I'll protect you from anything.

Let The Heartbroken In - II

Zico stood looking at the closed door where you'd left, not sure about if he should follow you or give you some time to calm down.

*That was a catfight*, he thought, confused. *I have no idea about this kind of things, but I swear there was something going on between you and Nana...*

'Hey, Zico, where did you go?', Kiggen asked him. 'She left so quickly no one saw her, but I did. Is she okay?'

'She's just feeling a little dizzy', Zico said. 'She said she needed some fresh air. I'll go check on her.'

'Don't lie', Kiggen said with a playful smile. 'Nana has just told us you two are back together. You want to spend some time alone, isn't it?' He said smiling kindly to Zico. 'Go, I know what's like being in love. Ah, I wish I was yourger like you...!'

Zico looked at him astonished.

'Eh... Okay. Thanks a lot, hyung', he said before leaving.

*Kiggen hyung, I wish that was the case... Whoa, that Nana really likes gossiping. I've just told her that you and I were together and now everyone knows about it...*, he thought as he looked for you around the building. He found you on the second floor corridor, looking through one of the main windows. He approached you slowly, but he made sure you knew he was coming your direction.

You wiped away your tears with your fingers quickly and turned around. He put his arms around your waist and hugged you without saying a word. You laid your head on his shoulder and started to cry silently.

'Why are you crying...? you, who's that girl for you...?', he asked as he carssed your hair tenderly.

You didn't say anything, words wouldn't come out.

'Come with me', he said as he grabbed your hand.

He took you to the flat roof, where the fresh breeze and the bright stars helped you calm down. You two sat on a corner for some minutes, and soon you were relaxed again.

'Tell me what she did to you', Zico said with a sweet voice.

You took a deep breath and looked at the stars.

'Nana was my workmate back when X-Pro worked at TS Entertainment. When Yongguk and I went to Paris some weeks ago, we talked about everything that happened between us back then. He told me about Nana... I knew she liked him, but I didn't know they were friends. It seems Nana liked him so much she started to tell him some nasty things about me in order to make him jealous and obsessive. Yongguk and I made a lot of mistakes, but it was her who teared us apart...'

You put a lock of your hair behind your ear, feeling angrier by the moment.

'And now she's here acting like she did nothing wrong. Like nothing happened. She even has the guts to come to me with her stupid fake smile, acting like she was my best friend...', you kicked the wall next to you. 'How can she be so cruel... Damn bit-', you kicked the wall again, this time harder. 'Ouch!', you said massaging your foot.

'Stop kicking the wall like that, you'll break your foot. Really? She lied to Yongguk to get closer to him?', Zico asked.

'Yes', you answered. 'I don't know what to do. I'd like to... Push her down the stairs and make her fall into a trash bin or something. Or tell everyone the terrible person she is. But I can't do anything. She's the team leader now. My boss', you said, devastated.

'You shouldn't do anything', Zico said, putting his arm over your shoulders. 'You're going to loose against her no matter what you do. The best thing you can do is let it be. She won't try anything with Yongguk again, not now that she knows you know the truth. Just don't let her bring you down.'

'Jiho', you said looking at him, 'that girl is a... . I mean, she's the kind of girl who loves to use boys like if they were toys. Specially boys with girlfriends. She likes you, I'm sure of it. She looked at you as if you were a piece of cake.'

'So what?', he asked shrugging. 'I'm in love with someone else.'

You looked at him for a moment and smiled warmly, but you became serious again.

'I know you won't... You... But... I'm worried about the boys...'

'None of them have girlfriends, so they're safe then', he said laughing. 'And there's no way on earth any of my boys will fall for a witch like her', Zico said confidently.

'Why not?', you asked surprised. 'She's so pretty...'

'Yeah, she's pretty on the outside, but horrible on the inside. And they won't even want to be close to her after I tell them about all this.'

You got scared. You didn't want Block B to be dragged into that.

'No, Jiho, please...'

'Don't worry. None of us will act like we know it. We'll work with her and treat her kindly as if nothing is wrong, but that's all. We'll just have a good professional relationship with her.'

You stared at Zico with teary eyes.

'Is this okay with you? Is it enough for you to not worry about them?', he asked hugging you.

'Yes... Jiho... Thank you...', you said, hugging him back.

'Never mind', he said kissing your forehead. 'Now, stop crying and let's go back. This is Josh's goodbye party, after all', he said wipping away the tears on your face. 'Just ignore Nana. I'll be by your side all the time.'

You looked at him and smiled, nodding. You felt so grateful for having him. He was the best friend you ever had.

'Thank you for listening to me, for caring... And for helping me', you told him. Then, before you could stop yourself, you pecked his lips and stood up. 'Let's go!', you said.

Zico froze on the spot where he was sitting down, looking at you with a surprised expression on his face.

'Have you just kissed me?'

'What kind of question is that?', you laughed.

'Nothing, it's just... It was too fast and light, you should kiss me again so I can make sure. You'd better kiss me at least two or three times more, just in case...'

You laughed and grabbed his hand, dragging him back to the party. When you were about to enter the room again, you stopped.

'What's wrong?', Zico asked you.

'Zico...', you said slowly. 'Why did you tell Nana... That I was your girlfriend?'

He looked uncomfortable.

'I... Ah... I just... You know... Well, actually I have no idea.'


'I don't know why I did that. I just felt I had to.'

You remained silent for a moment.

'Are you mad...?', he asked worried.

'Aish. I guess no. You helped me in that moment, but now it's going to be a problem if everyone hears something about it and thinks we're back together... What should I do...'

'Uhm, I think you should know that... Everyone already thinks we're back together. It seems Nana told everyone.'

You looked at Zico shocked and terrified.

'What...? How do you know that?'

'Kiggen hyung said he knew about it... So I figured out everyone else does. You know, hyung is kind of slow for this things.'

'Oh, great. Now this is a problem', you said leaning against the wall and holding your head with your hands. 'What do we do now...?'

'There's only one thing we can do', said Zico. 'Pretend we're back together.'

You looked at him like if he was completely crazy.

'But...!' *Yongguk!*, you thought.

Zico noticed your sad expression and knew what you were thinking about.

'We'll just pretend we're together here at Brand New Stardom, you should tell Yongguk about it in case he goes mental or something. And maybe you should tell him about Nana too... I don't know, it's your decision...', he said looking away. 

You nodded slowly, still thinking. You had an anxious expression and looked so pressured Zico thought you were about to fall down at any moment. *She must be really afected because of that blonde girl*, thought Zico looking at you. *I don't like this. I don't want anyone to hurt her. I'll get rid of that Nana for her.*

'you, don't worry. You think Nana likes me, isn't it?', he asked you. 'I'll make sure she isn't interested in anyone else but me, so the rest of Block B will be safe. It won't matter what she tries to do to me, nothing will ever work. She won't hurt you because of me', he said smiling. 'I won't let her'.

He moved closer to you and put his finger under your chin, making you look at him. He was really close.

'So don't worry, babe', he whispered. 'I'll protect you from anything.'

Your eyes locked and you felt your heart beating faster

'Ok...', you muttered. 'Thank you...'

'Let's go', he said smiling as he held you by your waist. 'I want to show off my beautiful girlfriend in front of everyone!' *This is going to be fun...*, he thought while opening the door.


Oh, Zico ♥ So cute and protective ♥♥♥

But will he be able to manage Nana...?

Who knows? Will he end up falling for her?


Thank you for reading!


Let's dance baby sharkeu ♪♫♪♫

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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!