Chapter 47

I Can't Hear You but You Sound Beautiful

Sehun left the store with tears running down his face. He couldn't believe what Luhan had told him. He cried harder when he thought about someone else with Luhan. He bit his bottom lip and walked home.

He didn't have a reason to live anymore. No one would care if he died. He didn't have anyone to tell him that they love him. He didn't have his half. He didn't have Luhan.

He looked up and saw a busy intersection. He bit his lip and closed his eyes. He started to walk in the road, ignoring the honks of the cars. He stopped in the middle of the road, heard a car honk and felt the wind knocked out of him. He heard people running to him and screaming to call an ambulance. He let a little smile play on his face.

'This is it.' He thought before he closed his eyes and let the darkness take over him.


Luhan was sitting at home watching TV with his sister and brother. He zoned out from watching TV and thought about Sehun. He thought that he was too harsh on him. He wanted to make things right again. He picked up his phone and was about to text Sehun but got a text from Kyungsoo.

*Sehun was in a accident! The doctors don't think that he'll make it. Come to the hospital!

Luhan's eyes widened. His breathing got rapid and his heart started to beat fast. He looked around the room and saw that his brother was looking at him worriedly. Zhuang put his hand on his older brother's arm and tried to calm him down.

"I need to go to the hospital." Luhan signed to his brother before he jumped up from the couch, grabbed his phone and put on his shoes.


When Luhan got to the hospital, he saw Kyungsoo and immediately ran into his friend's embrace. He started to cry thinking the worst. He felt Kyungsoo rub his back but it didn't help him. He was the cause for the reason Sehun was in the hospital. He was the cause for his heart break. If Sehun was going to die then he was the cause.


Almost two hours in the hospital, Sehuns dad and step mom left because they couldn't handle the pressure leaving Kyungsoo with Luhan. The blonde's tears had ceased, the only thing indicating that he was crying was his red, puffy eyes and the tear stains on his face. Kyungsoo kept on comforting him but knew that nothing was going to help. He knew that Luhan felt guilty for everything.


Another hour and nothing yet. Luhan tried to stay awake but his eye lids kept on getting heavier. Kyungsoo has fallen asleep but would wake up whenever he would hear his friend choke on a sob.

"It's my fault! Everything is my fault!" Kyungsoo bit his bottom lip and kept on comforting his friend.


An hour and thirty minutes and still nothing. Kyungsoo started to get agitated while Luhan had his eyes wide open and would keep on looking for the doctor to tell him the Sehun was going to be fine and that'll he'll be discharged from the hospital soon.


An hour passed. Luhan started to think of the worst while Kyungsoo looked like he was ready to give up. Just when Luhan was about to leave, the doctor came out. Kyungsoo and Luhan walked up to the pale looking doctor, hoping to hear good news from him.

"Good news or bad news first?" The doctor leaned against the reception desk.

"Good news." Kyungsoo spoke up with a raspy voice.

"The surgery was a success." The doctor paused for a moment. He his lips and looked back at the two boys. "The bad news is that he's in a coma. We're not sure if he'll pull out of it. If he doesn't come out of it in the first two weeks, then we'll know he's brain dead. Would you like to see him?"

"I have to go home but my friend would want to see him." Kyungsoo pushed Luhan forward. The doctor nodded and brought Luhan to Sehun's room.


When Luhan walked in the room he saw his ex boyfriend on the bed hooked up to different machines. He walked towards the bed, put his hand on top of Sehun's and started to cry. It was his fault that Sehun was in a coma. It was his fault that Sehun would die.


A week passed and Sehun hasn't woken up. Luhan had stayed by his side. His friends would come and try to get him to come home but he would  say that he want to stay. He felt like Sehun was going to wake up and he wanted to see him. He had broken up with DongHyun because he felt like he would betray Sehun if he would wake up.

Whenever he would like he saw Sehun move he would get happy but then realize that he didn't move. He started to write in the journal. When he was done he would tear the page, fold it and put it underneath Sehun's hand, hoping that he would read it if he wakes up.


Three weeks have passed and the doctors announced him brain dead. The MRI showed that there was hardly brain activity. His parents were talking about pulling the plug but Luhan would try to tell them other wise.

Luhan has never left his side. Kyungsoo has said that Sehun wasn't going to wake up and that he should go home but Luhan stayed. He didn't believe the doctors. He wanted to see Sehun's brown eyes once more. He wanted to see Sehun smile once more. He just wanted to have Sehun back with him once more.


Two months passed and Sehun's parents have decided to pull the plug. Luhan wanted to stay but Kyungsoo told him that he shouldn't.

"You shouldn't stay." Kyungsoo signed to his friend. In two minutes his parents were going to pull the plug and he would no longer see his step brother.

"I wrote him one last thing." Luhan showed the paper to Kyungsoo. He placed it underneath Sehun's hand and kissed the boy on the lips one last time.

Dear Sehun,

I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for everything. It was my fault that your in a coma and it's my fault that your not going to be here anymore. The time that I've been at the hospital I've been reflecting over our relationship. You were the perfect boyfriend to me. You showered me with love. You protected me. You didn't care if I was deaf. You still loved me. If I hadn't listened to DongHyun, we would still be together and you wouldn't be in the hospital. Sehun I love you and I will never forget you. You have been my life and I'm sorry that it had to end like this. I love you.

Your Deer.

After Luhan went into Kyungsoo's arms, the doctor looked at the parents one last time making sure they wanted it done Sehuns father nodded sadly while his step mom choked on another sob. The doctor looked back at the young man on the bed and gave a sad sigh.

When the doctor went to the machine, Luhan buried his face in Kyungsoo's chest and started to cry. He didn't need to see the doctor pull the plug. All that informed him that it was done was Kyungsoo's chest vibrating and the feel of his friend's face in his hair.

He looked up and saw the flat line of the heart monitor and Sehun's chest wasn't moving up and down. He looked at the boys parents and saw his dad crying and his step mom in hysterics.

He grabbed his journal, wrote something, tore it out and folded it. He put it underneath Sehun's lifeless hand and kissed it for the last time before he left the hospital.

Your my life, my everything. Your gone from me. I can't live on anymore knowing that it was my fault that your dead. Should I keep on living or should I die. Sehunnie, I love you so much. I'll see you soon.

Your Deer.

Once Luhan got home, he went to his room and curled in a ball and started to cry.

'Goodbye Sehun, my love.'


I don't think that its normal for me to cry my eyes out while writing this.

I was like bawling through out the whole thing.

Next chapter will be the end :'(

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Rowanwing #1
Chapter 50: Seriously!! Why do I always end easy the ones that end with death! ?
Chapter 49: I dont know why but i think luhan puniahment should be more cruel ......his selfish and its like him was just use and throw than take it back whenever he want..
I hate that sehun had to be in that deppressed position.
I thought that sehun will pack his thing and run and start a new life and when he came back for something , luhan wants to get back with him but then sehun now has a cold heart and he dont give a damn even his friend too (slightly)
Chapter 50: Bringing back memories.
Best HunHan Fanfiction I've read ever.
Chapter 49: I started crying omg sehun nooooo
Chapter 50: ... I'm sorry Luhan.. But I have no sympathy for you. I hated how you kept changing your mind on everything. How you forgave to easily, not thinking that it might happen again. But not only that... You made more drama for being an idiot... You can call me rude, but seriously, be fortunate that you're still alive from the accident. That it was only your hearing that was taken. ;-; you gave up too quickly... Come on, toughen up, not everyone in the world will have sympathy for you, but there will be ones that'll truly love you, for you. Even if you are deaf or not.
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 49: i truly hate you.....
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 46: WTF!?!?!? DO U WANT ME TO KILL U
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 42: Omg.....your horrible!!!!
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 41: Not only baek is mean! All of them!
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 38: Omg so sad......