
Let The Heartbroken In - II

Mona and you went to TS Entertainent at 8 o'clock in the morning.

"Was it necessary to arrive so early?", Mona yawned while you waited for somebody at the reception of the company. "I don't think the boys are already here, anyway."

"This is huge...", you said looking around. "This is really different fron Brand New Stardom... I didn't remember it was so big..."

 That moment you heard some hurried footsteps coming down the corridor and a panting TS representative appeared in front of you.

"I'm... So sorry... For having you waiting...", he managed to say as he made a 90º bow.

"It's ok, please don't worry about us", you told him with a kind smile.

"Thanks for your understanding... My name's Kim Woo...", he said as he catched his breath again. "Please come with me, I'll take you to your respectively classrooms and I'll give you your schedules."

He took you to two different rooms. Mona entered the first one, where Himchan was waiting for her. Kim Woo gave you your schedule and you entered the second room, which was empty. You sat down and read the schedule as you waited, and you started getting more and more angry as you read what was written there. When the door opened you weren't surprised to see him standing there, with a stupid smile on his face as he closed the door behind him.

"YOU", you said angrily as you approached him.

--- At the same time, at BNS ---

Josh, the X-Pro team leader, entered the waiting room where all the Block B boys had gathered. He had important news for them. As soon as he greeted everyone, P.O stood up and asked him:

"Where are the noonas, hyung?"

"I wanted to tell you about that", said Josh. "There's been some changes inside X-Pro."

Josh noticed Zico was staring at him, frowning and bitting his bottom lip. *Oh yeah, he won't like at all what i'm going to say*, he thought looking at Zico's worried expression.

"Apart from Brand New Stardom, another company has requested our services as well." He noticed Zico's frown becoming bigger. "From now on, only Pierre and I will be working here. This won't affect your schedule, we will cover up for Mona and you. They are currently working in another company, starting today."

"What's that other company, hyung?" asked Zico staring into Josh eyes.

Josh felt intimidated by his gaze. *He's really pissed off, I see... Well Zico, you'll have to get used to it.*

"TS Entertainment", he answered after sighing quietly.

In that moment the room was filled with quiet exclamations and shocked expressions.

"The noonas left us...?" "Why did they go there?" "Did you want to be closer to Yongguk, that's why she left?" "I can't believe she wants to be with that jerk..." "But what about Zico...?", the boys started to mutter among them. Only Zico remained silent, staring at the table.

"The noonas didn't left us. I'm sure they didn't choose this. It's their work after all, they're only accepting orders from their boss. Am I right, hyung?", asked Zico raising his head and looking at Josh.

"Yes, you're right. It's just work", he answered.

--- At TS Entertainment ---

You grabbed Yongguk's collar and smashed him against the closed door. Well, he was a lot taller and stronger than you, so you didn't actually smash him, but you wished you could. You pulled his collar down so he bended over a little and your face was closer to him.

"It was you who requested Mona and me to X-Pro, isn't it?" you muttered to him.

He just looked at you surprised and then gently moved your hand away from his clotes, moving apart from you a little.

"you, why are you so annoyed?", he asked with the sweetest voice he could to calm you down.

"Annoyed? I'm not annoyed. I'm furious. My schedule is almost completely filled up with you. I'll spend 5 hours a day with you. You're the only one I'll give particular lessons to. Why? What the heck is this? Why did you do that? Give me a good reason for not breaking your nose."

"Whoa, just calm down, there's no need to be so agressive", he said raising his hands. "I really need to improve. And you're just an awesome teacher. And I love you, I want to spend more time with you. All the time possible... So why not asking your company to bring you here?"

"You're the most selfish thing on earth", you said furiously. "You think you just can make decisions for me? Did you ever thought about asking me what I think about it? Do you even give a ?"

"you, of course I care... I-I just didn't know you would get this angry... I don't understand why-"

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND? Do you think I'm stupid? You're doing this to take me apart from Zico. You think I'm some kind of prize you want to win at all costs, so you thought having me here will make me love you again, like it happened in the past. You're the stupid one, Yongguk."

He opened his eyes after hearing that, and gave you a hurt expression.

"I didn't want to... I didn't mean..."

"Shut up."

You walked past him towards the door, but he grabbed your hand.

"Wait. Please." His sad expression made you stop for a moment. Something ached inside your heart, making it impossible for you to leave. You looked at him.

"you... I really don't think you're a 'prize'. Yes, I admit I want to be the one with you in the end, but... I didn't do this because I wanted to take you away from Zico. I'm being honest, I wanted to improve and to be around you... I want you to love me again... And this is the best idea that came to mind. I was so excited about this I didn't thought about asking you your opinion. I'm so sorry, I've acted stupidly. Sorry. And I want to tell you... The other day, when Zico and I went to your house. That day I went there to apologize about what happened at the hospital. It's not like I beated Zico up, we just had a fight. I started it, and I'm sorry. I have apologized to him already-"

"What?", you asked him shocked. "You apologized to Zico?"

"Yes", he said looking at you. "I acted like a moron, and I shouldn't have waited for him outside the hospital. I didn't want what happened with your friend Jaemin in the past  to happen again. So as soon as we both got out of your building, I apologized."

You couldn't believe it: Yongguk was being serious. It was the weirdest thing on earth, Yongguk apologizing. *He has really changed...*, you thought.

"What did Zico say?", you asked Yongguk. This was so extrange you wish you had been there so you could have seen it.

"He said I didn't have to apologize to him, but to you. He wanted to fight me too, so if I didn't started it, he would have. He said too he was tired of waiting for you to sort things out with me."

You covered your lips with your fingers and stepped back.

"So you know it..."

"Yes." Yongguk gave you a tender look. "I know you came back to me because you were afraid I might hurt him. Gosh, you must have thought I was a monster... I'm so glad we talked about everything on Paris...", he gave you an inquisitive look. "Because now you no longer think I could do something like that, don't you?"

You looked at him, completely nervous. "No...", you answered. "But I..." *I didn't want you to know I believed you could*, you thought. *This must hurt you a lot...*

"Thank god. Anyway, I'm so sorry, you. I'm sorry for what happened at the hospital and for requesting you to X-Pro without telling you... But you didn't answer your phone so I couldn't have asked you...", he said that last sentence quietly so you couldn't hear him. He looked at you, with a shy smile. "you... Do you forgive me...?"

You looked at him, at his cute smile, at his apologizing eyes. You just couldn't say no to him.

"Yes... Yes I forgive you...", you said. His smile became wide as he held you by your waist and lifted you from the floor. "But hey! Let me down!", you demanded and he did so. "Working here doesn't mean I'll end up being your girlfriend again. A lot of things happened, and I'm not the person I used to be. And I... Love Zico too." He gave you a silly smile, he didn't seem to be worried at all for what you said. "Why are you smiling?", you asked him confused.

"Because you just said 'I love Zico too', he replied happy. "That means you love me, baby." He said and he kissed an ashtonished you on your forehead.


Oh, a cute Yongguk moment >_<

He's so cute but so stupid. Aish... 8D

What do you think about this chapter? ^_^

Thanks for reading!!


Oh, by the way: Zico moment coming soooooooon ♥


♥ y


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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!