Time with Ljoe and Daehyun.

Hey Sorry, My Baby.


“So happy?” Ljoe asked as you were skipping around your bedroom. You nodded. “Daehyun oppa will be discharged today!”

Ljoe chuckled and grabbed your wrist. He pulled you down on his lap. “Stop jumping around. I know you are excited. “ He kissed your ear. You giggled and play with your fingers, “I am glad that he has finally recovered.”

Ljoe wrapped his arms around you, “You know, sometimes I feel jealous.”

“Jealous?” You asked.

Ljoe nodded, “Jealous of Daehyun. I wonder will you cry and care for me if I am the one injured instead of him.”

You slapped his arms, “YAH, oppa. Don’t say that.. I care for you too. I don’t want you to get hurt. If you are hurt, I will be hurt too.”

Ljoe softened, “I know. I was just saying. I love you so much, minhye ah…”

You blushed at his words. You hid your face in his neck.

“Don’t you love me too? Or you love Daehyun more?” Ljoe pouted. “Oppa, you really like to compare yourself to Daehyun?”You asked.

Ljoe kept quiet and pinched your nose. You smiled and hugged him, “The love for you and Daehyun is different. To me, I love Daehyun as my brother and I love you as my lover.”

Ljoe felt happy after hearing what you said. He leaned towards your lips and kissed it. You smiled in his lips and kissed him back. You didn’t realise you miss his kiss so much. You hadn’t really been with him ever since Daehyun was injured. You really miss him a lot.



“Oppa!” You ran towards Daehyun and gave him a hugged. “woah… Minhye ah.” He ruffled your head. You beamed at him and took his hand,” We finally can spend our time together again.” You took his hand and place it in your mum and dad’s hands, “I love you, mummy, daddy and Daehyun oppa.” Daehyun smiled, “I love you too, minhye ah. I love Daddy and… Mum… my” Daehyun felt awkward as he had never been talking to Mrs Jung for a long time. Mrs Jung softened and felt glad that Daehyun had finally forgive her.

“I think we should go for a holiday as a family. We had been missing too much things. We need to know each other better and spend more time together isn’t it?” Mr Jung said.

“I want to go holiday with Oppa and mummy and Daddy.! Oppa, you promised me you will bring me to holiday right?” you blinked at him. He laughed and pinched your nose, “That’s when I started to earn money.”

“Minhye ah, don’t worry. I will bring you all for a holiday. Prepare for it.” Mr Jung said. “Thanks Daddy.” You gave him a hugged. You then realized that Ljoe was still standing at aside while you all were chatting.

“Dad, can byunghun oppa go with us too? He will be a part of our family member soon right?” You said and you dragged ljoe near him. Ljoe softened at your words. *A part of the family member.* he smiled to himself and the words keep ringing in his head. “Of course he can go. As long as you are happy I am okay with it.”Mr Jung smiled.


Soon, Saturday came and Mr Jung decided to bring the family to the beach resort for a short holiday.

You were preparing your bagpack and changing to casual clothing. You slipped your feet into the slippers and wait for ljoe at the doorstep.

“Oppa, are you ready? Why are you taking so long?” You shouted. Ljoe ran out of the room with his bagpack and you saw that his hair was a bit messy. You shook your head and waved your hands signaling him to come towards you. You tip your toe and tidied his hair with your free hand, “Oppa, you are in a mess.”

“Hey, is your fault, You keep rushing me.” Ljoe said. You slapped his arms, “Yah, What do you mean by my fault? I don’t want to be late. I don’t want to make my parents wait for me.” Ljoe saw you pouting and giggled. He pecked your lips, “Are you angry?” You ignored him and turned to go. He hugged you from the back, “Sorry. Baby. Is not your fault. Is my fault. I am slow. And we are 10 miniutes early anyway. “

You didn’t reply him. He shook you left and right, “Baby, sorry…. “ he pouted. “Minhye ah… Don’t be mad at me okay?”

You wanted to and you slapped his arms away. You then heard the door bell ringing. You opened the door, “Oppa!” you brightened as you saw daehyun. Ljoe thought you were still mad at him and he stood behind you quietly as you talked to Daehyun.

“It’s time to go.” You said and you hook Daehyun arms and both of you walked out of the house together. Ljoe saw that and he felt jealous.*How dare you… Ignore me and flirt with daehyun?  * He kept quiet and followed you out.

You hopped into the car and Daehyun sat beside you. *Damn it* Ljoe said in his mind as he planned to sit with you but Daehyun took his place.He hopped onto the seats behind the both of you. “Ready to go?” You dad said. “Yeah! So exciting!” You squeaked.

On the way to the resort, Daehyun and you kept chatting. Ljoe just sat behind you watching the both of you laughing at each other joke and talking to each other. He couldn’t even cut in the conversation as he didn’t know what to say. He planned to sit with you for the entire trip and spend the whole time with you, but because you were ignoring him he can’t do that.

“Damn, daehyun. How I wish you are not here.”Ljoe mumbled to himself and looked out of the window. He closed his eyes and slowly he fell asleep. You heard something knocking onto the window and you turned your head. You realized that ljoe had fallen asleep and his head keep falling left and right and sometimes it will knock onto the window.  You bit your lips and you felt bad for ignoring him even though you were just trying to . Daehyun saw the way you looked at ljoe and smiled, “Yah, that pabo must be upset because we kept chatting with each other.”

“I… purposely ignore him. I just want to joke with him. I hope he will not feel bad.” You pouted feeling guilty.

“If I were him, I will be very upset. Stop being so playful. Go sit with him. The journey is still long. He needs you by his side.” Daehyun helped you as you slowly crawl to the seats behind you. You quietly sat beside ljoe and place his head on your shoulder. You then interlaced your fingers with his and lay your head on top of his.  Ljoe smiled unknowingly in his dreams.

Soon, ljoe woke up and he felt weight on his head and someone was holding his hands. He smiled knowing that you were beside him. *This is what I am waiting for.* He slowly place your head onto his shoulder and curl a strand of your hair behind your ears. He softly gazed at you and caressed your cheeks. *My baby girl.*  He did not sleep for the rest of the journey as he enjoyed the moments with you by his side. He felt so warm and comfortable.  Sometimes, you will mumble something in your dreams. Ljoe giggled and laughed quietly at what you mumbled. “oppa, I love you.” You mumbled. *I love you too, pabo*, He thought and kissed you the back of your hands.

Finally, you all had arrived at the resort. You were still sleeping soundly. Your dad wanted to wake you up but ljoe stop him. Ljoe put his index finger on his lips, “Sh.. Let her sleep. She did not really sleep last night because she was too excited for the trip.” Ljoe slung his bag over his shoulder and carried you up in a bridal style. Daehyun helped to your belongings as your parents went to check in for the rooms.

There are 3 rooms in total. Mr and Mrs Jung one room. Daehyun and Ljoe one room and you will have a room by yourself.”

Ljoe carried your to your room and place you down on the bed. He tucked the blanket over your shoulder. Daehyun then came beside him. Ljoe looked at him and blinked, “What are you doing in our room? Go back to your room and rest.”

Daehyun raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean by “our room?” You are sleeping in the same room with me.”

“Nope. I will be sleeping here.” Ljoe said.

“There is no way I will allow you to sleep with me sister. There is only one queen size bed here. I won’t allow you to sleep together with her until the both of you got married.”Daehyun said.

Ljoe stuck a tongue out at him, “I had been living together with her in the same roof for over 10 years. I always sleep beside her. It’s not a problem.”

“What?” Daehyun blinked and sighed, “But her parents are here. They won’t allow you to do that. So you will come with me.”

“Fine. I will go there later. And lower down your volume. She is sleeping.” Ljoe hissed.

In the evening, all of you gather in an open concept restaurant near the beach to have a dinner. “Wah, I am so hungry.” You clapped your hands as you looked at the dishes in front of you. “Eat more then.” Daehyun smiled. Ljoe saw you having problem with the crab. He took the crab and helped you with it. He then helped you peel off all the shell and exchange your plates with his. “You will not have trouble eating it anymore.” Ljoe said. You smiled, “Thanks oppa.”

Daehyun felt glad seeing how ljoe take care of you. He can see that ljoe love you a lot and he knew that he will not have to worriy so much as long as ljoe is with you.

Seeing the interaction between ljoe and you, Mrs Jung blurted out, “So when are you guys getting married?”

“What?” You coughed as you choked by the water. Ljoe looked at her blankly as he didn’t expect someone would ask him about this. Daehyun immediately hand the napkins to you and patted your back.

“Why are you all so shock about it? “ Mrs Jung eyed at Ljoe, “Don’t tell be you don’t wanna married my daughter?”

Ljoe’s eyes widened and he panicked. He shook his head, “No. It’s not like that. I want to marry her.”

You blushed at what he said. You bit your lips and looked away awkwardly.

“Yeah, It’s just that I didn’t expect you will ask me this now.” Ljoe rubbed the neck of his neck as he don’t know what to do.

“Good to hear that you want to marry my daughter. I was thinking if I should make her marry someone else.” Mr Jung joked.

“Daddy.” You called trying to ask him to stop this topic.

“Fine. I will stop.” Mr Jung laughed.

After dinner, Mr and Mrs Jung went to spend their time together leaving the three of you together. You stood in the middle as ljoe stared at Daehyun. Daehyun shrugged, “What do you guys want to do?”

“We need some private time. Can you back off?” Ljoe asked. “Oppa.” You hissed and nudged him.

“Daehyun oppa, let’s go…” You looked around,” Roller blading!” You pointed at the rental shop nearby. “What? Together with him?” Ljoe said.

You nodded and pulled them with you. The three of you rented the roller blade. “Let’s go!” you began to race of first.

“Minhye ah, wait for me.” Daehyun chase behind you.

“Minhye, wait!” Ljoe tried to sped off but he had not tried roller balding before. He felt unstable and couldn’t move fast. “Damn, I though roller blade was easy.”He mumbled as he saw you and Daehyun far away from him.

You didn’t know it was the first time ljow tried rollerblading and didn’t know that he did not know how to roller balde. You did not turn your back and just kept moving forward. You opened your arms and the wind blew towards your face. You took a deep breath and the air was fresh.

Someone then took your hands and you opened your eyes. “Oh? Daehyun oppa.” You blinked in surprised. He flicked your forehead, “Why are you so surprising seeing me?”

You pouted, “sorry. I thought his byunghun oppa.”

“Hmmmm.” Daehyun make a face, “You only have ljoe in your mind.”

You laughed and shook your head, “Nope. Is in my heart.”

“wah…. So mushy. Ljoe will be very happy if he heard that.” Daehyun said as he skate around you.

“Too bad I won’t say that to him.” You said as you grabbed his arms to stop him, “Stop skating round and round, I am giddy.”

Daehyun laughed, “Alright then.”

“Where is byunghun oppa?” You looked around as you realized that ljoe didn’t tag along.

Daehyun became curious too as he knew that ljoe is the type that will chase you around. It’s weird that he didn’t tag along with the both of you.

The both of you skate back to look for him. Soon, you saw him skating slowly and it seems like he had problem balancing himself. You titled your head curiously and sped towards him,”Oppa, you don’t know how to skate?”

Ljoe felt embrassed and lowered his head,”Yeah.” He softly replied. Daehyun heard that and laughed, “You don’t know how to skate? It’s so funny.”

Ljoe shot his a look and Daehyun clear his throat and stopped laughing.

“Oppa, why didn’t you tell me you don’t know how to skate? We can do other things other than skating.” You asked.

“Because you seem excited with it and happy when you saw the rental shop. I knew that you love skating and I didn’t want to stop you from skating because of me.”Ljoe explained.

You softened, “Pabo, oppa. I don’t mind doing other things as long as I am with you. I am happier with you around.” You took out your hands, “Take my hand, I will teach you to to skate.” Ljoe interlaced his hands with yours and smiled. Slowly, he started to balance himself and skate faster and faster. “Woah.. you are learning fast.” Daehyun praised and sped off.

You smiled as ljoe tightened his grip on you as he almost fell. You wanted to laugh but you bear with it. Soon, ljoe got the hand of it. The both of you started to skate freely and ljoe still didn’t let of of your hands. He down at the interlaced hand and smiled. *It’s not bad after all.*

You grew tired and the three of you lay on the beach and rest. Daehyun bought 3 bottles of drinks. He gave you one. “Thanks oppa.” You opened it and took a sip.

Daehyun threw one to ljoe and he caught it. “Thanks.” Ljoe said.

“This is the first time you said thanks to me.” Daehyun teased.

“Yah.” Ljoe snarled at him, “I am trying to be polite. Since you are minhye brother.”

“Since when you see me as her brother? You are always jealous of me right?” Daehyun chuckled. You agreed with what daehyun said and you laughed too.

“Hey, minhye, why are you on his side. You should be on my side.” Ljoe pouted.

Daehyun and you burst into laughter. “Hey! Stop laughing.” Ljoe pulled your close too him.

“See, you are jealous now.” You pointed out. Daehyun nodded, “Ljoe is always jealous.”

“So you guys are now trying to team up and teased me?” Ljoe raised his eyebrow.

Daehyun chuckled, “We are always one team.”

“Yeah! Me and Daehyun oppa is a team!” You added, “I support Daehyun oppa!”

“You betrayer!” Ljoe tried to tickle your waist. “Ahh.. “ you screamed, “Oppa, help me!”

“Here I come.” Daehyun pull ljoe away and the both of you pushed ljoe down onto the sand. You began to poke his stomach in revenge. The both of you then ran away and ljoe ran after the both of you. The both of you ran near the sea water and began to splash water at ljoe as he came near the both of you. “Not fair! 2 vs 1!” Ljoe yelled. Daehyun and you ignored and continued splashing water at him. Ljoe jumped into the sea water and the water splashed onto the both of you causing the both of you to be wet.

“YAH!” Daehyun yelled as he raced towards him. You laughed and ran towards them. You tried helped daehyun by kicking the water at ljoe. “YAH, minhye. Stop that! I am your boyfriend!” Ljoe warned. You ignored and you tickle his waist. Ljoe laughed and struggled at the itchness and Daehyun pushed him down into the water. Now his whole body was wet even his hair. “I will get you now!” Ljoe quickly got up and ran towards you. “Opps. Ahhh.” You tried to run away but ljoe was fast. He caught you and carried you up. He bends down trying to soak you in the water.

“Oppa, no!” you screamed. Ljoe bend down somemore and your back is touching the water. “Oppa, I will not forgive you if you do that.”

“Threatening is no use.” Ljoe chuckled. You held onto his neck tightly, “I will pull you down with me.”

Ljoe smirked and whispered, “I will let you go if you help me get Daehyun.” You nodded and he put you down. Both of you started to race towards him. Daehyun sensed something is wrong. “WAH.” He screamed. Soon, he was down in the water. “Minhye! You betrayed your own teammate!” DAehyun pretended to be angry. You then ran up to the shore and sat on the sandy ground. Daehyun and Ljoe looked at each other signaling something.

“Minhye ah, there is a seashell here. Is so nice.” Daehyun pointed towards the water. “Really? I want see!” You shouted.

“Come here!” Ljoe waved. You stood up and ran into the sea water again. This time Daehyun grabbed your hand and pulled you down into the water. You wasn’t prepare as you fell into the water. Ljoe caught your shoulder to prevent you from hurting your head. He laughed after you stood up.

You placed your hands on your waist while water drip down from your hair and stared at them, “YOU TWO! PUSH ME INTO THE WATER?”

“Hey! Now all of us are wet. It’s fair.” Daehyun said.

“But I am a girl! You shouldn’t do that to a girl.” You said and you sneezed immediately. You began to shiver as the wind blow. Daehyun and Ljoe smiled fell as they were afraid that you will catch a cold. They wanted to put their jacket over you but they realized that their jacket were wet too. Ljoe quickly picked you up and carried you back to the shore. “Cold?” Ljoe asked, concerned. You nodded, “Sort of. All you fault.” You laughed.

“Sorry.” Ljoe apologized. You wrapped your arms around him, “I was just joking. It’s fun though.”

“Come, drink this hot chocolate.” You broke the hugged and took the cup of chocolate that daheyun bought from the vending machine. He also bought a towel from the convinence store and wrapped it around your shoulder. “Don’t catch a cold. “ Daehyun said.

“Thanks oppa.” You whispered.

“Let’s go back to our rooms.” Daehyun said. Ljoe looked around, “I think that we had gone to far from the hotel. It might take sometime to walk back.”

“It’s okay.” You stood up and ljoe bend in front of you, “Get on my back. I will carry you back.”

You shook your head, “Oppa, I can walk. I am not tired.”

“Just get on. It’s a long way back.”Daehyun said.

“But oppa will get tired.” You said.

“I won’t.” Ljoe said.

Daehyun helped you up on ljoe back and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Ljoe smiled at the contacted and felt warm, *This is the reason why I won’t get tired with you on my back. You gave me energy.*

Daehyun placed the towel on your shoulder and walk beside the both of you.

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Chapter 47: I cried for this... But glad that it is a happy ending <3
Chapter 47: ERMAGOSH THE STORY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Adorableeeeee :D
Chapter 32: OuO It's Niel not Neil right ??
Chapter 13: Wahhh good story ! I hope she will be fine soon...
ParkAhRin #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful storyyy! Please make a Sequel
ParkAhRin #6
Chapter 40: Omo i love this chapt! Ljoe so cute
Chapter 47: Encore encore!! ^^ authornim make a sequel pls ^^
Goldie #8
Chapter 47: Update soon pls!
Fanficsftw21 #9
Chapter 47: XD KYAAA!~ OMG get married already! XP update soon! <3