chapter 39


Yoochun didn’t know what to do ..should he tell her ? but would she even believe him if he told her ? …

After thinking for couple more moment he figured the best thing is to wait for jaejoong then he would talk to him about telling the girls ..after all this is not his problem alone …he looked at aya and said :

"this is not my story to tell ..i cant tell you the things between yunho and jaejoong..this you should ask jaejoong not me "

Then he got up ignoring the mad look aya gave him and the worried look on risa's face then he said while dusting his pants :

"lets go ..i should take you two home ..its late and tomorrow we have school "

Risa looked at yoochun with teary eyes and said :

"what about jaejoong?"

"yunho will take care of it "

Aya her lips and said :

"they said something about lahi being a weak magician …what does that mean ?"

"I don’t know "

He was not lying ..he really didn’t know or understand what those two talked about but he knew one thing …he should take the girls home before breaking down infront of them …

After taking risa home  he was on his way to aya's home when aya held his hand to pull him to a stop ..he looked back at her questioningly and she said :

"jaejoong …you really shouldn’t get involved with him anymore "

yoochun looked at her and said angrily:

"really aya ..stop with the gay thing already ..he is not gay "

"he is too weird …things around him always weird "

"what do you mean ?"

"just now .the magic thing and him disappearing.."

"you don’t know anything about that so stop "


"stop aya we are in the street "

"please yoochun ..please stop getting close to him ..i cant handle it anymore …I cant handle this feeling anymore "

"what feeling ? don’t tell me you are jealous of the gay rumors …aya he is a normal gu-"


Yoochun stepped back a step then said :

"aya ..calling him gay one thing but calling him a girl is just –"

"im not calling him anything ..he IS  a girl …or atleast was "

"was? is ?..what are you talking about ?"

  Aya sat on the side walk and said to yoochun :

"sit down ..this will take sometime to explain"

yoochun nodded and sat down ..aya sighed and started telling him the story of jenna that one day turned to jaejoong…she told him everything honestly …his eyes were growing bigger with each word she said …he couldn’t believe that his aya ..his aya would do that to an innocent girl …

When aya finished she looked at yoochun and said :

"one thing I want you to know …I never meant to say any of those things to her …I just loved you madly ..i just knew if you met her you would fall in love with her and I felt that if I don’t do something I would lose you …she is so sweet and im …so I thought its very obvious who you would chose  and I was scared .."

yoochun stood up turning his back on aya and said :

"you were scared so you did that to the poor girl ?....hahhahahah and not just that ...even when she became a boy to get away from all of this didn’t leave him alone …you made him suffer and keep trying to pushing him away from me calling him gay "

"She didn’t give up ..i know she still loves you "

"she is a he now …a he who is in love with your best friend"

"he is lying to her …why cant you see through his lies ?"

"why cant you see through your selfishness ?"
"he will hurt you "

"you hurt me and him more than he can ever hurt me "


"you have no idea what you are talking about "

"you do ?"

"I know more than you do "

"I told you what I know ..tell me what you  know "

"no I wont aya ..those are jaejoong's secrets and more like you shouldn’t have told me in the first place about this and don’t tell risa that will only hurt her and make her doubt jaejoong"

"why cant you see ?"

Yoochun sighed then said :

"come on ..i will take you home …calm down there and think about what you are doing "

Aya didn’t say anything just followed yoochun …she is going to kill jaejoong and yunho too ….she will make them disappear from her life and yoochun's one way or another ….if yoochun is too much of an idiot not to see how evil they are then she has to take care of this herself …

ok maybe she did hurt him when he was a girl but that was only because she loved yoochun too much …but that jenna/jaejoong wont give up easily or hardly …she has to end it ..

She looked at yoochun's back and thought …she has to end it fast before yoochun start to really hate her …




When yoochun got home he went straight to his bedroom to throw himself on the bed …he feel something under him ..he reached under his back to find jaejoong's ridiculous  pjs …he sighed and sat up looking at the pjs …

Today he learned a lot of things ..most of them don’t even make sense …but mostly he couldn’t stop thinking that the person he slept with in the same bed and was with all the time was a girl..used to be a girl..i mean they slept in the same bed …he blushed then he shook his head and said in a small whisper:

"he is a guy …he is a straight guy and he is a my friend ..i cant start thinking like aya "

yoochun lied back down and looked up thinking …

 First there is jaejoong's disappearing and yunho saying it has to do with lahi..and that lahi is a weak magician …then there is the fact that yunho has a protection spell over jaejoong which made things weirder ..add to that that from what yoochun saw yunho was mad at the thought that jaejoong might be hurt …and also going with lahi who sounded like she was behind jaejoong's disappearing …and also not to forget aya's talk about jaejoong being a former girl ….

He sighed again and turned to his side …he cant think…somehow in those couple of days he got used to jaejoong helping him in figuring things out …now he is alone and jaejoong ..well jaejoong was not here …he needed to save him somehow …then ask him about all this ..

He then decided that if jaejoong was not back by tomorrow he was going to have a talk with yunho …he would give anything ..even the painting to get jaejoong to safety ..other problems and questions? He will ask jaejoong later ..he wont doubt his friend ..this all ..all has to have a reasonable explanation….

And with that thought yoochun fell into a restless sleep…




Next morning yoochun was in class early waiting patiently ..risa and aya arrived and the first thing risa said was :

" did you know anything about jaejoong yet ?"

While aya looked at him raising her eyebrow then she said to risa :

"since he is sitting on jaejoong's desk I would say he has no idea "

yoochun was about to say something when yunho walked into class yoochun's breath caught in his chest and then right after yunho jaejoong walked into the class …

yoochun got up running to jaejoong..he held him by the shoulders and said :

"are you ok ? are you hurt ? what happened ?"

jaejoong looked up to meet yoochun's questioning eyes and said quietly :

"im fine "

Risa looked at jaejoong and said :

"are you really ok ?"

jaejoong looked at her ,nodded and smiled …

yoochun said :

"jaejoong …what happened?"

jaejoong looked down and said :

"I don’t remember"

suddenly yunho slapped yoochun's hands away from jaejoong's shoulders and said to the shocked yoochun:

"stop touching my toy…I don’t remember giving you the permeation to  "

yoochun was about to say something when aya stepped to face yunho and said :

"what the hell is going on ? don’t you think I have the right to know ?"

yunho thought of killing her, of shoving her ,of insulting her but then he smiled sweetly at her and said in small voice that he made sure yoochun can hear :

"isn’t that your wish aya ? for jaejoong to disappear from yoochun's life ? im taking him and forbidding yoochun from being in any contact with him "

yoochun's eyes got wider …yunho was doing this because of aya's wish ?????? because of aya jaejoong has to go through hell??????...

yoochun couldn’t hold it any longer, he grabbed jaejoong's arm pulling him and running out of class ..jaejoong followed in semi dead steps …

yoochun could feel something horrible happened to him ..but he wont stop to question him now …he will do that once they get away …he will sit down with jaejoong and talk about all of this …then ..then he has to face yunho and aya ….

The thought scared him …he just put aya and yunho in the same position ..but right now both were hurting his friend ...

He had to think …he had to ask jaejoong about what is going on …he was about to go insane and the only one who is able to pull him back to the sane world is jaejoong….

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ningagirl #1
Chapter 73: Woww,amazing story, hope you will update soon
ichiruki #2
Chapter 73: I love the fact Jae trusts yun unconditionally. I hope he continues to trust him.
Chapter 73: I think by far this is the greatest coolest and the most interesting exiting anticipating lovely and superb story I've ever read. *_*
I mean I really think it might be the most complete story in all its elements
Can't wait to read more
And I really want to know what will happen between yunho and jaejoong
Cause they are soooooooooo freakingly cute and innocent. <3 <3
Chapter 73: why i have a feel that they arent going to stay at other dimensions
just traveling
really curious >,<
dear author-sshi
update soon ne~
Chapter 71: a~
no wonder i bcme confused bfore ^^'
n gave that kind of comment
i really am too slow
Chapter 69: "there is only one yun chan in this world"

^thats bcme my fav >,<
zuzuaikha #7
Chapter 73: Wow !! Its been a long time .. Thxx for updating !!
Chapter 73: it's been a long time since the last time i read this...I read several last chapters all over again^^
i wonder if they're going to leave the world for real...and i can see how Jaejoong insist to learn magic and wonder if Yunho would allow him too..thanks oppa for the update^^
Chapter 71: update update pleaseeee~
make this finish soon
hope this would be hpy ending
yunjae get what they need (not just what they want)
i hope yunjaechun n top can be together till end
n lahi also
i'd love to see them be
update soon dude >.<
ichiruki #10
Chapter 71: Just want to clarify if Risa is still Jae's girlfriend?