I am his girlfriend.

Hey Sorry, My Baby.


Ljoe was in the club with Teen Top. Girls were all around him but his mind were thinking of you. *Aish, why she keep appearing in my mind! These few days, I kept having the feeling that she is very important to me.*

 “Oppa! Come and play with me.” A girl battled her eyelash and leaned her head on Ljoe shoulder. Ljoe pulled away. “I am not in a good mood now. Go find others.” The girl frowned, “Oppa, you never ignored me before. What happened to you? Are you sick?”

“YAH! I want to be alone!” Ljoe snarled. “FINE THEN!” The girl walked away angrily.

“Wow, Byunghun Oppa.” A girl smirked and walked towards him.

“Who are you?” Ljoe said rudely.

“You don’t remember me? I am Hyunjin. I used to be in the same school as you.” Hyunjin folded her arms and smirked.

Ljoe ruffled his hair, “Aish, I have so many people to remember.”

Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

“I lost my memory. If you are not someone important to me please go.” Ljoe irritably walked away.

Hyunjin smiled. *Lost his memory? Great!*

She stopped him by standing in front of him, “Oppa, how can you say that? Don’t you know how important you are to me?” Hyunjin faked a cry, “You… You are my boyfriend. Why had you been? I miss you so much.”

Ljoe stood there and stared at her, “What? Me? And you? I am your boyfriend?” Ljoe can’t believe what he had heard. *Aish, how many girlfriend do I have last time? How come everyone claim that I am their boyfriend. First is minhye and now is hyunjin.*

Hyunjin wrapped his arms around ljoe, “Oppa, you don’t remember me? “ Ljoe looked at her curiously and pulled away.

Hyunjin frown, “Oppa, you used to hug me and kiss me. Why are you pulling away from me now?”

“That is because, I don’t know whether should I trust what you said.” Ljoe shot her a looked.

“How can you say that? Do you know how hurtful it is? Oppa, you are so bad!” Hyunjin pretended to cry.

“YAH! Stop crying.” Ljoe said. But hyunjin cried louder. *Why so many girls like to cry in front of me?*ljoe thought.

“Oppa, don’t leave me again. I love you so much.” Hyunjin hugged Ljoe and buried her face in his neck and pretended to sniff.

Ljoe hugged her back, “I am sorry. “

Just then something flash through Ljoe’s  mind. He roughly saw a girl was crying in his arms and she was yelling and screaming:


Ljoe ran back in the ward to look for you. You heard footsteps, “Oppa, is that you?” You felt someone warm arms around you. “yeah,It’s me.” Ljoe replied. “What did the doctor say?” You asked . Ljoe kept quiet. You asked again anxiously, “Oppa, what did the doctor say?” “He… say..your cornea is damage. You will only regain your eyesight if you find a suitable donor.” Ljoe told you everything the doctor said. Your face fell and you pulled away from his hugged. “That means I will be blind… until don’t know when..” You were on the verge of crying. “Why?? WHY? OPPA!!! IS SO SCARY! So scary! Everything is dark… AHHH.” You started to scream as you couldn’t accept the fact. Eunjin cried as she saw the scene. Ljoe wrapped his arms around you and rested your head on his shoulder to calm you down, “Minhye ah.. don’t be like that… I am sorry… Is my fault.”  “Oppa, otteokae???” You sobbed in his arms. Ljoe felt something is squeezing his heart after seeing you like this.  Soon, you fell asleep. Ljoe carefully laid you down on the bed and tugged the blanket.


Ljoe felt his heart ache a bit as it flashes through his mind. But he couldn’t see the girl’s face. He closed his eyes and tried to see who is it but his head started to ache.

“Ah!” Ljoe held onto his head and groan in pain. Hyunjin was shocked, “Oppa, Are you okay? What happened to you?”

Ljoe shook his head and started to massage his head. Teen Top came by. “Hyung!” Ricky shouted and ran towards him.

Chunji and Cap lifted ljoe up, “I think we should bring him to the room.”

Both of them tried to support ljoe with their arms and brought ljoe to their private room in the club. They laid him down on the sofa and took some painkiller for him.

Hyunjin stood beside quietly and watched ljoe eating the medicine. “Who are you?” Neil asked.

Everyone attention turned to her. “I… I… am his girlfriend.” Hyunjin lied and bit her lips.

Chunji narrowed his eyes and looked at her, “His girlfriend? Are you sure?”

Hyunjin desperately nodded her head, “Yes. But byunghun oppa couldn’t remember me. “

Chunji looked at her suspiciously and looked back at Ljoe. *How many girlfriend does he have? If she is his girlfriend, then what about minhye?*

“How about you staying here to take care of him?” Changjo suggested. Hyunjin smiled happily, “Ok Sure!”

“Wait… but…” Chunji wanted to stop her but Neil held him back. “We need to go down to deal with some business. We can’t stay here for long. Let her take care of him for a while.”

Chunji nodded and left with Teen Top. He took a last glance at her and closed the door.

Hyunjin sat beside ljoe and gazed at him. *I will make you mine this time. This time round, you can’t reject me, since you can’t remember anything.* She smirked.

Soon, ljoe woke up and sat up. He saw hyunjin was sitting on the floor with her head leaning on the sofa sleeping.

Ljoe took a closer looked at her, “How come the feeling when I was close to her is different than when I talked to minhye.?” Ljoe mumbled, “When I talked to minhye, my heart tends to flutter but for hyunjin, I totally don’t feel anything. Is she lying to me?”

He furrowed his eyes and woke her up. “YAH!” He shook her roughly.

Hyunjin rubbed her eyes and blinked at ljoe, “Oppa.” She smiled.

“I have a question to ask you. Did you lie to me? A few days before, I met minhye and she said we dated before. Then now, you told me you are my girlfriend. Are you saying the truth?” Ljoe asked suspiciously.

“Of course it’s true! Minhye is the third wheel. She had been trying to separate us!  You would always protect me and said that you only love me. But she just won’t give up and she kept finding chance to break us up.” Hyunjin lied and she pretended to be sad.

Ljoe looked at her and didn’t know whether he should believe or not. He really can’t remember anything.

“Oppa, you must trust me.” Hyunjin tried to act innocent. She hope that it works.

Ljoe nodded. * looks like she is not lying.* Ljoe then sighed, “Alright. I am sorry. I should trust you.”

Hyunjin smirked in her mind *Gotcha!*

*So did minhye lied to me?* He blew his fringe and laid his back on the sofa.


Hyunjin pulled Ljoe out for a date. Ljoe didn’t feel like going out though but he thought that since she was her girlfriend, he should at least go out with her.

Hyunjin dragged ljoe and shopped around. Ljoe didn’t say anything and just followed her.  Hyunjin saw that ljoe kept keeping a distance away from her. She walked closer to him and held his hand. Ljoe looked at her. Hyunjin smiled, “We used to be close. I don’t like the distance between us.” She lied again.

“Sorry.”Ljoe said and held her hand tighter. Hand in hand they walk around the shopping mall. Hyunjin then saw a starbucks and requested ljoe to buy something for her. Ljoe then agreed with it and started queuing for the drinks. Hyunjin held onto him closely while queuing.

You were out with Himchan, Zelo and Daehyun.

“Noona, I am thirsty! Let’s go starbucks and grab a drink.” Zelo pulled you with him.

Himchan and Daehyun followed the both of you. From outside, Daehyun saw Ljoe together a girl He furrowed his eyes as he saw the girl wrapped her arms around him. *Who is she?*

“Minhye ah, Let’s go buy icecream instead. “ Daehyun stopped you from going in. He took your hands and pulled you away.

“Oppa, wait. But Zelo wanted a drink.” You said. “Hyung, let me grab a drink first.”Zelo shouted.

“Himchan hyung can go with him. You come with me okay?” Daehyun said and kept glancing at Ljoe.

“Daehyun ah, what are you doing? Just go in together!” Himchan slung his arms around both of you and walked into the starbucks before Daehyun can protest.

Daehyun stood beside you trying to block your view so that you couldn’t see ljoe. “Oppa, why are you standing so near to me?” You asked.

“Well.. I… I… scared that you catch a cold. I am blocking the wind for you.” He then pointed at the glass door that is left open.

You smiled, “Thanks oppa.”

“Minhye ah, what do you want to drink? My treat.” Himchan softly grabbed your hands and pulled you into the queue with him.

“No!” Daehyun tried to hold you back, but is too late.

“Byung.. byunghun oppa?” You pointed at ljoe as you saw him sharing a drink together with a girl.

Himchan followed your eyes and saw ljoe too. “What.. what is he doing with the girl?” Himchan asked.

You quickly ran towards him, “Byunghun oppa.”

Daehyun and Himchan quickly ran after you.

Ljoe looked at you and his smile faded. He was angry with you for lying to him, but he didn’t know why he just couldn’t get angry with you.

“Who is she?” You asked nervously.

Ljoe didn’t reply and looked away.

“I am his girlfriend.” Hyunjin hook ljoe arms and smiled.

Your eyes widened, “What?”

Daehyun and himchan was stunned too.

“Oppa, is that true? I thought you said you will try to remember me? But why now.. you..” You were on a verge of crying.

“Stop. Minhye. Don’t say anymore. You lied. What for asking me to remember you? You lied to me. When I remembered everything, I will know the truth. Don’t try to lie to me anymore. And don’t try to break me and hyunjin relationship.” Ljoe shot back.

“Stop that Ljoe! Do you know what you are saying? “ Daehyun grabbed ljoe collar.

Ljoe pushed him away, “I know what I am saying! “

“NO, you don’t know! Minhye is your girlfriend. Is your real girlfriend! Not this girl!” Daehyun pointed at hyunjin angrily. “You bastard.” Himchan punched ljoe on his face as he won’t bear to see someone hurting his dongsaeng.

*Hyunjin* You kept thinking of the name as you felt it familiar to you. You then remembered that she was the one you met last time in the restaurant when you were blind. She was the one who likes ljoe.

You stared at ljoe in disbelief. You can’t believe that he thought you lied to him.

Ljoe wiped the blood on his lips and stared at them. Zelo them come by, “Don’t you dare to hurt my noona!”

Daehyun was about to punch ljoe but Hyunjin protectively stood in front of ljoe. “Stop hurting my oppa!” Hyunjin yelled at Daehyun.

“Don’t you think I don’t dare to hit a like you.” Daehyun hissed.

Ljoe pulled hyunjin back and hyunjin smiled seeing that ljoe is protecting her. “I will kill you if you dare to touch her.” Ljoe the pushed Daehyun angrily and Daehyun knocked onto the wall. You saw that and you quickly ran towards Daehyun, “Oppa, are you alright?”

Ljoe clenched his fist and was about to punch Daehyun but Himchan grabbed his hands and Zelo kicked him on the stomach. More and more people started to crowd around to see the commotion.

“Enough!” You shouted. Himchan and Zelo stepped away from ljoe and looked at you.

You stomped towards ljoe. “Noona, don’t go near him.” Zelo said. You smiled at Zelo,”Don’t worry.”

You smirked and you slapped ljoe in his face. Everyone was stunned by your action. Ljoe touched his face and glared at you. “YAH!” Ljoe yelled.

“YOU JERK! YOU WILL REGRET FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!” You glared at ljoe angrily. You then turned and walked away angrily. “YOU !” Ljoe yelled at you. Ljoe then looked around and saw many people looking at him. “STOP LOOKING!” Ljoe snarled at them. They looked away.

“Oppa, are you okay?” Hyunjin cupped his face and took a closer look. “Ljoe pulled away, “DON’T TOUCH ME!” Ljoe snarled at Hyunjin. Ljoe then left starbucks leaving hyunjin behind.


You were walking at the front in a fast pace. You didn’t know what to do and you didn’t know where are you going. Tears started to drop from your eyes.

Daehyun, Himchan and Zelo looked at each other and stopped you. Daehyun grabbed your wrist and spunned your around. You quickly looked away and wiped your tears.

“Noona, you are crying.” Zelo said.

“Minhye, don’t cry because of him. Is not worth it.” Himchan patted your shoulder.

Daehyun bend down to your height and brushed your cheeks with his thumbs. “Stop crying. You still have us with you. Don’t think about him and cry for him anymore.”He whispered.

“Yeah, noona! You still have us! We can make you happy! Don’t cry anymore because of him.”Zelo playfully poked your cheeks.

You smiled a bit and looked at them, “ Thanks oppa and zelo.” Daehyun smiled and ruffled your head, “That’s what I want to see. Smile more.”

“Noona, let’s go to a place that you can let out your anger!” Zelo slung his arms around you and pulled you into the arcade. You began to play some fighting games on the arcade machine. “GO! Minhye! Fight them all! Pretend they are ljoe!” Himchan cheered. You concentrate on the games and soon you won. You high five with Himchan, “YAY I won’t!” You jumped around. Zelo then dragged to to play some shooter game.  The 4 of you each took and gun and started to shoot the opponent that is appeared on the screen.

“Bang Bang!” Zelo shouted while shooting with the gun.

Soon, the games ended and you all receive the high score. “That’s great!” Himchan gave you a hugged. You smiled and looked at Daehyun. He was smiling too. “Are you happy?” Daehyun asked. You nodded, “yea. Thanks for accompanying me.”

You all spent the whole day in the arcade and soon all of you were tired.

Zelo walked out of the arcade with hands in his pocket, “I had never played so hard like today before.”

“Same!” You smiled.


Meanwhile, Ljoe was drinking in the club. “What’s wrong with him?” Cap whispered. Ricky shrugged, “Maybe he was dumped by a girl?” “I heard he went out with hyunjin today.” Neil said.

Chunji glanced at him worriedly, “But did someone beat him up? There was bruise near his lips.”

“I don’t know. He kept drinking since 1 hour ago.” Changjo shook his head.

Chunji walked towards ljoe and took the glass away from him, “You had drink enough.”

“Give me back!” Ljoe tried to snatch the glass back but chunji held it away.

“YAH. LEE CHAN HEE!” Ljoe yelled and drank the beer from the bottle instead. Chunji then snatched the bottle away.

“What do you want?” Ljoe said and he sounded a bit drunk.

“What happened to you? What makes you drinking like that?” Chunji asked.

“Yea, hyung. You had never drunk so much before.” Ricky added.

“I don’t know! I am so confused. Everything is so messy now! My heart just ache so much. I don’t know why. Everything seems wrong to me!” Ljoe slammed his hands on the table.

“Yah, you are drunk.” Chunji tried to pull him up.

Ljoe shoved his hands away and walked away. He stumbled as he walked towards the exit. Ljoe then stopped beside a lamp post and started throwing up.

“You drink too much ljoe.” CAP patted his back to make him feel better. Ljoe then punched his hand onto the lamp post causing his hand to bleed. “Why are you hurting yourself?” Chunji asked, frustrated by what ljoe is doing.

“AHHHHHHHHH!” Ljoe then started to yell. Teen top was shocked. CAP covered his mouth, “YAH, People are looking!”

“Hyung, did you eat the wrong medicine today? You act like you are crazy!” Ricky can’t stand it anymore. Ljoe then leaned on the lamp post and he kept mumbled to himself. Soon, his eyes started to close. CAP supported him with his shoulder. Before ljoe closed his eyes, he mumbled, “Minhye ah…”

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Chapter 47: I cried for this... But glad that it is a happy ending <3
Chapter 47: ERMAGOSH THE STORY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Adorableeeeee :D
Chapter 32: OuO It's Niel not Neil right ??
Chapter 13: Wahhh good story ! I hope she will be fine soon...
ParkAhRin #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful storyyy! Please make a Sequel
ParkAhRin #6
Chapter 40: Omo i love this chapt! Ljoe so cute
Chapter 47: Encore encore!! ^^ authornim make a sequel pls ^^
Goldie #8
Chapter 47: Update soon pls!
Fanficsftw21 #9
Chapter 47: XD KYAAA!~ OMG get married already! XP update soon! <3