Leave me alone.

Let The Heartbroken In - II

Being with Zico was great. You spent a lot of time together like you always did, but now you two were feeling another kind of things. Jaehyo was really happy to see you with Zico, as he told you:

"You and him fit better together than you and I did. It's great to see your wide smile everytime he's around and that makes me smile too... I'm so happy for you!"

He was one of your closest friends, just like he promised he'll be when you two broke up. Everytime he hugged you, you felt really happy to have Jaehyo by your side. Minhyuk's coldness towards you seemed to have vanished, and now he was being affectionate with you. It wasn't like he flirted with you, he was just very caring and lovely, and he treated you like his little sister. So, in short, you were really happy how things were now that you had came back. You felt like nothing could ever hurt you if you had Minhyuk, Jaehyo and Zico by your side.

A week had passed since you met Yongguk at the KBS and you hadn't heard of him since then, wich was pretty good news. He belonged to a part of your past you wanted to leave behind. It was saturday and you were in your room now trying to pick something to wear at the party Block B were throwing that night in their apartment. You pouted looking at your messy wardrobe full of clothes.

*If Mona still lived here she could had helped me out with this...* She moved to Kiggen's house some days after you left Korea and Pierre and Josh had found a bigger place that was closer to BrandNew Stardom, but you decided to stay there. *I really like this place and besides it would be weird living alone with two boys...*, you thought.

You sighed frustrated after taking a look at the pile of messy clothes and took the first sweatshirt you saw, a pair of shorts and you old pink converse boots. After getting dressed you left your apartment and went to Block B's.

"you!" Ukwon put his arms around your shoulders. "You live next door, why are you always so late?"

"I'm not always late, KittyKwon!" you pretended you were angry and that made him laugh.

"you! You're finally here!" said a familiar voice.

Your heart missed a beat as you watched Bang Yong Guk geeting up from the couch he was sitting and walking towards you with a smile on his face. You cleared your thoarth.

"He-hello" you said and quickly bowed to him.

"Fancy a drink? Daehyun, hand me a cup for the girl!"

"Thank you..." you said looking at the cute boy that was giving you the cup.

"Come sit with us! I was just telling the Block B guys about that time we spent stuck on that elevator at that hotel... Do you remember?"

Of course you did. Those were the longest two hours of your life.

"Yes..." you forced a smile. "By the way, where is Zico?" you asked Jaehyo, sitting next to you.

"He called saying he had to catch up a lot of work so he'll stay at the studio probably all night" he said smiling and patted your leg.

"Oh..." you looked around and saw Mona and Kiggen on the other side of the room. Mona had a worried look on her face, and gave you a 'we-didn't-know-b.a.p.-were-here-either'.

It would have been impolite to get up and leave the room, so you sat next to Yongguk for the rest of the night. You heard his husky voice talking about a lot of stupid things with Block B as he drank cup after cup. You were feeling really uncomfortable but everyone was a little tipsy, so no one noticed. When the night was over and you left Block B's dorm, a pair of big and strong arms curled around your shoulders in the empty corridor.

"you..." you felt more than heard Yongguk's words coming from his mouth, right behind your ear.

"What?" you said harshly as you moved away from his embrace. You and him were completely alone now and that made you feel really nervous.

"Did you have fun tonight?" he smiled.

You turned around and walked to your apartment without answering him. You just didn't want to talk to him.

"you, wait" he said following you.

"Leave me alone. I'm tired" you said weakly.

"Don't you miss me...?" he said tenderly and tried to held your wrist, but you moved quicker.

"No. I don't. And I wouldn't even if I were single, wich I'm not. Good bye, Yongguk".

You slammed the door on his face, and went straight to bed. You knew he would try something at the early opportunity, and you felt really angry. *I was the one who left you, Yongguk. Why would I want to come back to you?* you thought before falling asleep.


I don't like the beggining of this chapter... is... aaaaaarghh.

Apart from that, did you like this chapter? What do you think about Yongguk? Hehehehe please comment and tell me! :)

Thanks for reading ^^

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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!