
Let The Heartbroken In - II

Next morning you didn't turn the radio or the TV, the last thing you wanted was to see the pictures of you and Yongguk holding hands in front of the Han river. It was too extressing for you, and you wondered how everyone at work would react when they knew about it... So you just got dressed and went to work.

On your way there you felt some girls staring and pointing at you as you walked down the street, so you decided to walk as fast as you could before any of them could approach you. You passed by a bookshop and saw at least three different magazines with pictures of you and Yongguk in the front page. *Damn...*, you thought walking faster and faster, and finally you ended up running all your way to Brand New Stardom.

*I hope this doesn't affect B.A.P. promotions...*, you thought as you entered the building panting. *I'd hate it if they were in trouble because of those damn pictures*. The B.A.P. boys had worked hard to achieve their dreams, and they didn't deserve to be affected by any scandal just after their debut.

The Brand New Stardom workers acted as normal as always when they saw you, so you assumed nobody had seen the pictures yet. It was a relief, but you were worried about their reactiones when the knew about them. Sighing, you walked towards the room #9 to give Jaehyo his singing lesson.

When you entered the room you saw him sitting on his chair with a worried look on his face while looking at his smartphone.

"you...", he said looking up.

*So he checked the news on his phone and now he knows about it...*, you thought as you saw him watching you with his mouth open, too shoked to say a word.

"It's okay, Hyo..." you smiled and sat next to him.

"But this is..." he was really nervous. "Damn. Do you understand how dangerous this is for you?"

"Dangerous?", you asked with an innocent smile.

"Yes. You must be really careful now... Some fangirls are really, really-"

"Don't worry about me!" you interrupted him. "Nobody had recognized me" You tried to cover your lie with a warm smile.

"...Yet", he added with a serious expression. "You shouldn't go alone anywhere, you... At least your boyfriend is picking you up after work, isn't him?"

You felt there was a little bit of anger in his voice when he said 'boyfriend'.

"Yes, he is", you lied again. "Now, let's start the lesson", you said a little pissed off at him.

That was your only lesson for the day, the rest was office work. You locked yourself in the studio so no one could bother you until it was time to go home. It was so late that you were the only one left in the building. *At least no one else apart from Jaehyo has asked me anything about the pictures...*, you thought as you walked all your way to your appartment. No one recognized you on the streets, wich was wonderful. *Maybe this stupid gossip thing it's not so important after all*.

When you approached your building, you saw six figures waiting at the entrance. They started coming your direction the moment they saw you, and when they got closer you could see they were six young girls.

"Hey, you".

The girl that had just spoken was now blocking your way and looking at you with a defiant expression. *. Six girls. They're too many...* you thought trying to pass beside her.

"Are you deaf, ?" said the girl pushing violently your shoulder.

*I should have listened to Jaehyo...*

"This is stupid enough to ignore me", said the girl and all of them started laughing.

Then she pushed you again, harder, and you almost fell to the floor. *Great*, you thought.

"Hit me will only cause you trouble. Someone could see you, so please stop this and let me go home", you told her trying to make her realize what she was doing.

"And now the is telling me what I should do", said the girl furious.

*So now, instead of calming her down I just made her angrier. Now this is better than great... let's see how I can get away from this*, you thought looking around you.

"Why don't we play a little game, ? How about we break those pretty hands of yours so you won't touch Bang Yong Guk oppa again? Huh? Would you like that...?" she said walking slowly towards you as the other girls followed her, circling around you.

"You're not doing anything to her, are you?"

All the girls turned around and laughed nervously when they saw Yongguk walking towards you. He had an angry look on his face and was looking only at you, ignoring the girls.

"Oppa...", said the girl who had threatened you.

"Don't you dare calling me that", he hissed as he grabbed your hand and took you inside your building. He didn't let go your hand until you both entered your apartment and he closed the door.

"What do you think you're doing??", he asked with a scaring expression.

"I was... just... going home...", you mumbled surprised at his reaction. Why the hell was he mad at you?

"Are you crazy? I thought at least you would know it's dangerous for you to walk alone at night!", he said really angry.

"Yongguk, they were just a bunch of schoolgirls... Nothing would have happened, don't worry so much about it".

"They were about to BEAT YOU UP!" he regretted shouting right after he did it. "I'm sorry for shouting at you, you..." he apologized, feeling really nervous and worried.

"Yongguk, I know you're under a lot of pressure right now... but please, take it easy. Silly girls can't hurt me" you said touching his arm.

"You're exposing yourself, you, can't you see it...?" he said caressing your cheeks tenderly and looking at your eyes. "I'm really sorry, but... You can't just act like nothing had happened... Not after those damn pictures... I'm sorry" he said covering your little body with his big and strong arms as he gave you a tight hug.

You felt moved and surprised that he could be so sweet, but you maintained your position.

"Nothing's going to change just because a bunch of stupid pictures", you said stubbornly.

"We were caught holding hands, you" he said with a low voice.

"Yongguk... I'm sure your bosses have scolded you because of all of this, so please don't worry about me. I'm a nobody".

"That's why I'm so worried", he said and kissed your forehead. "If you are hurt, nobody will know about it. Nobody will care". He kissed you again, and shivered in frustration.

"That's enough, Yongguk", you said grabbing him by his arms and forcing him to sit down on the couch. "Why don't you spend the night here?", you asked softly. He looked like he would suffer a nervous breakdown if you didn't do anything to avoid it.

He looked so shattered you felt something melting inside of you, and couldn't help kissing him. You moved your lips away from him surprised of what you had just done and blussed embarrased. He seemed to like your short and clumsy kiss, because he smiled happy and kissed you back very lovingly.

"Aigoo... what a sweet and cute girl you are..." he whispered. "Okay. Even if those girls tell the press that I've slept here tonight, I don't really care. In fact, I think it's time to stop hiding".

You didn't really like what he had just said.

"What do you mean?" you asked as he hugged you and kissed you again.

"I'm telling the press we're going out", he said and gave you another kiss. "Tomorrow".

He then kissed your earlobe and down your neck, but you were froze in the place. *Tell the press...?*

You couldn't tell why, but you had a bad feeling about that. A very bad one.


Oooooh. The first haters appear.

What is that bad feeling you have about Yongguk telling your relationship to the press...?

What do you think? :)

Next chapter will show Zico's reaction to the pictures, so stay tuned if you want to find out what he thinks about them! ;)

Thank for reading! ♥ :D


Everytime you read and leave without commenting, Jaehyo breaks a mirror.

That forces him to endure seven years of bad luck in love as a cosmic penance.

And he cries in agony.

And that makes him ugly, so he cries even harder.

Don't be mean to jaehyo.


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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!