see do you realize that all of us just kiss your cheek and hug you only, right?” Yeon Ji nodded. “Okay, if I steal your first kiss-“but Kai stopped when Yeon Ji cut him off “oppa, why you?” Kai smiled again and continue “Kim Yeon Ji, if you don’t realize I’m your…” Yeon Ji lean in to hear his words carefully “I’m your future husband” Kai finished and with that, Yeon Ji fainted. “Omo, Yeon Ji!” Jiyeon ran to her and shook her faint body. “I think we should take her to see her mother at above” Jiyeon smiled and the 12 angels nodded. “She’s ready now, whoa, I thought it’s going to be long but it’s too early” Jiyeon looked at Kai and gave him a thumb up. Kai chuckles but they didn’t notice that the other angels are sad. *I want to steal Yeon Ji’s first kiss* they all thought.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“W-where am I?” Yeon Ji said as she opened her eyes. She only can see white and that’s it but when she turned around she let out a gasp when she saw Jiyeon, 12 angels that are EXO and a familiar woman in white. “U-Umma…?” Yeon Ji stood up and started to walk toward them. “Umma… Jiyeon… EXO, where am I? Am I dead?” Yeon Ji’s mother chuckles and opens her arms wide for her. Yeon Ji didn’t have to think; she ran and ran till she’s in her mother’s arm once again. “Umma… Umma… UMMA!!!” she cried and sobs in her arms.

“Yeon Ji looked at me, please” Yeon Ji’s mother said and Yeon Ji looked up to see that Yeon Ji’s mother’s eyes are closed. “Umma, why… your eyes…” Yeon Ji reached her mother’s eyes and touches them. “Yes, my dear Yeon Ji. I’m blind” Yeon Ji’s mother smiled and Yeon Ji can’t stop crying “take me with you, umma. Take my eyes… I just want-“but she stopped when her mother put her index finger on Yeon Ji’s soft lips. “No, I want you to live. Kim Yeon Ji. You only see me once a year” Yeon Ji hugged her mother once more and this time it’s tighter. “You’re going to get married” Yeon Ji’s mother said and Yeon Ji stopped sobbing “with whom… umma?” Yeon Ji’s mother motion Kai to get near. “With him” she said and letting go of Yeon Ji “Kim Jong In is your real name, Kai and you’re going to be a husband” Yeon Ji’s mother said again “but umma, I’m too young” Yeon Ji looked at her mother and she smiled “I know, that’s why you’re going to marry next year, Kai be-“she stopped.

“NO, I WANT TO BE YEON JI’S HUSBAND!” Sehun cried. He couldn’t take it anymore. He’s so in love with Yeon Ji that he want himself to marry Yeon Ji “I know I’m selfish, but please Mrs. Kim. I want to be her husband” Sehun stepped in front bravely. “I want to be her husband too” Tao stepped forward as Sehun did. Yeon Ji’s jaw literally dropped when the 12 of them stepped in front “WE WANT TO BE HER HUSBAND” they said and Jiyeon could only chuckles. “You, EXO, give me reason why you want to marry my daughter?” Yeon Ji’s mother, surprise when she heard the famous angels want to marry her one and only daughter, “Because, we love her Mrs. Kim. We truly love, Kim Yeon Ji” Kris answered for them. As for Kai, he didn’t even angry because he knew this would happen. Yeon Ji found herself faint again and Kai is glad that he manages to catch her.

“Do you really love my Yeon Ji?” Yeon Ji’s mother asked again and 12 of them said ‘yes’ in unison. “Kai, do you mind-“Kai cut Yeon Ji’s mother “Yes, mother, I can trust my friends. If you don’t mind, let 12 of us marry Yeon Ji? We love her so much that we want her… by her side” Kai said and looked at Yeon Ji’s beautiful face. He was carrying Yeon Ji in bridal style and he could feel his heart beat fast. “Yeon Ji is a kind person. A truly caring person, I must say. She have this cute side of her…” Kai chuckles “and she’s really… really… beautiful… lovely and so much to describe about her… that what makes us fall in love with her. Mrs. Kim” Kai looked at Yeon Ji’s mother whose touch by Kai’s word when he describe about her daughter. “And Mrs. Kim…” Suho specks up “We, the EXO angels… are in love with your daughter”

Yeon Ji’s mother nodded. “Arasseo, you all can marry my daughter…” all 12 of them cheered “but…” they stopped “you have to promise me that you all be her angels and that’s mean you have to protect Yeon Ji. You have to love her with all your heart. You’re not marrying to her, yet. Be her angels. Be my Yeon Ji’s angels” the 12 of them nodded. “I’m count on you, now. Please, go back to earth and you, Jiyeon…” Yeon Ji mother turned to Jiyeon although she’s blind she could feel where Jiyeon is “I’ll give you my power” Jiyeon’s eyes widened “your power will be a shield to protect your love ones” Yeon Ji’s mother touch Jiyeon’s head and said something. “And I can see the future that you’ll be marrying that guy, name Jung Jinyoung” Jiyeon blushed “But Mrs. Kim, if female angel marrying with human boy, she’ll lost her angel… you know, that I couldn’t return here” Jiyeon said and looked down. “I know… I know, but you love him… don’t you?” Jiyeon nodded quickly “then, you’ll sacrifice yourself to be a human, not an angel. Okay, now it’s the time you have to go back. Good bye, everyone” with the waved of her hands the fourteen of them went to the earth again and stepped in Yeon Ji’s house. 

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NyteLyteFyte #1
Awasome Stories !! .. Its good to know that she end up to the twelve of them ... nobody hurts :)
is it any others exo stories that have an ending like this ?
I've been looking for this story for a very long time!>.< This is my 2nd time reading it
zatie92 #3
Chapter 22: This story very cute. I like this story very much....
hmmm_3 #4
Chapter 50: OMG what a great story! :D

Can u make a similiar story to this one but jiyeon and jinyoung as the main couple band b1a4 are the angels sent to protect jiyeon please????????????????????????????????
Kpop596 #5
Chapter 47: wow so yeon ji had 14 kids
I never get bored from reading the story... what a touching story....
Neverland1900 #7
Wahhh!! What a happy ending! I wish to have a cute family too!! xD Your story is really great author-nim! :)
@ Camylia thank you!! :D
@ cccream your welcome and thank you for your support. ^^
@ annyss93 hahaa, yeap, 12. xD thank you!! :D
This is the end of this cute story.
From strangers, friends, lovers to family.
Thanks for this sweet story :)