Chapter 17


"jaejoong are you going to sleep in your sister's room too today ?"
Jaejoong looked up at yoochun and said :
"yeah I think so "
"listen ..i was thinking ..let's sleep together in this bed "
Jaejoong stared at yoochun for a bit but the other looked serious so jaejoong said :
"but why ? you are that scared ? well if you are I don’t think I min-"
"its not that "
yoochun said upset and continued :
"I mean yunho was able to get me and im not even close to him are his best friend its easier to get to you "
jaejoong smiled resisting a big laugh..this guy is taking this way too seriously ..then said :
"I appreciate your concern for my safety but I don’t think anything would happen if we were under the same roof "
He swallowed the laugh that was on the tip of his lips and said :
"yunho didn’t attack you except when you were alone ..i don’t think he would attack us together "
"but he did when we went to school "
Oh right …he did pass out when they were in school but they were together …jaejoong smirked and said :
"you call that an attack ? I mean it was nothing compared to filling your bathtub with blood and making you think you saw your dead father .."
"and pulling my skin off "
"yeah pulled your skin off then hide your building and covered you in blood then made you pass out ..what he did at school was nothing "
"then why did he do it in the first place ?"
yoochun said that and sat down next to jaejoong on the edge of the bed when the later said :
"maybe it’s a threat 'watch out I can hurt you both ' so I say we stick together like you said last night "
"and that is why im saying we should sleep together "
jaejoong smiled ..with that serious look in yoochun's eyes he cant say no so he said :
"ok lets do it "
And so they both laid down on jaejoong's bed …yoochun reached for his mobile and started writing a text to aya :
"we are going to sleep now ..see you tomorrow at school ^_^"
Then he added :
"I was happy to see you today even if it was a coincidence …tell me about your music lesson tomoorw ..see you "
Then he sent it ..after two minutes he got a text back :
"good night ..make sure you stay away from that jaejoong he is a bastard lesson was fun I will tell you all about it tomorrow see you "
He smiled …what will she do if she knew they are sleeping in the same bed and by a personal request from him ..but she wont know and he wont tell …
yoochun looked at jaejoong and thought ..jaejoong ..then he said in small voice :
They were surprised to call each other together ..jaejoong said fast :
"you say first "
"nothing important I just wanted to ask you a question ?"
"I thought we should think about yunho..we are going to see him tomorrow at school "
"th-that's right "
jaejoong leaned on his elbow facing yoochun and said :
"but I don’t mind hearing your question first "
"its not import-"
"actually I have something to ask you too"
yoochun was silent for a minute and jaejoong said :
"how about you ask me and I answer then I ask and you answer ? question for question "
yoochun smiled and said :
"ok "
"so …you ask first "
So he said and laid down waiting for yoochun's question :
"since when aya calls you by your first name ?"
jaejoong answered smirking :
"since I knew her "
"and when did you know her ?"
"ah~ah~ah~ those are two questions"
Yoochun was shocked ,he was so fired up he then smiled and said :
"ok those are the rules of the game you ask"
"tell me ..what did you love in aya?
yoochun didn’t answer just looked at jaejoong questioningly ..why would he ask something like that ..jaejoong picked on the look and continued :
"I mean you know aya for so long and she is not exactly nice and she yells in your face all the time that is plus she is very possessive about you and risa knowing all that wont it be a bother some to start a relationship with her ?"
Yoochun frowned and said :
"hey …don’t talk about her that way "
"I didn’t mean anything bad just asking "
Yoochun sighed and looked up at the ceiling and said :
"you ask me what I love about aya ..well to tell the truth I too thought about that …"
jaejoong looked at yoochun silently and yoochun continued :
"aya is a very natural girl ..she acts naturally without buttering up to anyone …even her screaming at me I love it ..i hate it in the start but then I realized that she does it because she treat me with no walls between us and that made me love her more she .."
He went under the blanket and continued :
"plus she knows im spoiled and quick to react and cry a lot for a man first I didn’t even think she will be interested in me as a friend and I asked her why she became friends with me though she is a strong girl and because of that she expects the man to be even more strong and collected but she took me with all my flaws ..i said don’t you want your man to be strong and collected ? she said yes I do …but yoochun is yoochun so there is nothing I can do about that …she said im good enough as yoochun…what I mean is …(he looked at jaejoong and said ) a girl like that how can I not fall in love with her deeply ?"
Jaejoong felt a burn ..a burn inside of him ..burning his soul ..why did he ask ? why did he ask knowing this subject would hurt him like no other..yeah that is right ..he thought he was over this when he turned from jenna to jaejoong ..but …
"you are a good guy yoochun "
"but to girls I don’t think im attractive "
Jaejoong then smiled and said :
"your question ?"
"right ..when did you meet aya?"
"she was my neighbor in my old apartment "
"REALLY ???"
So yelled yoochun surprised ,jaejoong yelled more surprised :
"no aya didn’t tell me and you didn’t tell me how would I know ?"
"but I mentioned it infront of my sister lahi "
"really when ?"
"when I was introducing everyone "
"I didn’t hear you "
"where were you then ?"
"don’t remember "
"ok im telling you now ..i lived in the apartment next to hers before I moved in here with my sister that is why she calls me jaejoong "
jaejoong then smiled and said :
"relived now ?"
Yoochu's ears turned red and he smirked then said :
"do I consider that your next question ?"
Jaejoong laughed and said:
"no ..there is another question I want to ask "
"what ?"
"what was your parents job?"
Yoochun was surprised again ..jaejoong's questions always surprise him ..jaejoong smiled nervously and continued :
"its nothing just ..we are friends now and I thought I don’t know the simplest things about you …if you don’t want to answer its ok "
"no its not like that …I was just surprised you moved from the subject of aya to my parents so suddenly "
Jaejoong got silent alittle and thought and games time is over now its time for work ..he has to learn about the painting ..he thought 'top if you are here listen carefully to this '
Yoochun answered while looking at the ceiling and playing with his fingers :
"my mom was a teacher and worked in a book shop at night as a part time job was …"
Yoochun sighed then suddenly looked at jaejoong and said :
"I don’t know what my dad used to work as "
"you …you don’t know ?"
Yoochun laughed and said :
"I really don’t know ..he always spent most of his time in his office .closing the door "
"he was a writer or something like that ?"
Yoochun looked at jaejoong he never told this to anyone …what should he do ? tell him or ignore the question and change the subject ?
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ningagirl #1
Chapter 73: Woww,amazing story, hope you will update soon
ichiruki #2
Chapter 73: I love the fact Jae trusts yun unconditionally. I hope he continues to trust him.
Chapter 73: I think by far this is the greatest coolest and the most interesting exiting anticipating lovely and superb story I've ever read. *_*
I mean I really think it might be the most complete story in all its elements
Can't wait to read more
And I really want to know what will happen between yunho and jaejoong
Cause they are soooooooooo freakingly cute and innocent. <3 <3
Chapter 73: why i have a feel that they arent going to stay at other dimensions
just traveling
really curious >,<
dear author-sshi
update soon ne~
Chapter 71: a~
no wonder i bcme confused bfore ^^'
n gave that kind of comment
i really am too slow
Chapter 69: "there is only one yun chan in this world"

^thats bcme my fav >,<
zuzuaikha #7
Chapter 73: Wow !! Its been a long time .. Thxx for updating !!
Chapter 73: it's been a long time since the last time i read this...I read several last chapters all over again^^
i wonder if they're going to leave the world for real...and i can see how Jaejoong insist to learn magic and wonder if Yunho would allow him too..thanks oppa for the update^^
Chapter 71: update update pleaseeee~
make this finish soon
hope this would be hpy ending
yunjae get what they need (not just what they want)
i hope yunjaechun n top can be together till end
n lahi also
i'd love to see them be
update soon dude >.<
ichiruki #10
Chapter 71: Just want to clarify if Risa is still Jae's girlfriend?