The unfortunate school cafeteria incident

Goddess's Oneshot CHRISTMAS GIFT

Username: Priscy123
 Featuring male idol(s): Kim Jaejoong, DBSK
Featuring female: Park Eunmi
 Plot: In the cafeteria at lunchtime, while they were collecting their lunches, clumsy Eunmi accidentally tripped over Jaejoong and spilt her food all over him. The fuming Jaejoong then dragged the helpless Eunmi off somewhere...
 Genre: Comedy, school
 Title: The unfortunate school cafeteria incident




Jaejoong stretched and yawned. "School is so boring." he muttered.

The DBSK boys were at the school cafeteria having their lunch and the person who was enjoying the most was definitely Changmin. Other than that, the other boys were a little tired out by the numerous homeworks and assignments that the teachers gave them over the Christmas Break.

"I know right." Yoochun murmured. "I'm tired of school. I've got a company waiting for me to inherit so why bother about school." he blew on his bangs.

"What's wrong with school?" Changmin asked with his mouth full of food. "The food in the cafeteria is good, school is good." he grinned.

Yunho rolled his eyes and whacked the maknae's head. "Oh seriously."

"Anyway, when are you going to answer that girl, Jaejoong hyung." Junsu looked over at Jaejoong in interest. "That girl who confessed to you in the morning and ran away like an idiot."

Jaejoong rolled his eyes at the memory of the girl.

That morning, the DBSK boys strolled into school as usual, having a dozen fangirls fawning over them by their sides. They received their confession letters and did the usual routine of rejecting them with a charming smile.

Jaejoong wasn't surprised when this particular girl came up to him as well, since he was used to this sort of thing. She bowed in front of him and Jaejoong could already imagine her speech. "Jaejoong sunbaenim, I've liked you for a long time, please go out with me!" and then she would produce some confession letter which he would add to his already high pile at home.

But no, this girl bowed and she never looked up the entire time. Jaejoong almost thought she was in love with his shoes instead.

"Kim Jaejoong!" she actually yelled. Jaejoong winced at the sound, wondering what was wrong.

"Please accept this pair of turtles!" she magically produced a portable tank with two turtles inside and shoved it to him. Jaejoong's eyes widened and he stared at the animal in half-disgust and half-awe. What the hell did she want him to do with the turtles?

"I like you a lot!" she yelled. Couldn't she talk in any other manner? "You are very handsome! Like a vampire!" she continued yelling. "Uh..." she looked around, wondering how to end of with her speech. "THANK YOU!" she bowed again.

And then like she realized what she just did, she paled and quickly ran off before Jaejoong could say a word.

It was by far the most epic confession he had gotten, no joke.

Jaejoong laughed. "That girl is some crazy nut." he muttered. "It's like she's an alien and she came from another planet." he shook his head. Yunho nodded. "It was a really...memorable confession." he chuckled.

Jaejoong shot the leader a look and he stood up to throw his trash. He walked over to the litter bin when a mini tornado sped in his direction. He blinked, so it wasn't a mini tornado. It was a girl running towards him with a half-finished bowl of ox-tail soup.

Jaejoong's jaw dropped open and before he had a chance to dodge, the girl crashed into him and the half-finished bowl of soup dumped itself on Jaejoong's perfectly ironed white shirt. Jaejoong felt rage crawling up his nerves. "YAHHH!"

The girl squealed and quickly grabbed the bowl back. "I'm so sorry!" she bowed again, staring at his shoes. Jaejoong wondered why that pose looked familiar.

"I will buy you another bowl of soup!" she blurted.

Jaejoong rolled his eyes. Like seriously??

Jaejoong blinked as he scrutinized the girl, recognizing the orange sweater from that morning. "It's you!" he gaped. The girl peeked up to see who she had knocked into and her eyes widened when she saw Jaejoong. "Eep! It's you!" she made a move to run away.

Jaejoong grabbed onto her arm and led her out of the cafeteria where they were facing a whole lot of attention already. He smirked as he led them to some quiet place to talk. Hah just his luck, it was the alien from that morning.

"You." Jaejoong let go of her arm and turned to look at her. The girl immediately made a move to run again and Jaejoong grabbed her arm. He blew on his bangs. "Don't you ever give up on running?"

"No." she shook her head, her head hung and staring at his shoes again.

Jaejoong cracked a smile. That was quite comical.

"So you're the one who confessed this morning and gave me a pair of turtles." Jaejoong murmmured. "But now you split soup all over me." he looked down at his ruined shirt and winced.

"I'M SO SORRY!" the girl yelled. "I'll buy you another shirt!"

Jaejoong rubbed his temples. "Don't you know how to talk without yelling?"

"NO!" she yelled again. "I only talk like that when I'm nervous!"

Jaejoong raised his brows. "Wait, you were talking nicely and apologizing when you knocked into me, but that was before you knew I was Jaejoong. And now that you know I'm Kim Jaejoong, you're yelling again." he grinned and leaned closer. "Does that mean I, Kim Jaejoong makes you nervous?"

The girl stiffened. "NOOOO!"

Jaejoong laughed. This girl was quite fun to tease. "Oh so if I don't make you nervous, does this mean you don't like me anymore?"

"NO!" the girl blinked at him. "YES. NO? YE..." she faltered, looking confused.

Jaejoong laughed again, was she an entertainer or what? "Yes or no?" Jaejoong leaned towards her and whispered in her ear, knowing that would make her even more nervous. "I make you nervous or not?"

The girl swallowed. "YES!!!"

Jaejoong grinned. Aha. "So what are you going to do with my ruined shirt?" he changed topics. The girl blinked at his shirt and bit her lip. "I'll buy you another one!"

"Good." Jaejoong nodded. "So what's your name and class? I've got to collect my new shirt from you tomorrow, okay?"

"PARK EUNMI FROM 11-B!" she hollered.

Jaejoong winced at her voice. "Think you could practice to not yell when you're with me?"

"NO!" Eunmi yelled.

Jaejoong sighed. "And how do you think we're supposed to go on a date if you're yelling the whole time?"

Eunmi blinked. She stared up at him and for the first time, Jaejoong got to see her face for real because she wasn't hiding her face. She was actually quite cute looking. "DATE?" she shrieked.

"Yes date." Jaejoong raised a brow. "You don't want to go on a date with me?"

"NO!" she quickly answered. Jaejoong grinned. "Good. So are you glad you knocked into me in the cafeteria now?"

She didn't answer for a few moments and looked up at him. "ARE YOU?"

Jaejoong was surprised. He expected her to answer questions, not ask them. He broke into a smile. "Maybe."

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please come back author-nim! T-T I love these xD
jiminisbae123 #2
soooo cuuuuuteeeee
A12345 #3
Chapter 1: So cuteeeeee
Chapter 24: Now Kris know how his girlfriend was feeling when he only cuddle with ace ^^
Chapter 18: Jealous Jae is so cute!
Chapter 5: Such a bunch of y boys! I wouldn't mind having them as my best friends ^^
Chapter 89: Will you do this again this year? :)
exoramen #8
Is it open or close now ? I really wanna reqest a fic
sehunomg #9
Chapter 37: I love all Baekhyun and IU's story~~~
sehunomg #10
Chapter 36: I really love Baekhyun's Tutor story. Well, Baek and IU is my bias after all and I found this story is too cute for a god's sake personally I want period fic about it. nononono