Chapter 54 || 2ND YEAR ANNIVERSARY JCS~!!!

JUST Common Sense

JUST Common Sense was published on September 7th, 2013. Today, September 7th, 2015 is JCS's 2 year anniversary. Thank you everyone who supported this fanfic with much love!


After what seemed like forever, Soyoung was awaken with a light shove. She pried her eyes open and rubbed them.

"We're here, Soyoung." Zico gave her a smile as he pulled their luggages out. "We're in Beijing."

At the mention of beijing, Soyoung shot up in shock. She had remembered boarding the plane in a tired state. Then she fell asleep right after the plane took off. It felt like minutes only, but she was surprised they were here already, and truthfully, she was still very tired.

Just thinking about the fact that she would be in China again caused her to stay up for most of the time last night. It wasn't until 3AM that she got to sleep. She only had thirty minutes to sleep, and they were already off to the airport because their flight was at 4AM. All in all, she didn't get anymore than 3 hours of sleep.

She yawned and muttered a "Thanks" to Zico before grabbing her luggage and followed Kris to the exit.

After checking in and all, they followed Kris to the gates. He claimed that he had someone come pick them up.

The group walked together. Soyoung could tell a majority of them were still very tired. Tao and Sehun were yawning non-stop, along with Kyung and Baekhyun. Kai and Eunbyul seemed fine as they walked hand-in-hand. Kris and Suho always looked okay, and Zico as well. The rest pretty much yawned and tried their best to keep their eyes open. Soyoung was, unfortunately, part of that group. Nonetheless, they continued after Kris.

It wasn't until they saw Kris stop and shout in joy that they paid attention to what was happening.

"Grandma! Yun Yi!" Kris grinned as he approached the two ladies. He gave a grand hug to his grandmother and a light hug to his cousin.

"It's been quite a while!" His grandmother patted his back.

"You're looking good today, Wu Yi Fan." Yun Yi offered him a friendly smile as her eyes floated to the group. "Good morning, guys. Glad you guys could come."

The group broke out into grins and smiles. They all approached the elder and the younger who came to pick them up. Many greetings went out, and Soyoung could see that the boys were amaze with how much it seemed Yun Yi had changed. She had matured by a lot.

"We're glad to have you here, Soyoung." Yun Yi offered a handshake, and her smile came off casual and welcoming.

Soyoung couldn't help but greet back with a shining smile. "Thank you for having me here."

"It's my pleasure." Yun Yi pulled her hand back, and she glanced at the female by Kai's side. "This?"

Realizing she had her eyes on Eunbyul, Soyoung spoke up. "This is Seo Eunbyul, Kai's future girlfriend."

At the mention of girlfriend, Eunbyul reddened. "I'm just a friend of his. Really. But it's nice to meet you. I'm Eunbyul. I've heard a lot about you."

"Have you now?" Yun Yi grinned and welcomed the lady.

After greetings, they gathered in the many cars that Kris's grandmother prepared for them all. Soyoung now understood why Kris chose such an early flight. If he had chosen an afternoon flight, where the aiport would have been packed, then all eyes would have been on them.

On the way back to his grandmother's home, many of them fell back to sleep.

Soyoung took a car with Baekhyun and Zico. Zico volunteered to sit in the passenger's seat beside the driver to give room to Baekhyun and Soyoung in the back.

Kris took a car with his grandmother and Yun Yi with Yun Yi volunteering to sit in the front to give the elder and his grandson some time.

The three sat quietly in the car before Yun Yi decided to break the quiet joy.

"How was the trip here?"

"It was quiet and relaxing." Kris offered a smile.

"You and the others must be very tired." His grandmother took his hand and patted it softly.

"We're fine. We'll get rest when we can. Everyone's excited to be here. Thank you for spending time to come pick us up. I didn't know who else to call."

"I am always here for you. If you can't turn to anyone else, I'm here for you. I'm very glad that you called me." His grandmother laughed.

Yun Yi smiled along.


They reached his grandmother's house, and once again, everyone was awaken. Those who were still tired went to wash up before going to the dining room to enjoy a well-prepared breakfast.

After breakfast was over, Kris's grandmother left for work, and everyone, along with Yun Yi, stayed back to rest for a bit. Though no one went back to sleep, no one stayed in the same place either.

Some of the boys went to the game room to chill. Soyoung and Eunbyul went outside to enjoy the nice day. The rest of the boys were scattered in the room Kris usually stayed in when he still lived here.

It was only Kris and Yun Yi left in the grand basement where many great and ancient, well-known wine were kept.

Yun Yi took a bottle she knew Kris loved and pried it open before pouring herself and Kris a glass. The two sat at the table, across from each other. For a moment, the two didn't speak and continued to enjoy the glass of wine slowly.

"Luhan isn't aware that you guys are here." Yun Yi glanced at her glass of wine. 

"Thanks." Kris took another small sip from his glass before putting it on the table. "I appreciate it."

"Is Soyoung and Baekhyun okay now?"

"You saw them, didn't you?" Kris sent her a soft smile. "They're doing much better now. Thank you for cooperating with us."

Yun Yi scoffed accordingly. "You act like I helped you catch the number one wanted criminal. Please, Kris. I know what's right and wrong. Although it was hard not to tell Luhan, I know that he doesn't deserve to know that you guys are here."

"Yeah, he doesn't." Kris smiled. "How was your time with him?"

"He's coping well. I can tell he thinks about you all a lot, but over all, he's doing well in school. Doing well was the only thing he could do to not think of you guys." Yun Yi nodded as she recalled the hard times Luhan went through while he was away from the boys. "I pitied him for some time, you know?"

She swallowed and played with the glass of wine, tilting it from side to side, examining its every flowing move. She took a breath before putting down her glass. "What did he ever do to himself that he has to fight himself everyday? How bad did he hurt everyone around him that he's purposely putting himself through pain so it would be fair? What did this innocent boy do that he just has to hurt everyone his every move? At one point, I felt that I could understand him, then at another, I felt I lost him."

Kris nodded as he listened. "Yeah, that's Luhan for you."

"You brought Soyoung here. Did you bring her to hurt him or heal him? I get that she deserves to hurt him, but I've been with Luhan this whole time, and even though I agree Soyoung has every right to destroy Luhan, I no longer want to see Luhan hurt. I look into his eyes everyday, and even though he smiles, I continue to see a lost soul in those eyes. Sometimes it scares me that he can still even smile."

"And I've been with Soyoung this whole time as well. Everytime I look into her eyes, do you know what I see? Tears? Pain? No, not at all." Kris glanced up at Yun Yi, and his lips formed a soft smile. "I see hope. An innocent girl, just hoping, and hoping. Hope is all I see. That hope destroys me every single time I look at her. Why? Because even though everyone around her sees that she's struggling and hurting, she's still hoping that he'd come back. That hope that she has is something that can't be torn down by her pain."

The two shared a brief moment of quiet.

"Whether she's here to heal him or hurt him, I want to see him for myself and see if he has the same look in his eyes as she does. I want to see the hope in his eyes. That would at least let me know which side he stands on." Kris stood up. "Thank you, for not interfering, and for giving them a chance, Yun Yi."

The moment she looked up at him, Yun Yi mentally faltered. He smiled at her.

He just smiled, and it wasn't just a casual smile.

It was a smile that said so many things. 

It was a smile that said, "You're amazing."

It was a smile that said, "Thank you."

It was a smile that said, "It's okay."

It was a smile that said, "I still love you."

It was a smile that said, "We still love you despite your flaws."

And at that moment, Yun Yi couldn't help but to tear up.

She tore her eyes away, and she brought her hands up to her face, trying to get rid of her tears by dabbing at her eyes softly.

"I'm going to go check on the guys." Kris headed towards the door when Yun Yi called him.

"Wu Yi Fan, I'm so sorry," Yun Yi muttered as she started to sniff. More tears ran down her face, but she continuously wiped at them, and when it was too much, she just covered her face with her hands. "I'm sorry. I didn't do it because I hated her. I justㅡ"

"Wanted the best for me." Kris smiled softly as he finished her sentence. He turned around to face her and walked over to her side. He patted her back softly, then he brought both arms around her and hugged her tightly. "It's okay, Yun Yi. It's okay. I know. I know you never meant any harm. It's okay."

And like that, they both came to an understanding of the past. All mistakes forgiven, and all hatred vanished. In the end, it was just a pair of young adults left, standing. In the end, it was just family  understanding each other. That was all that mattered.


Soyoung stood silently and stared out at the buildings from the hill. She still agreed that Kris' grandmother had the best spot in town. You could literally see everything.

"This place is so amazing!" Eunbyul was very amazed.

Unlike Soyoung, Eunbyul's family was more in need of money. Eunbyul's father was no longer alive, and her mother was a lady with many health issues. The only other family, other than her mother, was her younger brother, who was still in elementary only. He was too young to go to work, so he always did his best around the house while Eunbyul went out to work for money to pay off rent and buy necesseties.

Kai had offered many times to help pay their bills, and he's offered many times to buy things for them, but Eunbyul always rejected his help. Kai never asked, but he knew why, and everytime he saw her working hard, it killed him that she always worked so hard.

Eunbyul told Soyoung all about it, the reason why she and Kai weren't dating yet.

"I don't want to burden him with my state," she recalled Eunbyul saying.

Eunbyul nevered wanted to accept things from Kai, because she didn't want to burden him and she didn't want to come to depend on him. "It's already too bad that I'm not of his wealth. I don't want to live expecting that he'd always be there to help me. What if, one day, he disappears?" Her words exactly.

Soyoung remembered that day.

Eunbyul and Kai had a fight about it, and she ended up coming to Soyoung's place to talk about it all. She remembered Eunbyul's tears and her struggles. It was something Soyoung never knew Eunbyul was going through. It was why they weren't dating yet, and though Soyoung couldn't understand everything completely, she atleast understood where she was coming from.

Soyoung was just glad that Kai was serious about Eunbyul and go through the thick and thin with her. She hoped that one day, Eunbyul would be able to accept that such things as classes can't come in between true love. From the looks of it, she knew the two loved each other very much.

"Yeah, it is," Soyoung smiled as she took in a breath of fresh air. "This was my highlight when I came here last time." Soyoung looked over at Eunbyul. "What did your mother say to you about coming here?"

"She just... Told me to becareful." Eunbyul smiled softly. "For once, I allowed Kai to help us pay the bills, and I allowed him to buy necessary things such as food for my mom and brother while we're here."

Hearing this for the first time, Soyoung gasped in shock. "You really did?"

Eunbyul laughed and nodded. "I know, it's unbelieveable, but Kai talked me into it. But! This is going to be the only exception. Just this one time."

"That's a great step up the ladder!" Soyoung patted her back. "I'm glad that you and Kai are doing better. So, when's the wedding?"

"Soyoung!" Eunbyul reddended. "We're not even dating yet."

"That's what I'm saying! Why aren't you dating? Now that you both understand each other, shouldn't it be okay now? Kai knows his limits in terms of helping you, and you made everything clear. What you are guys still waiting for?"

"The right time?" Eunbyul smiled sheepishly befor breking out into a laugh. "I don't know. I think I'm ready now, but I'm just waiting for Kai."

"Waiting for Kai? Have you and Kai even talk about this yet? About being in a relationship?" Soyoung dragged her over to the outdoors table where they sat, hiding under the canopy and away form the sun.

"We haven't, recently." Eunbyul shrugged and smiled. "But I'm sure we'll come about it soon." There was a pause, and she grabbed Soyoung's hands. "How are you feeling? Does it feel weird being here?"

Soyoung knew what her question meant, and she gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm doing fine. It feels weird to be here, but I really feel like I've made the right decision."

Eunbyul nodded and gave her hands a pat. "I also think you made the right decision to confront things once and for all... Kai told me that we might meet him while we're here. I've only met him about two to three times, so if anything, I'm as nervous as you to meet him. You're not alone, Soyoung."

A smile lit up on her face, and Soyoung gave her a tight hug for comfort. "Thank you, Eunbyul. I'm so glad Kai found you for all of us."

Eunbyul gave a light laugh and returned the tight hug. "I'm just as happy that you and Kai came into the shop back then. I'm so glad to have you guys in my life."

They pulled back, and Eunbyul stared into her eyes. "So tell me. If you see him, what are you going to say to him?"

Soyoung thought for a bit, then she laughed and tears started b her eyes, but she didn't let them fall, and she wiped them away. "So many things?" Her voice softly cracked. She cleared . "Why did he leave? Why did he cut off contact? Did he ever think of us? Why didn't he tell us anything? Where was he when he needed him most? Does he still care about us? Does he miss us...?" Soyoung paused, and she lightly dabbed her eyes as she took a deep breath. "But the answer I mostly want from him... How has he been, if he's been eating well, if he's been getting enough sleep."

Just hearing her voice crack from so much emotion, Eunbyul couldn't help but tear up as well.

Soyoung was just so strong, and that was one thing she admired about Soyoung so much.

Eunbyul moved in and gave her another tight embrace, a comforting one that meant strength. "You'll ask those questions. I'll make sure you get to ask him, Soyoung."

Soyoung nodded, and the two shared a soft laugh as they wiped away their tears.

Though they were nervous, they were ready to meet the person everyone missed so much.

Though Soyoung was so nervous, she was ready to meet Luhan.




Author's Note♥:

Yes! It is September 7th, the SECOND YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF JCS! You guys guessed right. Thank you for giving so much love to this story by simply reading it and giving it support. I had planned on giving a better update, BUT things didn't turn out as plan, so I had to split this chapter in half. It was supposed to be way longer than this, but there were many connection issues today, so I had to give you guys this for today, but I do promise a better update next time, probably in the upcoming week! Again, thank you for such beautiful support! P.S: I didn't have enough time to post up a song. I will fix that when I have time!

It has also been a whole year since two beautiful angels left this world. Eun Bi & Ri Se will always be in my heart. Ladies' Code will always be in my heart and prayers. I wasn't able to do anything useful, but I really only hope the best for the three who went through so much along with the family of the two. They will not be forgotten. I will always keep them in my heart.



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Thank you!
140907 JCS - Exactly 200 Subs on 1YearAnni. Thanks guys! & Rest in Peace to Ladies' Code's EunB & RiSe. Such beautiful ladies left us too soon #RIPEunB #RIPRiSe


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i miss this story so so much >//< hehehe
avisdawn #2
Chapter 86: If only i have money -_- *sigh* haha XD
But really, I wish for your success :)
avisdawn #3
Chapter 86: I'll try :) and good luck!!!! And Godbless!!!! :)
Chapter 85: Ooh what a surprise update for 2016 lol. Ahh i'm do excited for Luhan and Soyoung's reunion :)
avisdawn #5
Chapter 85: Hi! Glad that you have updated:)
Happy new year
And may this year be a fruitful one to every one of us :)
Chapter 85: Nah author you're fine! I am also a senior in high school so I understand your pain. I can't wait for an update soon :)
Chapter 84: JCS is soo good! please do update and continue this story! JJANG! <3 <3 I just wish Luhan can confess already.
I'm ready for a JCS marathon :3