I really needed to do that.

Let The Heartbroken In - II

Yongguk wasn't able to sleep that night. It wasn't until he arrived home after persuading the other B.A.P members not to diss Block B anymore that he realized how stupid and immature he'd been. *I can't believe I lost my temper so easily*, he thought, before getting up and go to his kitchen to make some tea. *After spending that time with you in Paris and finding out how I hurt her because of my jealousy... I did it again.* He sat on the kitchen table and covered his face with his hands. *I hate myself. I'm not even able to live up to my determination.*

He couldn't stop thinking about your first night in the hotel, when you confessed how you had been feeling all that time. *I punched Jaemin and now I beat Zico up... I'm so dumb. I'm acting like a territorial animal.* Just when he got up to move the boiling water away from the stove, the memory of you and Zico kissing came back to his mind. He felt once again how his heart broke into a million pieces, and the pain he felt inside grew stronger. *I can't be so weak. I already suspected she was confused... I guess she still has feelings for him.* He gritted his teeth and tried not to break down. *It's natural she prefers Zico over me... I'm a jerk. Even if I try to make things right, I end up ing everything up.*

He puched the stove top. *This is so frustrating. I don't want to hate myself anymore. I don't want to hurt her anymore.* He started to walk in circles, lost in his thoughts. *I've been acting like an obsessive . I lost all control when I saw them kissing, but nothing I can do now will change that. The only thing I can do now is apologize to her. She deserves to know what happened, so I'll go visit her tomorrow and confess I hit Zico on the parking lot. I want to make things right. I'll say sorry and I'll promise her I won't do anything like that ever again. I don't want to be a violent thug aymore. I want to change. And I'll change for her. I want her to see I'll do my best to become a better person and a man she'll be proud of. I'm still in love with her, I'm completely sure of that. I don't want to live my life without her anymore. I'll change and I'll do my best to have her back.*

He stopped walking along the room and took a deep breath, like he was breathing for the very first time. *Now I have a reason for becoming a better man. I'll asume all the mistakes I did in the past and look into the future.* He drank his tea and went back to bed. Once he laid down he fall asleep in a few minutes and had the heaviest sleep he'd had in a very long time.


You woke up next morning not really knowing where you were. As soon as you saw the white wall you remembered you were still at the hospital. *Oh, ... Zico... Yongguk...* They had started a fight the last time you were awake, but you couldn't tell how much time had passed since then. You looked around the room and saw a nurse cleaning the room.

'Excuse me...'

The nurse turned around with a smile and answered gently, 'Yes? May I help you? Do you need anything?'

You found out you didn't really know what to ask her.

'Could you tell me... How long I've been sleeping?'

'I think you've been sleeping since yesterday evening, but I'm not completely sure. It's 10 am now', she added after seeing the confused look in your face. 'Your doctor will come to see you in half an hour to inform you about your current condition.'

'OK, that's great. Thanks.'

'You're welcome. Get well soon!', she wished you as she got out of the room.

*So it all happened yesterday... I wonder how things turned out. I hope they didn't make a big fuss... Aish... I'm going crazy!*, you thought as you covered your head with the sheets.

30 minutes later a light pat woke you up again. You opened your eyes and saw a woman wearing a white coat.

'Hi you, how are we feeling today?', she asked you with a wide smile on her face.

'Fine, I guess...', the truth was that you hadn't had the time to think about the wound in your stomach. Your brain focused on detecting any trace of pain coming from that area, but you just felt the stitches. 'It doesn't hurt at all.'

'Let me see...', the doctor answered, pulling off your sheets and taking a close look to that area. 'Humm... Yes, it's perfectly fine. It doesn't look like it's going to get worse. You can go home as soon as you feel physically better.'

'Really?', that was a relief. You just couldn't wait to get home so you could speak with Yongguk and Zico and sort things out. 'Can I go home now?'

'Yes, of course. Is anyone picking you up or do you need us to call a taxi for you?'

'If you call me a taxi it'd be great.'

'OK, then. I'll tell the nurses to give you your clothes and I'll fill in the discharge letter from the hospital while you get ready', the doctor told you as she walked towards the door. 'But you won't be able to go to work. If you walk and move the wound won't heal properly, so you need to stay at home and rest for at least a couple of weeks.'

'Two weeks?', you asked her, surprised.

'Yes. And you'll have to come back then so we can have a look at it to make sure you don't get an infection in the area.'

'OK, I'll do that. Thanks', you told her. You didn't really want to stay at home doing nothing for the next two weeks, but you understood if you didn't do as she told you the would could get much worse.

The first thing you did when you arrived home was picking up the phone to call your colleague Josh. You weren't allowed to use the phone in the hospital room, so you hadn't had the time to tell him you weren't able to go to work. Of course, he was mad at you, but once you explained to him you'd been in hospital, he calmed down and understood perfectly why you hadn't called him before.

'They've told you you have to rest for two weeks?', he asked you.

'Yeah, that's right.'

'I'll speak with our coordinator in L.A. and ask for a whole month permission for you, so you can fully recover.'


'No but's! I'll tell him to send someone to stand in for you while you rest at home.'


'There's no use for you to complain. You have to rest. Trust us, we'll take care of the Block B boys! You need to disconnect from work every once in a while, and this is a perfect opportunity! Sleep and rest at home so you can come back with renewed energy!'

'OK...', you had to admit he was right.

'Get well soon! I'll call you in a couple of days to know how you're doing.'

'OK, thanks Josh. Bye.'

You sighed as you hung up. Being away from work wasn't what you needed to disconnect. At least from your love life. When you were going to check if you had enough food in the fridge, the phone rang.

'Yes, Josh?'

'Hello you... Are you waiting for a call from Josh? I'll call you back in a few minutes if you're busy', you heard Yongguk saying on the other end of the line.

'Yongguk...', you felt you weren't ready to talk to him yet. 'How did you know I was home already?'

'I called the hospital and they told me you'd already gone home... Listen, I want to talk to you. I need to explain what happened yesterday.'

'I... I think I'm the one who owes you an explanation...', you told him with a knot on your stomach. 'Come here whenever you want. I'll be here all day.'

'OK, I'll be there in an hour, aproximately. Is that OK?'

'Yes, it's perfect. See you then.'

'OK, bye.'

You wondered what exactly you were going to tell him once he arrived. You hoped words to just come out once you started talking. *I think I'll be fine just with telling him what happened. I don't need to make a decision just yet.*

An hour and 10 minutes later the doorbell rang. Your heart skipped a beat the moment you opened it: Yongguk was standing there with a giant flower bunch in his hands. They were red camellias, the ones used for expressing remorse. You let him in without saying a word and closed the door.

'Yongguk... You didn't have to do this...'

'I wanted to. I'm deeply sorry and I wanted to let you know.'

'OK... First of all, let's put these flowers in a vase.'

You sat down with Yongguk in the sofa after placing the flowers in the living room table. You looked at him directly for the first time since he arrived and gasped.

'Yongguk, what happened...?' He had a bruise in his forehead and his bottom lip was split.

'I'll tell you about that now... I came to tell you everything about yesterday and what happened after you fainted... I wanted to say sorry... And tell you how bad I feel for doing what I did...'

You bit your bottom lip as you watched Yongguk struggling with words. It was the first time you'd seen him so devastated and you were afraid of discovering the truth.

'I've thinking about what happened yesterday and what happened last year when we were going out and I've come to the conclusion I've been a total jerk... I...'

He swallowed, looking down to the floor. You held his hand to let him know you were listening to him and encourage him to go on, but before he could continue talking, the doorbell rang again.

'I'm sorry... I'll go see who is it and make him go away...', you apologized as he silently nodded.

You gasped the moment you opened the door. Zico was there, panting and sweating.

'I've just been at the hospital and they've told me you were already home... I came here as soon as I could to make sure you were alright...'

'Zico...', you weren't listening to him. 'Your face...', he had scratches and bruises all over his face, neck and what you could see of the rest of his body.

'Oh, yeah... That... I'll explain it to you later...', he said as he got into your apartment. You brain was working at such speed you didn't react when he entered and closed the door.

'Oh...!', he exclaimed as he saw Yongguk sitting on the sofa.

Yongguk stood up and froze on the spot, feeling as awkward as Zico was.

'You two...', you muttered so angrily they both turned around to look at you. 'Why are you both covered in bruises and scratches?'

'Well, we... had a... little fight yesterday...', Zico started to explain.

'What?', your tone was getting a louder. 'What do you mean?'

'I... Well, he waited for me outside the hospital... You know...', Zico said.

'Do you mean Yongguk beat you up?'

'No, it's not like that...', Zico answered.

'WHAT?!', you shouted to Yongguk. 'I understand you punched him in the face, but you waited for him to come out just to take revenge?'

'That's what I wanted to explain to you...', Yongguk answered.

'YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED! You haven't changed at all! I can't believe that long talk we had was completely useless!'

'I know you... That's what I wanted to tell you...', Yongguk told you with a low voice.

'What's the point of talking to you if you just say what I want to hear and later do the same all over again? Just when I thought I'd sorted things out with you... Oh, my...' You held your head with your hands as you looked up.

'you, it wasn't all his fault...', Zico started to say.

'Yeah, I know! You've also acted like an idiot! I'm sick of you two!', you shouted. 'You just make my life harder everyday... Instead of making me feel good, you are always causing me problems and making me worry for the silliest things! I'M FED UP!'

They were so surprised of seeing you so angry they just stood there, watching you getting mad at them.

'YOU'RE BOTH IDIOTS!', you shouted before approaching Yongguk and slapping him in the face as hard as you could. Before you realized what you were doing, you walked towards Zico and slapped him as hard as you'd done with Yongguk.

'GET OUT!', you shouted, opening the door. They walked out as quickly as they could before you slammed the door behind them. You took a deep breath and leaned against the wall. *Oh my God. I so needed to do that. Really needed to do that.*


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) Yeah (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

Slapping them felt so great, didn't it? Hahaha

I hope you liked this chapter! ^_^

I won't be able to update in the next few days... I'm sorry :( But I promise I'll update as soon as I can!

Thank you for reading!!



Oh have you seen this vid?

It was made by Taeillest. It's AWESOME ♥

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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!