
Hey Sorry, My Baby.


The doctor do a check on him and send him into the operation room. Mrs Jung sat on the seat crying. You stood beside Daehyun and you were somehow worried for Mr Jung too. You were not readied to call him Dad, but you did not want anything to happen to him too.

Daehyun stared onto the ground blankly as he hope that his dad is safe. He somehow got irritated by mrs Jung crying voice, "yah! Stop crying! My dad is still alive!" Mrs Jung looked at him with her red eyes. She gave him an apologetic look and cupped . She looked away and wiped her tears. You could see from her eyes the she felt lonely and scared. You walked towards her and patted her shoulder to give her some comfort. You felt that you should do something as no matter what she is still your mum. "don't cry." you wiped her years and she leaned her head on your shoulder.

You wanted to call her mum, to at least cheer her up and make her feel better, but the word just couldn't come out from your mouth. The operation went on for 6 hours and all of you were tired yet worried. None of you left the place. "Minhye ah, do you want to eat something? Or go home rest? You look tired." Daehyun asked. You shook your head, " I have no appetite." Daehyun then walked to the nearby vending machine and bought 3 cups of hot chocolate. He passed on to Mrs Jung . "Thanks." Mrs Jung smiled. "Don't misunderstand me! I am not doing that for you. I am doing that for my dad." Daehyun shot back. He then sat beside you,"drink this. At least drink something to fill your stomach. I don't want you to fall sick." "Thanks ." you smiled .

Soon, the doctor and nurse came out of the room, the three of you rush towards them. “Don’t worry. He is fine now. It’s just because of the high blood pressure that causes him to have heart attack. Just try not to agitate him and he needs to rest more.” The doctor explained. “Thank you.” Daehyun said.

You went to the ward to see Mr Jung. His face was pale and Mrs Jung sat beside him holding his hands. “Do you want to go home first? You have school tomorrow.I guess he is alright now.” Daehyun asked looking at Mr Jung.

You nodded, “Okay then. How about you? Aren’t you going home?”  Daehyun looked at Mrs Jung and sighed. He didn’t want to stay here with her, “I will send you home. It’s late.”

“Yah, Take good care of daddy. Call me if he wakes up. “ Daehyun said rudely. Mrs Jung nodded and Daehyun brought you out of the ward.


Ljoe looked out of the window and frowned. He looked at the time and it’s already past 12 mignight.*Aish, this girl. How can she spend the whole day with Daehyun and ignore me? It’s already midnight. Is she planning to stay over with Daehyun?* Ljoe kicked the wall. He then saw a cab stopping in front of the apartment. He saw you stepping out of the taxi with Daehyun.

“Oppa, thanks for sending me home.” You smiled. “Alright, have a good rest. “ Daehyun said. You waved to him before he went in the cab again. You skipped back and unlock the door. You saw ljoe sitting on couch watching the television programme.

“Oppa, aren’t you sleeping?” You asked. Ljoe did not reply you and looked away. *I was waiting for you.* 

You took a look at him. You thought he was too engrossed in the show that he didn’t hear what you asked. You shook your head and went to the bathroom.

“Aish!” Ljoe punched the couch, “Can’t she just ask me one more time or try talking to me again?”

 After taking the bath, you went to bath immediately as you were tired. Ljoe was hoping that you would explain to him “why you were home late?” even though he knew that you were with Daehyun. But you just went to sleep without saying anything to him. “Can’t she at least say Good night to me?” Ljoe hugged the pillow and lay on the mattress. He kept flipping around as he can’t fall asleep. He sat up and looked at you. You were sleeping soundly on the bed. He pouted at threw the pillow on his face while lying back down on the mattress. *She doesn’t even care about me!* He screamed in his head.

When you woke up, ljoe was already awake. He didn’t greet you nor look at you. He just ignored your existence. *What’s wrong with oppa?* You thought as you wash yourself up. You went to the kitchen and start spreading butter on your bread. Ljoe just sat on the dining table doing his own things.

“Oppa, do you have work today?” You asked while taking a bite on your bread. Ljoe never reply. He stood up and left the kitchen. “Tst,what happened to him?” You mumbled as you fold your arms.

You frowned and felt empty without him talking to you. You knew that he will normally hug you and kiss you when you woke up. But now, he didn’t even talk to you. You were packing your bag and preparing to leave the house. You slightly glanced at him and you saw him lying on the couch lazily.

“Pst…” you rolled your eyes, “Oppa, I am going to school.” You thought that he will come to you immediately and prepare to walk you to school. But he didn’t. He is still lying on the couch.

“Fine.” You grumbled. You felt a bit hurt from what he did. *Doesn’t he care about me anymore? Or is he mad at me?* You were already at your doorstep*Let me just test on him.* You smirked as you pretended to drop your school bag on the floor. “Ahhh.” You held on your stomach and fell onto the floor.  Ljoe heard that and quickly rushed to you. “Yah, minhye. Are you okay? “ Ljoe asked worriedly.

You were laughing in your mind, *See? You still care for me.*

“Oppa. It’s so painful. “ You faked a cry. Ljoe then carried you up in a bridal style and prepared to bring you to your bedroom. You smiled and you wrapped your arms around his neck and peck his cheek. Ljoe was stunned and looked at you. You were smiling at him.

“You trick me?” Ljoe asked. You laughed, “Pabo, oppa! Is that the only way to get your attention? You still care for me after all. Why are you ignoring me?” You slapped his chest.

Ljoe looked away and grabbed your hands. He then pinned you to the wall, “Because I am mad! I am mad at you for ignoring me. I am mad at you for spending the whole day with Daehyun. Yesterday, all your attention was on him. I was injured too! But you ignore me.”

You giggled, “in other words, you are jealous? Oppa, you are so childish.”

Ljoe blinked at your reaction, “Fine, I am jealous! I am jealous because I love you! I only want you to be mine. Don’t you understand? Seeing you with Daehyun hurt me a lot.”

You felt guilty after hearing what he said. You wrapped around his waist and leaned your head on his chest , “sorry oppa. I didn’t know being with Daehyun hurt you so much. But… you don’t have to be jealous anymore.”

You pulled away and looked at him, “Because… Daehyun is my brother.” You smiled

Ljoe pulled away and give you a confused look, “What do you mean Daehyun is your brother.” You sighed and explained to him. You told him about you found your real parents and Daehyun was your half siblings.

After hearing that, Ljoe smiled and pumped his fist in the air, “That’s great! This means that Daehyun is not my rival anymore. I do not have to be afraid that he will snatch you away from me anymore.”

You shook your head and laughed at his silly action. He then jumped towards you and gives you a warm hugged. You giggled and hugged him back.  He then crashes his lips onto yours and kisses you. You kiss him back and soon, ljoe deepen the kiss. With his arms wrapping around you he push you onto the bed. He placed his left hand on your thigh then started to kiss your jawline and lowered down to your neck. You know what he wanted to do and you stopped him by covering his mouth. “Oppa, stop. We shouldn’t be doing it now.” You pushed him away and he landed on the bed next to you. You stood up and were about to leave but he held you back by giving you a back hug. “Fine. But can I hug you for a moment?” He whispered next to your ear.

“Oppa, I have school.” Talking about school, you glance at your watch and your eyes widened, “I AM LATE!” You screamed as you pulled his hands off your waist and ran to the door. He chase after you. He helped you carried you bag so that you can run faster. Soon, you reached your school with ljoe panting. You looked at your hand and saw that it’s interlaced with ljoe. You looked at him and smiled, “All your fault.” You pouted. You were 15 minutes late. Ljoe passed your bag to you, “Sorry. Do you want me to explain to your teacher?”

“What do you want to tell my teacher? Say that we were kissing, that’s why I was late?” You stared at him. “Maybe that’s a good reason.” Ljoe teased. “Bleh! I am going in now.” You stuck your tongue out at him and ran to your classroom. Ljoe saw your back view and smiled to himself, “So cute.”

You sneaked in from the back door hoping that the teacher didn’t notice you. “PARK MIN HYE!” The teacher shouted. “Argh.” You looked at him, “Sorry I am late. Because I overslept.”

“That’s not an excuse. Stay back after school with me for detention.” The teacher said and conitued to teach the class. You sat on your seat and took out your phone.

“All your fault! Now I have detention! T.T”

You send the message to Ljoe.

Ljoe laughed at your message,

“Mianhae baby, I will come and fetch you after detention. I will make up for what I did.”

Your beloved and hottest boyfriend. <3



After your detention, you quickly pack your bag and left the classroom. “Don’t be late again.” The teacher warned. You nodded and ran to the school gate. You looked around for ljoe and saw him leaning against the wall. He saw you looking around for him and smiled. He walked towards you with a hand in his pocket, “Can’t wait to see me?” He carried your bag.

“No! I don’t want to see you.” You teased. “Awww… my girlfriend don’t want to see me. But too bad, your boyfriend miss you so badly that he want to see you every second.” He wrapped his arms around you and held you closely to him. You glanced up him, “Oppa, I need to go to the hospital. Mr Jung is awake.”

“You still called him Mr Jung? I think you should call him dad instead.” Ljoe said while boarding the bus. You sat beside him, “ I don’t know… I just couldn’t call him dad. I also can’t call Mrs Jung mum too. My mouth just refused to say it out.”

Ljoe smiled and ruffled your head, “Are you mad at them for putting you in an orphanage?”

You nodded, “Somehow yes.”

“Well, you should not be mad at them. If they didn’t put you there, you wouldn’t have met a perfect boyfriend like me.” Ljoe interwined his fingers with yours.

“Yah! Who says you are perfect?” You snapped back at him. He slung his arms around you and placed your head on his shoulder, “Hmm… Okay. Let’s be serious. I think they left you in the orphanage is to protect you. Your mum couldn’t have money to support you. You would have starved to death if she didn’t send you to the orphanage. After she got married, even though they wanted to fetch you back home, but Daehyun’s granny don’t allow it, isn’t it? They might be afraid that you will get chase out of the house by Daehyun’s granny that’s why they chose to leave you in the orphanage. But at least, they still managed to find you after so many years. This shows that your parents still care for you.”

You nodded your head quietly thinking that what he said makes sense too.





You push the door and step into the ward. You saw Mr Jung sitting on his bed chatting with Mrs Jung and Daehyun was sitting at the couch quietly.

“Minhye ah.” Daehyun saw you. Mr and Mrs Jung turned to look at you. You bowed, “Hello.Mr Jung. Hello Mrs Jung.”

Ljoe then stepped into the ward after you.

He bowed at them too, “Hello.”

“You should call me daddy, just like Daehyun .” Mr Jung said.

You bit your lips and looked at Ljoe. He nodded his head and you looked back at Mr Jung. “Da..Daddy.” You stuttered. Mr Jung smiled happily, “You should call me that from now onwards.”

You nodded shyly. “How about your mum?” He continued. You bowed, “Mum.. Mummy.” You greeted which brightened up Mrs Jung. She had always wanted you to call her mum.

You went forward and gave them a hug. Mr Jung then gestured Daehyun to come forward. Daehyunw walked near the bed and bend down. Mr Jung pulled him into a hug together with you and Mrs Jung.

“This is how a family should be like.”Mr Jung said. You felt happiness as you finally have a family.

Mr Jung then pulled apart and saw ljoe standing in front of the bed, “And… you are?”

You smiled and skipped towards ljoe. Ljoe wrapped his arms around you, “I am her boyfriend.” Ljoe said proudly.

“Boyfriend?” Mrs Jung blinked and looked at Mr Jung. “You have a boyfriend?” Mr Jung asked in surprise. You nodded, “Yea. Is there anything wrong?”

They shook their head, “No. I thought… “ Mr Jung said and looked at Daehyun, “Nothing.” He replied.

“How long have you two been together?” Mrs Jung.

“Since she was 5 years old.” Ljoe replied, “I started to know her from the orphanage and we started to date since young.”

“What? I thought that time you were dating with Daehyun?” Mr Jung asked. You bit your lips and lowered your head. “That’s was a lie.” Daehyun helped you to answer, “That time, I love her. I didn’t want to marry anyone else. So I asked her to pretend to be my girlfriend.” Daehyun looked away looking a bit sad.

“What? How can you do that?” Mr Jung said.

“Because I want to choose the person to get married with myself. I don’t want to get married because of your business.” Daehyun explained. Mr Jung kept quiet as he knew that he had done wrong, “Sorry.. ah… Daehyun. I didn’t know you hated it so much.”

“Nevermind. At least you realised it now.” Daehyun replied.




A few days later, Mr Jung was discharged from the hosipital. He was back home resting. He wanted you and Daehyun to move to their house to stay with them. Daehyun refused to do it as he still hate Mrs Jung. You did not move because you prefer to stay with Ljoe. Mr Jung agreed to it but he wanted to you visit them at least once a week. He also helped you paid for you school fees and he convinced ljoe to go to school and paid for his school fees too. It’s to thank him for taking care of you all these years. He also bought a new and bigger apartment for the both of you and it is nearer to your school.


Hand in hand, you and ljoe walked out of the school together. Ljoe register for the same class and same level as you. Therefore, both of you ended the lessons at the same time.

“Oppa, where are we going?” You skipped beside him with your still interlaced with his. He smiled sweetly at you,”We are going to catch a movie.”

“Really? We had never watched a movie together!” You said excitedly.

Ljoe bought the movie ticket. He wanted to watch some romantic movies but you insisted to watch horror movie.   Ljoe did not want to upset you and agreed with it.  You went to buy popcorns and coke while Ljoe queued for the move ticket.

Holding the Popcorns and drinks you happily went to search for ljoe. You were glancing around for him that you accidentally knock onto someone. “Ah.” You tried not to drop the popcorns and drinks. You stumbled a bit but did not fall down. “Sorry.” You apologised. “It’s okay.” A guy said. You looked up and you saw a guy, around the same age as you smiling at you. He was wearing a shade.

You bowed at him before you left. The guy smirked at you after you turned your back. You spotted ljoe and ran to him.

It was dark in the theatre. Ljoe held onto you to prevent you from falling. Both of you found your seats and ljoe pulled the arm rest up wrapping his arms around your waist. You smiled as you threw the popcorn in your mouth. Ljoe opened his mouth gesturing you to feed him. You giggled and put some popcorn in his mouth.

The movie started and the music was scary. A figure jumped out of the screen making you scream. Ljoe giggled and you grabbed his arms and hid your face behind him. He patted your head, “Why do you want to watch this while you were scared?”

“I.. I… thought it was cool. I didn’t know horror movie is that scary.” You whispered still hiding your face behind him.  Ljoe planted a kiss on your cheeks place your head down on his shoulder. You slightly opened your eyes and watched the movie for a little while but you closed your eyes as something pop out again. Ljoe wasn’t concentrating on the movie but he was gazing at you. He giggled as he saw you kept closing and opening your eyes again and again.

“It’s so scary. I will never watch horror movie again.” You said as you walked out of the theatre. Ljoe smiled, “I don’t mind watching it, since you will always hug me when you were scared.”

You blushed at what he said, “YAH.”

Ljoe brought you to myeongdong to do some shopping. He pulled you into a store that sells lots of dresses. He saw a cute blue tube dress and asked you to try. He pushed you into the fitting room. While you were changing, he chose many dresses for you to try.

You stepped out of the fitting room and ljoe glanced at you. He looked at you from head to toe in awe. You bit your lips as you covered your chest since it’s looks a bit exposing. “Oppa, is it weird?” You asked. “No… It’s suit you.”Ljoe said as he put another dress on your hand, try this too.

You kept trying nonstop until you were tired, “Oppa, I don’t want to try anymore.” Ljoe smiled, “Just try this last one.” You nodded and you went back the fitting room.

It was a tube dress with laces on it. You came out of the fitting room after changing. Ljoe eyes blinked as he saw you. “This… This… is nice. It’s suit you.” Ljoe smiled as he held onto your shoulder and glanced at you, “We will buy this.” You changed back to your uniform as ljoe made the payment.

You walked to the counter and looked at the price, “Oppa, it’s expensive! You shouldn’t buy this.”

“But it looks nice on you.” Ljoe took the bag from the cashier,  “Don’t worry about the money. I work previously, and I had savings. You parents paid for my school fees. Therefore, I had some money left.”

He took your hands and walked out of the shop. You were glancing around as you saw a couple tees. You pulled ljoe into the shop, “Oppa! We should buy this. “ You pointed at the couple tees.

Ljoe shook his head, “I don’t like this. It’s looks so childish.”

You pouted, “But I like it! We can wear it together.”

“Let’s go.” Ljoe was about to pull you out of the shop but you stop him. “Oppa… Please. I really like it.” You blinked and show him your puppy eyes.

Ljoe sighed, “Don’t give me that face.”

You frowned, “Fine! I know what you meant. You are embarrassed that I am your girlfriend. That’s why you didn’t want to wear the couple tees with me. You didn’t want people to know that we are couples.” You stomped away from him.

Ljoe panicked and chase after you, “It’s not like that. I am proud to have a girlfriend like you.” He spun you around. He looked at you and from your expression you look sad. He smiled and took your hands, “We will buy that okay? And wear that immediately. “ He led you back to the shop. “I want that couple tees.” Ljoe pointed to the sales assistant.

Both of you change the into the couple tees and met each other outside the fitting room. You smiled as ljoe looks cute in that. Seeing you smiling again, Ljoe felt contented. He took out his phone and leaned his face closer to you. He quickly pecked on your cheek as he snapped the photo.

“Hey! You sly.” You tried to snatch his phone away from him. “No, the picture looks cute!” Ljoe held it up high. “Lair! I wasn’t prepared when you snap the shot.”You jumped trying to catch the phone. He hugged your waist and pressed your body onto his. He held his phone in front of you, “Isn’t this nice?”

You smiled at the photo. It looks sweet indeed. You slowly sneaked out your phone from your pocket and tip your toe to kiss ljoe. You quickly snapped a shot and you ran away from him. Ljoe blinked, “Yah, I was not prepared too.” You stuck you tongue out at him, “You did that to me too. Don’t worry oppa. You looked hot!”

Ljoe smirked and caught your wrist. He pulled you near him and looked into your eyes, “I am always hot.”

“Pst… Stop praising yourself.” You rolled your eyes. “Hey, I didn’t. You said that I am hot too.” Ljoe defended himself and brushes your cheeks.

You pouted at turned your back against him. He back hugged your and rested his head on your shoulder, “Let’s take a proper picture.”

He took out his phone and held in front of you, “Say cheese.” You smiled as ljoe snapped the shot. He then set it as his wallpaper and showed it to you. You softened as your heart melted.

Both of you started to walk home. It was cold and ljoe saw that you were shivering. He took of his hoodie and place it over your shoulder. “Oppa, you can take this back. You will be cold too.” You said,.

He your hair, “I am a guy. I am not scared of cold. You can have it.” Ljoe smiled and pulled you closer to him, “Staying closely like this can keep ourselves warm too.” You smiled back at him.

The two of you started to chat about random things and laughing happily. Until someone disturb the both of you, “Wow, who do we have here?”

Ljoe turned his head and his eyes widened. He pushed you behind him and covered your face with the hood. “What are you doing here?” Ljoe snarled.

“I am glad that you still remember me.” Junhyung smirked when playing with his necklace. You peeped to see who was it and you realised that it was the guy you knocked onto at the cinema.

“Let’s just say, your mission is not completed yet.” Junhyung said.

“I had completed! I nearly died. But I survived. So I guess I don’t owe you anything.” Ljoe said. Junhyung took a step forward while ljoe took a step back. He tried to block you with his body.

“If you died, I will let this thing go. But since you survived, this shows that you had to work for me again. Remember, you owe me a lot of money.” Junhyung laughed. Sending a chill down your spine.

“I will pay you back! Don’t worry!” Ljoe hissed.

“Money, is not the thing I want  now.” Junghyung smirked and took a stepped closer. He tried to peep behind ljoe seeing who he is hiding. You pulled the hood lower to hide your face.

“Then what do you want?” Ljoe yelled. “I want revenge and helper! Because of you Doojoon is dead! Because you failed to pass the goods to Kwon Jihoo, he was angry and he came and beat us up. Doojoon was killed by him! It’s all your fault. But don’t worry, I won’t hurt you as long as you come and help us. I will give you time to consider. “Junhyung smirked evilly, “and the girl you are hiding behind. I guess she is precious to you? “

“Don’t you dare to touch her, Junhyung.” Ljoe warned and clenched his fist.

“Wow, relax. I won’t hurt girls.” Junhyung winked and left, “See you soon.”

After Junhyung left ljoe sight, ljoe immediately turned to you, “Are you okay?” He searched for your face. You nodded and you looked at him worriedly, “Oppa, Is him right? The one that you work for when you needed money for my operation.”

Ljoe nodded.

You took his hands and held it tightly, “Don’t join him okay? I don’t want you to get hurt again. I don’t want you to leave me again.”

“ I won’t. I won’t join junhyung. I won’t leave you. “ he encircled his arms around you and kiss your forehead. He pulled you closer and you leaned your head on his chest. He buried his head in your hair, “Trust me. I will not leave you again. Wherever you are, I will be there, staying by  your side.”

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Chapter 47: I cried for this... But glad that it is a happy ending <3
Chapter 47: ERMAGOSH THE STORY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Adorableeeeee :D
Chapter 32: OuO It's Niel not Neil right ??
Chapter 13: Wahhh good story ! I hope she will be fine soon...
ParkAhRin #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful storyyy! Please make a Sequel
ParkAhRin #6
Chapter 40: Omo i love this chapt! Ljoe so cute
Chapter 47: Encore encore!! ^^ authornim make a sequel pls ^^
Goldie #8
Chapter 47: Update soon pls!
Fanficsftw21 #9
Chapter 47: XD KYAAA!~ OMG get married already! XP update soon! <3