I am sorry, but i love you.

Hey Sorry, My Baby.

The ambulance soon arrived and he was taken to the hospital nearby.




“Oppa…” You cried as you sat outside the emergency room. Ljoe pulled you into his arms and your back,”Don’t cry. He will be alright.”

The rest of BAP and Teen Top waited outside the room anxiously. Soon, your parents arrive, “Where is my son?” Mrs Jung asked worriedly.

Youngjuk pointed towards the emergency room. Mrs Jung leg weakened and almost fell onto the ground. Mr jung caught her and supported her to the seats.

You just can’t stop crying and it hurts ljoe so much seeing you cry. He wiped your tears with his thumbs and looked at you, “Minhye ah… don’t cry…. Daehyun is strong. He will survive.”

“Oppa, I am so scared. I don’t want to lose daehyun oppa. “ You sobbed. “Shhh… You won’t lose him.” Ljoe tried to console you. *Maybe I should the one who get hurt and not Daehyun, so that you guys won’t hurt so much.* He glanced at your parents and there were tears in their eyes too. He then turned back to your and kiss your forehead, “ I am sorry.” He whispered. You wanted to tell him don’t need to be sorry, but you didn’t. Your tears just kept flowing none stop.

It had been 8 hours and all of you are still outside waiting for news. “Minhye ah, you should drink something at least. I don’t want you to fall sick.” Ljoe handed you a cup of hot chocolate as you refuse to eat. “Oppa, I am not thirsty.” You whispered. Ljoe sighed placed the hot chocolate near your lips, “Drink it.” “Thanks.” You smile weakly and drank it.

Soon, the emergency light were off and door opened. All of you dash towards the doctor.

“How is he?”.. “Is my son okay?” You all started to bombard him with questions.

“I am sorry. We tried our best.”The doctor sighed, “He is in a critical state now. It’s all depending on himself. We had done what we should have done. The next few days will be crucial to him. We will keep observing him.”

You felt better knowing that he is still alive, but hearing what the doctor said didn’t make you feel ease at all. “Omo… Otteokae…” Mrs Jung held onto his head as Mr Jung supported her.

As the doctor only allows 2 visitors at one time, you let your parents to enter the ward first. After that you went in to visit him and Ljoe followed you.

You saw machines around him and his face were pale. You cupped your mouth and were on the verge of crying. Ljoe squeezed your hand, “ He will be alright.”

You sat beside Daehyun, and took his hand. “Oppa, you have to get through it. You have to be strong. I want to hear your voice again. I want to see you smile again. I want to….” You snifted and tears roll down your cheeks. You buried your face in the bed, “I don’t want to lose you. I want you to stay with me.”

Ljoe ‘s tears were rolling in his eyes. It’s pain for him to see you cry. He wanted to walk towards you and hugged you and wiped yours tears. But something stops him. He felt that he is the cause of everything. Is all his fault. He sighed and walked out of the room.


“Minhye, you should go home and rest. I will stay here.” Mrs Jung said. Still seating beside the bed, you shook your head, “I want to stay here. I want to stay until oppa wake up.”

“Minhye ah… You are tired. You should go home. Me and Mr Jung will stay here. I will call you if Daehyun wake up.” Mrs Jung pursuaded.

You kept quiet and shook your head. “Minhye ah…” Mrs Jung bends down beside you and makes you face her. She pulled a starnd of hair behind your hair and brushed your cheeks, “Listen to me okay? Go home with Ljoe. You can come tomorrow morning.”

“Mum, let me stay please. Dad need to work. He has to go home and rest. You should go home and rest too. I am still young. I won’t get tired easily.” You said.

Mrs Jung knew that you will stay here no matter how hard she convinced you. She walked out of the room, “Honey, she insisted to stay.”

“Then I guess we will go home first. Ljoe, you wanna go home with us too?” Mr Jung asked. Ljoe looked at the door and looked back at them. He shook his head, “I will stay with her.”

“Okay then. I will feel more ease since you are staying with her. Help me take good care of her.” Mrs Jung said. Ljoe nodded and leaned back at the chair.

Ljoe was sitting at the corridor outside the ward all the time. You didn’t know as you were in the ward with daehyun all the time and you didn’t leave the room.

A few hours had passed and ljoe walked into the ward to take a look at you. He found you sleeping with your head resting at the side of the bed. He bended down beside you and carried you to the couch. He took off his jacket and put it over your shoulder. He softly brushed your hair,” Even though daeyhun is your half brother, but I still feel upset seeing you cried for him like this… But I know your feelings. I really hope daehyun can wake up quickly. So that you will be by my side again. I feel so empty without you. “

He leaned forward to kiss your lips,” I am sorry. But I love you.” 

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Chapter 47: I cried for this... But glad that it is a happy ending <3
Chapter 47: ERMAGOSH THE STORY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Adorableeeeee :D
Chapter 32: OuO It's Niel not Neil right ??
Chapter 13: Wahhh good story ! I hope she will be fine soon...
ParkAhRin #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful storyyy! Please make a Sequel
ParkAhRin #6
Chapter 40: Omo i love this chapt! Ljoe so cute
Chapter 47: Encore encore!! ^^ authornim make a sequel pls ^^
Goldie #8
Chapter 47: Update soon pls!
Fanficsftw21 #9
Chapter 47: XD KYAAA!~ OMG get married already! XP update soon! <3