First step forward.

Let The Heartbroken In - II


'Holy !', you cursed throwing your phone furiously inside your purse.
Zico looked at you from the other side of the table.
'They're annoying, aren't they?', he asked with a mocking smile.
'They've been calling me non-stop for the last two weeks!' You ran your fingers through your hair. 'I don't know how those damn journalists got my number, but they're giving me the creeps.'
Zico made himself comfortable on his chair, playing with the pen he'd been using to write some lyrics and looking at you with an amused expression.
'Hey!', you said annoyed. 'Do you think this is funny?'
'Oh, yes, it is!'
You gave him an angry look. 'How do you bear with this? Don't they annoy you as well?'
He just shrugged and kept playing with the pen, looking at you.
'Aish!', you said hitting him on his shoulder. 'You're so annoying too sometimes!'
He laughed and a kind smile spread across his face.
'Why don't you just give them what they want? Just talk with them for a couple of minutes and answer their questions.'
'That way they'll leave me alone?'
'Probably. For a few days.'
'Then I'd rather change my number.'
'Oh, yeah, that's another option. And they'll get your new number again in a few days.'
'Aaaagh. So what can I do then?'
'Just bear with it!', he answered kindly as he put the pen on the table. 'I know it's hard, but you can do it.'
You looked at him with a bored and sad expression and sighed loudly.
'you', Zico said looking at you. 'Do you know what day is today?'
'Hmm?' You looked at the calendar on the wall. 'Why? Is there something important today?'
'Today's the 10th. That means you only have three weeks left to sort things out with Yongguk.'
You furrowed your brow and nodded. You didn't say anything.
'How are things going between you two? Have you already talked about your... Past... Together?', Zico asked.
'No... Not yet...' *Because whenever I want to talk to him words won't come out...*, you thought, embarrased of being such a coward.
'Well, I think you should do something about it', Zico said with a serious expression. *Each day you're not by my side feels like a lifetime, you... An empty lifetime*
'You're right', you said standing up and picking your things up. *I can't waste more time on this. This is... I'm hurting Zico... And I'm not being honest with Yongguk. I have to confront him now. I can do this*
'So what are you going to do?' Zico asked you. *Finish this soon, you. The sooner you put an end to this, the sooner I can fight to have you back*
'Hhmmm...' you nodded and smiled to him. 'I'm sorry Zico, but I need to go now. I have to finish a report before Yongguk picks me up tonight!'
'Oh, I see. Well, bye then, I'll see you tomorrow', he said smiling again and hugging you tightly. You hugged him back and left.
'A report... Sure', Zico mumbled with his eyes fixed on the closed door. 'You just figured out what to you're going to do now, don't you?' He said on his chair again. 'So... It's already started. Now I just have to wait.'
'Oh , just 15 minutes to go!', you said checking your clock.
As soon as you got to your office you your computer and looked for the information you needed on the internet. You took some notes on a small notebook and looked through the window. Yongguk was already there, dressed in a black suit and leaning on his car.
'Just in time', you said as you turned off the computer and left the office.
'Hi babe', he greeted you with a big smile and kissed you when you approached him.
'Hi!', you kissed him back. 'Let's go!', you said as you got on his car.
'Yongguk...', you started to say as he started the car. 'I've got something to tell you...'
'Oooh!', he said with a smile. 'Something important?'
'Humm... Yes', you replied blushing.
'That's great, because I've got a surprise for you', he said as his smile grew bigger.
You opened your eyes wide open, surprised to hear that.
'What is it...?', you asked as he drove you to his apartment.
Hhhhmmm... another short chapter! Hahahaha maybe I have time later to upload another one!
So... What is you going to do? :3
Keep reading and find out~ ♥
Thanks for reading!
This has been a derp hep hap production.
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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!