Wedding crasher Part 4

180° GIRL

Chorim frantically combed through her hair with her ice cold fingers to untangle it. Her hair looked fine because of how simple her initial updo was but it wasn’t perfect and Chorim needed it to look perfect. She hesitantly re-entered the main hall through a side entrance and tried to blend into the background in order to go to the bathroom to properly fix her hair. Unfortunately, Jin was already waiting for her and was quick to catch her as soon as she was seen inside.
“Jin!” Chorim exclaimed. Daaaammmnnn it.
“There you are.” He said once he reached her. She could tell by his wandering eyes that he was curious about her hair. She touched the side of her head with a hand and let out a sheepish laugh.
“My hair got caught in a branch outside.”
“You should be more careful,” Jin brushed a strand of hair on the side that was out of place with his thumb,“Shall we get going?” He flashed a charming grin at her and held out his hand. Without a second thought, Chorim grabbed onto it as if her life depended on it.
“Where are we going?”
“Upstairs.” Jin whispered to her before leading her away into the hallways and up the stairs, onto the next level. Chorim could feel the warmth of Jin’s hand heating up her cold fingertips and didn’t want him to let go. Just having some time alone with Jin was what she had been looking forward to the most the entire wedding. They came across a huge wooden door at the end of the hallway and Jin checked the vicinity before opening them, revealing the huge and pristine kitchen inside. There was not a soul in sight and they walked through the whole kitchen before going through to another room. Chorim was amazed by how beautiful the room was which had a balcony view of the garden outside. It was a lavish but cosy function room with small chandeliers hanging across the ceiling. Right in the middle of the room was a long wooden table with no chairs surrounding it. Oh sh*t, it’s just us two right now. Chorim could feel her *rted brain going into overdrive as Jin walked towards her, backing her against the edge of the table. Just take me now Jin… All of a sudden, Jin swiftly wrapped his hands around Chorim’s waist and hoisted her up onto the ledge of the table and then leaned in with both of his hands against the table, beside her thighs. He better stop or I might really get a heart attack and end up in hospital at this rate...
“I’m really sorry I wasn’t able to be by your side a lot tonight.” Jin said whilst deeply looking at her. Chorim was shocked by his apology and waved her hands in the air.
“Oh, no! I completely understand. I know you’re a very popular man.” Chorim joked and reassuringly smiled back at him.
“I was hoping to make it up to you. I’ll be right back.” Jin walked away into the kitchen and then promptly came back with a large plate full of the most gorgeous and elaborate desserts she had ever seen in her life. HO-LY SH*T.


“Oh my god, they look amazing!” She exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement at the sight of the mouth-watering desserts.
“The chef here is a friend of mine so I got him to make a special dessert platter for you.” Jin smiled at Chorim who was enthusiastically looking at one of the cakes, “They’re all green tea and cherry blossom flavoured.” Chorim felt a tinge of guilt that she was glad he wasn’t the one who made them but she was excited nonetheless. Jin leaned against the table and dotingly watched Chorim as she took her first spoonful of one of the green tea cakes. Her eyes started watering as she looked at him and slowly chewed.
“What’s wrong?” Jin asked her, slightly panicking at the sight of tears welling up at the corner of her eyes.
“It’s sho good.” Chorim said with full. She knew her facade was shattering at the presence of desserts but she had no willpower left. Jin burst into joyous laughter.
“I’ll forward on your comments to the chef then.” Jin smiled at her. He then cheekily opened his mouth for Chorim to feed him a piece of cherry blossom jelly she had scooped up. With just the two of them in the room, it was quite a picturesque moment where it seemed like they were the only people in the world, indulging in the heavenly sweetness of desserts.

I can’t think of a better way to end this night. Sweet desserts AND sweet Jin. I can die happy now…even if it might be from the sugar overload. Or so she thought. When Chorim was finished with the last cake, there was a flat heart-shaped chocolate piece left on the side. She would usually finish everything but didn’t want to seem like too much of a pig in front of Jin (despite having already eaten a billion cakes with him beside her).
“Oh come on, you have to finish everything,” Jin picked up the chocolate piece, fed it into and then quietly said, “or maybe we can share.” He leaned in, barely a breath away from her with his head tilted slightly, and bit into the chocolate piece that was still hanging from without taking his eyes off her. He tilted his head downwards so the piece would split into two and then smoothly pulled himself away from her. It was hard to tell who was blushing more between the two of them afterwards but Jin definitely appeared a lot calmer with his shy smile than Chorim who was quietly chewing on the chocolate with the worst attempt at a poker face in the world. She was actually holding her breath and could feel her body weaken because she was so flustered. DID THAT JUST HAPPEN? WHAT KIND OF KDRAMA SORCERY IS THIS? HOW DO THE GIRLS ACT SO COOL AFTERWARDS!? I’M ING SCREAMING RIGHT NOW. SOMEONE HELP ME. As soon as she managed to swallow the chocolate, Chorim crossed her arms and leaned forward.
“Who said anything about sharing?” She jokingly snapped at him. It was all she could do to hide how bashful he was making her feel. Jin was initially surprised by her forward reaction but then saw right through her tough front. He couldn’t help but affectionately laugh at the cute girl with flushed cheeks in front of him.


The night seemed to have only just begun for Chorim and she was devastated to already be heading back home in the back of Jin’s limousine. Of course, the alternative was staying longer at the dreadful wedding with Dasom stalking her and using any chance to provoke her with insults. Whilst the two talked in the back, the car came to such an abrupt stop that Chorim fell off her seat and onto the ground on her knees with her long hair all over her face. Why do limos have to be so spacious? Why? Jin quickly helped Chorim by lifting her up back onto the seat.
“Are you okay?” He asked her. Chorim waved him away with her hand and tried to quickly fix her messy hair.
“What happened?” Jin called out to the front. The window between the front and the back came down and the chauffeur turned around.
“I’m so sorry. The streets are quite narrow so I might have to reverse back.” The chauffeur apologised. Chorim couldn’t help but feel embarrassed as if he was commenting on how poor the neighbourhood was because the streets weren’t nice and wide. Chorim turned to Jin who had his eyes narrowed and a perplexed expression on his face as he looked towards the front. She turned to see what he was concentrating on and couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing either. Is that guy...topless? Her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her. Frantically running straight towards the car was indeed a topless guy with clothes in his hand. Chorim screamed as the guy suddenly jumped onto the bonnet of the car. They saw his face for a split second when he held out his hand apologetically just before he climbed over and repeatedly yelled out ‘SORRY!’ as he ran across the long roof of the limo. Jin held the startled Chorim in his arms but when she looked up at him, she realised his attention was elsewhere. His expression had hardened and she couldn’t tell if he was angry or shocked but it was definitely an unfamiliar face to her. His face relaxed as soon as he realised he was holding onto Chorim and she shyly loosened herself from his embrace. Just a few seconds later, they also witnessed a group of people yelling and running across the small street ahead of them, looking as if they were chasing after someone.
“Does this happen often around here?” He let out a forced chuckle and Chorim quickly shook her head. Nooooooo, it does not.


Taehyung blankly stared at the selection of yoghurt in front of him whilst the fridge hummed. He had gotten restless from staying inside without getting any work done and decided to go out and stop by the convenience store to clear his mind. He grabbed a single carton of strawberry flavoured yoghurt and closed the door without letting the handle go. That woman will complain if I don’t buy one for her… He immediately opened the door and grabbed another four before closing it again.
    “And that will be 15,000 Won.”
From the back of the store, Taehyung watched the girl behind the counter as she sweetly smiled and bowed at the customer in front of her. It’s that girl again… Ever since that day, he just couldn’t shake off the feeling that they knew each other, or moreso, that she knew him everytime he saw her. They made eye contact and she gave him a welcoming eye-smile before returning her attention to her screen. I could use some chocolate as well… Just as he was walking towards the confectionary shelf, Taehyung turned his head to see what the commotion outside was about. A topless guy suddenly ran past the window and did a combat roll on the ground to quickly hide behind a large bush. Soonafter, a bunch of thuggish guys came running by, frantically looking around with pissed off expressions on their faces. What on Earth…? The guys started yelling 'Find him!' and swearing at each other before splitting up and running off again. Taehyung was so confused by the incident that he couldn’t look away whilst his hand blindly reached out for the chocolate on the shelf. He made his way to the counter and placed the yoghurt cartons and chocolate on the counter. As the girl scanned the items through, he curiously watched the topless guy cautiously crawl out from behind the bush. Taehyung then heard the girl quietly snicker but as soon as he turned to face her, she had put on a professional serene face on, hiding all traces of mockery. Up close, he could see her big lively dark brown eyes looking back at him.
“That will be 40,000 Won.” She beamed at him. 40,000 Won...Taehyung automatically took out his wallet from his back pocket.
“Wait, 40,000 Won? That can’t be right.” Taehyung said to the girl. He knew that was way too much for just yoghurt and chocolate. There was an awkward air between the two as the girl glanced down at the counter and then flicked her eyes back up at him. It was only when Taehyung looked at the items on the counter himself did he realise what had gone terribly wrong. Amongst the cartons of strawberry flavoured yoghurt was a packet of size XXL strawberry flavoured cond*ms. WHAT THE . In a panic, Taehyung swiped the packet off the counter and awkwardly waved it in the air.
“This isn’t mine. I must have grabbed it accidentally.” His voice shook as he clumsily stumbled backwards and returned the item to the shelf. The girl giggled at how cute he was and tapped on her screen a few times.
“That will be 9,000 Won.” She calmly said.
Still really embarrassed, Taehyung quickly gave the girl the money and then grabbed the plastic bag she handed over to him. He was in such a rush to escape the awkward situation that he crashed head first into the glass door, suffering his second embarrassment in a span of 2 minutes. GET YOURSELF TOGETHER, KIM TAEHYUNG!


“Are you sure you’ll be fine? I think it’s better if I walk you back to your place.” Jin said as he strolled beside Chorim up the sloped dimly lit street, “I don’t want you to be attacked by some topless guy.”
Chorim laughed and shook her head, “No, it’s perfectly alright. I’ll be fine.”
Jin had a disheartened look in his eyes but managed a smile, “Did you have a good time tonight?”
“Of course I did. Thank you again for inviting me.” Chorim tried her best to show a sincere smile to hide the fact that she was lying. Overall, it was a dreadful experience and she could only recall very few moments she actually enjoyed from the whole night. If one of them was actually spending time with Yoongi outside, it was a pretty good indicator it was never going to be the best night of her life. But I got to spend some time with you sooooo ya know, worth the pain.
“I’m glad you did. Maybe we can share some chocolate again some time,” Jin raised a brow at Chorim, “Why are your cheeks so red all of a sudden?”
Chorim panicked and immediately slapped her cheeks with her cold hands. FAARRKK. Jin started laughing and had to cover his mouth with the back of his hand, “I’m kidding.”
Godammit Kim Seokjin, you’re lucky you have a cute a** laugh otherwise… Chorim was so occupied with what just happened that she couldn’t quite prepare herself for when Jin suddenly caressed her cheek with his hand and leaned in to give her a soft kiss on her forehead. She was so stunned by how quickly it happened that she was paralysed with disbelief and could only manage to blankly stare back at Jin.






Once the glass doors opened properly, Taehyung rushed outside and immediately saw the guy who was topless sitting on the curb right at the entrance. He was now wearing a red flannel shirt over a white T-shirt, paired with washed-out blue jeans with ripped knees and a pair of classic Timberland shoes. Taehyung could tell from the guy's expression that he was holding in laughter, most likely from witnessing Taehyung walk into the glass door like an idiot. The most surprising thing to Taehyung was that the guy actually had a youthful face despite having what looked like mature-looking body and, judging from the length of his legs, seemed considerably tall as well. Taehyung averted his gaze to avoid any unnecessary interaction and hurried past the guy, feeling as though there were a pair of eyes watching him as he walked away.

It was quiet in the neighbourhood streets and Taehyung watched the ground most of the time as he headed back home with the plastic bag full of yoghurt in his hand. When he turned the last corner, he straightened himself and in the distance, he could see a tall guy in a white shirt and black suit pants standing in front of girl in a long blue dress. It was only when he got a few steps closer that he realised it was Chorim with who he assumed was Jin, ‘the super cool and dreamy man with beautiful broad shoulders’ as Chorim had described him on many occasions. Taehyung didn’t stop walking towards them completely but did slow down significantly as to not interrupt anything. Suddenly, he watched as Jin leaned forward and kissed Chorim on her forehead right in front of him. Taehyung’s body froze up by itself and his mind went numbingly blank. He contemplated just going ahead and pretending he didn’t see anything but for some reason, he couldn’t even stand the look of Chorim shyly gazing up at Jin so he averted his eyes and turned back around to avoid ruining their fairytale moment. Taehyung mindlessly rushed off without direction and he somehow ended back at the convenience store he came from.

When he was inside, he went straight to the seats by the window and unintentionally ignored the girl’s usual greeting. Even though she was a tad annoyed by how rude he was, the girl left him alone to eat his yoghurt as she served a few other people who were in the store. Taehyung had a hard time coming to terms with why he felt so uncomfortable and irritated all of a sudden. It was a strange feeling for him, after all. Jealousy. After a while, when it was only Taehyung and the girl left in the store, she casually walked over and sat beside him.
“You’re back!” The girl exclaimed. Taehyung lifted his head up slightly to acknowledge her but then returned to jabbing at the yoghurt with his spoon. She frowned, still annoyed by his unresponsiveness. All she wanted to do was help.
“Sorry, you just seem so upset that I thought…”
Wait… “Upset?” Taehyung turned to face her. It seemed like such an absurd observation to him. “I’m not upset.” He scoffed. Why would I be upset? Surprised, the girl pulled her head away for a second and then let out an awkward chuckle.
“Yo, you were basically sulking in the corner for like 5 solid minutes.” She said with a grin. It was amusing to confront someone so deep in denial.
SULKING!? Taehyung was astounded by what he was hearing. He couldn’t comprehend why he would come across as upset and sulking, adamant that there was nothing to be upset about. Going along with the strangely friendly atmosphere, Taehyung asked what had been on his mind from ages ago.
“I’m sorry but do we know each other? Have we met somewhere before?” He interrogated. It was actually unusual for him to be so talkative but he really had not been his usual self the entire night.
The girl tilted her head to the side, a bit confused by his odd question, “You’ve come here like a dozen times already, it would be weird if I didn’t know you.” Taehyung was unsatisfied by her answer but didn’t have the energy to press further.
“Anyway, feel free to continue eating your yoghurt but if you could tone down the gloominess so you don’t scare my customers away, that would be great.” The girl jokingly said, flashing a smile at him. Just before she turned away to return to the counter, Taehyung glanced down at her name badge. Im Nayeon...that name doesn’t ring a bell at all.



Taehyung had his eyes on Chorim’s apartment as he made his way up the stairs. When he reached the top, he hesitantly strided over to her door and mulled over whether or not to knock. Whatever, she’s probably too busy being happy anyway. Taehyung walked away over to his apartment and opened the door. He wasn’t sure why seeing Chorim was such a pleasant surprise but there she was, sitting on the floor in front of his bookshelf already in her baggy jumper and PJ pants engrossed in the manga book she had in her hands. As cheesy as it may sound, the moment she looked up at him and smiled, Taehyung’s heart literally skipped a beat, a realisation that made him feel even more irritated than he already was. He had the urge to rub his eyes to check his vision because she suddenly seemed even prettier than when he last saw her which was when she was getting ready to go the wedding despite being dressed down.

“Oh! There you are! Where were you?” She exclaimed as Taehyung closed the door behind him.

“I think the better question is why are you here?” Taehyung grumbled, trying his best to appear aloof as usual even though he was feeling quite nervous inside. He really hadn't expected to see her again that night.

“Yeah, I don’t know either.” Chorim stretched her arms in the air with the manga book placed on her lap, “I’m feeling kind of restless. I don’t think I can sleep tonight.” She goofily smiled at him. Taehyung unknowingly felt irritated by her comment because he had a good idea what it was that was making her restless. As he walked by, Chorim gasped and urgently pointed at the bag Taehyung was holding onto.
“Is that yoghurt?” Her eyes glistened at him. Chorim gleefully caught the carton Taehyung threw at her and started humming as she opened it up. He watched as she slurped up the yoghurt and dumbly smiled without knowing she had yoghurt on the tip of her nose.
“How was the wedding?” He asked whilst he put the rest of the cartons into the fridge. He wasn't quite sure whether he wanted to know or not but had asked anyway.
“Ah, the wedding. It was…Ummmm,” Chorim recounted all the odd incidents from the night. Hrmmm, let’s see...I was stuck in the male’s restroom with a puppy in my arms at one to see Dasom’s face when Yoongi ruined her dress...had my hairpins stolen by that same a** Yoongi... had dessert with Jin… She suddenly had a flashback of Jin leaning forward and his dreamy eyes looking right at her as he was biting into the chocolate. She shyly cupped her peachy and warm cheeks with her hands. She had already spent the first 10 minutes when she got home screaming with joy and punching and kicking her pillows and stuffed toys in celebration of how things were going with Jin that she was able to appropriately contain her happiness.
“Eventful.” Chorim replied succinctly, trying to avoid being probed for details, and slurped the rest of the yoghurt down in one go. Taehyung kept staring at her forehead and felt annoyed every time he looked at it. He squatted down right in front of her and eyed her down.
“What are you looking at?” Chorim frowned and rubbed her eyes, “Is some of my make-up still on?” Taehyung suddenly flicked her forehead with his fingers so hard, there was a loud cracking sound and it left a red blotch on her skin.
“Ack, what the hell was that for!?” She yelled out as she covered her forehead and looked at him, absolutely devastated. As childish as it was, Taehyung had a satisfied smirk on his face and tapped on his nose with his finger.
“You’ve got yoghurt on your nose, you idiot.”


A/N: AND THAT’S THE END OF THAT ARC!!! WHAT’D YOU THINK!?!? THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, THROW THEM AT ME! Sorry, I’m just a bit excited because a lot happened in this chapter, hahahaha. ヾ(o✪‿✪o)シ I was going to split this into two chapters because of the length but I couldn’t bare to torture you guys any more than I already have. Think of it as a small gift hahaha. I am gearing up for the upcoming and crazy chapters but it might take a while since, ya know, I'm careful with editing and don’t have a crazy amount of free time on my hands unfortunately. But I'll try my best, I promise!

As always, thanks for reading. I really appreciate all the support. I love reading all of your comments, they honestly make my day. I’ll see you all again shortly! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。

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Shocking reveal wowowow


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pinkky12 #2
I've been reading many fanfics in the long run and this one is still my favorite of all, not kidding uwu
Chapter 66: i read this since you started it and it's one of my fav fic and i really miss it v_v
Xunlu4evr #4
Chapter 66: love your work!!!
I've been reading it since you first started..... and I really looovvvvve this fanfic!!!!!!
Thank you Authornim!!! ♡⃛◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞⸜₍ ˍ́˱˲ˍ̀ ₎⸝◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞♡⃛◌⑅●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌(๑・ω-)~♥”
rod0003 #5
Chapter 66: Glad you returned :D
175 streak #6
Just from reading the description, it already looks very promising!! I can’t wait to get a start on reading this!!
Chapter 66: Asdfghjkl I would just like to thank you so much for the update!! Also no problem for the hiatus, take your time! We’ll always be here waiting for you :))). Thank you for all of your hard work, we get to read such a beautiful story and it’s all thanks to you<333 See you in the next update ^^ take care of yourself!
Alkimnindya #8
Chapter 66: THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR THE UPDATE!!!! Just like usual, your story always make me smile and laughing like crazy. But rather than chorim and tae, I'm really curious and wanted to read more about what on earth happen with jungkook and jin? What are their relationship?
Chapter 66: They should taalllkkk!!! Kim Taehyung you better man up!!!
Chapter 66: awww, i missed this story sm TT thanks for updating <33