
Let The Heartbroken In - II


Next morning Yongguk drove you to work on his motorbike. He kissed you goodbye and left, and you walked towards the entrance thinking about Yongguk's decision of telling the press about you two.
*This could look like he's facing the media because he's not afraid and he really loves me, but... I don't think so. I think what he really wants is to tie me to him and make sure I don't leave him... Or... maybe not...? Yesterday he looked like he really cared about me... He really feared those girls could hurt me. I'm not sure of what he really thinks anymore! This is frustrating. And Zico... I haven't told him about the pictures yet. I'm sure he's really angry. Zico... I'm afraid Yongguk might hurt him. So the best way to protect him right now is being with Yongguk and make sure nothing  happens...*
You took the elevator lost in you thoughts. When the door opened you looked up and saw Zico going out of the rest room and walking your direction. His eyes were fixed on you as he walked down the corridor and you froze on the spot, scared of his angry expression. You couldn't help but closing your eyes when he reached you, afraid he would hurt you unintentionally but, on the contrary, he gently but firmly grabbed your wrist and took you to the closest empty clasroom. 
He let go of you as he closed the door and then turned around to face you. His eyes were full of fury.
'Jiho...' you muttered.
'you... What on earth is going on? What the is wrong with you?' You could tell he was making his best effort not to start yelling at you. 'What are you doing?' he asked as he approached you. 'Are you really going out with... him?' his voice cracked. 'Did he force you to?'
'What...?' You didn't know what to answer, you certanly weren't ready for that. 'No Jiho, listen...'
'you, if you're going to tell me to calm down or that this isn't my business, forget it.' He took a deep breath, leaned closer and whispered unable to hold back his frustration 'I'm sick of watching that bastard taking you away from me.'
You lightly pushed him away from you with a knot on your stomach. He scratched his head and leaned against the table, staring at you.
'Listen Jiho, I don't want to talk about this right now.'
'I don't care', he said crossing his arms.
'Fine', you answered as you walked towards the door, but he stood up and blocked your way.
'You're not leaving', he said. 'Not without talking to me.'
You bit your lower lip. 'Move', you said without looking at him.
You tried to push him away, but he didn't move. You weakly punched his chest with your little fists and he grabbed your wrists to make you stop. You struggled to break free from his grip, but he suddenly dragged you closer and held you tightly, so you couldn't move.
'Let me go...'
You two stood like that for a moment at a deadclock. He kept hugging you without moving an inch. You finally gave in and let him hug you, realizing how much you missed his warmth and touch. After a few seconds you slowly slid your arms up his back and hugged him back, pushing your body against his. He loosened his grip on you and looked down at you, caressing softly your cheek with his fingers. He leaned closer and closer to you, about to kiss your lips...
But in the last second you turned your face away from him and stepped back. Looking at you like if he was about to die, he sighed and leaned agaist the wall behind him. None of you said anything. After a moment, Zico broke the silence.
'you... The last days you've been avoiding me'
'Im sorry...'
'Did Bang Yong Guk force you to avoid me?'
'No', you said feeling like you wanted to cry... For a second you almost, almost kissed Zico back. *I can't let myself be so weak...*
'you... Are you... Are you ok?'
'... Yes...'
Zico sighed looking at you. *You don't look like you're ok... you, what on earth is going on...*, he thought.
'Is he... treating you right, or he's acting like the bastard you told me he is?'
'He's... no... He treats me right. Really. He is...' you looked at him. 'Different now. I think something has changed.' 
Zico swallowed as he nodded slowly. *Changed...? He treats her right now? What if... What if he changed after she left him... And now that he has her back he's really going to make things right and she falls in love with him again and she forgets about me... What if he can make her happy but I want to make her happy too and...* His mind started spinning really fast as it was flooded with a lot of different thoughts. He covered his face with his hands as he slid his back down against the wall until he sat on the floor.
'Jiho...!' you said and kneeled down on the floor beside him, hugging him.
*you... I miss you so much... I want to be with you again...* he thought as he buried his face on your hair, smelling your cologne.
As you hugged him you realized what Zico was feeling. He was afraid of definitely losing you. He feared you might fall in love again with Yongguk, your first love, now that he was different... *Oh my god, I'm breaking his heart with all this...* You thought looking at him. *I need to say something. I need to gain some time and protect Zico without hurting him. I need to do something NOW.*
'Jiho, listen to me...' You sat beside him and held his face with your hands, making him look straight to your eyes. 'Yongguk was someone who really meant a lot to me in the past. He influenced me a lot and made me change completely. He hurted me so bad I thought I'd never be able to love again. He made me believe I don't deserve to be loved. He made me believe I wasn't worth being loved. Time has passed and wounds have healed, but a lot of scars were left. Terrible scars. I want to fully recover from that experience... And now it seems I have a chance to sort things out with the person behind that monster. I think he's not the way he used to be, so I want to speak to him, asked why he treated me like that. I need to get closer to him to make that, Jiho... And maybe this is the only way. Things are really complicated now and I'm trying my best. Please, trust me, Jiho. I... I love you. I want to be with you... But I want to be with you like the person I really am. I want to be myself again... So I have to face my past and defeat it. Yongguk is at the same time my nightmare and my salvation. Maybe this is selfish and maybe I'm being a , but... this is my life. This is my decision. And I really need to do this. So please, trust me and give me some time. Please, Jiho."
You took a deep breath after that. It was the first time you opened your heart like that in a lot of time. Zico looked at you with his eyes really open, surprised you had been so honest with him. Just minutes ago he was feeling so angry and sad, then he felt his heart breaking... And now he was just amazed of seeing such a strong and brave side of you. *She must have been so afraid... she's been through all of this alone... and yet she still want to do this alone, all by herself... What a marvellous woman I fell in love with...*
You sighed and kissed his cheek, caressing his soft hair. 'Please, Jiho, just trust me. Please.'
That gesture of affection and your sweet voiced finished to melt his heart completely, and he felt like he loved you more than ever. He abruptly hugged you tightly against his chest.
'you... I love you more than anything in this world. Ok, I... I trust you. Do what you think you have to do. But please... stop avoiding me. Be careful. Of him, of photographers... A lot of people might hurt you now that people know you two are together. Watch out of his crazy fans.'
He caressed your head, and you smiled at him. 
'Of course', you said and then something came to your mind. 'Oh...'
'What is it?' asked Zico, looking at you.
'Yongguk is... telling the press about him and me later today'
Zico felt a needle of jealousy piercing his heart for a moment, and supressed the impulse of punching the wall hard enough to break his hand.
'That's... That's good. That way you won't be bashed by the media... But you must know you'll be recognized, so you won't have the same freedom you have now... People might want to hurt you. I mean his fans. Crazy fans. You must be careful and avoid walking home alone. I'd be always with you so I could protect you anytime but that would only cause a scandal if we are seen together often. So please, don't act reckless and be careful...'
You listened to him and nodded. 'I will'.
Zico stood up and helped you up. 
'Thank you...' he said. 'Thank you for being honest with me. I needed to speak with you... I'm here for you, for anything you need. You're not my girlfriend now but you're still my best friend. You'll always be', he said smiling.
'Thank you, Jiho' you said smiling back.
'But you...' he added with a serious expression. 'I... I'm not the kind of person who stands still and waits for things to take place. I can't. I can't promise you I'll wait until you sort things out with Yongguk... I'm sorry, you. I'm the kind of person who needs to get into action and fight for what I want. I'll find my own way to have you back... I will always fight for you and nothing in this world can stop me... I'm sorry. If in the end you can't make things right your way, I'll find another way to erase the scars from your heart. Even if I'm looking until the day that I die.'
That moved you. You were really thankful someone in this big world loved you enough to do that for you... But at the same time you were afraid you wouldn't be able to protect Zico from Yongguk, and you felt more pressure on you. Being as clever as your were, your brain quickly found the solution.
"Three months", you whispered.
'What?' he asked looking at you.
'Three months. Just wait for three months and if in that time I haven't sorted things out with Yongguk, you can start looking for your own way to solve all this mess among us three'.
After a moment his confused expression was replaced by a sad smile, and he looked to the floor. 'That's... too long. I can't do that' he said. He looked at you again and saw your worried and anxious expression. Sighing, he leaned against the wall again. 'A month.', he said.
You smiled for a moment but didn't gave in. 'Two months', you said looking straight at him.
He approached you and leaned close to you, really close.
'A month and a half', he whispered. 'And a kiss'.
'What?' You said looking at him with your eyes wide open.
'Deal?', he asked smiling. *Come on you, just waiting for a week will be like a living hell for me...*, he thought. 'You take it or leave it?'
You bit your bottom lip.
'O-ok... deal', you said.
'Ok, a month and a half starting right now. And a kiss' he said as he held you by your waist and gave you one of those wonderful deep kisses you two had missed so much.
Wow... a long long LONG update... Hahaha ^___^
Hope you liked it!
Thank you soooo much for reading!!!
The moment you comment Minhyuk gets so happy he goes speshur no matter where he's at...
"So groooooove... so SPESHUR!"
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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!