What I wanted to tell you...

Let The Heartbroken In - II

Block B went back to their dorm and soon Mona and you were there. The shock from seeing Yongguk at the KBS has passed, and you were back to normal again. You walked toward Zico with a smile on your face, looking as happy as you did when you saw him.

"Zico! What did you want to tell me?" you shouted so he could hear you. The boys were throwing a welcome party on their apartment and the music was really loud.

Zico looked at you up and down, watching your red high heels, your shiny red dress and your beautiful red lips. His gaze moved up to your lips and he curled a lock of your soft hair behind your ear.

"I've missed you" he said locking his arms around you.

"Me too!" you said while hugging him back.

"Come with me".

He held your hand and took you to the bedroom he shared with P.O, Taeil and Minhyuk, and both of you sat on a bed.

"The thing I wanted to tell you... I know this is so sudden, but I want to say it now, as soon as possible". You opened your mouth to speak, but he put a finger on your lips. "Please, listen and don't say anything before I'm finished. I wanted to tell you this before you left, but I didn't arrive on time at the airport..." he took a deep breath with his finger still on your lips.

The moonlight coming through the window was so bright you didn't need to turn on the lights, and everything around you looked silver and navy blue.

"I love you".

His eyes were stuck on yours, as if he was looking straight into your soul.

"The first time I saw you, you looked at me with a bored expression and half of your face was covered with that damn pink scarf. I thought I hated you, but deep inside of me I knew that wasn't true. Then the blackout at the studio happened, and we became friends... I thought I only cared about you as a friend, but that wasn't true neither. After that I knew about all that happened between Minhyuk hyung, Jaehyo hyung and you, and you ended up dating and breaking up with Jaehyo. I felt I knew everything about you but nothing at the same time, because you never talked about that with me. I thought I was just worried about my closest friend... but once again, I was wrong. You had to leave before I realized what my true feelings were".

He moved his finger away from your lips and slid your hand through your cheek until he put it on your neck, grabbing your waist with his other hand and dragging you against him as he suddenly kissed you. He kissed you long and passionately, holding you tightly and trying to resume in his kiss all the feelings he held inside of his heart. Then he abruptly let go of you and moved away a little, closing his eyes and putting his cheek in front of you.

"That's what I wanted to say... Now you can slap me or something if you want" he said waiting for the impact to come.

They way he kissed you, all of a sudden and grabbing you so you couldn't avoid his kiss was something he knew would piss you off, but he couldn't resist it. He had to do it. He waited for a few seconds and then opened a little his right eye to look at you, wondering why he had not been slapped. He was surprised to see you covering your mouth with your hands, trying to hold your laugh, but soon you couldn't held it anymore and bursted out in laughter, looking at his astonished face.

"you...? You're not angry at me...?" he raised an eyebrow, and you tried hard to speak between your laughing.

"No! I'm not... you really thought I was going to slap you...?"

A small smile appeared on his lips as he felt like laughing too. "Yes...?" he said starting to laugh with you.

"Oh, ok then, I think you're right... you've been a little disrespectful and I think I should..." you said kneeling on the bed in front of him.

"Wha...?" he looked at you as he saw you raising you hand.

His cheek didn't feel any pain as you hit it lightly and playfully, and then you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him while holding him so tightly he fell backwards on the bed, and you fell on top of him. He automatically curled his arms around your waist and rolled over placing himself on top of you, as you still kissed. He put his hands on the bed at the sides of your head and broke the kiss, looking surprised at you.

"Wha...??" he said again.

"The only thing I thought about all the time I've been gone is you, Zico" you said with your arms still locked around his neck, running your fingers through his soft hair. "When I left I realized... you were one of my closest friends, but I really want you to be more than that..."

He smiled widely and felt his heart bumping on his chest, full of happiness.

"I love you, you!!!" he almost shouted, and kissed you over and over again.


Yay!! Zico moment finally!! xD

I really loved writing this chapter... ♥♥♥ hoohoohoo!!

I hope you liked reading it!!

Please comment if you feel like it and thank you so very much for reading! ^_^


And by the way... I still support Zico and Block B after the Thailand incident. Stay strong boys! ♥

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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!