
Of Truth and Love

People were walking back and forth through the halls of the city court house. Another busy Friday, a day usually dedicated to finishing and filing subpoenas and new court orders for the next week to come. However, this is the first day of possibly another grueling year of hearing and processes for Chahye and her family.

She felt a hand hold onto her shoulders and she looked around. "Are you okay?" asked Jiho.
She nodded hesitantly saying, "I... I don't think I'm ready."
"Come on, Chahye. You can do it. We're here. Daejung's here," smiled Jisuk his arm around Daejung's shoulder.
Chahye breathed deep and then nodded. "Okay. Let's go," she said.

They walked inside the court room, Chahye's lawyer with her aunt up at front. Hyoseob walked beside her until they reached the row just behind Mr. Lee. They exchanged smiles and started to compose themselves. Hyoseob noticed how tense Chahye was as she clenched her fists over her sweater. Before he could put a hand over her right one, Daejung who sat on her other side has already held her left hand.,

"Noona..." he hummed.
Chahye looked at him and then smiled. "I'm fine. Don't worry," she said holding her brother's hand in both of hers.

Hyoseob looked at Jiho and Jisuk and they all smiled, seeing how the siblings supported each other.

The hearing started, the appeal to lessen sentence to Kang Chulhyun, person convicted for and homicide. There were a fair amount of people inside the room. A panel of jury was present, the convicted's family represented by his brother, a number of spectators behind the main concerned parties and an obvious row of media members. At this rate, the three friends had to pull their beanies lower on their heads to avoid being recognized by the reporters.

It started with mentioning the past case and proceedings done that eventually led to his conviction and current sentence. The jury obviously weren't astonished by his track record. But then their lawyer started talking about good conduct, about avoiding fights in the cell, about being the top craftsman in their recreation projects inside. It made him look good. But certainly not with Chahye and her side.

The court then ordered Kang Chulhyun to appear in court. At this point, Daejung had to hold Chahye's arm. Earlier as the introductions were stated, he already felt her go stiff at the mention of his father's name. But now, just as the door at the back of the judge's panel opened, Chaye started shaking. Daejung had to hold her hand but Hyoseob put his arms around her shoulders. She was scared and they knew she would cry at the sight of him. Mr. Lee, their lawyer, looked back at their seats and even he had the eyes of worry for Chahye.

A police office held the door and two other officers walked inside, a tall man in between them in an orange uniform. Kang Chulhyun. He was brought to the witness stand and sat down, his hand cuff then connected to a bar on one side. He was witness to his own trial. He is also his own suspect at that. He sat down and looked at the crowd before him. He made sure everyone got a look at his face, even the jury. Even Chahye.

They held each other's stares. But as tears were starting to form in her eyes, Kang Chulhyun only gave her a smirk and looked back at the crowd.

"Do you really believe the jury would allow you 10 years less of your original sentence just because of a claim of good conduct?" asked Mr. Lee.
"That and because it is every person's right to f
ight for what he thinks is right," answered Kang.

"Right? What you believe is right?" said Lee. "Do you actually believe what you did to your family 12 years ago was right?"
"I was drunk that day," said Kang.

Chahye held onto Daejung's hand and squeezed it tight. She was starting to be warped into her nightmares and her heart beat was racing as if it could run out of her chest. "Is that him?" she heard her brother whisper. But she couldn't speak. Tears started rolling down her cheeks as memories of that dreadful night visited her once more. She thought it was all over when she passed out that night but it didn't. Even until now, this man has been succeeding in tormenting her. He may not be able to touch her but it was the same amount of pain that she had to handle even now.

The hearing went on with Kang being asked multiple questions. At one point, the jail warden was called as a witness and testified about how well and good he did in his detainment. It all seemed believable, rehearsed maybe. But Chahye knew better.

The judge called for the court to recess for the jury to deliberate. Inquest for sentences didn't have to take too long, and besides, this is the last hearing. The first ones, Chahye didn't attend to. The group stayed in their seats. Hyoseob and Jiho volunteered to go out and buy everyone sandwiches. Jiho's mom sat right next to Mr. Lee to deliberate what they should do if ever the jury sides with Kang. It wasn't possible but they needed to be ready. Mr. Lee has already talked to them about it at home. If ever Kang gets 3 or more years off of his sentence, they would have to file a restraining order against him away from the siblings, as far as possible. Jisuk and Daejung seemed to be listening, Chahye wasn't.

"How does it feel to finally see your father, Daejung?" asked Mr.Lee seriously.
Daejung opened his mouth to answer and then took a glance at his sister beside him. "I don't know how to feel," he said. He looked back at Mr. Lee and asked, "I was wondering if... if I can see him?"
"Daejung-ah.." said Taewoon shifting in his seat to face his cousin. Even Chahye had to turn her head at his statement.
"Daejunggie..." hummed his aunt.
"Are you sure about that boy?" said Mr. Lee.
"I am. I want to see him," said Daejung seriously.
"Daejung... I don't think the judge would let you," said their aunt.
"I know there's a holding facility behind that door," said Daejung pointing to the door behind the judge panel. "I just want to see him up close."
"Let him, if it's possible, Mr.Lee," said Chahye still not looking at anyone from the group, her eyes locked at the seats up the jury's panel.

Mr. Lee got an okay from the judge and court officer to go to the detention room with just Daejung. Chahye and their aunt accompanied him to the room. Jiho and Hyoseob just came back with the sandwiches they bought when they saw Jisuk alone. 

"Where are they?" asked Jiho as he took a seat beside his brother.
"They went to the detention room where he is," Jisuk answered coolly as he took a bag of fries form Hyoseob.
"Eh?! They're going to meet him?" said Hyoseob sitting beside Jiho.
"Will Chahye be all right?" asked Jiho.
"Yes. She will be. Daejung was the one who wanted to see him," answered Jisuk.
"Daejung-ah..." said Jiho tilting his head to the side.

At the back, the judge went into the detention room with Mr. Lee and Daejung. Chahye waited outside. The judge informed Kang that he was going to have 30 minutes with Daejung and then stepped outside once he nodded his agreement to not do anything stupid and harsh.

Kang was inside a barred cell in his prison uniform, hands loose unlike when he stepped on the witness stool where he was cuffed. He stood inside facing Daejung. He was as tall as him, 12 years in prison didn't seem to have taken a toll on his body unlike what Daejung thought. He had firm muscles and still standing with a straight back. His hair was starting to grow white though and lines under his eyes were starting to creep, being the only marks of ageing on him.

"Shouldn't you be around 40 years old already?" said Daejung informally.
"That's 42 to be exact and watch your mouth, boy. I'm older than you," said Kang leaning on the bar.
"I was just wondering how you still look so...fit," said Daejung not losing his gaze on his father.
"We do various activities in prison, Daejung-ah. Exercise, handicrafts, cleaning, sports," said Kang with a smile. "So, how come you wanted to see me?" he asked.
"Because I wanted to know what you look like," said Daejung.
"Right. You were just 4 when you last saw me," smirked Kang with no hint of remorse. "Aren't you surprised? You grew up to look just like me," he said.
"I am surprised. And mad at the same time," said the boy.
"How come, boy?"
"Because I now understand why my sister doesn't like looking at me sometimes. She sees you. And I guess I hate you as well because of that, living in this world looking like a monster."
"You haven't even known me yet, boy."
"It's enough that I see you and hear the stories from my sister."
"Your sister. It's a wonder she's still alive."
"That's because she's a good person. Unlike you."
"Unlike me?! Well, she really won't be like me since she ain't my child. What kind of stories have you heard about me? That I her and killed your mother? That's not true. I pretty much just enjoyed myself."
"You are a monster."
"Because I paid the price of my insolence back then."
"What... What do you mean?"

Kang leaned close to the bars and Daejung had to step back. He was safe from his hands but he still felt fear at what his father could do.

"Have you ever asked your sister who her father is? Does she know?"
"N-No... She doesn't know."
"She's lying!"
"What... What are you talking about?"
"Has your angel of a sister ever told you how we lived back then?"
"She...She doesn't talk about it too much."
"It's either she doesn't want to touch the delicate topic of me and her on bed or she's hiding something from you."
"Don't twist the story! My sister isn't hiding something from me. It's you who did much more evil things than her. She's all I have and I believe her!"
"It didn't occur to me that you'll love your sister like that, Daejung-ah. Even though you have different fathers. Even though she's the reason you don't have a mother anymore."
"It doesn't matter. She's still my sister."
"And I'm your father."
"Some father you turned out to be."
"You know. You really grew up to be just like me. Cold. Frank. Rebellious. Disrespectful."
"I am nothing like you."
"Let me tell you a story, boy."
"You only have 5 minutes left to spare."
"Your mother was just like your beloved sister. Beautiful. Smart. Kind-hearted. y."
"Shut up. Don't talk about her like that."
"I'm saying this as a compliment, Daejung."
"And it isn't funny."
"Anyway, so they were the same. As your sister was growing up, she was starting to look just like Jihye. So beautiful, they both were. But did you know that I wasn't the man your mother loved? We were classmates. I was from a broke family but we were friends. But then, she met this man who was a lot older than us. He was handsome, rich and successful. They ended up together somehow. But the beautiful scenario crashed when the guy left her with a bump in her stomach, when your sister arrived. She then came running to me. We lived together but guess what, she didn't want you to be born with my surname. You are living with her surname. Why? Because she wanted that other guy to believe that she was loyal to him. I was the man in his life and yet she kept looking for that wretched son of a . Me banging your sister was just payback. And I guess I succeeded."

Kang smirked at his son as he leaned near the bar.

"You made my sister your kind of payback?! You are a monster!" shouted Daejung.
"And if your victim is continuously suffering after 12 years, that's kind of fulfilling. You should try this once, Daejung-ah," smirked Kang.
"I will never be like you!" he shouted.
"Science says you have a great chance of growing up to be just like your father, you know," shouted Kang as Daejung walked over to the door.
Daejung stopped and turned around to face his father still standing inside the cell. "That's what science says," he said hearing the door open and the mild voice of the officer standing outside saying it's time. "But I know I will not choose to be like you. You had a choice that night when everything went down. You could have chosen to just run away and never come back. Life could have been a lot easier for you. But you chose to make it worse for you. And your choices affected my sister and her whole being. Your choice cost my mother's life. You don't know what noona's going through each and every day because of the nightmares you gave her. I love her. And I will never ever do stuff to hurt her like you. I won't do anything similar to other women as well," he said.

He made a long and lasting stare at his father before turning around to the door only to see his sister standing in it, waiting for him, hearing everything he said. Chahye put both of her hands on , covering it, covering the tears that would almost stream down her cheeks. Daejung reached his hand out and held her shoulders giving her a reassuring smile. But just then, Kang whistled at them, making them both look at him.

"Well, hello there, Chahye-ah. Don't you look much more beautiful than the last time I saw you," said Kang smiling at her and mockingly did a curtsy. "I never ever said this, but I have always felt proud to have beautiful children like you two. Both of you have your mother's eyes. But of course, you both still look different. Be careful Daejung-ah. She's your sister now. But I don't know how long that would last," said Kang in a smirk turning in his cell to sit back on the lone bench. "I'll see you soon, Chahye-ah," he raised his arm and waved them goodbye.

The officer pulled the kids out of the room saying they were already over their time limit. It didn't matter. Daejung was finally able to tell his father what he always wanted to say. They were walking back to the courtroom when Daejung looked at his sister who was starting to cry.

"What's gotten into you?" asked Daejung.
Chahye mockingly hit her brother's arm. "I'm older than you! Show some respect, you punk," she said.
"Aish..." said Daejung rubbing the spot his sister hit.
Suddenly, Chahye hugged her brother tight. "I love you as well, Daejung," she said in his chest.  She felt his arms touch hers expecting him to push her away but he didn't. 
"Always noona. You're everything I have," said Daejung.
Chahye loosened her grip on him and looked up. "Say it!" she said.
"Say what?" asked Daejung.
"You know what to say!" insisted Chahye then pouting her lips.
"Aish! Stop doing that," said Daejung pushing her away. "Someone might see us!"

Daejung walked away from her into the courtroom. Chahye followed and caught up with him, eventually wrapping her arm around his. Daejung tried to pull his arm away but her sister was strong enough to resist him. Their cousins saw them walk inside and saw how they were doing skinship.

"Aww.. Look at that. They're finally getting close," said their aunt.
"What is this?" asked Hyoseob standing up to meet them in the aisle.
"She won't let go," said Daejung said just as Hyoseob took Chahye's arm from him. "Thank you," he said as he sat beside Jiho. 
"Finally did amends with your sister eh?" said Jisuk ruffling his cousin's hair.
"Sort of," said Daejung as he reached for the fries in Jisuk's hands. "Don't ever talk about this in public hyung," he said.
"Eh... Embarrassed to say you love your sister in public?" teased Jiho.

Meanwhile, Hyoseob and Chahye sat close to them, joining in the conversation before the hearing continued. She suddenly held onto his hand tight making Hyoseob lean his ear near her. "We need to talk after today," she said. Hyoseob only nodded and went back to talking with the others.

The hearing continued and the jury didn't side with Kang and declined his appeal to shorten his sentence. This gave Chahye and Mr. Lee peace. However, Kang seemed to be all smiles.

He stood up from their table and was escorted to his detainment area once more. But he turned around to face Chahye from the other side of the courtroom. He flashed a smirk at all of them. Both siblings said what they saw Kang mouthed. "See you".


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Hi guys! Sorry if it took so long to do an update. I was finding a hard time to actually put this scene into words and then work my out of it. But there you go! Some bits of realization for everyone. :)

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Hi guys! I'm currently back at writing Of Truth And Love. Hopefully, I can post a new update REALLY SOON! I'm so sorry if it took so long. I have a lot of stories to tell you guys! Please anticipate my return! Bam!


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MecrazySasaUnnie92 #1
Chapter 76: Sana mag update na.... ilang years na akong nag aabang ng chapter 77 huhuhuhu Ano besh??? Comeback juseyo~
Acerv_ #2
Chapter 75: ttt... I'm scared... that's horrible I don't even know what to say...
ayenvyone #3
Chapter 74: wahhhh!! thanks for updating!!
Chapter 73: girl
Chapter 70: so amazing you're good writer omg
Chapter 68: o.o young master she have other bro !??
Chapter 64: omo that her dad
Chapter 62: lol how many people she know
Chapter 59: bad GD bad GD lol how could you make him like this omg XD
ayenvyone #10
Chapter 73: cant wait for the next update dor this and all of your stories