
Goddess's Oneshot CHRISTMAS GIFT

1. Crazyelf
 2. EXO's Do Kyungsoo
 3. Gu Jiyool (OC)
 4. Plot: Jiyool walks into a dark dance studio to practice dancing and finds someone singing (Kyungsoo, but she doesn't know who) and they continue chatting in the dark. They purposely come to the studio every night but still don't know who they're talking to.
 5. Romance
 6. Anonymity




Jiyool held onto her thick jacket tighter around her chest as she trudged through the snow.

It was snowing heavily and getting harder and harder to walk with every single step. Her boots would sink and she would have to be extremely careful with every step she took or she might slip on the ice below the snow covered surface of the road.

The wind was blowing mercilessly against her and her hair whipped in every direction. She suddenly wished she picked the coat with a hoodie instead of this one.

It might seem a little absurd for a girl like her to be out on the streets late at night when it was snowing so hard. No one wanted to be out there when it did and a warm cozy heater or fireplace was what other people opted for.

But Jiyool had to get there, the studio.

She went there every night to dance when everyone else had left. She peace she had when she could just blast the music and dance the hours felt like she didn't even need sleep to survive anymore.

Jiyool was obsessed with dancing. Her mother had been a dancer before she died of cancer and dancing was a gift from her mother to her. She would never stop.

Her friend owned the studio and gave Jiyool permission to go to the studio every night to dance. She owned her friend that much.

Jiyool arrived at her destination and she quickly got through the glass doors. The warmth from the inside caused her to relax and Jiyool was glad to not have the wind screaming in her ear constantly.

She looked around and was surprised to find that lights from one of the studio rooms weren't off.

The studio was both for singing and dancing. There were rooms with full length mirrors which Jiyool absolutely adored, perfect for dancing and practicing. There were other rooms with recording devices and equipment for aspiring singers or composers.

Jiyool blinked, creeping closer to the room.

As she crept closer, she heard a wondrous voice of a guy, singing without accompaniment. A lone singing voice wasn't what Jiyool would have usually considered as good for listening. She thought it lacked substance and depth, because accompaniment often enhanced the overall effect of the song and covered up the flaws of the voice.

But this guy didn't need accompaniment.

His voice was gentle and at the same time detailed. It was hard explaining his voice, in terms of art it concentrated on that one tiny point and all energy channelled through it. By physics, force over area, and his voice was powerful even when it was soft.

His notes lingered in the quiet air of the studio and Jiyool couldn't help be mesmerized. She crept closer to the door and saw a fair skinned guy sitting on the ground and singing with his eyes closed. He looked so engrossed in his world.

"I lost my mind, the moment I saw you
Except you, everything get in slow motion
Tell me, if this is love
Sharing and learning countless emotions everyday with you
Fighting, crying and hugging
Tell me, if this is love."

His last notes lingered and Jiyool took a deep breath. This guy could sing.

He opened his eyes and was startled to see her peeking in. "Wait, what time is it?" he dug for his watch. " it's this late? I'm sorry if I disturbed you, are you here to close the studio?" he flustered. Jiyool smiled, he was rather adorable when he was nervous.

"I was just a little too engrossed in my new composition." the guy muttered, gathering his things and shoving them into his bag.

"You don't need to leave." Jiyool cocked her head to look at him. "I'm closing this place up, but not in a few hours. I'm here to dance."

His gaze shot up to look at her in surprise. "At 11:30pm at night?" his brows rose.

Jiyool shrugged. "I like dancing."

"Understatement." he murmured, his eyes crinkling as a smile took over. Jiyool smiled back and couldn't help admiring how cute his eyes looked when he smiled. When he smiled, it seemed like he really did it genuinely and his eyes twinkled. His smile was cute, really cute.

"You don't mind if I'm here?" he blinked. Jiyool shook her head, getting into the room and putting down her bag. "Not if you mind me here dancing."

"No I don't." he said a little too quickly. His cheeks pinked and he looked away, clearing his throat. Gosh, he was getting cuter by the minute.

"What songs do you dance to?" He darted over as Jiyool clicked the CD player open and looked through her CDs. "Mostly jazz." Jiyool murmured. "I like the groove."

He smiled again. He had to stop doing that, it was highly distracting. "I like jazz too, but I mostly dance to hip hop."

Jiyool's eyes widened as she looked at him. "Hip hop? Now, we've got to see that one." she put back the original CD she chose and opted for another one. She slipped it into the player and soon loud strong beats blasted through the studio. The guy backed away, his cheeks pinking again. "Oh no I'm not a good dancer."

"I'm not the best either." Jiyool smiled. "Come on, there's no one but me."

The guy looked at her for a few moments before relenting. And when he started, wow. There wasn't nothing else she could say.

His moves weren't perfect, she admitted that. Not strong or sharp enough as a usual hip hop dancer would have been able to accomplish, but there was this graceful way he moved that made you think like he was dancing sub-consciously and not even putting an ounce of effort in it.

He finished and turned to look at her, panting.

Jiyool clapped. "That was great." she nodded honestly. "I'm not joking."

He gave her that smile again and her tummy squirmed with butterflies. "It's your turn." and he changed the CD.


They met up every night after that.

Soon they talked about more things other than dancing and music. They talked about aspirations, their families, their dreams. Jiyool loved talking to him because she felt like he understood everything, and she to him.

One night, they were just laying side by side as they stared at the ceiling of the studio on the cold light coloured wooden floor. Jiyool shifted to look at him. "You know...we've been talking all these while but I never got to know your name."

His arm was behind his head as he cocked a brow up. "I don't know yours either."

"Aren't you curious?" Jiyool grinned, flipping over to lie on her tummy and resting her chin on her hands as she looked at him. "Maybe you'll recognize my name as a criminal. Maybe I'm a heiress. Or maybe, maybe I'm your long lost sister."

He chuckled and flicked her  forehead. "I don't have a long lost sister." he murmured. He stared into her eyes. "Of course I'm curious. I'm curious about you every single day even when I'm not here."

Jiyool's heart skipped.

"But does that mean I don't know you?" he pulled on a strand of her curls lightly. "Not knowing your name, does that mean I don't know who you are at all?"

Jiyool met his eyes. A slow smile crept up her lips. "No."

He smiled and released her curl. "Exactly. And I think I know you, like you know me." he murmured. "Names are just two words. Something to call you with."

"But I don't need it." he whispered. "There's no name you need when you call an angel."

Jiyool's heart fluttered. *Likewise.*

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please come back author-nim! T-T I love these xD
jiminisbae123 #2
soooo cuuuuuteeeee
A12345 #3
Chapter 1: So cuteeeeee
Chapter 24: Now Kris know how his girlfriend was feeling when he only cuddle with ace ^^
Chapter 18: Jealous Jae is so cute!
Chapter 5: Such a bunch of y boys! I wouldn't mind having them as my best friends ^^
Chapter 89: Will you do this again this year? :)
exoramen #8
Is it open or close now ? I really wanna reqest a fic
sehunomg #9
Chapter 37: I love all Baekhyun and IU's story~~~
sehunomg #10
Chapter 36: I really love Baekhyun's Tutor story. Well, Baek and IU is my bias after all and I found this story is too cute for a god's sake personally I want period fic about it. nononono