Teen Top's hideout.

Hey Sorry, My Baby.

You snuggled into ljoe arms while sleeping. Ljoe felt it and smile. He opened his eyes and curl strand of hair behind your eyes. He leaned closer to you and kissed your cheek. You smile in your dreams. He then pulled the cover over you properly and took out his phone. He walked to the living and called chunji.

“What? You mean you met junhyung?!” Chunji  shot up from the couch. Both BAP and teentop was at teen top hideout too as Ljoe called them to meet him. They looked at each other and kept quiet until ljoe finished telling what had happened. They tensed up hearing what he said.

“I won’t let him hurt my noona!” Zelo said. “Although junhyung say he won’t touch her, I still could not trust him. So, I told you all this is to hope that all of you can help me look after her if I am not around.”Ljoe continued.

“Sure! We will be there for her when you were busy or not around. Don’t worry.” Himchan patted his shoulder. “I will protect my own sister too. And make sure you don’t join him. If you make Minhye upset again, I will kill you!” Daehyun warned.

“I won’t join him, I just want Minhye to be safe.” Ljoe assured, “Thanks. I am glad that I have friend like you all.” “Don’t have to thanks us. Even though we are not close to Minhye, but we will help you. This is what friends for right?” Neil nudged Ricky, “Yeah! I will help you out too.”

You flipped on your bed as your eyes slowly opened. You yawned and you felt the space beside you was empty. You turned and you realised ljoe was not beside you. *Where is he?* You thought as you knew even though ljoe had his own room, he would always sneak into your room and sleep with you. “Oppa.” You called as you walked out of your room. “Byunghun oppa?” You glanced around. You went to his room to check and it was empty too. You sat on his bed and pouted, “Where did he go?” You were afraid that he left you again. As you thought of junhyung words the day before,  your heart became to sank. “He didn’t leave me right?* You stood up and looked all over the place to see if ljoe leave any note for you.

You heard the door twist opened. You turned to the door and blinked. “Minhye ah… Why are you in my room?” Ljoe asked curiously as he thought you should be in your room sleeping. You ran towards him in relieved and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him. You buried your face in his neck, “Oppa…” You softy called. Ljoe were surprised and wrapped his arms around your waist, “What happened?” You didn’t answer him and he heard you sniffing. He pulled apart and looked at you, “Yah, why are you crying?” He wiped your tears and cupped your cheeks.

You looked away, “I… I… thought you left me.” Ljoe softened and smile, “Pabo, didn’t I told you I won’t leave you anymore?”

He wrapped his arms around your waist and you looked up at him, “I just went to Teen Top hideout. “ You smiled embarasslyand nodded. You were glad that he did not leave you. “Aigooo. My silly girl.” He piniched the bridge of your nose and kissed your forehead. He held onto your tightly as you leaned on his chest. Ljoe closed his eyes and rested his chin on your shoulder.



Since it’s Saturday, Ljoe brought you to Teen Top hideout to have some fun with them. “Oppa!” You waved as reached the warehouse where Teen Top hideout it. In front of the warehouse, there was a big area where BAP and Teen Top were playing the skateboard Himchan stopped the skateboard with his leg and smiled at you, “Minhye ah!”

Daehyun saw you and skated towards you. “Oppa.” You beamed and hugged him. Zelo ran to you and pulled you away from Daehyun, “Noona, try skating. It’s fun. I didn’t know Teen Top have so many skateboard here and the place here it’s big enough to skate around.”

You stepped up on the skateboard and you pushed yourself forward. But you can’t balance your as you slipped. “Ah…” You screamed. Ljoe quickly grabbed your arms to support you.  “Becareful.” Ljoe said. You nodded. Ljoe looked at them, “Can we do something else? Minhye doesn’t know how to skate.”


“hmmm, let’s us have bbq party!” Jongup said. “Good idea, since the weather is cold.” Neil continued.

“Me, himchan and CAP will go buy alcoholic drinks since we are adults!” Yongguk exclaimed. “Psttt… I will soon be adult too okay?” Zelo pouted and slung his arms around you, “I will go with Noona.”

The 13 of you split into groups. Neil, chunji, ricky and chanjo will be clearing up the space and setting up the bbq pit. Jongup and youngjae will be buying the tools for the bbq and Daehyun, Zelo, ljoe and you will be going to the supermarket to buy the food needed.

“Wee!!!” Zelo pushed the trolley around. “Noona, what do you want? This? This? This? Or that?” Zelo said as he pointed at the food in the shelf. “I am okay with anything.” You replied. Daehyun took each of every food from the shelf and threw it inside the trolley.

After buying the things needed, all of you gather at Teen Top hide out.  Cap and Himchan started to start the fire and prepared for bbq. Ljoe sat beside you as you were helping out to unwrap the plastic bag.

“YAY! I won!” Zelo slammed the table and pumped his fist into the air. “Hey, not fair you cheated!” Ricky protested. “Let’s play again! I am going to win this round.” Jongup took the psp again. The 3 of them were playing games on the psp. You giggled as you saw them fighting over the game.

As soon as the foods were readied, all of you sat in a circle and started to enjoy the food. Ljoe put many bbq chicken and sasuage on your plate. He also grabbed a few slice of pizza the Neil ordered. “Oppa! It’s too much for me.” You said. “We will share. We won’t be able to eat these much if we don’t take the food now. Teen top eats a lot!” Ljoe said. “Hey! Who says we eat a lot! “ Ricky hissed. Ljoe his tongue out at him. Daehyun put a glass of orange juice beside you and sat next to you. “Thanks oppa. “ You beamed at him. Daehyun ruffled your head. “Yah, where is mine?” Ljoe asked. “Take the drinks yourself.” Daehyun said. Ljoe pouted, “I will drink this then.” He snatched the volka from cap and drank it. “That’s mine!” Cap exclaimed.


“Who is going to clear all these mess later?” Neil said while looking at the paper plates and drinks all around. “Of course is teen top. We are the guest here!” Zelo said. “Let’s be fair. How about let’s play some game? The loser one will have to clear all these mess and clean up the place.” Youngjae suggested. “I am in! Let’s choose 2 people to do it.” Cap said.

You all gather closer and started to play rock scissor paper. As there were a lot of you, you all played for quite a long time. Soon, the only one left in the game was Ljoe, Chunji, Neil, himchan and you. The rest won the game and they surrounded the 5 of you to see who will be the loser.

This time round you and himchan chose a rock while the three of them chose a scissor. “YAY!” You jumped as you won. Himchan high five with you and hugged you. “YAH! No hugging!” Ljoe yelled and he clenched his fist, “I got to win man!”

In the last game, Neil chose a paper awhile ljoe and chunji chose a rock. “ARGH!” Ljoe kicked the wall. “I don’t care. We got to play again.” Ljoe said. “No! Ljoe. You lost!!!!” Neil smiled. “So please clear up the mess. We will go have some fun.” Himchan slung his arms around you as all of you walk away. “No!!! I want to go with Minhye!” Ljoe wanted to ran towards you but chunji pulled him back, “Ljoe, Don’t you think you can run off like this.”

“Fine!” Ljoe unwillingly pick up the empty can and paper plates and threw it into the bag.


The 11 of you went to the nearby park. “I think we should cycle!” Jongup pointed at the bicycle rental store. “I want to cycle too!” Ricky exclaimed. They two of them began to run into the store and the rest of you followed. You all started to choose the bicycle you wanted . ”Minhye ah, do you want to choose the couple bike with me? I am afraid that you will get tired if you cycle alone.” Daehyun asked. “It’s okay. I want to cycle myself.” You replied while testing the bike.

“Let’s race. See who will get back to here after cycling one round!” Youngguk hop onto his bike and started off. “Hey! We haven get ready yet!” Youngjae yelled and speed off. Soon, one by one they started to speed off leaving you and Daehyun.  “Oppa, aren’t you going to win them?” You asked Daehyun shook his head, “It’s late now. How can I let you cycle alone?”

You smiled, “Let’s get faster and catch up with them. We can’t be the last!” You began to cycle faster and faster and Daehyun cycled beside you to keep an eye on you. Both of you finally caught up with Zelo and himchan. “Hi!” You passed by them. “Wow, you are fast!” Himchan compliment. You smiled, “Oppa, you are slow.”

“Hey! Not that I am slow, I just don’t want to race with them. Isn’t it better to enjoy the scenery while cycling? Even though is dark but the air is nice and fresh.” Himchan said. “I agreed. I rather enjoy myself than racing with hyung.” Zelo said as he tried to play some stunned. “Then we should stayed together. I heard that there is a beach link to here. I think we should go there at take a look. “ Daehyun suggested. “Great!” himchan replied.

The four of you came to the beach. You parked your bike near the shore and sat on the sand. Zelo stood near the shore and open his arms to enjoy the breeze. Daehyun sat beside you, “it’s really great here!” Himcham came to the 3 of you with bottles of mineral water, “ Thirsty?” You nodded, “Thanks oppa.” Zelo stood near the shoreline as the tide keep coming in and retreating. Himchan secretly sneaked behind him and pushed him into the water. “YAH! Hyung, is freezing cold here!” Zelo was wet and he kicked the water at himchan. He then chase after himchan and pulled him into the seawater. “Yah! Zelo, you can’t do this to your hyung.” Himchan yelled and scream for help. You laughed at the scene. “Do you want to join them?” Daehyun asked you nodded and went near the sea water. You started to splash water at Himchan, “Zelo I will help you.”

“Hey! Minhye, you can’t team up with Zelo! You should help me!” Himchan yelled. You laughed as Daehyun caught Zelo and pushed him down into the water. Zelo pulled him down together with him and both of them are wet. Himchan is now free from Zelo, “Yah, minhye, come here!” He pointed to you. You ran away and Himchan ran towards you. He grabbed your wrist and spunned you around. He carried you up and slowly lowered you down into the water. “Oppa, Stop! I don’t want to get wet!” You screamed. “You should get wet too. All of us are wet. And you helped Zelo just now!” Himchan smiled and lowered you down a bit. “Zelo!!! Daehyun Oppa!” You screamed. “ Don’t bully my noona!” Zelo charged towards Himchan and pushed him into the water. Daehyun caught you before you could fell into the water with himchan. The water fight continued and soon, the four of you were wet.

The four went to the nearby convinence store to buy towels to dry yourself up as you all were wet.

The rest of them completed the race and they didn’t see the Daehyun, Zelo, Himchan and you. “Where are they?” Youngguk asked. “Did they go back to our place?” Neil replied. They shrugged. “Well, maybe. We should return our bike and go back soon. “ Youngjae said as he cycled back into the rental store.

Ljoe was calling for you but you didn’t pick up your phone. “Argh! Where is she?” Ljoe mumbled. “Calm down ljoe. She is with them. Nothing will happen to her.” Chunji was lying on the cough reading some magazine. “But why isn’t she pickng her phone?’ Ljoe asked. “Maybe she forgot to bring her phone out?” Chunji said. Ljoe went to your bag and searched for your phone. Indeed your phone was inside your bag. “That pabo, she did not bring her phone.” Ljoe said.

Ljoe then heard some noise outside. “I guess they are back. “ Chunji said. Ljoe ran to the door and opened it. “Wow! Ljoe, it’s the first time you open the door for us.” Ricky said. “Shut up ricky.” Ljoe snarled and he tried to look for you. As all of them had walked in, he glanced outside the door but he didn’t see you. “Where is minhye?” Ljoe asked.
“They are not back yet?” Cap asked. “Of course! Where did they go? Why did you come back without her?” Ljoe asked angryily.

“Chill ljoe, She is with Daehyun I guess.” Cap replied and lazily sat on the couch. “You guess? What if she is alone? What if Daehyun is not with her?” Ljoe began to get worried, “Don’t I told you about beast?”

At the word beast all of them stiffened. They had indeed forgotten about it as they had played too hard that they didn’t think about it.

“Yah! Call Daehyun.” Youngguk said. Youngjae hurriedly dailed Daehyun’s number. But they heard the phone rang and it’s coming from his bag. “He didn’t bring his phone?” Neil asked. “Try Himchan and Zelo.” Chunji said. However, Himchan and Zelo did not bring their phone too.

“Aish!!!” Ljoe ruffled his head and ran out of the warehouse. “Ljoe, where are you going?” Cap yelled.  “Looke for them.” Ljoe shouted. They ran out of the warehouse too. They then saw four  of you from far strolling towards them. “Ljoe ah, I think I saw them.” Cap pointed to your direction.

Ljoe felt relieved as he saw you smiling happily and safely with Daehyun, Himchan and Zelo.

“Where did you guys go?” Changjo asked. “We went to the beach.” Zelo replied. “Why are you wet?” Ljoe frowned as he saw that you were drenched and a towel was wrapping around your body. “Did they bully you and throw you into the sea?” Ljoe asked and stared at them before you could reply.

“No, oppa. We just have a water fight.” You replied. “Yah, ljoe. We are wet too. You don’t have to be so protective.I won’t bully my little minhye. In fact, I was bullied by her and Zelo.” Himchan shot a glare at Zelo. Zelo chuckled and hid behind Daehyun.

“Let’s go in before you catch a cold. “ Ljoe too your hands and brought you into the warehouse. He brought you to his room and passed you some of his clothes. “I only have these here. Go and bath and wear these dry clothes.”Ljoe said. You smiled and nodded, “Thanks oppa.”

After washing up, you came out with the dry clothes. As the clothes were ljoe’s , it’s big for you. His shirt were baggy and it’s covered half of your tight and it looks like you were wearing a skirt. You couldn’t wear his pants as it was too lose. You hang your wet shorts near the window for it to dry and you slipped into the blanket. Ljoe came in with a warm water. “Drink this to warm yourself up.” Ljoe handed the drink to you.

You took it and drink it down.”Thanks oppa.” You beamed at him. He seemed a bit angry and he sat on the floor beside the bed, “It’s late. Good night. You can have the bed.”

You smiled and you stepped down the bed. Ljoe saw you and he gulped. You forgotten that you were wearing only his shirt. Even though, it looks like a skirt to you, but it still looks a bit exposing. Ljoe felt his heart racing as you walked towards him. You then saw ljoe staring at you and you realised what happened. You blushed as you pulled down his shirt to cover more of you thigh. Ljoe smirked at your cute action. You quickly wrapped yourself with the blanket and lay beside ljoe. Ljoe turned his back at you smiling. “Oppa, are you angry with me?” You poked his back. He didn’t reply you. You bit your lips, “I know I left you out. I am sorry. “ You put both of your hand together. Ljoe smiled at your cuteness and turned and looked at you. He took your hands wrapped it around his waist. He pulled you closer to him and whispered in your ears. His breathed was a bit ticklish. “I am not angry. Pabo, I was just kidding with you. See your face. It’s looks as if I am scaring you.” Ljoe smirked and kiss your cheeks.  “I thought you were angry with me. I thought you were going to ignore me. Stupid oppa. I hate you.” You pulled away and walked back to the bed. Ljoe back hugged you, “Sorry, baby.” He pushed you down onto the bed and lay beside you. He rested his head on your chest and wrapped his arms around you. You softened and you brushed your fingers through his hair.

“ You know how worried I was earlier? I was crazy thinking that you might be alone outside.” Ljoe whispered. He didn’t hear your reply and he looked up at your face. Your eyes were closed and you had already in your dreamland. Ljoe pushed himself up and smiled, “You must be tired today. I am glad that you enjoyed yourself.” He brushed your bangs to aside and kissed your forehead, “As long as you are happy, I will be happy too. I love you.” 


Sorry for the late update. I was very busy recently.

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Chapter 47: I cried for this... But glad that it is a happy ending <3
Chapter 47: ERMAGOSH THE STORY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Adorableeeeee :D
Chapter 32: OuO It's Niel not Neil right ??
Chapter 13: Wahhh good story ! I hope she will be fine soon...
ParkAhRin #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful storyyy! Please make a Sequel
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Chapter 40: Omo i love this chapt! Ljoe so cute
Chapter 47: Encore encore!! ^^ authornim make a sequel pls ^^
Goldie #8
Chapter 47: Update soon pls!
Fanficsftw21 #9
Chapter 47: XD KYAAA!~ OMG get married already! XP update soon! <3