forgive and forget.

Hey Sorry, My Baby.

The next morning, you woke up. You stretched your arms and you realised you were lying on the couch. “Where am I ?” You asked yourself. You then remembered what happened, “Oppa!” You shot up and you saw Daehyun still lying on the bed in front of you with his eyes close. Seeing that he is still there make you feel relieved. You stood up and a jacket fell off. You take a looked and it and picked it up. *Byunghun oppa jacket* You looked at the couch, *He carried me there? It means he is still here?* You thought. You felt bad a you hadn’t talked much to him for the whole day. You walked out of the room and looked for him. You then saw him seating on the chair sleeping. His head keep falling forward. You sat beside his head on your shoulder, “Thanks for accompanying me, oppa.”  You then realised that he had a cut near his lips and some bruises on his arm. You bit your lips, *All these while I had been only paying attention on Daehyun oppa. I didn’t know you were hurt too.* You felt guilty. You leaned his head on the wall and went to get some medical oil for him.

You lightly put on medicine on his bruises and wound so that you won’t wake him up. You then plastered the bandaid on the cut on his arm.  *Done* You smiled and return the medicine to the nurse. You then headed to the ward to take a look at Daehyun. His eyes were still close but you can see that his face was not as pale.

“oppa, you are recovering right? You can’t leave me alone for too long okay? Even though I have Byunghun oppa, but I need you too. You are my best brother.” You said and start massaging his legs and arms.

A few days had passed and the doctor said that Daehyun condition is getting better. You started to go to school and pay him visit after school.

You were walking out of the school with ljoe hand in hand. “Noona!” You heard zelo voice from the back. You turned and smile, “Zelo ah..” Zelo ran between the both of you, causing you and ljoe to break apart. “Damn.. Zelo.” Ljoe hissed.

“Yah, oppa. Don’t say that.” You stared at ljoe. Zelo hook your arms, “Going to the hospital?” You nodded. “Great, let’s go together!” Zelo exclaimed and waved, “Hyung, faster!” The rest of them ran towards the 3 of you.

“oh? Omonim.” BAP greeted as they saw Mrs Jung in the ward. Ljoe bowed at her. “Mum, you are here.” You gave her a hug.

“Yeah, but Daehyun was not awake yet.” Mrs Jung smile faded a bit.

“Daehyun will sure wake up. Maybe he just wants to sleep longer.” Younguk said.

“Although he is always the soft and quiet one, he is actually a strong guy. He will sure pull through it.” Himchan sat on the couch.

“Mum, you look tired, you should go home and rest.” You patted her shoulder. She nodded,”Okay then. Call me if he wakes up.”


“Oppa, we still haven gone for a holiday together. You promised me when you will, so you must wake up and go with me!” You said. “Hey, how about me?” Ljoe pouted. “How about us?” Himchan cut in. You chuckled, “We will go together okay?”

At night you decided to stay since tomorrow is a Saturday. Ljoe let you stay but he left after a while as Teen Top need him. “Minhye ah, if you are tired, sleep on the couch okay? Don’t sleep beside the bed. Your neck gets hurt.” Ljoe said before leaving.  You nodded, “Oppa, bye. Be careful.”

Ljoe kissed your lips one more time and left.

You help him clean up his face with some wet towel and massage his legs since he had not been moving for so many days.

You then sat beside him. Folding your arms on the bed you rested your head on top of yours hands and gazed at him. You smiled as you recall of the days that you first met him and the day he became your brother. *I am really glad that you are my brother.* Your eyes got heavier as you drifted into your dreamland.



*where am I?* Daehyun looked around as he found that he was in a grassland. He can’t see the end of the land. Everything is so green and beautiful. *The scenery here is wow….. Am I in a fanstasy world?* He thought. He started to stroll around the place. *Why am I here? Where is daddy? Where are my friends? And where is Minhye?* He glanced around and he felt wind blowing towards him. He saw a lady standing quite a distance away from him. He scrutinized his eyes and tried to block the wind with his hands. “Daehyun ah…” A familiar voice called. His eyes widened as tears welled up in his eyes, “Mummy!” He ran towards here and hugged her. “Mummy, I miss you…. It had been a long time since I saw you.” Daehyun cried.  She pulled away and wiped his tears,”Aigooo… my precious daehyun ah…. Mummy miss you too. I had been watching you secretly.”

“Really? But, why are you here?” Daehyun asked. He then realised something, “Wait…. This means… am.. am.. I dead?” He stuttered.

“I am here to meet you. I had seen how you had been living. “ She then paused for a while, “I know… you hated your step mother so much and cried a lot because of her. So… I am here to fetch you. Do you want to come with me?”

Daehyun gazed at her and squeezed her hand, “Mummy, I… I want to stay with you again.”

She smiled and his cheeks, “I am glad to hear that. I want to stay with you too. But are you ready to let go of all the people there? You know you still have your friends that care for you a lot there. And you half sister, minhye.”

At your name, Daehyun started to think about you. *I don’t want to leave her. She will be upset if I leave her too.* Having about the thought of seeing you cry  hurt him a lot.

She then softly smiles with understanding, “I know what is in your mind. You love her. Even though she is your sister, but you love her a lot. You can’t bear to leave her right?”

Daehyun didn’t reply. “She is a very nice girl. I like her a lot too. I love the way she makes you smile and the way you take care of her.  I don’t want you to leave her too. Your friends there, they are great friends, you shouldn’t leave them too. And your dad, he loves you a lot.”She explained.

“But you know I don’t want to stay with my step mum(Mrs jung). I hated her. I want to stay with you. I want you back. Mummy, come with me.” Daehyun begged.

“Look Daehyun, there is no way for me to go back… Your step mum love you a lot pabo.. She treated you like her own son. Forgive her and forget the past. You are still young. You have a great life ahead. But the decision is yours. I will let you choose now.” She softly looked at him.

Daehyun looked at her angelic face, “Mummy…”

“Is either you go with me or you go back to your own life…” She continued, “What will you choose?”

Tears slid down Daehyun eyes as his fingers started to twitch. He eyes slowly opened as he saw that he was in a dark room. *where am I again?* He then saw machine around him and knew that he was in the hospital. He felt someone beside him and turned his head. He softened at the sight seeing you sleeping peacefully beside me. He softly touched your face and brushed your hair. *I miss you so much*

You stirred in your sleep and turned pull back his hand. *Did I wake her up?* You opened your eyes as your eyes widened. You rubbed your eyes again and blinked. Daehyun chuckled at your action.

“Oppa, you are awake!” You exclaimed and jumped in excitement. You then stopped, “Am I dreaming?” You began to slap yourself.

“Ouch!” You winced. Daehyun grabbed your hands, “don’t hurt yourself pabo.” You can hear his voice crack since he had been sleeping here for a long time. “oppa.” You leaned forward and hugged him, “How are you feeling? Is it painful?”

Daehyun smiled and shook his head, “No… Not painful anymore. “

“Oppa, I thought you will leave me.” You said. Daehyun laughed, “ I can’t bear to leave you.” He pinced your cheeks. You laughed and you slapped his arms, “It’s painful!”
Daehyun winced too, “Hey, I am a patient!”




The door slung opened and you could hear loud cheer. “Daehyun, your are awake!” Youngguk jumped besided his bed. “Hyung, be gentle a bit. I am still recovering.”

“You are strong, bro.” Himchan slapped his leg. “Yah!” Daehyun yelled.

“Hyung, I miss you!” Zelo and Jongup chorus. “Faster recovered and BAP will be back again!” Youngjae screamed.

“SHHH… this is a hospital.” Youngguk hissed, “You wanna get chase out by the nursed. “Sorry.” Youngjae shrugged.

“We will wait for you to recover. You know we felt so empty without you. BAP is not complete without you!” Himchan said, “Even though you doesn’t talk much, but still we needed you! You are just like our life!”Himchan said it in a dramatic way.

Youngguk smacked his head, “Isn’t that a bit too exaggerating?”

You laughed at the scene.

Himchan stuck out his tongue, “But is true hyung!”

Zelo then nodded is agreement, “YEAAH! BAP will not be completed without Daehyun hyung.”

Daehyun softened, “Thanks guy. I will recovered as fast as possible, for you guys.”

“For noona too!” Jongup exclaimed.

“Noona had been crying so much because of you. She had been spending many days here just to wait for you to wake up.” Zelo said.

“WHAT?” DAehyun yelled. “Hey, you shouldn’t have done that. You will get tired.”

“But, I am worried for you.” You pouted. Daehyun grabbed your wrist and pulled you beside him, “But thank you. I am really glad that I am you all. My life is not complete without you all.”

Youngguk began to rub his arms, “Since when we have become so cheesy and emotional. We usually don’t say this type of things. We just keep it to ourself okay?” Youngguk felt goosebump on his arms.

Daehyun looked around the room, seeing how happy you and his friends are. He felt warm and happiness too. *I guess I had made the right decision.*


“Is either you go with me or you go back to your own life…” She continued, “What will you choose?”

“I…. I…. choose….” Daehyun looked into her eyes.

“Sorry…” Daehyun looked down. She smiled and cupped his face to make him face her. “I know. I understand. I know that this will be your decision in the first place. I am proud that this is your decision. Live well with your family and friends out there.”

Daehyun nodded and tightened his grip on her hands. “I have to go Daehyun…” she said. “I love you, mummy.” Daehyun whispered. “I love you too Daehyun. “ that is the last thing daehyun heard and he found himself in the hospital.


After hearing the news, Mr Jung and Mrs Jung rushed down the hospital too. Ljoe was also in the ward too. “Daehyun ah, how are you feeling now?’ Mr jung asked. “Daddy, I am okay. Doctor said that I will be discharged soon.” Mrs Jung smiled and patted his hands, “I am so glad that you are fine. I was so worried.”

Daehyun flinched at the touch and glared at her. Mrs Jung smiled faded a bit but forced a smile back. He then remembered what his mum told him. *Forgive and forget the past.* He tried to calm himself down.

“Sorry… M… mum.” Daehyun rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. You blinked at what he had just said. He hadn’t been calling her mum or calling her mum in a polite manner for a long time. “Did he hurt his head or something?” Ljoe whispered in your ears.

“Daehyun ah…” Mrs Jung thought she heard wrongly, “You… you..”

“I will try to respect you again.” Daehyun said and coughed to stop the awkward atmosphere. “Erm….I am tired. I need to take a rest.” All of you nodded and let him rest. You were the last to leave the room. “Minhye ah…” Daehyun suddenly called.

You turned back and looked at him. He was smiling happily, “Go home a have a good rest arraso?” You nodded, “Ne, oppa!” and skipped out of the room.

Daehyun lay back down on the bed and smiled. “Forgive and forget” He whispered. *Is not bad after all. I feel much happier like this. This is how a family should be like.Thanks mummy.” He looked out of the window and softly gazed at the sky.  

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Chapter 47: I cried for this... But glad that it is a happy ending <3
Chapter 47: ERMAGOSH THE STORY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Adorableeeeee :D
Chapter 32: OuO It's Niel not Neil right ??
Chapter 13: Wahhh good story ! I hope she will be fine soon...
ParkAhRin #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful storyyy! Please make a Sequel
ParkAhRin #6
Chapter 40: Omo i love this chapt! Ljoe so cute
Chapter 47: Encore encore!! ^^ authornim make a sequel pls ^^
Goldie #8
Chapter 47: Update soon pls!
Fanficsftw21 #9
Chapter 47: XD KYAAA!~ OMG get married already! XP update soon! <3