Chapter 45

I Can't Hear You but You Sound Beautiful

Luhan sat in his room, curled up in a ball in his bed. His shoulders were shaking and he felt like his whole world come crumbling down because of that stupid mistake that he made. That one mistake while he was still in the hospital. That one mistake that Sehun saw. That one mistake that made Sehun end the relationship.


Luhan was lying in the hospital bed, waiting for Sehun to come. He looked at his phone and saw that it was ten minutes passed the time Sehun said that he would come. He pouted and looked back up and saw his friend from school, DongHyun. He smiled and motioned the older to come to the bed.

"How are you feeling?" The brunette signed his friend.

"I'm fine. How did you know I was in the hospital?" Luhan tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Your brother texted me and asked if I could come and keep you compnay."

Luhan's cheeks tinted red. "Thanks."

"Luhan, do you still love him?"



Luhan was a bit taken back by this question. 

"He's dating you out of pity. I saw him talking with someone and he said that he's only dating you because he feels bad for you." DongHyun looked at his friend who looked like he was about to lose it.

"No... He loves me."

"No he doesn't Lu."

A few tears left Luhan's eyes but DongHyun wiped them away. "DongHyun..."

"Luhan..." DongHyun leaned foreword and pressed his lips against Luhan's. Luhan's eyes fluttered closed and kissed DongHyun back.

Sehun walked in the room and saw Luhan kissing DongHyun. His blood started to boil. He rushed toward Luhan's bed, grabbed the boy's shoulder and threw him on the floor. DongHyun was about to fight back but he saw Luhan sign to him.

"Leave, I'll text you later." After Luhan signed that DongHyun left.

Sehun turned to Luhan with tears willing in his eyes. "Why?"

"Your dating me out of pity."

"No, I'm not Luhan."

The blonde turned his head to the side and almost let a few tears fall from his eyes. "Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Don't be stupid! Your so ing immature! If you didn't want to date me then just leave!"

"You know what Luhan? you! Your a waste of my ing time! I'm leaving you for good this time! you Luhan! Just you! I don't even give a what would happen to you now. I'll just get out of your ing life and leave you the alone." After Sehun said that he left the room, leaving a distraught Luhan.


He hasn't left his room since the break up. He's been a wreck. The only person that he would see is DongHyun. He's been with Luhan through the whole time and has never left the blondes side. Luhan started to think that DongHyun would be a better boyfriend then Sehun because he's deaf, he cares about everyone and he always tells the truth.


Luhan was had his head on DongHyun's lap, while the elder his hair. He started to chuckle when DongHyun started to tickle his side. DongHyun smiled and started to tickle Luhan even more. The blonde rolled on his back and clutching onto his stomach as the older kept on tickling him.

DongHyun leaned down and pressed his forehead against Luhan's. The blonde his lips then DongHyun kissed Luhan.


You guys... I'm so sorry!!!

This was such a late update!!

My English teacher... I just want to kill her! She graded our research papers for every little detail and basically everyone failed, even when we did great on out oral presentation! I"m so mad!!!

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Rowanwing #1
Chapter 50: Seriously!! Why do I always end easy the ones that end with death! ?
Chapter 49: I dont know why but i think luhan puniahment should be more cruel ......his selfish and its like him was just use and throw than take it back whenever he want..
I hate that sehun had to be in that deppressed position.
I thought that sehun will pack his thing and run and start a new life and when he came back for something , luhan wants to get back with him but then sehun now has a cold heart and he dont give a damn even his friend too (slightly)
Chapter 50: Bringing back memories.
Best HunHan Fanfiction I've read ever.
Chapter 49: I started crying omg sehun nooooo
Chapter 50: ... I'm sorry Luhan.. But I have no sympathy for you. I hated how you kept changing your mind on everything. How you forgave to easily, not thinking that it might happen again. But not only that... You made more drama for being an idiot... You can call me rude, but seriously, be fortunate that you're still alive from the accident. That it was only your hearing that was taken. ;-; you gave up too quickly... Come on, toughen up, not everyone in the world will have sympathy for you, but there will be ones that'll truly love you, for you. Even if you are deaf or not.
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 49: i truly hate you.....
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 46: WTF!?!?!? DO U WANT ME TO KILL U
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 42: Omg.....your horrible!!!!
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 41: Not only baek is mean! All of them!
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 38: Omg so sad......