The truth.

Hey Sorry, My Baby.



After school, you quickly grabbed your books and prepared to leave the school. You skipped out of the school but someone stopped you. “Minhye ah.” A lady called. You turned and you saw Mrs Jung smiling at you. You smiled back and bowed, “Hi, Mrs Jung.”

“I have something to tell you, won’t you mind spending some time with me?” Mrs Jung said as she opened the car door. You warily looked at her. She softly smile and took your hands, “It won’t take long.”

Daehyun was walking out of the school gate and he saw you entering his mum’ s car. He wanted to stop you but the car already drove off. *Why did my mum meet her? What does she wants? * Daehyun quickly took a cab and headed to his parents house.


You alighted at a big mansion. “Wow” Your jaw dropped, *Why does Daehyun stayed on his own when he had such a beautiful home?* You thought.

You followed Mrs Jung in. Mrs Jung brought you to her room and you sat down on the couch. “Why did you bring me here?” You asked.

Mrs Jung looked at you and sat beside you. She began to become nervous. “I… I have something to tell you.” She said nervously.

“What is it about?” You said.

“Do you really love Daehyun?” She asked.

You blinked as you didn’t know how to answer her. You knew that Daehyun asked you to lie to his parents that you were dating him, but still you didn’t know whether to tell her the truth not.

“Yeah.. I…. love him.” You bit your lips.

Mrs Jung seems to be having a deep thought, “Both of you can’t be together. Can’t be in that kind of relationship.”

You scratched your head and looked at her, “Why?”

“Listen, I wanted to tell you something important. So please be prepared.” Mrs Jung sighed and looked at you seriously. You somehow got shock by her serious look. You slowly nodded.

“The real reason is, you and Daehyun were half siblings. “Mrs Jung firmly said. Your eyes widened, “Wh…What?” Mr Jung nodded her head, “Both of you are from the same father but different mother.”

You slowly moved further away from her, “It..It is… not tr…ue right? You… are.. jo.. joking.”

You shook your head, “How… could it be?”

“I will explain to you.” Mrs Jung said. You were to shock to say anything.

“I knew Mr Jung during our school days. We were dating and we love each other. But he is from the rich family. His mum, who is Daehyun’s granny wanted him to marry someone to benefit their business. I was heartbroken to hear that. But in the end, Mr Jung married a girl(Sara) from some wealthy family to help in their company business. Sara soon gave birth to Daehyun and his granny was very glad as she knew that Daehyun can take over the family business.  However, Mr Jung still can’t forget about me. One night, he was drunk and he came and looked for me. He was in a messed. I tidy him up and let him stayed at my house for one night. That night… something happen. He kept saying that he love me a lot and I indeed still love him too. We missed each other so hard that we kissed and…” Mrs Jung looked down with shame, “A few days later, I… I… was pregnant. And the child is you. I did not know what to do. I knew that Mr Jung had a family. I can’t destroy the family. But Mr Jung found out one day. He said he will raise the child and he will take responsibility for it.

But things are not that easy. After Daehyun’s granny found out about me, she started to scold me with all sorts of name. She forced me to abort the child but I couldn’t bear to. Mr Jung tried to persuade her but failed. Soon, Sara found out about it. She was upset and that time Daehyun was just 1 years old. She felt hurt and she ran out of the house one night. Which was the night she met an accident and pass away. Daehyun’s granny started to blame me more and said that I was the cause of her death.

I felt guilty and I left Mr Jung. I moved house and tried to hide from him. A few months later, I gave birth to you. I let you used my surname, Park and I name you Minhye. I grew you up until you were 4 years old and I couldn’t afford to support you anymore I can’t even have the money to pay for the rental. So, I decided to send to the orphanage. The orpahange were good enough to keep you.

After I sent you to the orphanage, I was kicked out by the tenant. But Mr Jung soon found me. He said he wanted to marry me. Daehyun’s granny soon agreed with it as she wanted Daehyun to have a mum. I wanted to bring you back from the orphanage but Daehyun’s granny was against to the idea. He said that it will spoil their family and company reputation if people found out that I gave birth to you secretly. She asked me to forget about you and carry on. So…. I did. That time Daehyun was just 6 years old and I tried my best to treat him like my own son. He soon, acknowledged me as his mum.

10 years later, Daehyun granny passed away and I decided to look for you. Mr Jung was also very desperate to find you too. He had not talk to you and hugged you as a dad before. After I met you at the dinner, I do a background check on you and realised you were my daughter. I even go to test the DNA.” She explained and handed you the details.

Your hands shivered as you looked at the results. Tears slid down your eyes.

“BAM!” The door swung opened and both of you turned to the direction. You saw a Daehyun standing there and tears formed in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, “I heard everything… I heard everything! WHAT IS THIS ABOUT! HOW CAN THESE HAPPEN? THE GIRL THAT I LOVE IS MY SISTER? AND… AND YOU ARE THE ONE THAT CAUSE MY MUM DEATH?  ALL OF YOU HAD BEEN LYING TO ME! DAD AND YOU KEPT SAYING THAT MY MUM DID OF HEARTATTACK! BUT IT’S NOT TRUE!!!!” Daehyun yelled. You jumped and you looked at him, speechless. You were shocked but his loud voice.

“Sorry ah… daehyun, It’s my fault… It’s me.. Sorry.” Mrs Jung knelt in front of Daehyun. Daehyun pushed her away and looked at you, “APOLOGISE CAN’T CHANGE ANYTHING! YOU CAN’T BRING BACK MY MUM! AND MINHYE! He pointed at you, “ I THOUGHT I WOULD AT LEAST HAVE A CHANCE TO PROPOSE TO HER AND TO LOVE HER! BUT BECAUSE OF YOU, I CAN’T!”

“No… you still can love her. “ Mrs Jung cried. “But it’s not the same love anymore !” Daehyun glared at her, “ I HATE YOU!” Daehyun ran out of the room. You cried as you could feel daehyun’s pain. You stood up and ran after him. Mrs Jung sank onto the floor and cried.

“Oppa! “ You shouted and ran behind him. No matter how loud you shout, he didn’t stop.

Daehyun went into an alley and he punched the wall causing his hands to bleed. You found him there and walked towards him “Oppa.” You called. He didn’t reply you and his tears keep falling.

You touched his hand, “Your hands are bleeding.” You took your handkerchief and trying to wrap it around his knuckles. He pulled away and walked away. You chased after him and grabbed his wrist. He shoved you away, “Leave me alone. I don’t know what my feeling for you now is. The fact that our mum killed my mum makes me hate you too.”

He walked away and you stood there quietly. You didn’t know what to do and just cry, “Mianhae oppa.”

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Chapter 47: I cried for this... But glad that it is a happy ending <3
Chapter 47: ERMAGOSH THE STORY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Adorableeeeee :D
Chapter 32: OuO It's Niel not Neil right ??
Chapter 13: Wahhh good story ! I hope she will be fine soon...
ParkAhRin #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful storyyy! Please make a Sequel
ParkAhRin #6
Chapter 40: Omo i love this chapt! Ljoe so cute
Chapter 47: Encore encore!! ^^ authornim make a sequel pls ^^
Goldie #8
Chapter 47: Update soon pls!
Fanficsftw21 #9
Chapter 47: XD KYAAA!~ OMG get married already! XP update soon! <3