Pain & Diagnosis

Marked By Kim Namjoon

Dear Diary, 

Leaving the soccer game with an injury was the last thing I expected to happen. I didn't even think I'd have a chance at winning the event, but somehow it worked out. What was it worth? Where did it get me? I'll tell you where. It left me sleeping in the hospital for a day with a bandaged,bruised, and sore ankle. My parents and friends had already visit me. Hongbin, Leo, and Nari showed the most remorse...Namjoon never showed up, which shouldn't have been a surprise to me, but for some reason it shot me right in the chest. The whole situation just didn't settle well with me. I couldn't swallow this hard truth. My injuries were serious. It wasn't a sprained ankle that would heal in two weeks. It wasn't a scratch in need of a bandaid. It was a strain in my ligament, fracture to my tendons. My bones were broken as were my dreams.  How was it possible to have my dreams bursts at the seams? It all crumbled down right in front of me like bombed building. I still didn't fully understand why it happened. I replayed the event over and over again in my head. There were so many missing piecese to the puzzle. I could understand Bora plotting against me, but why did Taehyung join in? He never like me to begin with, but I didn't think it would be enough to break my bones. 

"Sujin-ah, I brought you some snacks." Aunt Sorin sat in the chair next to my bed with a sincere smile. My foot was elevated with a pillow while bandaged nicely into an egg white cast. Her eyes traveled to the area her expression sympathetic as she offered to fluff my pillows for me. I knew this was her way of trying to make me comfortable so I accepted her offer not wanting her to feel like she can't help me, even if it was true. 

"Thanks, Auntie." I tried to sound cheerful, put on a charade for her, because I didn't want her pity.

"Sujin-ah, you're always welcome...Always. So, when did the doctor say you could leave?" Her tone soft.

"Tonight. He's getting the discharge papers ready." My dull eyes remained fixated on the white ceiling. 

"Good. Very good. I've already prepped your favorite, chinese kimchi. I hope you've grown an appetite while here." She informed with a satisfied expression now when I turned to look at her.

"Absolutely. Hospital food is the worst." We both shared a laugh before the awkward silence continued. There was one thing bugging me. It was on my mind ever since I got wheeled away on a stretcher.

"Did Bora get in trouble for this?" Aunt Sorin exhaled slowly. It was the same exhale she made during difficult situations or when the outcome wasn't favorable and I was positive her response meant justice wasn't served.

"They weren't able to get anything on tape. The cheerleaders were blocking the camera."

"Weren't there any witnesses on the bleachers? Someone must've had a camera!" My tone a notch louder now. Aunt Sorin shut her eyes tightly while shaking her head.

"No one will come forward, Sujin. As far as the board is concerned, you tripped. That is all." 

"Yes, I did trip after a megaphone was practically thrown at me!" I was yelling now. No one ever believed my stories.

"I believe in you, Sujin. You wouldn't make this up, but this case is not in my hands. If it were I'd have Bora suspended and revoke her status as captain of the cheerleading squad."

"Didn't you see what happened?" 

"I wish I had, then I could be a witness. Sujin, this isn't the end of the line for you. There are many more opportunities. Many more careers---"

"I don't want to hear that right now....Thanks for the snacks, Auntie. You can leave now. I need to rest." I turned my head away from her since I could no longer roll onto my side without shocks of pain in my foot. Aunt Sorin sat there for several more seconds before complying with my request, knowing my need for alone time. If I thought I'd been a mess before it was nothing compared to this. The doctor explained to me it would take several weeks maybe even months to heal my injury. He said my best bet was to join the soccer team again next year...There was no next year with this being my senior year. He said the only cure was time and that in itself was a nightmare.  What would I do with my life now? How would I cope with the damage that had been done to me? Just as I felt the tears coming on I heard the door creak open.

"Sorin, I told you to let me be." I groaned against a pillow.

"Sorin? Last time I checked I don't have a ." The velvet voice met my eardrums and instantly I knew I would come face to face with the blonde boy. I opened my eyes quickly yearning to meet his.

"Why did it take you so long to see me?" The words escaped from my lips and I regretted them instantly. My cheeks now turning a tint of red. Way to go, Sujin, because being needy and emotional is so appealing. My concious beat me up.

"I guess someone missed me." Namjoon replied cockily with a smirk before sitting down next to me. I rolled my eyes at his arroggant attitude also finding myself smiling at him. Somehow I missed hearing his conceited remarks. 

"Are you hungry?" He dug into his backpack before sinking his teeth into a big red juicy apple. I couldn't peel my eyes away from him as the juices from the fruit dripped down the corner of his plump lips. 

"No, my aunt packed me some snacks. You still didn't answer my question." 

"Your question in regards to my absence, right?"

"Stop avoiding the question and get to the point. I worked my off at that game. I scored the last point and then somehow your evil little cheerleader girlfriend plots a plan to break my leg that involves your bff Taehyung." My arms were folded across my chest now as I tried to give a convincing scowl which of course failed me as usual. 

"Aww, you're so cute when you're trying to act tough." He pinched my cheeks.

"This is serious, Namjoon. I can't play soccer for a long time now."

"You think i don't realize that? It's not like I wanted this to happen to you."

"Or maybe you did. " I suspected. It all made sense now. He would utilize himself as the decoy. I would get wrapped up in his raindeer games and fall madly in love with him or grow a bond and trust for him.  Then, boom! They would take me out at the game. It was the perfect plan.

"What are you trying to say?" Namjoon tossed his apple into the trashcan in the corner of the room.

"You were the reason I went back to the field. You were the one who forced me to go through all of that stupid training with running, drills, and a thousand pushups. You were the one that tried to tempt me. It was all a distraction, right? The way you acted with me, the things you said. It was all just a game. You made me believe that you actually...No, nevermind. You're exactly what my mother said you were. You're just some juvenille kid. You have no soul. You have no feelings and now you're here because the guilt of ruining someone else's future is tearing you apart, I'm right aren't I?" My voice was in the awkward stage of whining and cracking because of the tears that fell and swelled my throat. 

"You were right about one thing, I am a juvenille kid, but I would never do something like this. V was right about you. All you do is cry victim and people are sick of changing your diaper. You need to grow up and you need to realize not everyone wants to hurt you... Have a good day, Sujin." Namjoon's jaw muscles bulged in aggravation as his hand reached for the wooden door.

"You're a bully, Namjoon. That's all you ever were and I'm just your target. You will never be my friend." My voice finally broke as the tears unleashed. He stood there for a few more seconds before stalking off back into the lobby. 


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Update tonight!!!! <3 05.18.17


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BeauTifulSpoon #1
Chapter 52: Update?
Chapter 52: i cried because i'm an emotional mess. keep going this is amazing!!
Chapter 52: Wheeeeeet this still alive? And omg she ran away :(
Chapter 51: when is the next update!?
Magnifiquelilkate #5
Chapter 50: I will look forward to your update <33 sooner
Chapter 10: I haven't gotten to the most recent chapter yet, but I gotta say, I'm enjoying this fic :)