This isn't over yet.

Let The Heartbroken In - II

Zico fell to the floor, feeling as his head was about to break in half.

'Ouch...', he mumbled while touching the back of his head. *Good, I'm not bleeding. I'm OK*

'What's going on here?', Himchan asked, looking at Zico.

'This bastard kissed you', Yongguk anwered furiously.

'I believe I told you already, hyung, she was the one who kissed me', Zico said with a wicked smile.

'SHUT UP!', Yongguk shouted and Zelo grabbed him by his arms to prevent him from hitting Zico.

'Is that right...?', Youngjae asked glaring at Zico with a dangerous tone. 'You and you kissed?'

Zico realized all of them were looking angrily at him.

'Oh, ...', he mumbled to himself. 'So what now?', he asked looking at them. 'Are you all going to beat me up?'

'If you insist...', Jongup said, kicking him on his leg.

Zico shouted in pain and all of them laughed, but then Daehyun spoke:

'This scumbag isn't worth being beaten up by all of us.'

'Yeah, that's right!', Zelo said happily. 'I don't want to get my hands dirty touching him. Neither should you, hyung', he told Yongguk.

'Yeah... Let's just leave him here', Youngjae added laughing mischievously.

Himchan put his hand on Yongguk's shoulder and pushed him lightly to make him turn around, because he was still staring at Zico without moving an inch.

'Jerk', Yongguk muttered before finally leaving.

All B.A.P members were walking towards their car when they suddenly heard Zico roaring behind them. With a furious scream, Zico tackled down Yongguk and they both fell to the floor.


'Can't we go faster?', P.O asked from the backseat.

'I'm going as fast as I can', Taeil answered, looking at him through the rear-view mirror.

'Jihoon, take it easy!', U-Kwon said, patting the maknae's shoulder. 'We're all worried about you, we'll get to the hospital soon.'

P.O sighed and looked through the window with a concerned look on his eyes.

'Is Zico still there?', Kyung asked to B-Bomb.

'Yes, he's waiting for us.'

'And will Yongguk hyung come to see you as well?', Jaehyo asked. He didn't like Yongguk at all and couldn't help hate the fact that he was your boyfriend.

'Of course', B-Bomb answered. 'Zico called all of us: the 6 of us and all the B.A.P members. They should be already there.'

'What on earth is that??', Taeil asked as the car entered the parking lot of the hospital.

They saw a group of people around something that looked like two figures fighting on the ground. The people were shouting and cheering the fighters. As the car approached them, P.O could understand what they were saying.


Taeil accelerated as soon as he heard P.O's words and stopped the car just before hitting Jongup. All Block B members got off the car and walked towards Zico and Yongguk, who had already stopped fighting.

'WHAT THE IS GOING ON HERE?', Kyung shouted to Himchan's face.

Jaehyo walked towards Zico and helped him up. The car lights were pointing directly at them and Jaehyo could see Zico's lip was bleeding, his left eye was purple and he had a terrible wound on his eyebrow. Then he looked at Yongguk, only to find out he was in the same awful condition.

'Nothing at all', Himchan answered Kyung with a hostile glare. 'Your friend here just wanted to have fun with Yongguk's girlfriend, so Yongguk's having fun with him now.'

'What the are you talking about?', U-Kwon answered, approaching him.

'Oh, so the Block B boys want to have fun too?', Jongup said taking off his hoddie. 'You have some nice muscles there, hyung. Want to play with me?', he asked U-Kwon, who faced him, not intimidated by his words.

'Let's get out of here', Taeil said while he helped Zico walking to their car. 'This is stupid.'

'Who are you calling stupid, you midget?', Youngjae asked him, blocking his way.

'Don't you ing dare to call him that!', P.O warned him, putting himself between Youngjae and Taeil.

'Oh, and who're you? His bodyguard?'

'I bet he's his boyfriend or something', Daehyun mocked them from Youngjae's back.

'Guys', Himchan interrupted them. 'Let them go. If that's what these little want, who are we to keep them here? Let them run away if they're af-'

He couldn't finish talking because suddenly B-Bomb punched his jaw hard enough to make him fall backwards. In just a second the situation was out of control: B-Bomb and Himchan were fighting, just like Jongup and U-Kwon, P.O and Youngjae and Kyung and Daehyun. Taeil and Jaehyo were taking a hurt and bleeding Zico to the car.

'Stop! Stop! STOP!', Yongguk roared while Zelo helped him stand up. 'Look at you, fighting like retards! This is a nosense. This is between Zico and me', he said before spitting some blood on the floor. 'You're acting like morons here.' He then turned to B-Bomb, who was still grabbing Himchan's hoodie. 'I know he provoked you, but next time think twice before raising your fists. This all started because of you.'

B- Bomb let go of Himchan, who turned away violently and walked towards his car.

'Yongguk', Zico said from Taeil's car backseat where he was lying in pain with his hands in his stomach. 'This isn't over yet.'

Yongguk snorted and smiled wickedly. His teeth where covered in blood. 'I know', he told him before limping to Himchan's car and leaving the parking lot with all the B.A.P members.

'Are you all OK?', U-Kwon asked everyone. He had a scratch on his right cheek.

'Yeah', Kyung answered. 'Zico, how are you?'

Zico managed to smile despite being so worn out.

'She kissed me', he answered, closing his eyes. 'I feel wonderful.'


Block B to the rescue! xD

Zico is finally fighting for you.... ♥

Just what she feared the most! xD

Thank you for readiiiiiing!!




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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!