Are you together again...?

Let The Heartbroken In - II

Next day was a gloomy one inside brand New Stardom. Even though the sun shone bright up in the sky Zico couldn't help feeling it was the worst day ever. He had barely slept last night because he couldn't stop thinking about the moment you and Yongguk kissed. He felt like dying everytime that memory came to his mind. *I don't understand anything. Why did she gave me that little kiss the other day? Did she really mean it? Or is she playing with me?* He bit his lower lip as he stared at the coffe the vending machine was serving. *What if she prefers Yongguk over me...?* He was doing everything on his hands to have you back and make you love him again, but he had never felt as far from you as he did now. *I can't stand this situation where I don't really know if she wants to give me a second chance or dump me for that idiot*, he thought while stirring the sugar into the coffee furiously. *I hate this.*

"Hey, good morning, mister grumpy!", he heard someone saying behind him. "Do you suffer from mondays blues?"

Zico turned around and saw Nana smiling warmly at him.

"Oh... Hello", Zico greeted her back wearily. "You know, it's hard to get going in the morning..."

"Awwww yes, you're so right!", Nana pouted as she sat next to him. "Life's too short to waste it here working!" She winked.

"I don't think I'm wasting my time doing the things I like", Zico said sharply as he stood up. *What's wrong with her...?*

Nana giggled and stood up as well.

"I'm so happy to hear that! I didn't know you were looking forward to my lesson that much!"

She left the cafeteria without waiting for Zico's response.

"We'll start in 10 minutes, so you'd better come with me now!", she said without looking back at Zico.

*What the...? What the hell was that?* That'd been one of the few times somebody had left him lost for words. *The only person who ever talked to me like that was... you.*, he thought as he went to the classroom. *They are somewhat... alike*

Zico entered the classroom and sat next to Jaehyo. 

'Pst, Zico, what were you doing? You're almost late!", Jaehyo whispered.

"Almost, you just said it", Zico answered as he put his bag on the table. "I was having some coffee."

Jaehyo grimaced. "The one from the vending machine?"

"Right, Zico?", Nana said from the opposite side of the room. "Why don't you give us an example?"

**, Zico thought as he turned his head to look at Nana. *What was she talking about...?* He fixed his eyes on the white board just to find out they were studying harmony. *As if things couldn't get worse*

"So, Zico, what's your answer?", asked Nana with a big smile.

*She cought me.* Zico read the white board again. *No clue what's she's talking about.*

Nana sighed and repeated the question as she crossed her arms cutely. "Wich intervals are considered to be perfect unison?"

"Uhhhmmm... Octave...", Zico struggled to remember them. "Fifth... And third?"

"Aigoo... What am I going to do with you guys, if the producer of the band can't answer a question like this?"

"There's more than one producer here!", said Kyung.

"Ok then, tell me the correct answer!", Nana laughed.

"Octave, fifth and fourth", Kyung answered proudly.

"Have you listened to what he said?" Nana asked Zico. "Make sure you don't forget it!"

*Aish, this girl... Who does she thinks she is?*, Zico thought as he opened his notebook. *Who needs to know these things, anyway?*

The class ended but Zico couldn't get rid of his bad mood in all morning. He'd thought the lessons would help him forget about you and Yongguk, but he just became moodier. *I could have never imagined Nana was such a pain in the . you was right." He felt a knot in his stomach as he thought about you. He came to the conclussion he wouldn't be able to eat anything in that state, so he decided to go for a walk at lunch time and try to relax a little.

As he turned the corner to walk to the closest park he bumped into Nana. She was carrying a take away coffee and all its content spilled on the floor.

"Oh, !", Zico exclaimed as Nana quickly put the cup of coffee away from them so it wouldn't stain their clothes.

"It's nothing...", Nana said as she watched her coffee going down the drain. 

"I'm so sorry, I'll buy another one for you", Zico epologized as he looked for something to clean Nana's hand on his pocket.

"Jiho, are you in some kind of mission to bring me down?", said Nana laughing relaxed while picking a tissue from her purse.

"I'm really sorry... Noona, come with me"

"Where are you taking me? Do you expect me to trust you and follow you?", Nana joked as she started walking behind him.

"I know what's like when you don't get to drink your coffee. You must be really upset now", Zico said without turning around. "I'll get you another one."

Nana giggled behind him.

"You can be so cute sometimes...",

They entered the coffee shop and Nana ordered her coffee.

"We still have half an hour left", she said checking her watch. "Why don't we stay here until it's time to go?"

"Ah... Um well, okay." Zico couldn't think of any excuse to leave.

Nana smiled and turned to the bar.

"Another cappuccino, please", she told the waiter. "My treat", she whispered to Zico.


"Don't say no! it'd be weird to see a boy watching how a girl drinks her coffe", she said laughing. "Besides, coffee tastes better when you have it with someone you like", she added winking.

Luckily for Zico, the waiter arrived with his coffee before he had time to think of an answer and they went to sit to one of the tables. Zico sipped from the coffee cup as soon as he sat down, frantically thinking about anything to say.

"Does it taste good?" Nana asked him smiling from the other side of the table.

Zico wiped out the cream around his lips and nodded. Nana's smile became brighter.

"I hope it puts you in a better mood then!"

"Better mood...?"

"You can't deny you have been quite moody today... I think it's weird, because everyone has told me you're a quite energetic and optimistic person."

"Uuumh... I guess everyone has bad days once in a while..." Zico said looking through the window.

"You don't look good...", Nana told him lowering her voice. "Is there anything wrong?"

Zico shook his head and stirred his coffee absently. "No, I'm  okay..."

"Are things between you and you alright?"

Zico bit his tongue surprised. *What ...?*

"Yeah, we're alright...", he replied.

"Oh my god, don't tell me you've had an argument or something..."

"What? Of course not. That's not the case" Zico shook vehemently his head.

"Aigoo..." Nana rested her chin on his hands, staring at Zico. "Maybe you're in one of that moments when the chemistry is not working as good as before?"

Zico kept staring at his coffee and didn't say a word. *Shut up. Shut up already.*

"She's at TS Entertainment now, so she must be very busy! That company works really hard to have the perfect idols!" said Nana staring at Zico, but he didn't even bother to look up at her. "She may be spending a lot of time there, but I'm sure you're the only one she thinks about!", she added sipping her coffee.

Zico felt like dying. Every word she said pierced his insides each time deeper.

"You don't have to be jealous because she's working with B.A.P now", she said faking an understanding tone. "It's true she dated Yongguk in the past, but I'm sure they're just good friends now."

That was more than Zico could stand. He stood up bitting his bottom lip.

"Noona, please excuse me. I'll go fist."

"What? Why?", Nana said surprised. "Have I said anything that offended you?"

"No, you haven't. See you later", Zico said before leaving the coffee shop.

He rushed to Brand New Stardom, looking down, barely dodging passers-by.

*I can't stand this. you...* He pictured on his mind the moment he saw you and Yongguk kissing, and felt his heart tearing into peaces once again. *Are you and Yongguk together again...?*



I'm starting to hate Nana. So f much. Am I the only one...? Gah >_<

Is Zico falling for Nana's lies...?


Thank you for reading ^____^



Here's a y Bang Yong Guk to cheer us all up 8D

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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!