I love you, my dear sister,

Hey Sorry, My Baby.


Ljoe ran off the school immediately. “Wait! Hyung, where are you going?” Zelo shouted. “Beast’s hideout. It must be them.” Ljoe shouted back. “We need to tell hyung about it. It unsafe to go alone.” Zelo yelled but ljoe didn’t care. He jumped into a cab and sped off. Zelo ran back to the school and called the rest of BAP and Teen Top for help. They gathered at Teen Top’s hideout. “We just can’t sit here. I need to do something.” Daehyun said as he was worried. “But we don’t know where is beast hideout. And that ljoe, he shouldn’t run off alone. How can he safe her alone? Beast sure have back up.” Cap said angrily.

Meanwhile, ljoe came back to Teen Top hideout. “Ljoe! You are here. Did you find her?” Cap asked. “If I found her, I won’t be here! I went to find beast but they will not there! I don’t know where are they now! “ Ljoe kick the couch angrily.

“So now what are we going to do?” Chunji asked. “I don’t know! I don’t want anything to happen to my sister!” Daehyun glared at ljoe, “If anything happen to her, I won’t let you go. You are the one that put her in danger. If you didn’t know beast, minhye will not be taken by them.”

Ljoe clenched his fists and kept quiet. Just then, Daehyun phone rang.

“Daehyun ah, come back home now! Minhye had been kidnapped. They wanted a random of $20 million, if not they will kill her.“ Mrs jung cried.

Daehyun eyes widened and dropped his phone. “Yah, daehyun who is that?” Youngjae asked anxiously.Daehyun told them what happened and rushed back home worriedly. Teen Top and BAP followed him.

They sat in the living room waiting for the phone to ring again. “Honey, what should we do now? They said they will call again. But why… they still haven called. I..am so scared.” Mrs Jung cried in Mr Jung arms.

*So, she was not with beast? Junhyung said he didn’t want the money. Who is the one who take her away? Ljoe pinched the brigde of his nose and lay back on the sofa.

“Let’s call the police. Maybe they can help?” Jongup suggested. “What if they killed her because we inform the police.?” Zelo replied.

“Ring…” The phone rang. “I will picked it up.” Ljoe snatched the phone. “Yah, let me talked to them, she is my sister.” Daehyun yelled. “Daehyun, let him answer.” Mr Jung said. “Dad!” Daehyun sighed.

“Hello?” Ljoe said.

“Wow, ljoe?” The guy laughed evilly.

“How… how do you know is me?” Ljoe narrowed his eyes.

“well, I guess. Hmmmm. Do you know who I am?”the guy said.

“I would I know? Who are you? If you dare to hurt Minhye, I will kill you!” Ljoe warned.

“Calm down, ljoe. You can’t find me. How can you kill me if you can’t do that? Hahaa. Yeah, minhye it’s with me. I had already told her dad that I want $20million. And… I am… Kwon JiHoo.” He smirked.

“YAH! I knew that I owe you. I will pay you back. I can work for you! Let go of her!” Ljoe yelled.

Everyone look at him. “Yah, ljoe, who did they say?” Daehyun asked.

Ljoe ignored him and shut his eyes. “I don’t need you anymore. Based on my research, I knew that your girlfriend, minhye, is the daughter of some CEO from a big company in seoul. I can used her to earn big money. Who should I need you. If anything happens to her, blame yourself. “ Jihoo paused a while and continued, “By 6pm. Meet at the empty house near beast hideout with the money. I am sure you know where it is. And come alone.” Jihoo hang the phone before ljoe could say anything.

“Ljoe, what they say?’ Mr Jung asked. “They wanted $20million, by 6pm. They wanted  me to meet them at a empty house. They asked me to go alone.” Ljoe explained.

“Go alone? Ljoe, do they know you? From the conversation, seems like you know them.” Mrs Jung asked suspiciously. “No.. I don’t know them.” Ljoe lied and looked away.

“Lair! It’s you! You knew them!” DAehyun grabbed him collar.”

Himchan pulled DAehyun away, “The problem now is not to blame him! Is to find $20million to save her out.”

“Do you think they will let minhye go after getting the money? They might kill her!” Daehyun yelled back at himchan.

“Enough!” Mrs Jung yelled, “Let’s try to find ways to get $20 million first. That’s the only thing we can do. “ “Dear, we should mortage this house and get some loan from the bank.” Mrs Jung told Mr jung.



You woke up and you realised yourself in an empty and dark room. You tried to move but you realised that you were tied on the chair. You heard the door creaked open and someone walk in. You saw someone familiar, “Junhyung?”

“You are awake.” Junhyung said. “YAH! LET ME GO!” You yelled. Junhyung covered your mouth, “shut up!” Just then a guy walked in. He smirked as he spin his gun with his fingers, “You are finally awake. Don’t worry, you will get to see ljoe before you die. “

“What? Who are you?” You shouted. “Me? I am Kwon Jihoo.”He laughed, “Blame Ljoe for everything, if you die.”

Jihoo threw the gun to Junhyung and Junhyung swiftly caught it in one hand. “Kill her after I got the money.” Jihoo said and left the room.


“Honey, how? It’s going to 6pm and we still do not have enough money yet.” Mrs Jung cried and pace around the room. Ljoe took the bag of money that they got so far and walked to the door. Daehyun grabbed his hand and spun him around, “Where do you think you are going?” “To save her of course!We have no time left.” Ljoe clenched his fist.

“So you are going alone? How are you going to save her alone? And the money is not enough, do you think they will be happy with it?” Daehyun hissed. “Even we we give them $20 million, they will still kill her. I need to go save her before it’s too late. I will save her out myself. Don’t worry. I will risk my life for her, I can even die for her.” Ljoe said angrily.

“Ljoe, I won’t let you go alone too. Minhye will be sad if anything happens to you.” Mrs Jung said. “Ljoe, let’s sit down and have some plan first okay?” Chunji tried to convince him.


You tried to untie the rope by struggling but soon you were tired as it was too tied. Your wrist began to bleed a bit due to the rope. The door then swung open and jihoo walked in. Smirked plastered on his face as he smile evilly, “Any last wish before you die?”

“LET GO OF ME!” You hissed. “I don’t think I will be able to do that. You will report to the police once I release you. “Jihoo said.

“I promise, I won’t. Please let go of me.” You pleaded. “Even if you won’t, Ljoe will. “He said and left the room.

“Junhyung!” He called. Junhyung turned to him with a cigerrate in his mouth. “Get ready. I will deal with ljoe later.”Jihoo said and took his gun before leaving the area to meet ljoe.


Junhyung then came inside the room. You stared at him as he walked towards you. The rest of the beast followed behind him. You close your eyes, “I know I am going to die. Just shoot the gun and kill me.” But you realised it was silent. You opened your eyes and you saw junhyung face in front of you. He smiled and shook his head. Dongwoon then untie your rope. “What… what… are you doing? Aren’t… you gonna fire the gun?” You asked.

“Yes, I am going to fire the gun….” Junhyung said, “But not on you..”

“Your job now, is to run. Run as fast as possible. Escape from this area.” Yoseob said.

“Why? Why are you letting me go?” You asked curiously. “You are the one that ask us to let you go. Why? You don’t wanna leave here?” Hyunseung walked towards you.

“No.. I want to leave here. Thank you.” You bowed to them.

“Don’t have to thanks us. We wanted our revenge too. We wanted to kill jihoo for a long time ever since he killed doojoon. And, now is the chance. “ Junhyung stood up. “Follow kikwang, he will lead the way. Run as fast as possible.” Yoseob said.

You followed him and then stop at the back door, “Wait, what about byunghun oppa? He is with jihoo now right?’

“Don’t need to worry about that. We will take care of it. Kikwang, quick.” Hyunseung signal to kikwang. Kikwnag nodded and grabbed your hands speeding out of the room.

Ljoe ran to the meeting place holding the bag of money. He looked around waiting to see if anyones appear. “Hello, Ljoe.” A deep voice said.

Ljoe turned around and narrowed his eyes, “Jihoo.” Jihoo walked towards him with some of his mens behind.

He tried to look around for you but you weren’t around. “Where is minhye?”

Jihoo smirked, “Miss her already?”

“YAH! I asked where she is?” Ljoe yelled.

“Pass me the money first.” Jihoo said. “I won’t give it to you until I see her.” Ljoe hissed.

“Fine… Just wait. You will get to see her soon.” Jihoo said and he pressed his phone. Junhyung then appeared carrying a brown sack on his back.

“She is here.” Jihoo said. Junhyung threw the sack on the ground and ljoe clenched his fist and looked at jihoo. “Don’t… tell… me.. you killed her?” Ljoe eyes widened as he saw blood stain on the sack. Jihoo eyed on one of his men to open the sack.

Ljoe closed his eyes, *No.. It can’t be her.*

“WHAT IS THAT?” Jihoo yelled. Ljoe opened his eyes to see the commotion. He saw a pillow and boster in the sack. He heaved a sigh of relieve seeing that it wasn’t you.

Junhyung laughed, “Can’t you see is a pillow and boster?” “Go and die jihoo.” Junhyung raised the gun. He triggered his gun but one of his men shot his wrist causing him to drop the gun. “What the..” junhyung groaned in pain.

“Don’t think you can win me junhyung.” Jihoo smirked. Beast started to get ready to fight. Gun shots were all around the places. Yoseob picked up the gun on the gorund and ran with dongwoon to get jihoo who was running away. The rest were fighting with jihoo’s mens who tried to stop them from chasing after jihoo.

Meanwhile, the rest Teen top and BAP were waiting near the area. The heard gun shots and started to ran to the place. Ljoe were confused by the situation, “So junhyung was on my side?” he helped to attack some of the men while worrying for you.

“YAH, junhyung, where is minhye?” Ljoe asked while punching a guy face. “She is with kikwang. We will settle the things here. Go and get jihoo, before he caught up with minhye and kikwang. ” Junhyung said.

Ljoe sped off quickly. “Ljoe where are you going?” Chunji asked as soon as they arrived. “Come with me.” Ljoe ran off. BAP stayed helping beast to fight all the mens. Teen Top then followed ljoe. Daehyun followed him too as he was worried for you.

Ljoe ran as fast as he could. *Minhye ah, please be safe.*

You were still running away with kikwang. *Aish, why is the road so long?* You complain. Kikwang seems to read your mind, “This place is deserted that’s why it will take a while to get out of here. But we are reaching.”


“Get them!” A few mens blocked kikwang and your way. Kikwang pulled you behind him as the mens surrounded you all. *It must be jihoo’s gang. He had back up.* Kikwang thought.

“What should we do now?” You whispered. “When I count to 3, you will run. I will try to fight them.” Kikwang whispered. “You will get hurt. How is it possible for you to fight them all.” You replied. “Just shut up and listen to me.” Kikwang hissed.

Just then, jihoo arrived. “How dare you betray me Kikwang!” He snarled and walked towards him. “Now that I have no choice let us die together.” He raised up his gun and pointed at kikwang.

“Drop your gun!” Yoseob warned as appeared.

Jihoo swiftly pulled you from kikwang’s back and pointed the gun at your head. “YAH.” Kikwang yelled.

“Stepped back. Or else I fire the gun.” Jihoo warned.

Kikwang started to step back and walk closer to yoseob. Ljoe, Teen Top and Daehyun soon arrived too. “YAH! Let go of her!” Ljoe yelled angrily. “OPPA!” You teared as you were scared.

Ljoe felt his heart break seeing you crying and shivering. “Don’t worry. I will save you out.”Ljoe said.

Jihoo stepped back pulling you with him. Ljoe stepped forward and jihoo pressed the gun on your temple, “Don’t move! One more stepped forward I will kill her.”

“What do you want Kwon Ji hoo? I will do anything for you. Please don’t hurt her and let her go.” Ljoe pleaded. Jihoo smirked, “Kill yourself now.”

“WHAT?” ljoe glared at him. Teen Top, Daehyun and you were shocked to hear that. “OPPA, DON’T!” You screamed.

At the moment, the rest of the beast and BAP arrived. The froze seeing you in jihoo’s hands. Daehyun then secretly went behind Jihoo back while his attention was on ljoe.

“If only you wanted me to die, I will die in front of you. But please, don’t hurt her.” Ljoe snatched the gun away from yoseob and pointed at himself. “HEY!” Yoseob yelled.


“SHUT UP!” Jihoo snarled at kikwang.

Just as jihoo was about to fire the gun, Daehyun attack him from the back and Jihoo missed his shot. You fell onto the floor while Daehyun were fighting with Jihoo.

Ljoe quickly ran to you and pulled you away from the fight. Another fight soon started again between jihoo’s gang. Daehyun tried to snatch the gun away from jihoo as jihoo fire his gun everywhere.

Ljoe sat you down near a tree. He pulled your into a hug, “You are safe now. I am sorry. Sorry for putting you in danger.”

You cried in his arms, “Oppa… I am so scared. “

“I am here. You don’t have to be afraid of anything now. You wait here. I will help the rest.” Ljoe stood up but you grabbed his hands. “No. You will get hurt.” You said.

Ljoe kissed your forehead, “I will be fine.” He then ran off and join the fight. Your heart were beating really fast as you see them fight. It was really scary. You could you Daehyun still struggling with jihoo.  You were afraid that daehyun got hurt.

Daehyun kicked Jihoo stomach and twisted his wrist. Jihoo dropped the gun and felled onto the ground. Daehyun punched his face as Jihoo pushed Daehyun away. Jihoo ran to get the gun and Daehyun ran after him.

As Junhyung got the gun from Ljoe, he fired his gun everywhere to kill jihoo’s mens. But soon, it was out of bullet. He threw it on the ground and started to fight.

Soon, police could be heard. *Oh no. It’s police.* jihoo thought. Jihoo managed to take the gun. He saw you standing there without anyone with you. He aimed the gun at you. Both Daehyun and ljoe saw his that. “NOO!!” Daehyun ran towards Jihoo to stop him while Ljoe ran towards you. 

“BANG!” the gun fire off. It then followed by another gun shot that was fire by a police. You could see blood were all over the area. Jihoo slowly fell onto the floor as the bullet pierce through his chest. He dropped the gun that he just fire off. Daehyun who was in front of him weaken and fell onto the floor too. He held onto his stomach as blood is oozing out. You pulled away from ljoe arms and you screamed as you saw Daehyun lying on the ground. “OPPA!” You ran towards him. The police arrested Jihoo’s mens and Beast since they were involved in it. “HYUNG!!! DAEHYUN!!” Everyone started to ran towards Daehyun.

“Oppa…” You cried. Daehyun slowly lifted up his hands and wiped your tears away with his thumb. “Don’t cry. I am not pain. It’s not painful.” Daehyun said.

“Pabo oppa. How can it be not painful! Hang on there! Don’t die. The ambulance is coming! Please… Oppa.” You yelled.

Daehyun smiled weakly, “Can I hug you one last time?”

“No! You can’t! You have to survive for me. I don’t want this to be out last hug. I don’t want! You have to hang on!” You snifted. “Please. I wanna hug you one more time.” Daehyun tried to pull you into his arms with his cold and bloody hands. “Oppa, you can’t die! Don’t die.. “ tears keep spilling out as you cried in his arms. Daehyun kissed your forehead, “No matter you are my sister or not, my love for you had never changed. I love you, my dear sister.” Daehyun’s hand fell onto the ground lifelessly as he close his eyes. “NOOO!!!! OPPA!!!!” You screamed as you shook him.

The ambulance soon arrived and he was taken to the hospital nearby.



Sorry for the late update. I was really busy.

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Chapter 47: I cried for this... But glad that it is a happy ending <3
Chapter 47: ERMAGOSH THE STORY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Adorableeeeee :D
Chapter 32: OuO It's Niel not Neil right ??
Chapter 13: Wahhh good story ! I hope she will be fine soon...
ParkAhRin #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful storyyy! Please make a Sequel
ParkAhRin #6
Chapter 40: Omo i love this chapt! Ljoe so cute
Chapter 47: Encore encore!! ^^ authornim make a sequel pls ^^
Goldie #8
Chapter 47: Update soon pls!
Fanficsftw21 #9
Chapter 47: XD KYAAA!~ OMG get married already! XP update soon! <3