Chapter 30

I Can't Hear You but You Sound Beautiful

When Tao got a call from Kris saying how Sehun was holding up, his heart dropped. He looked back at Luhan and what he saw shattered his heart. He saw a lost puppy looking for his owner and his owner trying to find the lost puppy. What Luhan didn't want people to treat him like is how he's treating himself and Sehun.

Tao walked to the bed and sat next to his friend. He put his hand on Luhan's back and started to rub it, making Luhan give him a weak smile. Tao returned the smile but to him it didn't seem like he was trying to smile to make the older feel better, the smile was forced to try to tell his friend that everything was going to be okay.

"Don't smile like that." Luhan signed to his friend.

"Luhan, please try to call Sehun on more time." Lay begged the older.

"No. I don't even have his number anymore. I deleted it. I deleted everything." Luhan looked at his lap and let a few tears leave his eyes.

"Including the stuffed puppy that he gave you?" Xiumin rose an eyebrow when he signed that.

Luhan's breathing hitched as he remembered the stuffed animal that Sehun gave him when he got out of the hospital and when they got the journal.


Sehun walked Luhan home after their encounter at the store. When they got to the door step Sehun gave Luhan a kiss and almost said goodbye to the older before he remembered the stuffed animal in his bag. He grabbed Luhan by his wrist and had a smile on his face.

He took out the stuffed animal and Luhan had his mouth wide open. The puppy had big eyes, it was light brown and had dark spots on it and it's tongue was sticking out of it's mouth.

"I thought that I would give you a gift to thank you for being my boyfriend." Sehun said as he gave Luhan the puppy. Luhan took it and had a smile on his face. He hugged Sehun and gave him a kiss.

Luhan took out the journal and wrote 'thank you.' Sehun smiled and gave Luhan one last kiss before saying goodbye.


Xiumin saw his friend stiff up and knew that he still had the stuffed animal. He let out a sigh and dragged his feet to Luhan.

"Where is it?" Xiumin said as he knelt down and looked at Luhan's eyes. His eyes showed that he wasn't completely over Sehun and he still had feelings for him. To him, Luhan breaking up with Sehun was a forced break up.

"I don't know." Luhan was now lying to his friends and he felt horrible.

"Stop lying!" Xiumin started to get made at his friend for lying.

"I'm not!"

"You know what, I give up on you!" Xiumin left the room leaving Luhan in shock and his friends in shock too.

Lay looked at the door then back at Luhan. He didn't know what just happened, the only thing that he knew was that Xiumin walked out on Luhan when Luhan needed him the most.

"Luhan we're trying to help." Lay signed to him.

"Just leave."

Everyone's eyes widened at those words. They didn't know what to say. Tao was the first one to get up and leave then Baekhyun. Lay took one last look at his friend and left the room with tears threating to fall from his eyes.

Luhan looked up and saw that all of his friends were gone. He scooted to the wall and curled up in a ball. He was really alone know. He didn't have anyone to lean on. He didn't have anyone to rely on.He lost everyone who cared about him. He was a lost puppy trying to find his owner.


The next few chapters will be sad because my friend helped me write them because she said that the story is getting boring.

Also the next chapters will be short like this one but I'll try to make them longer :)

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Rowanwing #1
Chapter 50: Seriously!! Why do I always end easy the ones that end with death! ?
Chapter 49: I dont know why but i think luhan puniahment should be more cruel ......his selfish and its like him was just use and throw than take it back whenever he want..
I hate that sehun had to be in that deppressed position.
I thought that sehun will pack his thing and run and start a new life and when he came back for something , luhan wants to get back with him but then sehun now has a cold heart and he dont give a damn even his friend too (slightly)
Chapter 50: Bringing back memories.
Best HunHan Fanfiction I've read ever.
Chapter 49: I started crying omg sehun nooooo
Chapter 50: ... I'm sorry Luhan.. But I have no sympathy for you. I hated how you kept changing your mind on everything. How you forgave to easily, not thinking that it might happen again. But not only that... You made more drama for being an idiot... You can call me rude, but seriously, be fortunate that you're still alive from the accident. That it was only your hearing that was taken. ;-; you gave up too quickly... Come on, toughen up, not everyone in the world will have sympathy for you, but there will be ones that'll truly love you, for you. Even if you are deaf or not.
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 49: i truly hate you.....
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 46: WTF!?!?!? DO U WANT ME TO KILL U
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 42: Omg.....your horrible!!!!
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 41: Not only baek is mean! All of them!
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 38: Omg so sad......