chapter 66


yunho threw his head back and sighed a long sigh then opened his eyes looking at the ceiling and said :


  "yes sir ?"

yunho looked at top and said :

"go to jaejoong's bedroom and get me his hair brush "

Top frowned but then bowed and in a minute he was back with the brush …

yunho got up from behind the desk ,took the brush from top and said :

"1 only need two or three hairs but this might not work from the first time so …"

Top nodded and said :

"what are you planning to do sir ?"

yunho said while walking towards the painting :

"well what I found out is that ichiro connected using the painting to two things that assured him that only his son could use the painting :

  • the DNA of his blood related relatives
  • the aura of his son

so in short I have two options I can either introduce the painting to my and jaejoong's DNA and aura or I need to duplicate yoochun's DNA and his aura to wrap it around me and jaejoong.."

top nodded in understanding and yunho got three hairs from the brush and put it away then said :

"top I need you to be my hands .."

Top nodded and yunho said :

"now I told you before to do a potion for me ..its done right ?"

Top nodded and in a second a jar was in top's hands ..the jar had clear water like jelly stuff inside of it ….yunho said :

"open the jar "

Top did that and yunho dropped the three hairs from the brush and yanked three from his own head and dropped them in the jar too then he got a box from under the table ,whispered some words while opening the box and wind like thing went from the box into the jar then he signaled for top to close the jar and shake it ..the jelly stuff in the jar started changing colors then after about ten more shakes it returned to how It was in the start - clear water like colorless substance- except the six hairs were gone ….

Yunho nodded ,walked to stand on one end of the golden weird table while nodding for top to stand on the opposite end  …after top took his place yunho sat on the floor and said :

"top when I reach the fifth part open the side facing you from the dimension then throw the hozta (the stuff in the jar) on the painting "

Top nodded in understanding and opened the part facing him from the dimension so yunho started to murmur ancient words while something blurry started to appear next to top .. after about 3 minutes another yunho appeared to stand next to top …top gulped and looked at yunho who in that minute reached the fifth part so top right away threw the hozta on the painting while yunho kept murmuring but faster ..the painting shined for a minute and then back to normal ..yunho looked at the unaffected shadow and was about to declare it a success when the shadow suddenly went up in flames and disappeared …

yunho sighed and signaled for top to close the side of the dimension then went to behind his desk opening another book and picking another spell to try it out ….

Top looked at yunho and thought its going to be a long day ….



 Now that risa and jaejoong left him he was starting to calm down …it took him more than an hour but his cries died down and his mind started to clear …the anger leaving him and only the lost and sad feeling stayed ….

yoochun was sitting on the chair near the window …his thoughts were rushing in and out of his mind but not one thought staying in there more than four or five minutes ….

yoochun sighed , looked at the picture on the table next to him and felt the tears rushing into his eyes again …aya not coming back?... aya was gone forever ?...why ? where ?for what ?...

Lets see …they were happy together then yunho decided he wants to mess with his life and got jaejoong involved which resulted to him sticking with jaejoong more than with aya which made aya jealous and made her unbearable to him ….

If he said it was jaejoong's or yunho's or even his dad's fault he wont be lying but it wont be the whole truth either …even if all of this didn’t happen one day aya's jealousy and that ugly hidden part in her would have shown and resulted the same result …

 But then maybe if they talked more …maybe if he told her the truth …the whole truth from the start maybe …

No .. knowing aya if he told her everything she would have either told him to leave jaejoong to deal with his own problems because she wouldn’t have understood how all of this happened to jaejoong because of him so she would still be jealous of jaejoong and the closeness between them or worse defend yoochun–like she has always done- against yunho and would have been dead long ago …If not worse …

So in the end there is nothing much to regret there …but maybe if he didn’t let her go that day ..if he tried to understand why she slapped jaejoong and made her come back to his house maybe …

No that is not right too …there was noway he would go after aya after seeing what she did plus even if he followed her aya was pissed at him for long time and she was just doing some kind of last test on him ..he failed that test for some reason ….she thought he stopped loving her …she hated him …all of that because he was spending more time with jaejoong than with her …she never thought that maybe he needed a guy friend …maybe he wanted something …

and what is there to be jealous of jaejoong for ?..even if jaejoong was gay he is not ..being gay is not something you get talked into is something you are born with …attraction …and she knows damn well he is not attracted to men no matter how beautiful or nice they were …and even if they used to be a girl…jaeoong was a girl but he is a boy now and that means he is not someone he would be attracted to no matter what he used to be ….it was plain stupid and it was bond to happen one day day jaejoong or not he was bond to meet a pretty guy and be friends with him or maybe abit girly guy or whatever...

she was more jealous of jaejoong than the other girls in the grou

p that she brought with her all the time ….that alone tells a person there is something seriously wrong in the way she thinks …

In the end the more yoochun thought about it the more he was convinced that what happened was bond to happen one day or another …BUT…even if aya left him and even if they broke up …why does she have to die ?....she was his childhood friend before being his girlfriend and he loved her for real …he never wanted her to disappear even in the times that he was sooo mad at her …he never wanted her to die …to leave just like that …

He needed to make sure …he needed to know for sure…he needed a closure …

yoochun stood up ,reached for his back pocket and got out his mobile …he walked to stand next to the window then after a minute of hesitation he dialed the number ….




yunho threw the book on the table ,turned around to face top and said :

"this is the fifth time it fails …if it was going to work the result would have at least changed abit … I think we don’t have choice but to get some help from yoochun …"

Top nodded knowing that what yunho saying is true and in the same time knowing that yunho hates the idea that he has to use yoochun again …

yunho sat behind his desk and said :

"ichiro was no idiot …he knew we would try this way or another …ofcourse assuming that we would steal the painting from yoochn …now what he never predicted is his son himself helping us with the painting and we have to use that card to the max .."

Top looked up to meet yunho's heated look and said :

"do you want me to bring yoochun here sir ?"

yunho stood up ,walked to the painting  while humming then turned around and said :

"no ..go to jaejoong and tell him to call yoochun and tell him you and jaejoong are going to go to his apartment to pick him up and come here because I need him in something …yoochun is way easier to handle and way more trusting when jaejoong is with him plus jaejoong is needed in this step …"

Top bowed a deep bow then looked up at yunho and said :

"yes sir "

Then disappeared in the thin air ….

yunho looked at the painting with a small smirk playing on his lips and said :

"you are smart ichiro …but you are no match for me and I will prove it to you …"




jaejoong and risa left yoochun's house and walked aimlessly for a while which somehow led them back to the river near risa's house …risa sat on the grassy area near the river…jaejoong sighed ,sat next to her and said :

"yoochun should be calm by now I think …"

Risa nodded ,stayed silent for couple more minutes then turned suddenly to face jaejoong and said :

"why did yoochun say that you hate aya ? is it because she was mean to you ?..."

When jaejoong stayed silent risa sighed and said :

"for god's sake jaejoong she was only jealous of you ..its unreasonable I know but what  is more unreasonable is you getting mad at her for something so childish "

jaejoong bit his lower lip and said :

"its more complicated than you think risa "

Risa threw her arms above her head and exhaled loudly then said :

"more complicated? …do I look stupid to you jaejoong ? until when am I going to be the one who is left out of everything … do I need to spy on you to know anything ?...seriously what could she have done to you that is so wrong that made you hate her and not mind her dying …" 

jaejoong played with the grass beside him then said in a small voice :

"she took the most precious thing to me…"

Then he looked up and faced risa again while saying :

"but I never said I don’t mind her dying or that I would be happy if she died …"

Silence fell again for couple of minutes then risa looked in jaejoong's eyes and said :

"look aejoong.. I hate being left out specially in something that involve my boyfriend and my best friend …so could you please …please tell me what is it that made you hate aya this much?"

jaejoong looked at risa …he didn’t want to tell her he was a girl …but he knows that he has to  tell them all the truth in the end …and this truth coming from him is way better than her hearing it later from yoochun …but then later is the keyword …he didn’t want to tell her …not now …

" can I tell you later risa ?... the subject is really sticky one and right now I think we are in a sticky enough situation "

"we are in this situation because I don’t understand …help me understand …help me know you are not some bastard who is glad that my best friend disappeared …"

"she did something to me that changed my life when we were neighbors .."

" something? "

Honestly speaking risa was getting on his nervous and more than that aya was pissing him off …aya ruined his whole life and she is still ruining it now even after her death…he argued with yoochun because of her and now he is having problems with his girlfriend because of her …she is not going to leave him alone until he leaves this world is she?...

But he is leaving and soon ….

He looked at risa and decided he has nothing to lose…. why not know just how much risa likes him?? much she can accept of the real him ??....

Making up his mind he turned his whole body to risa to sit cross legged facing her and said :

"you want the whole truth risa ?"

Risa nodded  …

"no matter what it is ?"

Risa nodded again …jaejoong sighed and said :

"just promise me one thing …after I tell you don’t ask me or say anything to me …just go home and think about it and when you think you know exactly what you want to do call me …promise ?"

Risa nodded and said :

 "I promise I promise now tell me already "

 jaejoong nodded ,sighed again and said :

" when i was aya's neighbor I was not jaejoong …I was jenna …"

jaejoong told risa everything leaving out how he changed into a boy reaching the time he started hanging out with them ….

Through the whole thing risa was silent listening carefully to every little word leaving jaejoong's lips until he was done then she said :

"I know I promised not to say anything but if I am going to decide I have to ask you couple of questions "

jaejoong nodded hoping the questions don’t have anything to do with how he changed from a girl to a boy …risa her lips and said :

"how did you fall in love with me ? "

"what do you mean ?"

Risa blushed and said :

" I mean you were a girl …wasn’t it weird loving a girl like you ?"

jaejoong smiled in relive and said :

"I am not a girl anymore risa … my change was not just a change of body but a change in soul too …all of me changed …I am no longer a girl …its true I still like some of the tv shows I used to like …umm also some of the sweets I used to love … but I by no means feel like a girl anymore …I loved you like any guy would love a beautiful nice girl …and I hope you love me like any girl would love a man not a girl …"

Risa nodded slowly and looked down so jaejoong said :

"you don’t have to answer me now …like I said you need to think about this ..i know you do ….please think long and hard of what I told you and remember if I didn’t tell you this you wouldn’t have guessed right ? doesn’t that alone mean I am no longer the girl I used to be ?..."

Jaejoong was interrupted by his mobile ringing …he looked at risa and signaled one moment …


"jaejoong ..its yoochun "

"hi yoochun"

Risa looked up fast to meet jaejoong's eyes with questioning eyes …

"jaejoong I think I want to meet yunho and have a talk with him "


"I want to meet him face to face and I want him to clear everything for me …I need a closure jaejoong and im not getting that by sitting alone here in my home …please ask him if he can meet me .."

jaejoong bit his lower lip but before he can say anything top appeared next to him and bowed …jaejoong looked at top questioningly and top said :

"jaejoong sama yunho sama told me to ask you to call yoochun kun and tell him that we will come pick him up to take him to yunho sama's house …yunho sama needs him …and you …"

jaejoong nodded and said to yoochun :

"heard that yoochun ? me and top coming to pick you up …get ready "

" five minutes and I will be ready to go "

"ok see you in five minutes "

"see you "

jaejoong closed his mobile and looked at risa who was still looking at him questioningly then he said :

"risa lets take you home "

"what did yoochun want ?"

"he wants to meet yunho "

"why ?"

"to talk to him about aya "

"I want to go too "

jaejoong looked at top who shock his head slightly ...risa said :

" I want to go aya is my friend too "

"but we are not going just because of aya …there is work that yunho needs yoochun  to do for him "

"I will stay with you in the living room like last time "

" you heard top risa …yunho needs me and yoochun "

"then I would stay with top "

"top is yunho's right hand ..we need him with us too "

"then I will stay out alone I don’t care I want to talk to him about aya too "

jaejoong put his hands on risa's shoulders and looked in her eyes then said calmly :

"risa …I might have mislead you before but I will say it now clearly …yunho is not a friend …we are working with him because we have to …I and yoochun are safe with him because he needs us but that applies only to me and yoochun … last time I thanked god thousand times that he didn’t do something to you when you argued with him …"

"he promised yoochun not to hurt anyone around him "

"yes but if it was not for top last time to remind him of that he would have …I don’t want to even imagine ….risa he is dangerous and as much as he is calm  you saw him once when he was really angry …remember in yoochun's house when he was mad at top ? tell me what can I or yoochun or even top do if he did something like that ? …please we will tell you everything that happens with us later but please stay away from yunho …stay safe risa …"

" I don-"

"yoochun does …. He already lost aya …want him to lose you too ?...want me to lose you ?"

Risa gulped and stayed quiet so jaejoong said :

" think of what I told you and when we are back I think you would have made up your mind …we will exchange information then ok ?"

Risa nodded silently which made jaejoong smile a small smile then say :

"ok lets get you home so we can go pick up yoochn …"



After taking risa back home jaejoong looked at top and said :

"what does yun chan want from yoochun anyway ?"

"its about the painting jaejoong sama "

"I know he wants him for the painting not for chitchat …I meant isn’t yoochun's role in all of this over yet ?"

"I think this is the last time yunho sam is going to need yoochun kun …I think yunho sama is really really close to making the painting work "

jaejoong smiled a wide smile and said :

"really ??? that is great news "

Top looked at him for a minute then said :

"is it ?"

jaejoong raised his left eyebrow at top and said :

"what do you mean top ?"

" if the painting worked doesn’t that mean that you have to leave this world soon jaejoong sama ?"


"are you ready to leave this world jaejoong sama ?..."

jaejoong looked at top frowning but didn’t answer so top continued :

"are you ready to leave risa and yoochun kun behind jaejoong sama ?"

jaejoong stayed silent for a moment then said :

" lets go top ... we are already 4 minutes late .."

Then he stood next to top while top put his hand on jaejoong's shoulder and in a blink of an eye they were in the middle of yoochun's living room ….And then in another blind of an eye they were in yunho's office facing a smirking yunho….

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ningagirl #1
Chapter 73: Woww,amazing story, hope you will update soon
ichiruki #2
Chapter 73: I love the fact Jae trusts yun unconditionally. I hope he continues to trust him.
Chapter 73: I think by far this is the greatest coolest and the most interesting exiting anticipating lovely and superb story I've ever read. *_*
I mean I really think it might be the most complete story in all its elements
Can't wait to read more
And I really want to know what will happen between yunho and jaejoong
Cause they are soooooooooo freakingly cute and innocent. <3 <3
Chapter 73: why i have a feel that they arent going to stay at other dimensions
just traveling
really curious >,<
dear author-sshi
update soon ne~
Chapter 71: a~
no wonder i bcme confused bfore ^^'
n gave that kind of comment
i really am too slow
Chapter 69: "there is only one yun chan in this world"

^thats bcme my fav >,<
zuzuaikha #7
Chapter 73: Wow !! Its been a long time .. Thxx for updating !!
Chapter 73: it's been a long time since the last time i read this...I read several last chapters all over again^^
i wonder if they're going to leave the world for real...and i can see how Jaejoong insist to learn magic and wonder if Yunho would allow him too..thanks oppa for the update^^
Chapter 71: update update pleaseeee~
make this finish soon
hope this would be hpy ending
yunjae get what they need (not just what they want)
i hope yunjaechun n top can be together till end
n lahi also
i'd love to see them be
update soon dude >.<
ichiruki #10
Chapter 71: Just want to clarify if Risa is still Jae's girlfriend?