Chapter 34

I Can't Hear You but You Sound Beautiful

When they arrived at the hospital, Sehun ran to the nurses desk. He asked for Luhan and they said that the doctors were still running test and it would take an hour. He thanked the nurses and sat down in one of uncomfortable waiting room chairs. He swallowed a lump in his throat and let out a few tears fall from his eyes. Kyungsoo sat down next to his step brother and rubbed his back.

A few minutes later Luhans parents came in and sat down next to Sehun. They continued comforting the younger until he stopped shaking.

"Sehun, are you okay?" Luhans mom asked. She was worried for him because when she hugged him she felt his ribs.

"Honestly?" He looked up at her and she nodded. "No. I feel like ever since he broke up with me."

"Why did he?" Luhans dad asked.

"I don't know. I texted him this morning and he said that he deserved someone better. I don't care if he thinks like that! I want to be with him!" Sehun let a fresh new waves of tears fall from his eyes.

"When we saw him with you we thought that he was happy." His mom said sounding heart broken.

"I guess he wasn't." He stood up and ran his fingers through his hair.


Three hours passed and the doctor came out and pulled Luhans parents in his room. When they got to his room, his mom ran to him and gave him a hug. His dad went to his bed and kissed the top of his head.

"We have a way for Luhan to hear again." The doctor said getting the attention back from both of the parents.

"How?" His mom asked while a few tears left her eyes.

"Surgery. We can do it tonight."

"We don't have the money." His dad said as he rubbed his forehead.

"Your insurance covers almost all of it. All we need is for Luhan to want to go through with the surgery." All three of them turned to the blonde on the bed. Luhan looked at the bed covers. He pursed his lips. He wanted to hear again and he wanted to have a normal relationship with Sehun again. He looked up at the doctor and nodded. "The surgery will take two hours. He will need to rest of the night to recover." Luhan nodded at what the doctor said.

When the doctor left the room he looked at his parents and they had weak smiles on their faces. "What's wrong?"

"Are you sure you want to go through with it?" His dad sat on the bed and rubbed his son's knee.

Luhan nodded.

"Your not doing this to have a normal relationship with Sehun?" His mom asked.

Luhan shook his head. He wanted to do it so that he'll be able to hear again. He also wanted to know what everything around him sounds like.

The doctor came back in and got Luhan ready for surgery. His parents told his friends and Sehun what was happening and they all went in and wished him good luck. When they all left Sehun stayed and sat next to his ex boyfriend. Luhan got nervous when Sehun stayed. He looked at the younger and gave a weak half smile.

"Luhan, can we talk before you go in surgery?" Sehun asked sounding pathetic, earning a nod from the older. "I want you to know that when you broke up with me I never stopped thinking about you. I love you Luhan and I know your going through this to have a normal relationship and to hear. Luhan just please don't leave me again. I still love you and I will never stop loving you." Luhan felt tears trickling down his face. "Luhan please be my boyfriend again?" Sehun got closer to him until their foreheads were touching.  Luhan his lips and gave a slight nod. Sehun smiled and closed the gap with a kiss.

Luhan melted into the kiss. He missed Sehun's lips on his. He felt like the piece that was missing when he broke up with Sehun was now filled again. Sehun broke the kiss and hugged Luhan. Luhan let some tears fall from his eyes. Sehun broke the hug and wiped Luhan's tears and kissed his nose.

The doctor came back in and did final preparations on Luhan. When he was done, he put Luhan on a separate gurney and wheeled him out of the room. Sehun slumped in the chair, praying that the surgery would be a success.


Three hours passed and Sehun hasn't left from his spot he was nervous that the surgery wasn't successful. He looked at his lap and started to play with his fingers until he heard a door open and saw nurses wheeling in Luhan, who was still asleep. The doctor came in with a smile on his face.

"The surgery was a success. When he wakes up he will be able to hear."

"Will he be able to talk?"

The doctor sighed but nodded. "It will be new for him because its been ten years but  he will be able to talk." With that said the doctor left the room.

Sehun looked back at Luhan with a smile on his face. He texted everyone that the surgery was a success but called Luhans parents. He put his phone away and kissed Luhan's forehead. He will finally be able to hear his boyfriend's voice. His boyfriend will finally be able to hear his voice. He kissed Luhan's nose and sat back in the chair, letting the darkness take over his vision.


Would you guys really think that I will keep HunHan broken up for a long time????

My sister suggested the surgery part because she thought it would be a good idea

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Rowanwing #1
Chapter 50: Seriously!! Why do I always end easy the ones that end with death! ?
Chapter 49: I dont know why but i think luhan puniahment should be more cruel ......his selfish and its like him was just use and throw than take it back whenever he want..
I hate that sehun had to be in that deppressed position.
I thought that sehun will pack his thing and run and start a new life and when he came back for something , luhan wants to get back with him but then sehun now has a cold heart and he dont give a damn even his friend too (slightly)
Chapter 50: Bringing back memories.
Best HunHan Fanfiction I've read ever.
Chapter 49: I started crying omg sehun nooooo
Chapter 50: ... I'm sorry Luhan.. But I have no sympathy for you. I hated how you kept changing your mind on everything. How you forgave to easily, not thinking that it might happen again. But not only that... You made more drama for being an idiot... You can call me rude, but seriously, be fortunate that you're still alive from the accident. That it was only your hearing that was taken. ;-; you gave up too quickly... Come on, toughen up, not everyone in the world will have sympathy for you, but there will be ones that'll truly love you, for you. Even if you are deaf or not.
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 49: i truly hate you.....
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 46: WTF!?!?!? DO U WANT ME TO KILL U
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 42: Omg.....your horrible!!!!
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 41: Not only baek is mean! All of them!
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 38: Omg so sad......