
Hey Sorry, My Baby.

After that day, both of you keep sticking together. No matter where you go, ljoe will follow you. And no matter where he goes you will tag along with him.

Time flew passed really fast and soon, you were 15 and Ljoe was 16. Many of the friends you knew had been adopted except for you and ljoe because both of you can’t bear to leave each other. One afternoon, you and ljoe was strolling in the park after school. Ljoe saw a beautiful flower in the bush and he bent down and plucked it off. “For you.” He handed it to you and you took it. “Thanks.” You smiled. He ruffled your head and held your hands. Both of you sat down on the bench and Ljoe wrapped his arms around your waist and you rested your head on his shoulder.

“Minhye ah….” Ljoe called. “Yeah?” You answered. “Do you think we should leave the orphanage? “ ljoe paused and continued, “I think that we are big enough to take care of ourselves and it’s time for us to be independent.”

“But… I can’t bear to leave eoni.” You replied, “ How are we going to survive without them? We will not have the money to pay for our school fees, no place to stay…” “ We can always come and visit them again. Don’t worry about the rest, I will take up jobs and take good care of you. You will get to attend school, we can rent a place to stay.”Ljoe said.

“Futhermore, I am tired of staying in the orphanage. I do love the people there, especially Nuna (Sister Maria) but I don’t want to depend on them forever. If you agreed to it, we will leave the orphanage together. If you want to stay, I will stay with you.” Ljoe explained. You became silent for a while and nodded your head, “I will leave with you.”

Ljoe smiled and pinched your cheeks, “Oh yeah! That’s my girl… I will tell nuna about it later.”

“YAH!” You rubbed your cheeks and started to tickle him by poking his waist. Ljoe laughed and ran away. “YAH, come back” You yelled and chase after him.

Soon, I was the day that both of you were leaving the orphanage. Sister maria stood at the doorstep with tears in her eyes. “Byunghun ah, you must take good care of Minhye understand? Both of you can always come back here to find me if there is any difficulties. I will be here to help you all.” Sister Maria said. Both of you nodded your head. “Eoni…” You sobbed as you hugged her, “I will miss you.”  “Aigooo..” Sister maria wiped your tears, “Don’t cry… you can always come here and look for me if you miss me.” Ljoe went forward to hugged the both of you, “Nuna, thanks for taking care of us for all these years, don’t worry, I will take good care of her. “ Sister maria pulled apart, “This is for you. You might need it.” She handed an envelope with some money inside to the both of you.  “Eoni… You don’t have to…” before you finish your sentence, sister maria cut in,” Just take it… You will need the money to pay for school fees and other things before you could find a job.”

“Thank you eoni…” You hugged her again. It’s time to go as the car was ready. Ljoe helped you to carry your stuff up the car and you bid goodbye with sister maria. “Nuna!” “Eoni!” Both of you shouted, “Goodbye… Take care of yourself.” Both of you bowed. She waved, “Take care too. Remember to wear more clothes. The weather is cold. Come and visit the orphanage frequently.”

Both of you smiled and nodded and board the car. You wind down the window and looked back at her, “Bye eoni…” You waved. Ljoe held your hands and smiled.  

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Chapter 47: I cried for this... But glad that it is a happy ending <3
Chapter 47: ERMAGOSH THE STORY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Adorableeeeee :D
Chapter 32: OuO It's Niel not Neil right ??
Chapter 13: Wahhh good story ! I hope she will be fine soon...
ParkAhRin #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful storyyy! Please make a Sequel
ParkAhRin #6
Chapter 40: Omo i love this chapt! Ljoe so cute
Chapter 47: Encore encore!! ^^ authornim make a sequel pls ^^
Goldie #8
Chapter 47: Update soon pls!
Fanficsftw21 #9
Chapter 47: XD KYAAA!~ OMG get married already! XP update soon! <3