Chapter 22

JUST Common Sense

No One's POV

It’s been days since Luhan’s ‘college tour’. The tour was quite pleasant, to be honest. Luhan enjoyed it, as much as the others did and Soyoung seemed to have liked it too. She seemed to have gotten closer to the guys, which the guys thought was an awesome thing. Luhan was the one who was unsure whether he liked the idea or not. Of course, Luhan had tried to give the cold shoulder, but it didn’t work. Soyoung didn’t even notice because the guys were too engaged with talking to her. Of course, that was when Luhan noticed that Yun Yi wasn’t pleased with it either.

And that was why he was given the cold shoulder by her, for the past couple of days. He still can’t figure how to cheer her up. To be honest, he’s getting quite annoyed by it, but he wasn’t going to voice that thought. She’d hate him even more and that was what he least wanted.

“Yun Yi-a,” Luhan cooed, holding out the stuffed dog, “I’m sorry. I did wrong. I won’t do it again.”

Of course, he had said those lines for more than a million of times since the past four days. And hell, he was getting tired of saying it. He meant it the first time he said it. What use does it make the second time? And the third? How about the fourth? None.

When he got no response from her, Luhan sighed and settled the stuffed animal down with a frown. “What do you want me to do so that you won’t be upset with me anymore?” Luhan gave up. “It’s been 4 days since you’ve given me the cold shoulder. Can’t you just stop? It’s getting annoying.”

And the minute he had said those words, he had shut up, because that was not what he had wanted to say.

Yun Yi whipped her head over to Luhan. “Annoying? Oh! So I’m annoying now?!”

*I’ve already said it. Might as well explain myself.* “Yes,” he replied honestly, “But that’s only because you keep ignoring me and doing everything to make me see that you’re upset with me. I see it. I see it all, okay? I know you’re upset with me and you’re mad about the college tour with Soyoung, but shouldn’t you stop it now? It’s been days. Get over it.”

It’s the first time Luhan has ever said such words to her. As much as it surprised Luhan himself, he couldn’t take it back. It’s exactly what he wants to say to her. Yun Yi, on the other hand, wasn’t so pleased to hear such words.

“Get over it?!” she shrieked. “You want me to get over it just like that? You know I don’t like her, yet you go on and make her give us a tour! Are you kidding, Luhan? A freaking tour? You’re what, 20 years old? And you needed her to give you a tour!”

For some weird and unknown reason, her words had ticked him off. It wasn’t that she had brought up his age that irked him.

“Yes, I’m 20 years old and needed her to give me a tour,” Luhan retorted, “But doesn’t that go the same for you? You’re 20 years old and you’re getting mad over the fact that she gave us a tour. All she did was give us a tour. Nothing more, so why are you so mad about that? You don’t like her, so what? Why don’t you like her? What did she do that made you mad? She had never done anything to you that should have made you hate her in the first place!”

“You know very well of what she did!” Yun Yi shouted at him.

“She saved your biological sister!” Luhan returned the voice level. “She prevented her death, something that we couldn’t have done! Soyoung literally jumped in, using her whole life, just to save someone we both love to death! You should be grateful for that, not hate her!”

Yun Yi scoffed. Did he just yell at her in such a way? Did Luhan really just raise his voice at her?

“Get out,” Yun Yi lowered her voice, breathing hard. “Get out!”

“I’ll be more than happy to,” Luhan replied, his voice level much quieter now and more controlled. “I don’t want to be in the same room as a 20 year old who hates on a person who had put their life into saving that 20 year old's sister. Wu Yun Yi, I’m disappointed in you.”

And like that, Luhan left the room shutting the door shut. It was too much suffocation.

Yun Yi sighed heavily and plopped down onto the bed. That was the first time they had ever gotten into an argument, and she wasn’t sure of what she was supposed to make of that.




He didn’t know what he was doing. He didn’t know where he was going. The next thing he knew, he ended up in front of Soyoung’s house and had already rung the doorbell. Before he could regret his decision of coming here, the door opened and showed one confused looking 19 year old who didn’t expect him to be here.

“Luhan?” she asked as if she wasn’t sure.

Luhan sighed and looked down. *What am I doing here? Damn.* He looked up once again and looked behind her. Seems like she was home alone.

“Uh, can I come in?” Luhan asked, unsure of his question. Did he want to go in? He wasn’t exactly sure. All he does know is that he didn’t want to be back at his place as of now.

“Sure,” Soyoung responded. Like Luhan, Soyoung sounded quite unsure of her answer. More like because she thought he was acting quite weird today.

She moved aside and opened the door wider for the guy to enter. Once he did, Soyoung shut the door and welcomed him to sit down.

“Um, sooooo…” It was awkward. Luhan wasn’t saying anything.

Repeat: Luhan wasn’t saying anything.

*Is he okay?* Soyoung wondered. By the looks of it, he looked stress. She wasn’t sure why and wanted to ask, but she knew that they weren’t at the stage yet for her to ask. After minutes of silence with Luhan looking down at his hands, Soyoung concluded that maybe he came over just to be in silence. Or either his parents told him to. Heh.

Soyoung sighed lightly and was about to stand up, but abruptly stopped when Luhan finally spoke.

“I don’t know how I ended up here,” Luhan spoke.

Soyoung raised her brows. “Um, I see…?”

Her answer brought a small grin upon his face before he looked up.

“I meant, I don’t know how I ended up choosing your place to come and calm down,” he corrected himself.

Soyoung now understood. “Ohhhh,” she wanted to laugh. Now he makes sense.

Luhan felt much better already. Her expressions calmed him down rather fast. “I hope you don’t mind that I’m here. Are your parents home?”

“No, they’re not,” Soyoung smiled. “Business trip. Um, would you like anything to drink?”

“What do you have?” Luhan questioned. A drink doesn’t sound bad right now.

“I don’t know. Water? Coke?”

“Coke,” Luhan answered immediately. As much as he needed water to survive, it wasn’t his favorite drink.

Soyoung laughed before nodding. “Okay, I’ll be back.”

She traveled to the kitchen, leaving Luhan by himself.

He took this time to examine the Kim’s living room. It’s very neat and he really liked the surrounding. What he liked most was the feeling it gave. It felt like home. Not his home, of course, but like home. You know, when you feel that everything’s just right?

The living room was quite big, too, and spacious. The Kim’s had many family pictures hung on the wall, and unlike his family, their pictures were pictures of fun memories, not planned out family pictures. His eyes landed on a picture of Soyoung of when her family had gone to the beach. She was in her swim suit and she looked delectably adorable. On the picture, it was captioned: ‘9 Summers and still my parents’ favorite daughter’. The caption brought a smile to Luhan’s face. *Aren’t you their only daughter? Way to be favorited.*

“Here,” Soyoung came back with his requested drink in her hand. She had one for herself as well.

Luhan tore his gaze away from the picture and took the drink. “Thanks.” He opened the can of pop and took a sip before nodding his head at the picture he was looking at earlier. “You were 9 years old there?”

“Hm?” Soyoung looked over to where he had nodded and where his gaze was. A smile came upon Soyoung’s face as she nodded. “Yeah, I was 9 years old.”

“You’re funny,” Luhan gave a short laugh. “You sure were their favorite daughter.”

“Funny, I’m already on my 19th summer and still their favorite,” she joked, as she was sure he had already read the caption.

Of course, her response didn’t fail to make him feel much better than before. This is another side of Luhan had just discovered of Soyoung. She jokes too.

“I’ve been wanting to ask you something,” Luhan brought up, earning Soyoung’s full attention.

“What is it?”

“When I came back to Seoul,” Luhan began, looking down at his can of pop, “what did you think of me? I mean, I know you didn’t feel like making new friends or anything, but when our parents tried so much for us to just meet each other, what did you feel about that?”

Soyoung was taken aback by his question but decided to not show it. “Um, well,” she elaborated, “I felt pressured, to be quite honest. Of course, with my parents, I could argue the case of not wanting to become friends with you, but when it came to your parents, I couldn’t say anything. It was hard for me to tell them that I didn’t want to be friends with their son, so that was where I was stuck and pressured. I was never good at making friends, and knowing that we both never really got to know each other when we were younger made everything harder.”

Luhan nodded slightly, understanding her position and where she was coming from. “But why didn’t you want to be friends with me? Aside from the fact that you were never good at making friends, and disregarding our past.”

Soyoung was trampled by his question. She had no idea. Aside from those two reasons, she actually had no more reason to not wanting to be friends with him.

Luhan took notice of her silence and immediately knew that there were no other reasons. Luhan grinned slightly, “You wanna know why I didn’t want to be friends with you?”

“Why?” Soyoung wondered suddenly, glad that he had moved on from her.

Soyoung took notice of the way he looked back down at his can of pop again. *He seems to do that a lot; looking down at his hands. No, looking down in general. Is that a weird habit of his?*

“Because I don’t like making new girl friends.” Luhan sighed lightly. “Making girl friends always troubled me and it was always hard for me to get close with a girl and actually trust her. I mean, it may sound a bit cliché, but many of the girls I befriended came to like me and that became a problem.”

“Oh?” She raised her brows. She never knew how that could be a problem… Okay, so maybe she did, but she didn’t think he’d be bothered by it. “What’s wrong with them liking you? Was it uncomfortable?”

Luhan shook his head and lifted his head to meet eyes with the female. “It wasn’t uncomfortable. It was just… pitiful because I can’t return the feelings. And when I can’t return the feelings, I get pressured. I mean, those past girl friends of mines have never told me that they like me, but I just sort of knew, you know? Once I came to know them and hang out with them, I realize all the hints they would give me that showed their feelings for me. I always try to push it aside as if I don’t know about it, but I always end up thinking about it one way or another and I start to suffocate mentally. You know, because I don’t want to lead them on when I don’t have feelings for them, but I couldn’t tell them to not have feelings for me. It’d be unfair for them, because they haven’t confessed to me yet.”

“So then, what usually happens you find out about their feelings for you?” Soyoung questioned, interested in the topic.

“Well, the first time it ever happened was in middle school,” Luhan thought back before nodding. “Yeah, my first year of middle school. There was a girl that I hung out with a lot and when I found out that she liked me, I felt sort of… proud. I mean, I didn’t like her in that way, but I was proud because that was about the time of a boy’s life when they feel like a man, so yeah. But after a while, things started changing. When I realized that I couldn’t like her back, I felt bad, so I told her I didn’t like her that way and that totally ended our friendship. I guess it’s because I told her off in a rude way. I was still young and didn’t know how to handle such situations, but after that, I came to be more careful about my future girl friend’s feelings. So when the second girl friend approached in my 2nd year of middle school and I found out about her feelings for me, I tried to be as nice as possible. She eventually found out that I knew and I had to explain to her in a kind way that I couldn’t return the feelings. Things got awkward afterwards and we stopped talking. Then the 3rd friend came along the same year and yeah, you get the point. It always ended up with either us being awkward or the girls came to hate me for life. Especially after the 4th time it happened in my 1st year of high school, that was when I felt like I was being pressured to like them because my instincts told me to, but my heart wouldn’t follow.”

Soyoung frowned slightly, “It must’ve been hard.”

Luhan shrugged, “Not much, actually. Of course, feeling the pressure from their feelings towards me, it was suffocating, but I didn’t mind much. I guess I deserved the suffocation for making them fall for me.”

“Wait, so how many of these girl friends have you made since your last one?” Soyoung then got curious. He sure made it sound like a lot.

Luhan paused and let out a laugh. “Would you believe it if I told you?” He continued on anyways. “In total, only 8. After my 8 time befriending a girl and having that happen, I stopped getting close to girls because I didn’t want to always break a girl’s heart when all I wanted to be was friends.”

“And how old were you in by the time you broke the heart of that 8th girl?

Luhan grinned, “2nd year of high school.”

Soyoung unknowingly punched his arm. “Luhan! How the heck do you go through 8 girls in that amount of time?!”

Luhan didn’t take the punch serious and laughed it off. “I don’t know. You tell me! Surprising though, isn’t it?”

Soyoung shook her head in disapproval before breaking into a wide smile. “So that’s why you were afraid of befriending me. You didn’t want me to go falling for you like the other girls.”

“Correction, I wasn’t afraid. I just didn’t want to,” Luhan corrected, earning another punch from. Again, the guy laughed it off. He didn’t even seem to notice how intimate they were becoming already.

“Please, like I would fall for someone like you,” Soyoung rolled her eyes. “I’m a Korean girl, not Chinese.”

“Are you saying that I have no effect on you?” Luhan scoffed, taking a light joke.

“I am certainly saying that,” Soyoung remarked with a shrug. “I mean, if I were to develop feelings for you, shouldn’t I have done that years ago?”

Luhan thought about it and nodded slowly, “True. True.”

“See?” Soyoung smirked. “I won’t like you in that way so I have no idea why you even worried about me developing feelings for you.”

“Hey, that was before I even knew,” Luhan frowned. “I was just being cautious for our sake.”

“Well, no need to be anymore,” Soyoung rolled her eyes before sighing. “So, what happened?”

“What?” the question came abruptly and Luhan wasn’t able to take in what she was meaning to ask. “What do you mean?”

Soyoung suddenly felt wronged. Maybe she took it too far by asking what caused him to come here in the first place. “Um, nothing,” she replied. “Never mind.”

He cocked an eyebrow.

Before Luhan could say anything, Soyoung began another conversation. “You know, you seem to be pretty bipolar.”

“How so?” Luhan suddenly became interested in the topic, pushing away the thought that Soyoung wanted to ask something important.

“Well, the first couple of times I met you, you seem to have a hatred for me and you were always so rude, but then soon after, you became calmer and much more kind since that one night,” Soyoung explained. “And then the hospital and then you totally changed when we met at the university. You were rude again. And then, there’s now. You’re not rude anymore. You’re actually pretty open right now. It’s quite surprising, you know?”

“Heyyyy,” Luhan tried to find an excuse. He couldn’t tell her that it was because he was irritated that he was waiting and she never came out to say hi the day before, “It’s because I was just… you know… Everyone has their bad days and their good days.”

“Oh, so is today your good day?” Soyoung interrogated. It was a neutral question. A simple question that didn’t hold much meaning after it. “Or is it your bad day? Considering that you actually came here, it makes me wonder whether it’s a good thing or not.”

Luhan wanted to answer that it was a good day. He so badly want to answer with that response, but he couldn’t, because it really wasn’t a good day. More like it was a bad day because he, for the first time ever, raised his voice at the girl he has liked for the longest time. Of course it’d be a bad day.

Seeing that Luhan had looked back down, she concluded that it must’ve been a bad day and didn’t interrogate more into it. It wasn’t her business to know anyways.

“Um, never mind that --”

“I got in an argument with Yun Yi,” Luhan decided to answer honestly. It was only fair for her to know the reason why he came since she let him stay here. “It was our first time to have an argument, so I came to have mixed emotions and I guess that led me to here.”

“Oh,” Soyoung sympathized. “I’m sorry to hear that.” She didn’t know why she said that. It wasn’t like he had lost someone special.

Luhan chuckled, “Why would you be sorry to hear that? We only got into an argument. I guess it was bound to happen anyways.”

*Duh. How stupid, Soyoung.* She scolded herself mentally. “Um, is Yun Yi your cousin?”

Luhan shook his head, “She’s not. She’s Kris’s cousin.”

*Really?!* “Really?” She voiced her thoughts. All this time, she had thought that the Chinese female was his cousin, but that was only because she stayed with Luhan since her arrival. “Why is she staying with you then?”

“Because Kris and Yun Yi can’t stay in the same house for long,” Luhan explained. “I mean, they can, actually, but in a way they can’t. It’s a hard concept to understand.”

“So do they hate each other or something?”

Luhan thought long and hard before nodding slowly, “Sort of. Kinda, not really, but at the same time, they do. It’s a very weird concept of hatred though. Like, outsiders wouldn’t see in any way that they dislike each other, but people close to them, like me, can see that they’re not so friendly to each other. Make any sense?”

Soyoung sighed and nodded a bit. The concept. It was hard to grasp, but it was understandable. “So it’s kinda like a friendly hate towards each other?”

Luhan nodded. “Exactly like that.”

“Oh,” she nodded for the umpteenth time. Soyoung analyzed Kris’s relationship to Yun Yi. The first time they went to the university was the first time she ever saw Yun Yi with Kris and they sure didn’t look like they hate each other. They even cracked small jokes with each other, just like friends would do. Then she analyzed Luhan’s relationship with Yun Yi… A question suddenly came up in her head. “Say, are you two dating?”

Luhan’s eyes expanded as if he had heard the most absurd thing, which it was, in a way. “What?! N-no, we’re not--- I mean, it’s not really like that--”

The way he had stuttered and panicked, Soyoung found quite adorable for someone like him. *He totally likes her, if they’re not dating.* A wide smile appeared on her face as the boy still stuttered, trying to find the right words to explain their relationship.

“Luhan!” Soyoung stopped him from over panicking. She laughed when he shut up right away. “It’s okay, I understand. You two aren’t dating.”

Luhan sighed a sigh of relief. That’s good. She’s not getting the wrong idea. *Although it’d be nice if what she asked was true…*

“Where’d you get something like that?” he muttered, looking back down at his can of pop that he hadn’t drank since forever.

Soyoung overheard the question and a smile played on her lips. “You two just seem like it,” she replied. She wasn’t sure if he wanted a reply, but she felt she had to say it… More like, to . “I mean, the way you talk about her when she’s mentioned. Your cheeks turn red and you blush easily when she’s spoken about.”

Luhan fumed red as he tried to keep a calm face. “I don’t blush,” he denied as he tried to give her a hard look, failing immensely. “You’re just seeing things over as they really are.”

She wanted to laugh. “Okay, okay, whatever you say.”

Luhan took this time to attack back. “What about you? Are you and that one guy dating?”

“What one guy?” she asked, taken aback from his question. She wasn’t dating anyone.

“Zico? I think that’s his name,” Luhan tried to remember but shrugged it off. He didn’t care about the guy’s name anyways. “Him. Are you dating him?”

Soyoung laughed it off. *Hey, Mei Lien thought the same bout me and Zico.* “No, we’re not,” she answered honestly, waving it off like it was nothing. “He’s just a very close friend of mines that I’ve known since forever.”

Although Luhan was quite irked that she didn’t have any trouble with the question, he laid off. They weren’t close enough to be asking such things anyways.

“Hey, wanna know something?” Soyoung took the chance to speak. She actually didn’t have much to say, but not wanting to kill the vibe, she decided to speak up. She didn’t want to end up like those people that end up in an awkward atmosphere. “You should bring Mei Lien over sometimes. I really liked her company.”

“Oh?” he raised his brows. Sure, she had said something similar the other time, but he didn’t think she actually meant it. “Uh, sure. But if anyday, it has to be tomorrow.”

“Why is that?”

“Yun Yi and Mei Lien are going back home in three days, so if you want to hang out with her, it has to be tomorrow. The day after that, I’m going to take the two of them out with Kris and the rest of them,” Luhan explained as he suddenly felt a prick of pain in the chest. That was when he realized something.

Yun Yi and Mei Lien are heading back to China in three days.

“Already?” Soyoung frowned in which Luhan found quite amusing. Why would she be upset about it? The question ran wild in his thoughts. “They can’t stay any longer?”

His reply to her was a curt shake of the head.

“You got that close to her?” Luhan mused. “You seem pretty upset about it.”

“Aren’t you?” she challenged before smiling gently. “I mean, I guess you can say I became close with the little one. She’s such an adorable kid and she’s so like me…”

*How so?* Luhan wanted to ask but kept quiet.

“I guess the fact that I saved her life gave me a sort of bond with her,” Soyoung unknowingly voiced her thoughts.

“I’m sure it did,” he agreed and he wasn’t lying about agreeing. There was no reason that there would be no bond between the two after she saved the little kid’s life. A soft smile suppressed on his lips.

Before Luhan could speak more, a text from his phone sounded. His brows furrowed before pulling out his phone to check over the text he received.



Yun Yi’s text made Luhan frown.

*She’s apologizing?* He sighed quietly. *This is how she apologizes? I’m not the one she needs to apologize to.*

Soyoung noticed the frown on his face and wanted to ask if he was fine, but refrained from doing so. Like the all the times she refrained herself from asking him such questions this whole day, Soyoung knew that they weren’t close enough to be questioning each other like that.

Nonetheless the way she had texted him, Luhan got up anyways with his can of pop that was almost forgotten through their talk. Soyoung watched his actions before Luhan masked on an okay face and looked at her, placing his phone into his pocket without replying to Yun Yi’s text.

“I think I have to go,” Luhan spoke.

“Oh,” was all that managed to come out of before she nodded and got up, following Luhan over to the door. She opened the door for the man as he slipped his shoes on and stepped out onto the pavement before turning to her as if expecting her to say something. “Um, I’ll see you again some time then?”

As if satisfied with her words, he nodded. “See you,” he waved at her. He turned but stopped midway before turning back to face her. “This time, actually mean your words.” And like that he walked off, leaving Soyoung confused as ever.

*What does that mean?* She watched until he went inside his home before she closed the door as well.

Walking over to the couch and wanting to watch T.V, Soyoung picked up the remote and was about to turn on the television when she received a text. She lazily picked up her phone and slipped her finger across the screen to unlock it. She clicked on the new text message and frowned slightly.



She looked at the watch. *It’s almost 7. Why did he tell me about this now?* Soyoung felt the need to panic, but her body didn’t allow her to and she only breathed in and out at a regular pace. As weird as it was, she didn’t want to panic. She wasn’t going to panic, and she knew that. *I wish time would just stop now.*

Her phone buzzed once again and her frown only deepened from Zico’s last text message.

Now she really wished that time would just stop right now, this moment. Sure, Kyung was given another two days to make his decision. Just an extra two days to the three days he had to think of whether he wanted to go to the U.S or stay in Seoul, but two days wasn’t enough. Two days of this just wasn’t enough for Soyoung nor Zico.

*Trust me, Zico, I’m praying and hoping for the best only.*



Author's Note♥:

I'm sorry! I updated 3 days late and I'm turly sorry! I try to update every Sunday now, if you haven't noticed, because I usually do most of my writing on Friday & Saturday & with most of the day on Sunday then I update at night, but I didn't get to it on Sunday & on Monday & Tuesday, my siblings had to use the internet for homework so I couldn't get on to update on time. At least this Chapter is longer than my other ones, right? Hehe. Hopefully that makes up for being late.

Anyways, like some of you guys have been asking for, I put in some time for our LuYoung/HanYoung(?) couple! Couple names, I was never good at those! Haha! Anyways, yes, you guys got to know a bit more about Luhan's past. Just a little bit. You guys didn't expect that, huh? Nope, no you didn't, right? Of course not. How could you have? Kekeke. Just kidding, lovelies ;)

And you guys also see that Kyung hasn't left yet, as it has been told. The next chapter will tell whether he is to stay in Seoul or leave the U.S. Anticipate it! Because it's one hard decision!

Don't forget to COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE & OR UPVOTE on your own will. I'd very appreciate it though ;D



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140907 JCS - Exactly 200 Subs on 1YearAnni. Thanks guys! & Rest in Peace to Ladies' Code's EunB & RiSe. Such beautiful ladies left us too soon #RIPEunB #RIPRiSe


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i miss this story so so much >//< hehehe
avisdawn #2
Chapter 86: If only i have money -_- *sigh* haha XD
But really, I wish for your success :)
avisdawn #3
Chapter 86: I'll try :) and good luck!!!! And Godbless!!!! :)
Chapter 85: Ooh what a surprise update for 2016 lol. Ahh i'm do excited for Luhan and Soyoung's reunion :)
avisdawn #5
Chapter 85: Hi! Glad that you have updated:)
Happy new year
And may this year be a fruitful one to every one of us :)
Chapter 85: Nah author you're fine! I am also a senior in high school so I understand your pain. I can't wait for an update soon :)
Chapter 84: JCS is soo good! please do update and continue this story! JJANG! <3 <3 I just wish Luhan can confess already.
I'm ready for a JCS marathon :3