Declared War

Marked By Kim Namjoon

Dear Diary,

     Operation take him down aka OTHO was finally in motion. It took us a week to organize everything. Hongbin's power brain helped us come up with the perfect plan. I don't know why it didn't cross my mind before. Namjoon would be kicked off of the team in no time and for once I felt triumphant. The smell of victory and sweet sweet revenge was in the air. I felt like a celebrity as I strut down the halls, because for once in three weeks I wouldn't be the center of attention. I wouldn't be the victim. I would be Lee Sujin, the witty, sarcastic girl in English II. The best part about this, today we would get the results of who would stay on the soccer team and I was positive my name would be printed on the list, because of how hard I worked during all of our drills and practices in the past week. I fought through the pain of my injuries like a soldier and proved I belonged. 

"Are you ready for the results?" Hongbin asked as we sat on the stair steps in the hallway. 

"Absolutely. I'm also ready for OTHO. Your plan is incredible, Bin. You're a genius! How do you even think of these things?" I asked enthusiastically. 

"Just that little thing called, no social life. I have a lot of free time. Most of the time I'm making blueprints for things I want to build in the future or working on my photography." He explained whilst smiling. I wrapped my arms around his waist before squeezing him tightly.

"I could've never pulled any of this off without you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I kissed his cheek and he blushed.

"Hey, don't thank me yet. It hasn't been done yet."

"But, I know it will be. Gosh, I'm just so happy! This is the best day of my life!" I chirped. 

Leo strut down the hallway in his black leather jacket with a yellow piece of paper. A crowd of people swarming behind him including admiring girls. He pinned it to the bulletin board with an unreadable expression, before leaving around the corner. 

"Well, there they are. Are you ready to look or do I have to carry you over there, again?" Hongbin teased and I smiled. 

"I'm ready to see the results." I said confidently. I walked over to the bulletin board with a smug smile spread across my face as I pushed people aside to make room for myself. I closed my eyes whilst giggling happily before opening them and scrolling down the list of names. Minho. Jongup. Daehyun. Sulli. Eunhyuk, Doojoon. Mark. Jackson. I continued to scroll through the dozens of names and was shocked to not find myself on the list. 


"What's wrong?" Hongbin asked.

"I'm--- I'm not on the list." I replied numbly.

"What? No, that's impossible. I went to every practice you had last week. No one worked harder than you. You were injured and you still kept going." Hongbin argued before pushing people aside and skimming through the list himself. He too was shocked when he couldn't find my name. I bit my bottom lip in disappointment as I tried to fight the tears from coming up. It didn't make sense. My hard work was for nothing? I could be one of the best players they've ever had on the team. I could help them win, why couldn't they see my potential? Why didn't they see what my school in California did?

"No. It's just a mistake. It has to be a typo. There's no reason for them not to choose you, Sujin-ah." Hongbin reasoned and I shook my head as my eyes began to tear. 

"This wasn't a mistake. Results aren't mistakes." I walked away with my head down now returning to the steps where Hongbin joined me. 

"Sujin-ah, I can talk to Leo for you. It probably was a mistake." He continued 

"Let it go. I'm fine. It's okay, really." I blinked away my last tear. The sound of clicking heels met my ears and I turned in the direction of the sound to find Bora and her disciples again. This time Bora's bandage was removed and her nose looked as if it were never broken. She walked over to the list taking it off of the bulletin now walking towards me. She cleared as one of her minions handed her a megaphone. Great, more humiliation, just what I need. 

"Jongin, Minho, Sehun, Sulli, Doojoon, Eunhyuk, Daehyun, and many more new team members. Congratulations on becoming apart of the team. Clearly, my boyfriend, Namjoon saw great potential in you. You've been chosen for a reason. Be proud, celebrate, enjoy this moment, because it surely won't last forever. As for you, Sujin. I could've swore you said you would be a permanent member on the team, what happened? I don't see your name on this list. Krystal, do you see her name on this list?" Bora smiled deviously and I bit my bottom lip as I fought the tears from coming up. The one thing besides photography that I really wanted was soccer and now I can't even have that. 

"Nope, it doesn't look like she made it to me." Krystal joined in whilst smiling smugly. 

"See, Sujin? I told you there was no way you would make the soccer team. I really do pity you. You're worthless. First you get rejected by photography now soccer too. What do you have to live for? Give me an R! Give me an E. Give me a J-E-C-T-E and D! What does that spell? Rejected! You are scum, Sujin!" Bora continued to speak through the megaphone. 

"Shut up, Bora! Leave her alone!" Hongbin stood up.

"What are you gonna do, hit me? If you hit me that makes you a weak piece of ! I'm more fragile than you are! Why don't you just mind your own business?" Bora spat and he snatched the megaphone away from her letting it collide with the hard floor. They gasped as the megaphone broke apart.

"I said leave her alone!" Hongbin repeated angrily. Bora on her bottom lip whilst panting before scurrying off with her minions around the corner. I couldn't contain my emotions any longer and ran outside whilst wiping my tearing eyes. Hongbin chased after me until he couldn't keep up. 

"Sujin-ah! Sujin-ah!" He cuffed his hands around his mouth while calling out to me. I looked over my shoulder whilst running, a big mistake because I tripped and fell down a hill in the woods, rolling across the grass for what seemed like forever. All I saw was green and blue until the blood from my forehead dripped into my eye. The colors merged together and I found all of the colors fading to deep black. I could still hear Hongbin's voice calling out to me, but it was far away now. 


My eyes fluttered open slowly the first thing that met my eyes were the beautiful green leaves above my head in the trees. Then my eyes caught sight of an orange butterfly. I wondered if it were all a hallucination from bumping my head. My head. I thought when I lifted my fingertips up to touch the broken skin...It was bandaged. I sat up quickly looking around at all of my surroundings. Who did this to me?

"You're the clumsiest girl I've ever met. Well, one of them." Leo said amusedly while shaving a stick with his knife. I jumped up immediately at the sight of his knife.


"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, Sujin." He put down the knife instantly and put his hands up as if he were surrendering.

"Why are you here?" I asked suspiciously.

"Hongbin went nuts! He said you were upset and ran away to these woods he saw you fall and led me to you. I brought an AID kit, I figured you would do damage." He explained the story beginning to carve the stick to a sharp point again.

"Did you maybe, think I wanted to be alone and cause damage on my own?" I sassed him and he snickered.

"You're so stubborn, Sujin. What happened to the girl who thanked me last week?" 

"She's gone!"

"You're clearly upset with me." He nodded whilst smiling bittersweetly still paying attention to carving the stick.

"Upset with you? Why wouldn't I be? I worked my off to be apart of a team, who doesn't even want me. I wasted my time, life, and energy." I argued before dusting my pants and standing up.

"Well, you're not the only one, Sujin. There are others who feel the same exact way you do right now." 

"The difference is, I thought you had my back. What happened to 'I'll help as much as I can' ? Was that just a bunch of bogus to get my hopes up? I thought we made a pact?"

"I'm still helping you. If it weren't for me you would be hemorraging all over the ground right now, dead. If it weren't for me you're ribs wouldn't feel better right now. I'm trying to protect you and help you as much as I can, but let's be honest. You and Namjoon can't be on the same team. It will cause too much conflict and the team will be worse." He matched my tone now throwing his carved stick to the ground along with his knife as he stood up. 

"You think I don't know that? I have the perfect plan to get Namjoon kicked off the team, okay? I thought you believed in my plan."

"Well, the clock was running out of time, Sujin. I had to do what was best for you and the team. I really want you to be on the team, Sujin, but until he's gone it just can't happen. I'm sorry. I should've told you directly instead of letting you hang." He apologized in a soft tone now.

"It's a little too late for apologies, but when I get him kicked off the team, I expect to have a jersey waiting for me...Thanks for the bandaid." I walked away leaving him alone in the woods.

     When lunch time came around my glum mood didn't subside, but a little joy came back at the thought of our plan starting soon. Hongbin hid behind the bushes with his laptop before inserting the flashdrive. Besides his amazing photography and art skills he also thrived in being a computer or whatever gadget you have hacker. My heart beat fast as the mouse scrolled over the file. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hongbin asked nervously.

"Is her face blurred?" I asked feeling slightly guilty about exposing this, but I knew it was my only way to take him down.

"Yes, one-hundred percent." 

"Do it." I exhaled and Hongbin nodded before hitting the send button. Everyone's phones at school rang, notifying them of a new text message/email. Hongbin quickly erased the files and messages then, hid his laptop in his backpack before we walked into the cafeteria just in time. It wasn't long before everyone's phones were playing Namjoon's scandal footage from the library. 

"Hyung, they're everywhere I can't make it stop." V told the elder as he panicked.

"Make them delete it!" Namjoon shouted whilst running his fingers through his hair. 

"We're trying they're not listening." Jin said calmly. A person in the cafeteria connected their phone to the big screen in the cafeteria, playing the video for all to see. People in the cafeteria whistled at him and imitated the girl's sounds.

"Oppa! Oppa!" A boy stuck out his tongue while holding two oranges against his chest and squeezing them as if they were s. V pushed the boy away instantly whilst scowling. Bora stared at Namjoon with teary eyes.

"So, it was true. Sujin, wasn't lying. You really slept with Ellin! You're just an unbelievable pig!" Bora sobbed before slapping his cheek and running away.

"Bora! Bora! It's not what it looks like! She's nothing compared to you! Bora!" Namjoon shouted. This is when he completely lost it. He picked up a chair and smashed the tv screen, hitting it several times until the image stopped playing. There were sparks coming out of the tv as he panted frustratedly. He was in another place as he snatched away random people's phones and threw it. It was as if he turned into a monster. He was completely reckless and for a minute I thought about this being a big mistake, then, I remembered he was only getting a dose of his medicine. BTS grabbed him and pulled him away from doing anymore damage as he broke down completely. He turned around to face me.Leo stared at me from across the room with wide eyes. He must be just as shocked as I am.

"You! You did this! You leaked the video, didn't you? Didn't you?!?" He shouted angrily before stalking over to me. Leo made his way over to us making sure no harm would come my way, but Principal Nu came just in time to pull Namjoon back by his uniform jacket. He was escorted to the office. My cover was blown. He knew it was me, even if he had no evidence to prove it. I was dead meat. This was a declare of war and I needed to be ready for the fight that was coming. 

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Update tonight!!!! <3 05.18.17


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BeauTifulSpoon #1
Chapter 52: Update?
Chapter 52: i cried because i'm an emotional mess. keep going this is amazing!!
Chapter 52: Wheeeeeet this still alive? And omg she ran away :(
Chapter 51: when is the next update!?
Magnifiquelilkate #5
Chapter 50: I will look forward to your update <33 sooner
Chapter 10: I haven't gotten to the most recent chapter yet, but I gotta say, I'm enjoying this fic :)