Octopus Sausages

Let The Heartbroken In - II

[!] Reeeaaaally long chapter ahead! [!]


You woke up next morning  tired as hell, thinking about the moment you told Josh throwing his goodbye party on a Sunday wasn't a good idea. 'There aren't many opportunities left, I'm leaving on Monday', he had told you. *Josh and his stupid habit of doing everything in a rush*, you thought as you got up and went to the bathroom. *I'm dead tired... I'm glad I didn't drink last night, because I wouldn't even be able to get out from bed.* Memories from last night came to your mind while you were showering. *That girl... How does she dare to treat me as if nothing had happened? How can she look at my face after what she did to me?* You squeezed your sponge until there wasn't any strength left on your hand. *I wish she returned to the States and stayed there, so I wouldn't have to see her ever again...* You punched furiously the bathroom wall and stayed there with an absent gaze until you remembered you had to go to work. *Josh... I would have never imagined I'd miss you this much.*

That morning you had to give B.A.P a group lesson with Mona about performing and role patterns on TV shows. You didn't feel like talking much, so you let Mona do most of the job. As soon as the lesson was over you went straight to the cafeteria, hoping nobody bothered you during the lunch break. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to be possible.

'Hey there, moody teacher', Yongguk said sitting in front of you.

'Hey', you greeted him back forcing a smile.

'Why that face? Is there anything wrong?', he asked sweetly, lowering his voice.

*Should I tell him about Nana...? I don't really feel like doing it now...*

'No, not at all. I'm fine', you answered.

Yongguk looked down and remained silent for a moment. Then he looked up to you once again.

'Aren't you eating anything?'

'No, I'm not hungry today', you were starting to get sick of so many questions.

'Let me get you something to drink, at least.'

You sighed as you watched him going to buy a can for you. You didn't feel like talking to him, but it'd have been too rude of you to just leave. He returned with two soft drinks he'd bought from the vending machine and put one of the cans in front of you.

'You know, it's such a pity that you're not hungry...'

'Why?', you asked wearily.

'Because I've got something for you!', he said as he put a lunch box out of his bag. You looked at him surprised as he opened it.

'I've decided I have to eat home-made food more often, so I cooked lunch today, but I did too much and I... I thought I could share it with you.'

You looked inside the box and saw some rice mixed with pieces of fried chicken along with an omelette.

'Thanks, but... I don't feel like eating anything...'

'But you can't skip lunch. You'll be hungry and weak later.'

'It's okay Yongguk, please, don't go on with this...'

'I think you'll change your mind when you see what's on the lower compartment!'

He lifted up the piece of plastic that contained the food and showed you what was under it: pieces of sausages shaped as little octopuses that filled all the compartment.

'The sausage-octopuses! Do you remember them?', he asked you smiling.

You felt a knot on your throat. You remembered the day they were given that name: it was a sunny Sunday morning and you two were going to spend the day at a nearby park, so you decided to cook lunch together. Yongguk saw how to shape the sausages as little octopuses on  TV and you two tried your best to make them look as the ones he saw, but it was more difficult than it seemed. You ended up messing up the sausages, making weird shapes and funny expressions on the octopuses faces.

'We spent so much time trying our best to make them perfectly but we failed big time', Yongguk laughed.

You swallowed as you felt your eyes filling up with tears. It had been just days before you discovered Nana kissing him.

'I'm a pathetic person, so I tried to make them better this time by myself', he continued, still laughing.

You bit your lower lip and stood up.

'I said I'm not hungry', you muttered looking down and walked away from the cafeteria to the toilet. You didn't want him to see you cry.

*I . What's wrong with me? I shouldn't have talked to him like that. He must be feeling terrible now.* You covered your face with your hands and tried to make tears stop flowing, but you felt so sad you just couldn't stop crying. *I can't act like this. I can't do this to him just because I'm a little more sensitive than usual now that Nana's here. Yongguk doesn't deserve this... I can't let this affect me to the point of hurting his feelings.* You picked a piece of toilet paper and wiped away the tears on your face. *Like Zico said, I can't let her bring me down.*

When the tears stopped coming up to your eyes, you walked to the mirror and fixed your hair and your make-up until you looked fine again. Sighing, you walked outside the toilet and started looking for Yongguk.

'Noona, what are you doing here?', you heard someone saying.

You turned around and saw Zelo staring at you.

'I... Hmm... I was looking for Yongguk. Have you seen him?'

'Hyung has just left... He seemed to be in a hurry. Did anything happen?', he asked worried.

*What...?*, you thought. *Did I just hurt him so much...?*

'No, nothing happened', you answered smiling. 'Don't worry Zelo, everything's okay.'

You walked away leaving a confused Zelo behind you, and took out your phone from your purse as you left the building. *Where did he go...?*, you wondered as you dialed his number. He didn't answer. *Maybe he's at the park...*, you thought as you left TS Entertainment. You texted Mona on your way to the park:

"Unnie, I'll be a little late. Sorry."

You saw a huge amount of birds gathering around a person sitting on a bench near the park entrance. Intrigued, you walked closer to take a better look. That person seemed to be a young man feeding the birds. *Is he... Yongguk...?*

Yes, he was.

He was looking towards the birds with a really sad expression on his face and his movements were slow and weak. You approached him slowly so you wouldn't scare the birds. When you were close enough, you caressed his hair tenderly from behind and smiled kindly when he turned around to look at you.

'Hi...', you said.

He made a surprised face and then turned his head again.

'Hi', he replied.

'Can I sit next to you?'

'Go ahead.'

You sat next to him and saw he was feeding the birds with the food in his lunch box.

'You shouldn't skip lunch... You'll be hungry and weak later.'

'I don't care', he said.


'Because... I don't wan't to eat this alone', he said, giving some rice to the birds. 'There's no point in eating this if it's not with you.'

You felt a cold needle piercing your heart, feeling incredibly sad for having been so mean to him. You took the lunch box from his hands and handled the upper compartment to him, keeping the one with the octopus sausages with you.

'You can give them that. But there's no way I'll let those birds eat my sausages!', you said as you eated one. 'Hmmm... Yummy!'

Yongguk looked at you and laughed a little. He didn't say anything.

'Here, have this one', you told him. 'He looks just like you!'

He examined the sausage and lifted an eyebrow.

'That one looks like a psycho. Do I look like one too?'

'Hey, don't say that about him. He's cute. And you were the one who gave him that face, so don't complain!'

He smiled and ate the sausage directly from your hand.

'Does that mean I'm cute too?', he asked you.

Instead of answering, you picked another sausage and eated it, smiling and looking away.

'Well, at least you said I'm as cute as a octopus sausage', he said, causing you to almost choke from laughter.

You ate the rest of the sausages while feeding the rice and chicken to the birds, comparing the sausages to one another and laughing at them. Soon there was just one left.

'Have the last one', Yongguk said.

'No, thanks. I'm already full.'

He picked it up and looked at it.

'I think we should share this one with our new friends, then', he said as he threw it to the birds. One of them picked it up from the floor and flew away, followed by the others. You looked at Yongguk and noticed he had a sad smile on his face. You tried to figure out a way to apologize to him, but it was hard to find one. Yongguk noticed your troubled expression before you could say anything.

'If you're going to say you're sorry, there's no need for that', he said staring at the trees in front of him.


'No but's. I don't mind if you act like that because you're feeling bad. If it makes you feel better, there's no problem about it.' He turned his head to look at you. 'What I can't stand is seeing you sad and not being able to do something about it. What happened, you? Why were you crying?'

'I didn't cry...', you stared to say.

'You can't hide it from me. I know you did, so don't lie', he said sweetly.

You felt a knot in your throat once again. You tried to hold your tears back as hard as you could, but to no avail.

'you...', Yongguk said moving closer to you and holding you tightly. 'Baby, what's wrong? Please, don't cry...', he said as he wiped away the tears on your face with his fingers, kissing your forehead. 'Please, tell me, you're starting to scare me...'

You took a deep breath and looked straight into his eyes.

'Nana's back', you whispered.

He opened his eyes wide.

'Nana? Back? What???', he asked in shock. 'I thought she went back to the States...!'

'My team leader is getting married and she came to fill in for him. She's my boss now', you said bitterly.

Yongguk didn't say anything, he just held you tightly.

'She acts like she did nothing wrong. She's nice to me in front of other people but I know deep inside she hates me. And Zico...'

Yongguk's expression became serious.

'What about Zico?', he asked with a huskier voice than usual.

'He... Well, Nana was attacking me with uncomfortable questions last night at Josh's party, so he said he's my boyfriend now...'

You expected him to get angry, but he just raised an eyebrow.

'He said that?'


'And is it true?'


'I see...', he said with a surprised expression on this face. 'So you're just pretending you're together in front of Nana?'

'Well... Actually everyone thinks we're back together...'

'I. See...', he said. You bit your bottom lip. 'Zico knows the truth about her?', he continued.

'Yes, I told him everything. Nana wants him, so she'll try to make him fall for her. But he said... Nothing she could do would work on him...'

Yongguk noticed the worried tone on your voice.

'You don't believe in Zico?', he asked you.

'I...', you just didn't know. Tears stared flowing from your eyes one more time.

'you, don't worry this much, please. Nana can't hurt you. We all know the truth about her, so Zico is right: there's nothing she can do now. She's at Brand New Stardom and you're at TS Entertainment... You won't even have to see her often...!', he said, holding your face tenderly between his hands. 'Stop crying. I won't let her hurt you again. I promise. I'll even go talk to her if it's necessary. Please, you, stop crying. I can't stand seeing you like this...'

He held you tightly against his chest, feeling as if his heart was about to break in half if you cried a single tear more.

*I don't want to cry. I won't cry. Not because of Nana. I won't*, you thought and you managed to make your tears stop flowing from your eyes.

'you...', Yongguk said, lifting your face with his finger. 'Baby...', he leaned closer and pressed his lips against yours, giving you a long and sweet kiss. You knew you should move away from him, but somehow you just couldn't. Now that Nana was back you felt close to Yongguk once again.

'I love you so much', he said, placing his forehead against yours. 'So much.'

You didn't want to say anything, so you kissed him back.

A shadow was watching you from the other side of the street. The figure belonged to a young man carrying a bag, who stared at you for a few minutes and then left walking with his head low. His steps were slow and random, as if he was completely devastated. The vision of you two made Zico's heart hurt so much he felt like crying. *I just wanted to pick her up... I shouldn't have come... I didn't want to watch... That...*, he thought, holding his tears back.


♥_♥ Yongguk is so cute ♥_♥

But poor Zico...!! ToT

Will you find out who you love the most soon...?


Thanks for reading!!




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Jonguplover94 #1
Chapter 51: Really love this fanfic. Pleare update soon author-nim <3
Chapter 17: I'm trying my hardest not to scream laughing whenever I reach the end of a chapter. Why must you make me laugh silently at 12:30am?
The story is getting really intense as well! Ah, it's so good! c:
Chapter 2: i saw my username AHAHAHAHA xD
Chapter 20: The gifs you put ahahahahahahhaha PMSL
Chapter 51: Freakin' Nana! UUUGH I SWEAR, I WANNA PUNCH HER SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Author please please please update! :/
nokazkuran12 #6
It's more like NaNa is coming closer to her death... And I want to keep Zico all for myself ;_;
she's getting close to yongguk ..
i hope she wont forget baby ji <3 ,,
things will getting harder after this >w<
My god just have a car run that ____ over. end of nana the c u n tzilla
rocksolidpanda #9
Ugh! Freakin Nana!! But I am exstatic that Zico is back!!! I lurves him so much!!!!! ^^ And Phantom's debut was AMAZING!!!!!
I hate Nana so much. Like LAKSDFJAKDJFKJ. >.< But at least Yongguk is helping! But I would much rather have my bb Jiho...(: And I'm so happy he's back! Like AKJSFLKAJSLDKF!!