Chapter 10

I Can't Hear You but You Sound Beautiful

Kai, Kris, Suho and Chen didn't know what to say. They were sort of hoping that their boyfriends wouldn't bring that topic up but Baekhyun did and now they have some explaining to do.

Kyungsoo was sitting there waiting for an explanation from the four but he didn't receive one. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. Xiumin looked at Chen, who pursed his lips together. Lay looked at Suho, who looked uncomfortable to be there. Tao gave Kris a death glare. Kris looked at Tao and nodded.

"Everyone has a past. Sehun's past that he has a hard time liking people just like Luhan." Kris said after he received a warning look from his boyfriend.

"What do you mean?" Xiumin asked a little bit confused on what Kris has just said.

Kris looked at the ground and let out a sigh. "You see, uh.. he uh.. he has a trust issue. It takes a while for him to actually trust someone. We've known him for his whole life so he doesn't have that issue with us but he has that issue with you guys." Kris looked up from the ground and scratched the back of his neck.

"I just thought that he didn't like us." Lay said while looking at his lap then back at Kris.

"He's starting to trust you guys a little but more than he used to, it just takes him a while." Suho said while trying to keep his boyfriend's spirit up. 

Luhan was sitting on the bed and looked confused on what just happened. He tugged on Kyungsoo's sleeve to try to get his attention. Kyungsoo looked at Luhan and knew that he was confused and started to sign what Kris told them.

"Sehun has a trust issue. It takes him a while to trust someone. But with you, he trusted you the moment he saw you." Kyungsoo added the last part in hoping that it will make Luhan like Sehun again. He wasn't sure if Sehun truly trusted him when he first saw Luhan but it looked like he did.

"I don't care. It still doesn't change my feelings towards him." Luhan said and crossed his arms.

"Luhan please." Kyungsoo tried pleading with him.

"No! That's my final answer! I just want to go home. Can you ask the doctor if I can leave yet?" Kyungsoo nodded and dragged Kai out of the room with him.

When the two left Xiumin went up to Luhan and asked him something.

"Luhan, will you please just think about? We're asking you and your just thinking in the spur of the moment. Just please think about it." After Xiumin said that, he kissed Luhan's forehead and left the room with Chen.

"Tao what did Xiumin say to Luhan?" Suho asked as he sat next to Lay and s his arm around his boyfriend's thin waist.

"He just asked Luhan to think about his feelings towards Sehun." Tao said. He sighed and looked down at the bed sheet. He started to giggle a little and let a smile form on his face.

"It's funny how life treats people. Whenever we're alone he always says that he wishes that he could hear. Just one day of his life, he wished that he can hear than his life would be complete. He always wishes that him, his sister and his brother weren't involved in the car accident. He always says that he seems like a bother to his parents. He told me one time that he wanted to kill himself because he found life to hard for someone whose deaf. I asked him why he would think of something like that and he said because there's no room in the world for someone like me. I told him that he would leave his little brother and little sister and he said that they will be fine and that they won't have to live with an embarrassment like him. I think when Sehun did the little action that he did, it made Luhan feel more embarrassed of himself. I think that he purposely stopped in the middle of the road so the car would kill him."

After Tao said that he looked at Luhan. Luhan bit his lip because he read Tao's lips and knew that Tao was right.

"How did you know?" Luhan signed a little slower because he was about to break down.

"Who would be stupid and stop in a middle of a busy street?" Tao cocked an eyebrow up at him.

Luhan shrunk back in his bed and covered his face with his hands. He just wanted to die. He didn't have a reason to live anymore. He thought that Sehun would care for him but he thought wrong. Sehun wouldn't like someone who's weak like him. Sehun would want someone who can defend themselves not someone who hides behind other people and expects them to fight his battles.

When the door opened, the boys expected the doctor to come in but it wasn't it was Sehun. Suho shook Luhan's leg. Luhan looked at Suho and Suho pointed at Sehun. Luhan looked at where Suho was pointing to and saw an upset Sehun.

"Does anyone have a paper and pen?" Sehun asked the four. Suho looked in the drawer and saw a piece of paper and a pen. He handed it to Sehun and Sehun thanked him.

"Did you hear anything I said?" Tao asked, now a little bit nervous.

"Every word." Sehun said without taking his gaze off of Luhan. Sehun started to write a note on the piece of paper. When he was done, he folded the paper and kissed it before handing it to Luhan.

When Luhan saw the action he blushed a little and took the paper. He took a deep breathe before he opened it.

Dear Luhan,

When I heard Tao talk about how you wanted to kill yourself, it made me think that I acted immature. I know that you said that you didn't accept my apology at first but can you accept it now? I cried for you Luhan. I've never cried for anyone but Luhan you made me cry. Why is that? It's because I love you. I love you Luhan. I've never felt this way about anyone but whenever I see you I get butterflies in my stomach and I feel all weird inside. Luhan just please give me a chance and I will show you that I absolutely care about. Please just let me show you. Luhan, I don't want to hurt you ever again.

Love, Sehun.


Luhan looked up from the note and his whole face was red. He felt like that his face was on fire. He looked at Sehun and he started to sign something.


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Rowanwing #1
Chapter 50: Seriously!! Why do I always end easy the ones that end with death! ?
Chapter 49: I dont know why but i think luhan puniahment should be more cruel ......his selfish and its like him was just use and throw than take it back whenever he want..
I hate that sehun had to be in that deppressed position.
I thought that sehun will pack his thing and run and start a new life and when he came back for something , luhan wants to get back with him but then sehun now has a cold heart and he dont give a damn even his friend too (slightly)
Chapter 50: Bringing back memories.
Best HunHan Fanfiction I've read ever.
Chapter 49: I started crying omg sehun nooooo
Chapter 50: ... I'm sorry Luhan.. But I have no sympathy for you. I hated how you kept changing your mind on everything. How you forgave to easily, not thinking that it might happen again. But not only that... You made more drama for being an idiot... You can call me rude, but seriously, be fortunate that you're still alive from the accident. That it was only your hearing that was taken. ;-; you gave up too quickly... Come on, toughen up, not everyone in the world will have sympathy for you, but there will be ones that'll truly love you, for you. Even if you are deaf or not.
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 49: i truly hate you.....
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 46: WTF!?!?!? DO U WANT ME TO KILL U
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 42: Omg.....your horrible!!!!
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 41: Not only baek is mean! All of them!
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 38: Omg so sad......