
Hey Sorry, My Baby.


Ljoe was pacing around the room waiting for you to come back. It was already 11pm and you were not home yet. He tried to call you but you did not answer you phone. He threw his phone on his bed and yelled, “ASIH! WHERE IS SHE?” He was worried about you as he was afraid that something might happen to you.

You were walking around the streets, near hongdae aimlessly since the evening. You kept thinking of Mrs Jung words and Daehyun. *I finally found my parents. But why am I so unhappy?* you sighed. You felt bad for Daehyun and you were worried for him. You knew that he hurt the most. You really hope Daehyun is fine.  Thinking of Mrs Jung, you were somehow angry with her. Angry for what she had done to Daehyun’s family, angry for leaving you in an orphanage, angry for telling you the truth.

“Hey, pretty, want come in and have a drink?” A teenage guy said. You looked up and realised it’s a club. *Maybe it’s the only way to forget all the things that happened today.* You sighed and nodded. The guy pulled you in the club. You sat on the counter and ordered some drinks from the bartender. The music was blasting out loud but you saw many people dancing around. You ignored it and grabbed the drinks that in ready on the counter. You drank it down in one shot and the bartender passed you another glass of drink.  “Give me a stronger one.” You passed the glass back to him. He nodded and started mixing another type of drink,”Here, miss. “ He placed the drink on the counter.

“You are Minhye right?” A guy asked. You lifted your head from the bar counter and looked at it. You narrowed your eyes as your head started to spin. You were already half drunk,” Who.. Who.. are you?”

“I am chunji. You don’t remember? And stop drinking, you are drunk.” Chunji snatched the glass away from you. “Chunji oppa.” You beamed and laughed, “Nice to meet you..#@$%#^#” You started to mumbled words that chunji don’t understand. “You are drunk. You should go back.” He said. You snatched your drink away from him and drank it down in one shot.”I am not drunk.”

Chunji shook his head. He tried to stop you from drinking but failed to do so. He slides his hands inside your pocket and took out your phone. You were too drunk to notice it.

Ljoe saw his phone rang and he immediately picked up his phone, “Where are you, baby? What are you doing now?”

“Ljoe?” Chunji said.

“Chunji? Why is minhye phone with you?” Ljoe asked worriedly.

“She is drunk. She kept drinking nonstop. I will send you the club address. Meanwhile, I will stay with her to protect her.” Chunji said.

“Okay. Help me look after her!” Ljoe hung up the phone. He quickly took his jacket and ran out of the house to pick you up.

Ljoe soon reached the club. He elbowed his way through the crowd and saw chunji at the counter. “Chunji.” Ljoe ran over. Chunji pointed to you who were laying your head on the counter unconsciously, “I couldn’t stop her from drinking.”

“What happened to her?” Ljoe asked. Chunji shrugged, “When I came here, she was already drinking.”

“Thanks for looking after her. I will take her home.” Ljoe carried you up in a bridal style and left the club. He looked at you, “What makes you drink so much?”



He put you down on your bed and put the cover over your body. He sat beside your bed and gazed at you. He brushed his thumb on your cheek as you mumbled in your dreams, “I hate you… you shouldn’t… have told me… shouldn’t have told me…. Daehyun oppa….. I am… so sorry…..”

*Daehyun? Is it because of Daehyun that makes her drink so much?* Ljoe thought. He then planted a kiss on your cheek and left the room.


You stirred in your sleep as the sunlight shone onto your face. You opened your eyes slightly and cover the lights with your palm. “You are awake.” Ljoe came in and sat on your bed, “Come, drink some honey water.”

You tried to sit up but you felt a huge pain in your head, “Ahh.” You groan as your grabbed your head. “You drank too much. Drink some of this. It will help.” Ljoe said as he place the cup in front of your mouth. You leaned forward and drink it.  

Ljoe brushed your hair with his fingers, “What happened?” You placed the cup on the nightstand, “Nothing.” Ljoe cupped your face to face him. He looked into your eyes, “What happened exactly? I Know you don’t drink.”

“I don’t want to recall about it.” You lay back down on the bed.

“I will not force you if you didn’t want to say.” He sighed, ‘But don’t drink so much anymore okay?”

You nodded and slowly drifted back to sleep.


You went to school as usual. You tried to look for Daehyun as you wanted to talk to him. But you realised that he did not come to school today. You sat in the cafeteria and sighed, “ I am so worried about him.”

“Noona!” Zelo called and sat beside you. You smiled at him. “Minhye ah, did you see Daehyun?” Youngguk asked. You shook your head, “He didn’t contact you all?”

They shook their head too. “I don’t know what happened to him. We called him but couldn’t get through. We went to his house but it’s seems like no one there. We wanted to call his parents but we knew that he will not be with parent.”Youngjae explained.

You nodded, “ If you see him, please call me.” “Okay! We will search for hi after school.”Zelo pouted, “And I miss hyung already.”


Ljoe was walking back home after buying some groceries. He saw a familiar person walking in front of him. He ran towards him and stopped in front of him.

“YAH, Daehyun! What did you do to minhye?” Ljoe yelled.

Daehyun stared at him and shove him away.

Ljoe smirked and grabbed his arms. He spun him around and punched him on his face.

Daehyun head turned a bit due to the impact. He was pissed off by ljoe’s action. He wiped his lips and smirked, “I am not in a mood to talk to you.” Daehyun was jealous of ljoe. He hate to see him now as he know that he, himself will not have anything chance to be with you.

“YAH, Reply me!” Ljoe shouted and shoved him to the wall. Daehyun rolled his eyes, “I lost! I didn’t even have anything chance to fight for minhye with you. I didn’t have any chance to confessed to her. And I know I couldn’t do that anymore! EVEN IF SHE LOVES ME, WE COULDN’T BE TOGETHER ANYMORE!” He punched ljoe back, “Now you happy? I lost! I lost to you without even having a chance to compete with you. ”

Ljoe did not understand what he was talking about he grabbed him on the collar, “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?”

“OPPA! STOP THAT!” You were walking home after school and you saw Ljoe and Daehyun fighting. You ran towards them and pushed ljoe away from Daehyun. “Oppa, what are you doing?” You shouted at ljoe.

“I am just teaching him some lesson. He is the reason that you are drunk right? He is the reason that you were upset right?” Ljoe explained.

“But you can’t beat him up! Is not his fault!” You yelled and turned to Daehyun, “Oppa, are you okay?” You wiped the blood away from his lips. He shoved your hands away and looked away.

Tears rotated in your eyes, “Oppa. Sorry for what happened. Can we talk?”

“You should not be the one who say sorry. I have nothing to talk to you.” Daehyun turned to go but you grabbed his wrist, “But I have something to talk to you.”

Ljoe stood aside and looked at the both of you. He was confused by Daehyun action. *Why is Daehyun ignoring her? Isn’t he the one that likes to stick with her? And why is Minhye holding him back? Does minhye likes him?* Ljoe felt a bit jealous that you completely ignored that he is injured too and all your attention was on Daehyun.

Daehyun sighed, “Okay. Fine.”

“Oppa, Sorry. please go home first. I will be back later.” You told ljoe and left with Daehyun.

Daehyun sat on the slide and you sat beside him. You nervously played with your fingers, “Oppa, I know you hurt a lot. I know is Mrs Jung fault. And I also don’t know whether I should forgive her or not. I am not prepared to call her mum yet. Since 5 years old, she had never taken care of me before. The one who cared for me was Ljoe and you.” Daehyun looked up as you said about him. You softly smiled, “You are really a good person indeed. I love being around with you. You always make me smile. You are always by my side to take care of me. Now that I know that you were my brother, I really hope that our relationship can be like the other siblings. Previously, you had always been taking care of me like my brother. Being with you I feel like your sister.”

“Pabo, I don’t want to be your brother.” Daehyun said, stopping you from talking.

“I want to be your boyfriend. I love you.” Daehyun sighed, “My feelings are so mixed up now. It’s really hard to sort out my feelings for you.”

“Just convert the love to siblings love. Isn’t it smiliar? Siblings take good care of each other too. Some sibling would cuddle together too right? They will share their happiness together. They are closer than anyone because they share the same blood. I know that we are half siblings, but we still somehow related right?’ You smiled sweetly.

Seeing your smile, Daehyun softened and pinched your cheeks, “You know what minhye? You have the power to make me smile. Every time, seeing you smile like this to me, I will forget all my unhappiness. My anger was gone within a second.  Your smile and voice really killed me. “ He thought that what you said make some sense too.

“Isn’t that too exaggerating?” You playfully punched his arms. “Yah, How can you hit your own brother? You must give me some respect.” He pouted.

You laughed and you felt so glad after hearing what he said, “So you agreed to be my brother?”

He ruffled your head, “ I can’t be your lover, but it’s also okay to be your brother though. At least I can still stay by your side. And perhaps I can spend more time with you.”

He grinned at you, “Let’s catch up on what we never do during our childhood.” He took your hands and place you down on the swing. He pushed you and you swing up high. You laughed happily and swing your leg. Daehyun eyes widened as you almost kicked him. You chuckled at his expression. Both of you then chase around each other in the playground like little kids. You all played the slides and see-saw.  

You lay on the soft rubber ground as you were tired. “Tired already?” Daehyun sat beside you. You nodded. He wiped your sweat and pulled you up to a sitting position.

“Come with me. I will get you something.” Daehyun took your hands and brought you to the nearby 7 eleven store. “Let’s us eat some icecream? My treat.” Daehyun suggested. You nodded happily.  Daehyun giggled and passed you the ice cream.

He smiled at you as your the ice cream. He himself was also eating it too, “Does we look like siblings now? I have seen a lot of older brother buying ice cream for their sister.”

“Is it? So you are trying to learn from them?” You asked.

“Maybe? But it’s looks sweet isn’t it?’ He smiled and laughed at you. You frowned, “Why are you laughing?”

He wiped your lips with a tissue, “You eat like a child.” You blushed and smiled ,embarrassed.

You were skipping beside him joyfully while he walked you home. Both of you were talking about random things and laughed at some jokes. But Daehyun and your smiled fell as you saw someone waiting for you near your house.

“Mrs Jung?’ you called. Mrs Jung turned to the both of you. Daehyun rolled his eyes and looked away. She walked towards the both of you, “Glad that both of you were together. Want to have a dinner together?”

You glanced at Daehyun and you knew that he was unhappy with it. “No, thanks.” You replied. Mr Jung then come out from the car, “Daehyun ah.” “Daddy.” Daehyun greeted. Mr Jung then smiled at you, “Minhye ah… my beloved daughter.”

You didn’t reply him and kept quiet. You didn’t know how to react. “Hi, Mr Jung.” You bowed.

He smiled, “You should call me daddy. I know you are not used to it now. But try to do that okay?”He patted your head. You hid behind Daehyun as he touches you.

*But I haven acknowledge you as my dad.* You thought as you bit your lips.

“Daehyun ah, let’s have a family dinner together. We haven do that for a long time right? Furthermore, we had found your sister. I think we should celebrate it together.” Mr Jung said.

Daehyun smirked, “I don’t want to celebrate with her.” He pointed at Mrs Jung. Mrs Jung knew that Daehyun hated her but was hurt by his words.

“Yah, Daehyun ah, Give some respect to your mum.” Mr Jung warned.

“She is not my mum!” Daehyun hissed.

“YAH, WHO SAYS THAT? APOLOGISE! DON’T BE RUDE.” Mr Jung yelled. “Honey. Calm down.” Mrs Jung said.

Daehyun snarled, “Why should I? I wasn’t in the wrong. I am supposed to be angry with you too dad! You and her lied to me! You hurt my mum too! She died partly because of you too dad! If you didn’t do something wrong she wouldn’t have died.”

Daehyun then walked away pulling you together with him. “JUNG DAEHYUN! COME BACK NOW! WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS?” Mr Jung shouted angrily,” YAH!” Mr Jung felt a sudden pain in his chest. He had difficulties in breathing and his legs weakened. “Honey, what happened to you?” Mrs Jung tried to support him. “Daehyun ah!” Mrs Jung shouted. Daehyun heard a “Thud” sound and he turned back. His eyes widened as he saw his dad fainted on the ground. “Daddy!” he ran back to him and shook him. You followed behind as you were shock by what happen.

“Daddy, wake up.” Daehyun called as he could feel that he is gasping for air. He slung his dad’s shoulder around him and lifted him up. He placed him on the back seats of the car and took the driver seats. You sat to the beside the driver seats while Mrs Jung sat at the back seats to take care of him. “Honey, don’t scared me.”

Daehyun drove to the hospital as fast as possible. 

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Chapter 47: I cried for this... But glad that it is a happy ending <3
Chapter 47: ERMAGOSH THE STORY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Adorableeeeee :D
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Chapter 47: Beautiful storyyy! Please make a Sequel
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Chapter 40: Omo i love this chapt! Ljoe so cute
Chapter 47: Encore encore!! ^^ authornim make a sequel pls ^^
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Chapter 47: Update soon pls!
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Chapter 47: XD KYAAA!~ OMG get married already! XP update soon! <3